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  1. I'm pretty certain it'd be a viable option when soloing, Even berserker Weaver Can do solo content and that's literally dead level sustain. People run around open world doing 2k DPS and are fine for Most of the actual Solo content realistically, I doubt it'll be optimal for open world though, but no support weapon really is. as i say its possible the healing affects not affecting the player may change, i guess it'll come down to if Its actually any good. WB as a Full elite during beta was MASSIVELY Disliked and accused of being terrible due to its sustain and more, it launched and was busted AF ANd become At the very top of meta, With harbinger, another elite that went into Beta with people screeching is Terrible. If its terrible it'll prolly get fixed, Guardians rarely get left to eat Dirt due the popularity being so high Anet have to pay attention to it. eeeh in SPVP Damage tends to matter less and More sustain / Burst Damage, Which spear does lend itself into If it gave the Class a Offensive way with Sustain on, I'd imagine it could become Quite a favourite in SPVP.
  2. Actually there would be a problem. Making support builds do more damage, is Further power creep in a game thats already at a Point where its damaging. tbh the weapon really isnt low damage for a Support weapon, if your comparing it to DPS Alternatives sure, but a Support weapon shouldnt be doing a DPS level Damage realistically, It would not surprise me if it did during the beta also affect the guardian, I could imagine adding further sustain to WB in SPVP could be problematic, but we'll wait and see thats separately balanceable regardless. however, most weapons are bad atleast at something, I Dont think because its not a optimal Solo weapon Makes it bad either. Just like i'd question Mesmers or elementalists spear in SPVP due to the additional Aiming / Positional Requirements. Nor do i think 1 weapon should be used everywhere, the purpose of the options existence is for different weapons / stats being useful in different game modes, if spear just outright kills every other option in the game, it isnt exactly any better.
  3. I wouldnt say so, ironically you can actually find these as Topic titles in the profession sub sections. at the end of the day, its a mmorpg, there's Lots of us who play it, who want completely different things. Unfortunately it means someone's going to be let down by the product, the forums are primarily used to express things we are unhappy with so its not really surprising
  4. Well true, but mesmer Rifle was done the same way, where its very focused on the Supporting allies function. On the side of solo capability, but lets not also forget, the Guardian spear also has lot more offensive capability then support weapons, if we look at something like druids staff, The guardians spear does more... so Its likely the trade off taken here for balance reasons realistically. Unfortunately to the second part. Support weapons tend to have this problem, I dislike support weapons for this reason, but the other side of the opinon love them.
  5. It also has Cleanse, Aswell as illuminate effects which add additional healing, and Yes its healing for allies, thats the point of it being a Support hybrid weapon. that u also supply your allies with support.
  6. ? spear doesn’t consume health to use like the swords do, lol it only self heals. Which is fine lol, The game mode with the vast majority of players don’t matter, pretty sure Anet wouldn’t agree here. But it does have a stacking function which does increase their damage enabling burst, and we know Anet intend to as rhey referred it to as a assassin type weapon with burst Being melee doesn’t just make it bad lol. There are plenty of weapons that are used that don’t include a fear lol, pistol / torch is a good example of that. That could be a issue in wvwvw sure, but I feel like also in this game mode roaming is considered a type of gameplay and this is a lot less of a problem there theres valid argument to it shoulda been a ranged power option, given necro lacks this right now, however I don’t think its gonna be bad by default
  7. Unfortunately it’s forum rule 101 in mmorpgs, never say anything positive about anything new coming, everyone loves to play it out as if they’re getting the short straw 🙂 it could be good, it could be bad, it will primarily come down to balancing.
  8. How have you decided this? lol. Unless I’m missing something here. Necromancers other options don’t have teleports etc etc that this class brings, let’s of course ignore the condition it has completely unique to itself while we are here. for its comparison to greatsword, that will be down to numbers. If it does more damage then greatsword it will simply do it better then anything we have. im ngl, it simply just sounds like your salty regarding the role it fills, it doesn’t need to be unique in its additions to be a better option to what exists. ignore numbers on a DPs weapon, interesting take. it has higher mobility baked into it then necros alternatives. It has a unique condition only applicable by the spear. It also has CD resets which simply allow the necromancer to execute more times. to try and say it does nothing current necro weapons can’t do, is abit weird.
  9. Yet gw2 efficiency and gw2 wingman both show Mesmer to be well played. 3 - 4 necros in ur spvp match… I’ve yet to ever see this lol. Necros popular sure. But it ain’t that popular 😂
  10. thief seems to be joining us,thief spear got boon rip now 😄
  11. isnt guardians Spear also the only spear that actually has healing on it though? lol as far as im aware Guardians are supposed to be a Support / Damage hybrid..
  12. by what metric? GW2 Wingman and Efficency both show Mesmer to be pretty high up in terms of play.
  13. But it’s more then rebalancing numbers their are elite mechanics which directly conflict with one another that would need reworking. there will be too many overpowered mechanics that need to be reworked / redesigned. there will be over bloat where the elite mechanics simply just stack too much onto one class. there will be elites that need to be completely redesigned.
  14. The amount of rebalancing would be insane though. how are you going to balance a necromancer to seriously have 3 shrouds, you’d have to gut the power by large margins and possibly risk causing a huge issue. Necromancer survives on the fact its shroud is overbloated to balance out the lack of certain things on the current weapons. Not to mention conflicting mechanics I.e weaver and tempests which directly won’t work together well at all. I ain’t saying it’s impossible. But how elites work would need fundamental reworks to achieve, and the idea of every class doing everything would need to go, it’d just be too bloated to exist in a fully open kit. The role compression and bloat would be immense that ain’t saying it’d have to be a bad thing, it’d likely put options on the table that don’t exist today. I.e alike a new class. But yeah, the work would be immense and it’d likely mean a large period of time of things just being absolutely wild while they configure it
  15. In all honesty I’d be surprised if they did either without a new elite. necromancer is able to bring a lot of damage in a support role, this is because they make the class mechanic overbloated to fit the role, if it could match other classes healing because its trait lines are primarily damage related, it’d become once again the big meta healer. given especially since PoF, necromancer to consistently become busted. It wouldn’t surprise me if Anet steered clear of such a move. but the future shall reveal, it’s possible we will see Anet try to incorporate it. But they’ve refused necro this for over a decade now. It’s starting to feel pretty intentional.
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