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  1. I believe people will gradually stop playing, start avoiding WvW or simply swing by to brainless farm loot/chests/Gifts of Battle if the WR system doesn't work and deliver the expected and satisfactory experience and more importantly isn't in some level in par with the previous system(s). I want to say that I already see symptoms of such gameplay and behaviour happening but if the majority aren't satisfied, it'll show even more sooner than later.
  2. Red killed the match with teams being uneven, afaik a majority are waiting for reshuffle, there was more action on the prior weeks but that's to be expected when Anet still can't even the teams with this new WR system
  3. That doesn't really change much, again: I've done the precise steps you mention, in fact found my old community which I joined and gladly am part of again but things do not feel better overall in WvW, in fact they feel worse. The absence of players is increasing and aside from prime time when guilds are running about, WvW is pretty much dead now (And I'm once again playing in T1, I can't imagine how things are in the lower tiers) because it's all heavily relied on the presence of guilds and boonballs now. Removing servers and pretty much the core thing that was greater than the individual and your group of friends is gone now. While WR fixes a number of things, I still wonder if it truly was worth the price in removing the core reasons why WvW mattered in the first place.
  4. Not sure if you're trolling or not but with Throne of Liberty being a PvP oriented game, it doesn't exactly look like a life changing success.
  5. Yet again you're dismissing the fact that not all roamers will join guilds though for various reasons, including reasons revolving around social anxiety which your statement completely dismissses, with the majority of pro-WR folks clinging to the statement that non-guilded players should now more or less force themselves to do in order to complete the circle of direct experience today's WvW offers. Punishing non-guilded roamers for not taking the initiative of joining a guild today no matter the reason proves yet again that the WR system excludes equations the previous system had and that it simply isn't for everyone to find a full fledged experience in.
  6. Not to burst your balloon but roamers for example are left out of this equation altogether now that the WR system as you say, centralize communities around guilds and in turn on a small number of people on the top of this food chain who may decide who gets in and who doesn't instead of servers, who in fact did include roamers and newer players in said equation, since roamers were bound to the server of their choice to begin with. You can't force people to join guilds if they don't want to, yet are they to be punished for it by being tossed around to fill the empty gaps in random teams instead? There are far more factors that I haven't mentioned but let's keep it to roamers for now, and before one decides to devalue roamers, some do not simply roam about but in fact serve as scouts, camp cappers and more to easen the burden on larger pug/guild squads.
  7. You're going around in circles at this point and it feels like you're not actually reading and taking in what I or others write but simply wait to speak your piece and ignore what doesn't fit your mold so with that said, I believe this discussion has reached it's conclusion and we'll simply agree on disagreeing.
  8. I took a break before EoD and came back recently, my presence adds to the increasing activity in WvW but that doesn't mean the system works if people arenot happy with it, and as said up above, many factors play in reaching a proper conclusion that this new WR does system does work or not. I still WvW although I'm not necessarily happy with this sytem, in fact I'm WvWing right now while writing here, mainly because the team I'm playing in is winning and the opposing teams are already quitting, which grants me the window to browse the forums and farm the few players still lurking about, which in itself adds to the data of people being active despite the currently uneven teams. We can only speculate until accurate data is presented and/or the devs are upfront about the results of this ongoing beta, but from what I've gathered this new WR system was made to bring together players and guilds previously scattered across the various servers and communities, that will of course increase activity but it still doesn't present an accurate result whether this system is welcomed or not, which plays part in whether this WR system will work by the end of the day. I feel like I'm repeating myself and talking to a wall at this point so feel free to read my previous posts and other threads where I and other people express their opinions about this issue, I've already answered this up above.
  9. I haven't really dipped myself properly into decorating my homestead yet but I'm quite alright with things gradually being released, there's much to explore on my end and things to craft, I'm personally waiting for Asuran lab furniture to be released. Anet's already done a great job in my opinion by surpassing The Elder Scrolls Online's housing by miles with the system they've got (Although improvements on some things like granting alts options to walk on set pathways, various emotes and allowing them to remain on the same spot you place em on when you return to your homestead instead of being reset are always welcomed!)
  10. Data gathering takes time, you don't need to be a genius to understand that. Did you read my previous post?
  11. Gathering data and accurate results of this new system takes time, up to several months, not a couple of weeks or days. That's why we've still got one reshuffle left until this beta phase is over. That shouldn't discourage anyone to not express what one feels about this sytem because it still serves to even predict what could occour if it isn't recieved well by the larger community. For now I can only speak for myself with others either disagreeing or agreeing with me, but the main reason(s?) I still play WvW aside from gathering data and personal experience about this WR system is mainly for the loot, things like transmutes, Gifts of Battle and ascended gear, the whole community vibe and what that meant with the old system is more or less gone for me now, guilds don't live up to what servers used to bring, and I was from a lower tier server who worked it's way up to T1, being first hand witness to how larger guilds would transfer in and out of the server. Which in other words mean that despite my reasons as you say, I'm still be registered as someone who partakes in WvW as an additional number in their data, but the real results of all this will as said show later down or up the road. Once again, talking down to those who do not agree with your point of view will not make this problem go away or diminish their opinions, people will express themselves whether you want it or not and I personally welcome that. But the real results are shown in the game itself when people either keep playing, cease to play or abuse the gamemode to get whatever they need, in this case being loot, I saw it with my own eyes as said in another MMO where people either found means to exploit the gamemode to get their loot or simply stopped partaking, finding other means to get what they need which is usually loot when they grew tired enough, symptoms like that are noticeable especially when people feel they're being ignored.
  12. That doesn't say much, especially since we recently had a new expansion released which obviously brought a portion of absent players back, including myself. And mind you I've still taken part in WvW activity because that's how I've reached my initial conclusions and gathered data about this new system in general, and from experience in another MMO as said; people don't simply cease to play from one day to the next, it's a process that could take months especially when it comes to those whose only play time in Guild Wars is WvW. And there was also a recent WvW event which brought a large portion of players around WvW so with that said, it's important to note that numerous factors play parts in the numbers you're claiming suggest a higher WvW activity, it doesn't mean that the system works and that people are satisfied, all of that will show further down or up the road.
  13. The vast majority who are unhappy with the WR system have already expressed themselves on various threads especially the feedback one available in this section, read through them if you're keen on being objective or don't if you're on that tribalism behaviour. I've experienced the death of PvP in another MMO and people were not exactly spamming in and out in the forums. Sure, occasional dicussions did emerge but people simply stopped playing the gamemode in the end and/or moved on to do something else.
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