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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 15 hours ago, AlphaReborn.1567 said:

    It is pretty much limited to just roaming in WvW as it’s not picked for group play.

    That I find mildly weird, because it's core mechanic favours greatly zerg fights (and on release it used to be strongest there, dunno if anything changed there).

  2. 7 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    In particular, there were some nations, and I think Poland was one of them, where there was a law that said that queens couldn't rule... but when a situation arose where there was a reason to put a woman on the throne, somebody noticed that the law didn't actually specify that kings had to be male. So they took that loophole and crowned her king instead.

    It's not that there was a loophole per say, unless my memory if conflating monarch here, her father took alot of steps to ensure that she could rule after his death on regard of lacking male heir, and not wanting succession crisis to undercut all the work he had put into the country in his life. Additionally there was a factor of nobility fairly early wanting to marry her off to Jagiełło for union with Lithuania (to help with balance of power vs teutonic state that was big issue for both countries, but they also did not want to just hand over Polish Crown to a foreigner as it would happen without crowning Jadwiga as a "King" first. That whole historic period was full of very complicated politics going on with basically everything.

    17 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    Yes, linguistics is fun. Thanks, that is interesting.  So, in polish "queen" ("Królowa") means always a "queen consort" and never a "queen regnant".

    Well in terms of word origin, that's where it came from, but then everyone called Queen Elisabeth II "Królowa" regardless (and to my knowledge she was queen regnant).

    17 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    Thanks. That's also interesting.   I'm not a historian, but from wikipedia about her:  "(...) suggests that sporadic contemporaneous references to Jadwiga as king only reflect that she was not a queen consort, but a queen regnant".

    Wikipedia in general can be iffy source of information on it's own, but that would be semi-accurate in the way, that Poland never had proper equivalent of "queen regnant" as a formal title. 

    17 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    Which means, if someone were to translate it from Polish to English (or other languages in which a "queen regnant" is called "queen"), a good/correct translation would be "queen" and not "king".

    Well thing here is, that "queen" alone leaves alot of room for interpretation, when it comes to English language (could be regnant, and could be consort) which "King" does not have.

    Also to be perfectly fair, Midnight Queen Regnant is kinda long, sounds weird, and I am unsure if kryptis society would take it as proper leader title ;) (and the one thing that we get hints of for kryptis society, is that they really pay alot of attention to titles).

    17 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    And of course: If there was a Polish language version of GW2

    Fun side trivia all of GW1 was being localized for Poland (text-only edition, they called it "cinematic" localization) and localization was handled by local publisher CDP, which later have expanded it's localization devs into a proper studio, then separated this studio as new legal entity (CDPR). A number of Polish fans to this days have no idea why the cooperation have stopped with GW2. Wraping up this side history tangent, after a complete separation of CDP and CDPR, including exclusion of publishing branch from wider CDP group, CDP had to fill for bankrupcy after one of Cyberpunk2077 delays have been announced - basically they have put alot of money into making boxes disks etc. and delay in receiving sale money meant they ran out of cash to operate. That have spawned some minor panic among those whom did not follow CDP's corporate history, and thought it's CDPR :)

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  3. Just now, Surelia.2651 said:

    If your alt is under level 80, they only way to apply the skin is by transmog not the armoury so it does have a use for alts under the 80 cap -- if you have any.  If not, then no there is no use for it on a level 80 character on the same account.

    that is a fair notion, I forgot armory had that restriction going on, since it's been ages since I had sub80 character on the account :)

    • Confused 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

    This is exactly the same for all the aurene legendary weapon variants. I guess you can use the skin on an alt who doesn't have access to it otherwise.

    well, if you have obsidian armor, there is no alt that would not have access to any skin you have unlocked :P

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  5. 21 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    If the ruling monarch is male, he has the title "King", if the ruling monarch is female she has the title "Queen".

    The wife of a "King" (he is the ruling monarch) is called a "Queen Consort", which is shortened to "Queen", but even if she is called "queen" she is not a ruling monarch.

    Because in some monarchies the title "King" formally ranks higher than "Queen", the husband of a "Queen" (she is the ruling monarch) is usually not called "King" but "Prince Consort".  However, some monarchies use the title of "King Consort" for the role.  BTW: Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II requested the title "King Consort" but his request was denied, instead his title became "Prince Consort".

    "In number of societies" as I said....

    Also linguistics is fun, because in Polish language the word "queen" ("Królowa") means specifically "wife of King" ("Król" -> King, "-owa" suffix -> wife of, that suffix is a very general standard and very old grammatical rule that allows to convert nearly any reference to a male into reference to that male's wife). So while it English specifically it is much fluid and subject to changing definition, in Polish language it is already coded into the word itself. Which is why....

    21 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    Female ruling monarchs had a lot of different titles, but do you have any examples, where a female ruling monarch (queen regnant) used the male word "King" and not the female word  "Queen" for her own title?

    Polish King Jadwiga, tho commonly referred to as queen instead, had a formal title of King of Poland (Król Polski). A number of older historians just love to correct people that call her queen :)

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  6. In a number of societies, "King" is the Ruling monarch, and "Queen" is King's spouse.
    United Kingdom has a spin on it, where King outranks the queen, so if the ruler is the Queen, her husband becomes to "only" get a title of a Prince instead.

    So it would make sense, that in demon society where titles are taken very seriously, that when Peitha overthrows Midnight King, that she usurps his, and not his mate's title.

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  7. My personal thought so far after a 50-50 success rate, are that in general I mostly enjoy the whole experience of nayos conglomerate of metas, but the new third stage indeed has some issues.

    The first stage of citadel assault requires masteries to participate in - you simply have to use updrafts on skyscale to even hope of delivering bombs to the places they need to be. This stage is also poorly explained in the game as well. Second stage is mildly chaotic but the effort to explain it was made.

    First boss seems fine, the mechanic of not get hit by the puddle and if you do, go to the cleaning pot to wash off debuff could be explained better.
    No the first big-ish issue is that pact emergency waypoint should move to the first boss platform after it has been cleaned.
    Descent on side towers is fine, and bosses there try to teach people new mechanics that will become relevant in the final boss, but there is not enough time within single run for most people to get a grasp of what is needed, as bosses die somewhat fast and only one of them require interaction with mechanic to go down.

    Final boss.... Well it is visual overload, no sugarcoating it. There is simply too much going on at any given time, I don't feel like it needs as much coordination as soo-won did to succeed, but it need enough people knowing using the essences mechanic, enough people on rift duty, and enough people not dying to constant swarm of waves and the funny pattern attack of the main boss to succeed. Additionally, while shortcuts through towers when coming back do exist, they are obscured when coming back, meaning that untill you learn exactly where they are, you are going to go through the whole tower to get back to the fight. Their location should be highlighted better, and that along with emergency waypoint moving to the first boss platform should make it more bearable to wp when you die. Ultimatelly the metas I personally failed, have a common theme of general dps being on the low side, people dying, refusing to wp andjust staying dead under the boss, and then everyone starts panicking and crap collapses. And I personally still have no idea what are the effects of which emotion essence and what is the correct method of solving that mechanic while at it.

    Outside of reducing sheer amount of visual noise in that particular fight, I could see a reduction in rift spawn rates a definitive need. Even at the best of runs, that kept the best track of closing them, the new one spawning as soon as previous one got closed, leaving rift squad virtually no room to contribute to the pressure against the eparch himself.

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  8. On 5/23/2024 at 8:43 AM, Linken.6345 said:

    Yea we heard all that before.

    Back in the day heart of thorns was the fundation expansion something they would build upon hence why it did not  have many features.

    Then they reinvented the wheel again with pof and again with eod and none of them got more features then the supposedly fundation expansion.

    I have no idea where you have heard all of those things, because Heart of Thorns had a ton of features. Much more than many competitor expansions.

    PoF have had another round of new features that frankly revolutionized how the game plays, and it is only EoD when they ran out of gamechanging features.

    SotO is first of new concept for GW2 expansions, and I'd say that it's only downsides is that we had to wait for half of big features of the expac, and that it's postlaunch content drops were short of story. There is argument to be made that maybe they should not do nayos civil war in SotO story, and just focus on recovering from initial assault, repairing and fortifying tyrian defences so that it does not happen again. Maybe we could get demonic civil war some time later at another expansion.

    I am looking forward to the blogpost to see what AN have learned from time spent with SotO and what improvements can we expect from this years expansion, and what improvements happened too late to cut the mark for 2024 expac, but will impact 2025 expac.

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  9. On 3/14/2024 at 9:37 PM, StraightPath.3972 said:

    That reason being spvp.

    And considering latest balance decisions AN have made included flat out removing alacrity for sPvP and WvW from traits that provide alacrity in PvE for alot of specs out there, why is that somehow blocking spellbreaker from having PvE alac?

  10. 1 minute ago, bq pd.2148 said:

    they did many changes for kill participation of support players in WvW that they might have put into pve too. support players that focus on supporting instead of tagging everything shouldn't miss out after all, especially as we do have weapons with ally targeting now.

    True that was a common complaint of WvW supports on that subject (heck I was among them too), but the change to participation in kills in WvW came as far as I am aware just as unannounced as it came into PvE. I just started getting drops from zerg fights on my zergbrand and about same time, people on guild chats started freaking out that afk boonbot heralds are working again for PvE. No patch notes attached, it just happened.

  11. 4 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

    Change boon participation so that you have to hit an enemy at least once before boons participation count. Also let boon participation only count when applied while in combat.

    The weird part is that this is the change they already did many years ago, and that is how the system is supposed to work if we go by documented changes. it just broke some time ago with no comment from AN on it.

    (there is whole section of farming "tag" builds" that only exists because of needing to hit at least once to get shared participation.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Yes, isn't that the very point? And for a game like GW2, with the playerbase being farmore casual (and far less likely to watch sites like twitch for their game content kick) it's even more so.

    Basically, those small (because, let's be honest, they are small) Twitch numbers are pretty much inconsequential.

    Yeah I am now mildly confused on the original comment and what we talking in here like at all.

  13. 1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Elder Scrolls Online does the same, although I don't think it affects material nodes (or I've just never noticed them changing), but you see it sometimes when you're running up to an area where a quest takes place and suddenly everything will change, with enemies and even structures appearing or disappearing.

    And it tends to be buggy at some points too. At sume point I had the issue, where quest told me to kill a miniboss at particular spot, but as soon as I approached the boss, I was being phased to an intance where it was for some baffling reason already dead, but without pushing story step forward.

    In the end to progress that particular story I had to attack the boss from outside the treshold where it'd phase me, and pull it outside of designated area.

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  14. 14 hours ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

    This is another thing. Meta events happen once (unless explicitly stated otherwise). World bosses get killed and are dead for good in the lore. Event chains happen once in the story.

    Prime example for that in newest expac would be Defence of Amnytas meta event (Skywatch Archipelago is formed in a way leaving some leeway for multiple attempts of forging the key).

    When it is starting it is clearly stated, that acumulating energy to power up the guardians is process that takes decades and expending all of that energy takes minutes, and it is clearly stated that there is only enough reserves to try it once. This is also further reinfirced in newest meta, where Frode reacts to Noryu's appearance with "You should have died at Amnytas". The fact that it repeats every 2h is a subject of gameplay mechanic, nothing more.

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  15. 38 minutes ago, Urud.4925 said:

    but because in the last episode we saw that she is a bad strategist. The plan to keep Labris alive ended up for being a mistake, and also Nephus told her.

    It is less of bad strategist per se in my understanding, but a leader that takes unnecessary risks.Nephus remarked that Labris is to dangerous to keep alive, and Peitha saw opportunity to make a spectacle, and rally the crowds to her cause. The plan could backfire, and did backfire, but she deemed the payoff she'd get if it succeeded worth taking the risk - and lost the gamble.

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  16. On 12/9/2023 at 12:25 AM, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

    Make the Class Mechanic traitline (things like Beastmastery, Arcane, Soul Reaping, etc) mutually exclusive with Elite Specs and only usable in the 3rd slot instead of creating an entirely new elite spec for core would be the simplest way to do that.

    Causally murdering my last +30% movement speedn I have on my ranger 😞

    (And my Aoe Burn from virtue of justice while at it)

    My personal woes aside, a sort of core Espec, available to people with no expacs, could have went long way to balance core and especs, and it would make sense for said core espec to be enhancing core class mechanic, that especs are altering, and argument could be made that introducing new traitlines for that, when we already have traitline improving class mechanic, would be redundant, and the existing traitlines instead should be uplifted.

    The only issue that is still there is that there is alot of fun espec builds (to my knowledge big chunk of them far from meta) that are benefitting from interaction of core traitline improvement ontop of espec alteration, that would be obliterated by such change.

    (sorry for tagging you like this so many months after the og message, but with thread being revitalized, and me not following this forum when the post was made at all, I thought I could still give some opinions on the subject at hand)

  17. 11 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

    I really hope that tier 2 will be variants (like Aurene's weapons) instead of upgrades (like Mistforged armors). Variants will give us more selections of armors to choose from. Upgrades will simply negate the tier 1 skins.

    "Upgrade" version does not necesarily negate previous versions. There are many weapon/armor sets with an "upgrade" available, where the base version looks better (subject to tastes).

    If tier 2 obsidian armor is the flashy variant with heavy FX, the T1 would still be feasible option for people whom prefer down to earth, not flashy style.

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  18. The one main annoyance I find with this op-up is that quite often, when logging into characters, it pops up before I even finish loading (measured by timer passed by the time I do finish loading and cen see it). Same often happens on map transfers, where I go to a new map, and first thing to happen after the loading screen is another pop-up that map is about to close. Once I had situation where right after changing map due to the closure pop-up not even 5 minutes have passed before receiving yet another of those popups, and this repeated for next half hour.

    It would be nice if the load balancer selecting people for those instances would prefer putting fresh loaders on instances that are unlikely to give the prompt to leave in some sensible time after joining. (This is highly disruptive especially for chasing achievements of doing all the event chains in the zone, which SotO is full off.

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  19. 11 hours ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

    Then I suppose WvW and PvP are the exception, not the rule as players can acquire the legendary look without going full in on the legendary cost.

    We treating ascended WvW/PvP armor skins as legendary skins now? those modes do not have legendary skins, the final item just reuses the skin from precursor used to craft it by default.

    11 hours ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

    Yes. See WvW and PvP legendary armor skins.

    Which don't exist.

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