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  1. It is a power crept version of Power Herald. All its rewards and more, with little risk. WB: 1. Much better cleave damage. While most of Herald's damage comes from Death Strike, which is single target. 2. Better mobility. Especially after they more than doubled Phase Traversal's cooldown, and right after they released WB, funny coincidence actually. 3. Way better utility. Has tools for almost every situation. 4. Much better activate damage mitigation and long term sustain. While Herald requires you to always be aggressive and bait your miserable 2 seconds of Infuse Light every 30 seconds. Enchanted daggers also require you to be constantly doing something. Herald has no breathing space. And has been that way for a very long time. Funny how not too long ago, blue class mains were asking to get two charges for Flowing Resolve back in PvP. By the way, WB is still giga overloaded in WVW. Both Celestial and pure Power builds.
  2. He suffers from Revenant Vindicator derangement syndrome. 😔 And it's unlikely to change. Since previous to that, it was Herald derangement syndrome.
  3. And then pvpers wonder why no one wants to play this kitten. "Shut up bro. Skill issue. You are only bronze -5. Have you seen the MATs??? Man they are so exciting, I wish they had gone into esports. I love conquest. But have you seen what the elite best of the best play??? Yeah, none of the kitten you and the 90% other bad players here complain about. Nothing outside of them matters. You are the same kind of players who complain about condi builds, even though they are rarely mEtA. Theres no bad design outside of MAT and plat 9 metas. You are just bad my brother. But please come play, it would be great if our 21 player pool could grow." Thankfully however, current devs also seem to balance around play rates. They are not going to buff putrid design kitten that is already awfully popular among most players.
  4. Just as I said in another post. This game focused, and still focuses, way too much on balancing around 15 players or so. Still dreaming with some pseudo-esports garbage. Muh Conquest. The reality of PVP is that things such as Condi Reaper and Willbender are just far more ridiculously unfun for 99% of players than whatever circus is going on here on the forums. Players who would otherwise stick around for more than 2 hours if it weren't for such obnoxious interactions, which take little effort to learn and can be mastered relatively quickly. This is why you only get people coming in for their event reward or achievement, and then they are done with the mode forever. But no, nerf revenant/vindicator and maybe renegade _ thing that the same 10k playtime hours players use, and that's it. "This last MAT, the winner team had 2 support vindis and a renegade! The same team that at times kittened around with 3 renegades. Literally ruining pvp, please delete already." And once those specs get mangled by wrong nerfs/buffs, it is time to complain about the next spec for the same thing. "Fun? doesn't matter. We only want equal representation for the 0.1% of the games! Anything below MAT and plat games doesn't matter." Players here, and the developers themselves, focusing exclusively on the 0.1% and completely ignoring how unfun the rest of the game is: - Condis are just flawed and incredibly unfun to interact with. It doesn't matter at all if they're not "meta". They are a build check. - Stealth is so backwards balanced here; for instance, you should be slower while in it, not the opposite and gain superspeed, etc. You also should not be able to port while in it (object permanence, useless). You shouldn't be allowed to pre-cast while in it. - Ranged anything shouldn't be as good as melee (attacks with a range of 130). That's why anything without permanent resistance, stab, fields of kitten, ranged burst damage, teleports is automatically garbage. (These are essentially the main culprits for the kittened up risk reward ratio) - Conquest as the only game mode. Lost cause, to be honest. What a kittening waste.
  5. Thats why vindi is popular at all skill levels unlike condi reaper. 30 vindis for every creaper No wait. CReaper is easy to pick up and master. Effective and great everywhere and at every skill level. The best defense is a good offence. Yeah, turns out that having ranged CC spam and leaving kitten fields everywhere helps a lot. Harbinger is not far behind either. This sandbox is still awful. Same old. The risk-reward ratio is simply putrid.
  6. More skills obviously means more spam. Spam, spam, spam everything on cd. Same with Revenants and their infinite energy. Playing with fewer skills would have merit if such skills did not come with 5 additional effects and on a short cooldown. Or if they at least had a resource cost. "It takes more skill to use my kitten every 8s - 12s you know? Also, upkeeping boons/buffs for most of the fight by pressing kitten I was already going to press anyway is pretty hard. Have you seen all the parkour I have to do while I wait for them?"
  7. - Nerf the single only good spec on Warrior and Revenant. ✔️ - Nerf the multiple A-S tier builds on Ranger. ❌ Ranger main as balance and design dev btw. Hello Maces with a whole elite spec in them. Based.
  8. Yes, we love your enthusiasm. Thank you for taking care. By the way, are you going to be here once it is ranger's turn and its multiple A-S tier builds? Or are you going to disappear again at a time like that and pretend that everything is all right? @arazoth.7290 It did not help that you resurrected such posts so often by replying to everything. 😂 It became part of his argument now; most of the PvP population hates the spec, only it is ruining everything! But maybe that's right, since the population consists of about 15 players and the same 10 continuously come here to cry.
  9. So, are you ever going to stop double posting the same nonsense? Or just until you get over the time you got clowned by a Vindi or something? "Man, look at all these stuff revenants do with their infinite energy tricks, so much BS." >4x healing skills 💀 The average forum user moment.
  10. I've heard that so many times over the years: "We're so close! If they just nerfed the things I don't like, the balance would be the best it's been in years!" And then that feeling is gone after 10 days. At least you mentioned a variety of specs and not only vind, but the funny thing is that things such as WB are way more problematic for the vast majority of the population. For instance, WB is just a power crept Power Herald; Low Floor, High Ceiling. Way easier to play, easier to recover from mistakes, no resource management. Power is completely relative. So, what's your personal philosophy? Balancing around equal representation? Or balancing around Risk and Reward? Floor vs Ceiling. Because having everything being equally represented and still keeping things "skillful" is 100% impossible. Balancing around tournaments and the 1% (15 players) has not been very bright either. Some players here and the devs have become so hyper-fixated on balancing around Conquest tournaments that anything outside of super fast-paced combat is always deleted from sPvP. Not very MMO friendly. Fun comes last. Another thing, even though Condition builds aren't "meta" they are still driving off new players all the time. The conditions system is terribly flawed. Same goes for stealth. That's more problematic for most people than a power Vindicator. But anyway, I agree on the common consensus going around on simply deleting its damage from Death Drop. However, I know this place, a fair amount of people that live here wont stop crying about it until it becomes unplayable and no good player bothers with vindi anymore. "It is finally balanced; I'm now killing every single vindi I find within 4 seconds." Or instead, the devs themselves keep nerfing everything around it until it becomes a garbage spec. Typical. And the cycle will continue. This game mode failed because of its obsession with Conquest tournament balance and the lack of game modes for different gameplay. That's a population and matchmaking issue. If a pvp rush barely brought in players, then there's nothing else to do.
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