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Everything posted by Yerlock.4678

  1. We have to consider everything being said, both behind closed doors that was leaked, and to us by these companies as public statements. If what the leak said was not true, it would be easy as pie to dismiss in a public statement. Why deal with backlash if the rumor isn’t even real? But that didn’t happen. Both anet and NCsoft said something like: “GW3 is still under consideration, but for the moment the company has its eyes solely on GW2.” We know this is PR jargon because it’s not rejecting the leak. All they have to do is say “Lol, no Gw3 guys sorry, we only making GW2.” But they never are saying that. They’re saying stuff like they’re “considering” making Gw3 and they’re “exploring the idea of future projects”. It doesn’t need to be that complicated. If there’s no GW3, then they’d say it. But they’re not. They’re beating around the bush and using legalese and lawyer speak for better PR. And they’re using carefully selected word choices because they want you, yes you, to keep playing their game.
  2. I guess selective listening really is a thing lol. I know what the quote says. I’m telling you that the quote is PR jargon. I keep saying this so let’s explain some stuff about PR lol: From Wikipedia: “The aim of public relations is to inform the public, prospective customers, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders, and persuade them to maintain a positive or favorable view about the organization, its leadership, products, or political decisions.“ “Public relations specialists establish and maintain relationships with an organization's target audience, the media, relevant trade media, and other opinion leaders.” So whenever NCsoft or Anet make a public statement to everyone, they have to keep in mind that they’re talking to their targeted audience. You and I are their target audience, their customers. So if they say “Hey guys we’re making GW3, but can’t say anything yet;)” That’s bad PR. Why is that bad PR? Because it tells their customers that all play GW2 that a new guild wars game is gonna come out. This could backfire easily. People could begin to think that Anet doesn’t care about GW2 anymore. They could think their time playing the game is being wasted because none of it is being supported anymore due to GW3. Hell that’s kind of already happening on a much smaller scale, and that’s with good PR. Anet and ncsoft can’t just lie though. If they say “Nope. No GW3, not being made.” Then that will bite them in the behind years later when it’s actually announced. People turn against them for lying to everyone, and they lose money potentially. So what do they do? They use lawyer speak:) They say something like: ”We’re considering future projects but at the moment we’re steadfast working on GW2.” This is an intentionally misleading statement. But this allows them to have their cake and eat it too. Now they can keep giving us Gw2 mini expansions (like they already said they would) AND work on GW3 at the same time (splitting their resources between the two). And when it’s time to announce GW3 it looks like they’ve lived up to continuously supporting Gw2 (which technically they have, it just wasn’t large updates at once like the first 3 expacs), and they weren’t lying because they said previously “We’re considering future projects..” which turned out to pan out into Gw3. But the leak tells a more comprehensive story. And that’s what’s important. The leak suggests that they’re not merely playing around with the idea of GW3, but actively working on it. And that makes sense considering us getting smaller sized packaged expacs for GW2, because their resources are divided between GW2 and GW3. Cope.
  3. I would say for gw3 do at least like three things: 1. New game engine, unreal 5. This will make the work flow for updating the game far easier without weird old spaghetti code getting in the way and creating problems in the future (lots of bugs for example). 2. Do not scope creep. Whatever you do, stick to it and do not reinvent the wheel every expansion/ update. Gw2 has a massive bloat problem. New systems being added, new boons during expansions, abandon one mode and go to another etc. They need to stick to their guns on whatever comes out and stop bloating up the game with weird new mechanics/systems/ modes that can push away newer players who don’t know what’s going on. 3. Whatever is made, must continually be supported. No more abandoning modes. No more 5 year droughts for pvp or promising “alliances” for wvw and taking an eternity to release it. Whatever end game comes out must have consistent updates.
  4. I totally understand your position. Getting Soto style piece meal updates isn’t necessarily the most exciting thing to look forward to. If a game isn’t bringing enjoyment or fulfillment or it isn’t entertaining then it’s definitely a good idea to put it down or play something else. It’s always just about having fun for me. For me just messing around in pvp and trying builds is super fun and addicting so I keep playing, but if it wasn’t or it got boring I’d stop immediately.
  5. Yeah faster cast time would help also, or longer range by a small amount.
  6. Haha I wish, but many game dev studios kinda work like this. They do one thing while having another “project” floating in the background. Slowly it becomes the new big project while everyone still thinks the older thing is the focus.
  7. Ohh sorry I misread then. Same rules apply here though. Legalese to us to maintain retention and player investment, and the red pill without sugar coating it to the investor. Also they weren’t “opposite things”. One was just a nicer more carefully worded way of saying it so that all the gw2 diehards like us would still feel there’s a bright future for gw2, and our time isn’t being wasted knowing gw3 is coming.
  8. Well yeah because people aren’t getting the message lol, or keep denying it. But I don’t mind reiterating. Video game development is a lot of PR. To not know that is to not know how the game industry works. Ncsoft spoke legalese just like anet did when making an official statement. But to an investor spoke the honest truth with no reservations. Anet is not spending all their time on gw2, their resources are divided. If you want to cope that’s your prerogative
  9. Gw2 can still be played and we can still expect updates! Just nothing as major as the first three expansions we got being released at one time.
  10. Not a google translation. Bilingual players have confirmed it’s correct. Also ncsoft never retracted the statement. Just face facts it’s being made. You should expect an announcement sometime in the future. And at the very least understand not all resources are being focused on gw2.
  11. Tbf I made those requests not knowing they were working on gw3. But new information was provided and I learnt they are now, so adjusted my expectations accordingly:) It’s a bitter red pill to swallow for sure, especially not knowing what that game will be or if it will be good. But in my opinion (and this is just my opinion you don’t have to agree with it) gw3 is a great idea. It’ll give them a clean slate to start fresh and attract new players. If they learn from the mistakes of gw2 (of which there are many) then they can potentially do an even better job with the next title:)
  12. Yeah it’s showing big time. Idk to me it’s a bit uplifting. The future is on the horizon, and potentially we could get an entire new guild wars game! Why be strung up on all our hours and gems spent on gw2 when a potentially better game is in the works? I know it’s hard not knowing if the next game will be good or not, or what it will or won’t be, but if they don’t take this risk gw2 might get caught stuck in the past. The game engine for example is rumored to be very difficult to work in. It’s spaghetti code tbh at was made like 2 decades ago. Unreal 5 will bring a ton of ease of use and much better graphics tbh. That means maybe more updates and less bugs:)
  13. It’s not just a silly google translation my good man, it’s literally what was said. Allow me to refer you to this post below ⬇️ Notice how NCsoft didn’t retract their statement (which would’ve been done if it was false lest they take a huge beating from investors), but instead gave PR jargon saying they are “considering” it. They say that of course knowing that customers, like many on these forums, have a huge attachment still to Gw2 and want to feel like their invested playtime is not being wasted cuz of a new game being made on the horizon. We’ll see who was right all along but tbh GW2 is still gonna get Soto style expacs so why not just enjoy the little bite sized meals until GW3? I’m sure we’ll all look back at this little fiasco and laugh knowing that gw3 had much better graphics and hopefully better systems also.
  14. Yeah it might be confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance along with some sunken cost, but I’m not gonna presume. All we know for sure is GW3 is in the works and has led to less dev time and money being spent on GW2. Not believing it is either just not knowing yet or denial.
  15. Arena net said one thing and ncsoft said something else. They were messages that conflict with one another. I was just pointing out to that person that both ideas can technically be true at the same time because anet was using lawyer speak. I swear I feel like barely anyone on these forums has heard of “press relations” when it comes to game development. Arenanet said they’re “sole focus” is on gw2 because they want to maintain player retention and keep their bottom lines. It won’t age poorly because they’re still making mini expacs like Soto, they’ve said that themselves. Ncsoft though confirmed that Arenanet is also working on GW3. That means Arenanet is saying something to us that can easily be defended in years to come. But it’ll technically look true. In other words, PR.
  16. Holy cow one person on these forums not on the dangerous copium it’s a miracle 😭
  17. They’re both true. Anet is just using lawyer speak.
  18. It’s a game wide problem. The small population for ranked with its own mmr system puts p2’s against silvers. This is why the leaderboards always looks totally weird and unlikely. Cuz they’re rigging the system and win trading/multiboxing on off hours. Basically there’s no reason to go into ranked competitively unless you’re willing to break tos (which I wouldn’t advise).
  19. Yeah make that thing mobile, I swear when I see a new player use 100b in place and he’s expecting things to happen and nothing happens I feel so bad.
  20. Sure that could get a small nerf, maybe bring some of the healing down with the healing coefficients going up to allow support stat builds to still be effective .
  21. Neither of the statements were lies. It’s just the one told to us by anet was lawyer speak. The one told by ncsoft wasn’t lawyer speak, but inside info to get an investor feeling more confident about the future. Kind of like a parent revealing a Christmas gift early to a kid to make them more happy about the upcoming Christmas. What anet told us is PR gobbledegook to keep us invested and playing their game. It won’t age poorly because in many years after more Soto style expansions they can look back and say “see guys? We gave you lots more gw2 content, and now to reveal our next big game: gw3!” It’s the illusion that they have only one thing in the pipeline at a time, and all their focus is based on that. They want to show us, the customers, that gw2 is all that matters. But NCsoft needed to show their own investors that there will be future growth, which came into conflict with the first message anet is showing us. It doesn’t necessarily mean one is lying. They could both be true but spun in different ways for different audiences, which is exactly what happened. We were told that they’re focused gw2, which is technically partially true. And the investor was told anet is working on gw3, another statement that could be true. It’s just anet is walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time. They are working with one team on gw2, and another on gw3 pre development. All this means, and what I’ve been trying to constantly say, is that the company is in fact not working on only one project. Ie, not everything is going towards gw2. And this means we should not expect a new expac that moves heaven and earth to reinvent the wheel like HoT did, that’s all.
  22. Okay I guess a person working at ncsoft saying they’re making it means they’re not making it, and the sky is yellow apparently 🤷‍♂️
  23. Oh that’s an easy one, because their priorities and their bottom line demand to put all the focus on open world meta trains and personal story for the largest base of players: casuals. Nothing’s wrong with that of course many of the meta trains and maps are fun to explore and play in. It takes a lot of resources (more than anything else without a shadow of a doubt of what they’re working on in gw2) to make that content because of everything it requires: voice acting, cutscenes, large new environments, new quests, new character models, new music, new writing for the stories, new concept art, new storyboards etc. A new PvP mode in comparison, while still expensive, doesn’t require as many resources.
  24. https://m.inven.co.kr/webzine/wznews.php?idx=294408 It’s a bigger confirmation than anet it saying it. It’s the people that own anet saying it.
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