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Posts posted by Dreamreaver.4908

  1. Starting with Dragon's End, and then noticed in Inner Nayos, though not so much the other tree SotO maps, I've noticed not really significantly lower frames per second, but ... input lag. Sometimes to the extent of feeling downright unplayable. This however has been HUGELY noticed in the new west side of Inner Nayos. Even in the story instance.


    Sluggish character movement makes me want to endure those places in the game as little as possible.

  2. @Kalavier.1097
    Well, fair enough on the concerned about Tyria point. Read through it too fast, but yes I've still seen the letter before.


    Though I don't know how else to explain that I'm looking for absolutes instead of "very likely this," and was seeing if people found some juicy lore in SotO that gave more attention to present Tyria than a couple lines amounting to "peaceful, rebuilding, and now there's rifts."


    Also: the Nightmare Court's biggest ambition is corrupting the Pale Tree, but they'll spread nightmare (or rather suffering and pain) anywhere. When it comes to corrupting the Dream of Dreams with more painful memories, the best target is other sylvari certainly, though that can also be achieved by an indirect means like, say, corrupting the Terebinth tree, a revered landmark to sylvari that could dishearten them. They've also tormented Skritt, Mosshearts, and Hylek. (And technically everyone in Kessex Hills). But I feel that's enough derailing. 

  3. Well, as I've said, that's all guess work. Probable, sure, and that's fine, but still nothing saying "the Nightmare court is now XYZ". That is what I'm looking for, but for the state of Tyria, not just the court.

    Now, if staying with speculation, Chrysanthea being wary of the Pact (which took a huge blow at the time too) and attacks lessening on the Grove are like apples and oranges. They had all of PoF and EoD to strike while the Pact was distracted if they were the primary concern. I'd imagine both sides were just rebuilding.


    Also, a name like Chrysanthea doesn't strike me as a sylvari NPC that was ever planned to be developed much. Just picked a flower, changed it a little, and called it a day.



    • Confused 1
  4. @Kalavier.1097

    I've seen that note, yes. Within it, Chrysanthea is already mentioned to be a Duchess, complete with her own faction, and when you see her in Dragon's Stand, even as Faolain is dead, she's still just a Duchess. (On a side note, getting to that rank to begin with involves Faolain's say and thus would make her a part of the inner circle, but that's neither here nor there). Granted, Chrysanthea's lane was scrapped, and you see no other courtiers out there, so a lot of speculation could be had...

    We don't know if the attacks have lessened because she took over or if they've just run out of members. Or if Mordremoth's experience has them all shaken. Nothing's set in stone. "Very likely to seize power" and "seized power" are two different things.

    Also wouldn't know if she swayed anyone or if they just respect rank as per their ways. For all we know there could be others of rank somewhere about!

    But, yes. I was looking for more solid evidence of things and not maybe-maybe nots. The writing very often provides the former.

  5. 2 hours ago, Invidia.9074 said:

    I believe that Nightmare Court attacks have lessened since Chrysanthea became the Grand Duchess - in Season 1 content, inside the Tower of Nightmares we can fin a note mentioning that she has much more liberal views than the rest of the court, so probably her being the leader has something to do with it

    I've yet to see anything claiming that she became the "Grand" Duchess, but she did have the title Duchess when we see her in Dragon's Stand.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

    There is some lines about the Sylvari, but I forget exactly what was said. I think it was in Mabon's journals as he was watching them.

    Honestly, it sounds more like Marjory has her own agency, and Gorrik and Rama are heading up another, separate one with Ivan acting as a general transport with his Airship and crew for Brim and Scarab, or both agencies.

    The commander never really had a civilian life/job to go home to, as their first real venture outside ended up with them getting funneled into the orders and then wars and disasters. I personally loved how SOTO handled that, with the Commander kinda going home in the Capital to be aimless and bored, leaping onto Ivan's request to go look at Garenhoff. The Journal entries are an interesting read, as they explore some of the stuff the Commander thinks about. 

    Though I was looking for more in-game examples, someone pointed me to this: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/after-the-dragon-cycle/

    It still didn't give too much. Peculiarly, the sylvari recovering from Heart of Thorns...which would've been eight years ago...I don't know about that. Also wasn't interested in what Braham, Kasmeer, Taimi, etc. were doing, but the overall world as far as what's still threatening what, schemes going on, how Hoelbrak, Black Citidel, Sandswept Isles look now (if I recall, the Dragonvoid burst out of the ground in those regions), if they ever built that one fort finally in Caledon Forest, if Divinity's Reach's carnival ever opened or Mona's Shooting Gallery ever stopped being booked. (Okay, I'm kidding about those last two).

    Are the Inquest defunct, and if they are, would they still be represented in Rata Sum? Nightmare Court attacks on the Grove have lessened, but do we know why? What's the point of the Pact anymore? Even pushing the Dragonvoid corruption stuff aside, the Dragons were there to prevent Tyria from having excess magic, and now that they're all dead (and Aurene specifically does not hold magic) and the magic they held in them has gone back into the leylines and into the world...nothing happens? Or was it just that the Priory and Asura and anyone else had been wrong about their research the entire time? (And even Soo-Won apparently).

    But I also understand Soto is going to focus more on Soto things, so I can see them not covering much from Commander's perspective. 

  7. Looking for more tidbits about the state of the rest of Tyria unrelated to the Horn of Maguuma: enemies, cities, any such magical anomalies and the consequences of the world being in its highest magical state in history.

    So far, all I've gathered was "very peaceful until rifts started appearing."

  8. OP @Mell.4873, I've a feeling you might get your wish at some point in the future (maybe not an expansion, but possibly a map), but maybe not in the way one expects...


    This is just a theory, but one thing I noticed at least in the first SotO map was something I've never seen before anywhere else in the game--the ability to go "underwater" in certain elevated pockets coded for it instead of a generalized height level that would always be water when you went below it.


    Given the playerbase's general disdain of underwater combat, I could see players maybe swimming down to an underwater city and then entering it to then fight in an "air pocket" that will have land combat rules. It could be one of the Tethyos Houses of the largos perhaps, which might explain why an amphibious race that's 99% underwater just so happens to be very adept at fighting on land for however long they've existed.

  9. On 6/1/2023 at 12:00 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

    ...But a new class be added 

    what class u would like to have

    To answer the question directly ... something to cover "high base health, medium armor." We don't have one of those. It's not necessary of course, but it's something I've noticed in the past. However, you have to keep in mind two probable issues for this argument:

    1. A new class at this stage would imply new accompanying Elite Specilalizations with said class anyway.


    Or 2. Releasing a core only new class would sit well with generally no one.

    • Like 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Impurity of purpose. Weaver is already something of a 'least bad' for a ranged spec because its mechanic doesn't require melee range, but the reason it's 'least bad' rather than good is that the utilities and at least some of the traits are optimised for a melee playstyle. Which contrasts with, say, virtuoso, where while there are some things it can do in close, it's mostly oriented towards greater range.

    If a hypothetical elite has a bunch of 'magic martial arts' skills a la Willbender, then every concession they make to that being normally thought of as a melee combat style is that much design space that isn't going to making the best ranged combat elite specialisation they can.

    Ele deserves one specialisation that commits to ranged combat the way virtuoso does for mesmer.

    Necromancer I could possibly see - physical-type skills could work well for a vampiric theme.

    I see. A preference for pure (or mostly) ranged versus a preference for a spec with varied options. That's fine. I mainly picked ele to be it as I find it to be the most visually pleasing class to add animations to of the three to me, and beyond that just would like to see them on a light class, any of them, period.

    Anything else about perceived playstyles, ya'll have fun talking about that. As long as we remember A.net could code anything to do whatever.

  11. 3 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Last thing elementalist needs right now is melee-focused elite specialisation #4. I can see where you're coming from, but a Prefers Ranged profession deserves at least one elite specialisation that's actually designed to fight at range.

    Why not both? Elite specs and corresponding weapons should be multifaceted. Just slap on some other optional traits that would make staff and other ranged options not terrible, and if a longbow is that needed (the new weapon can be whatever; we have greatswords shooting energy beams and hammers shooting ... hammers in the game), that has nothing to do with the utility skills.


    EDIT: Actually, in thinking over things while driving, ele has some of its utilities change behavior based on attunement, so there's easy room for versatility! Imagine a kick that creates a 1,200 range explosion in Fire Attunement yet causes float and deals rapidly striking damage at close range in Air Attunement. Etc.


    Though I mentioned ele, I wouldn't mind them for mesmer or necro either. Just any light class for animations-sake.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  12. Ever since the last patch, when you select between different armors in the Hero Menu in the Wardrobe, or remove/swap/add armor to your character, it quickly disappears and reappears. Not too big of a deal, but it can be jarring when trying to quickly compare different looks.

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    • Thanks 1
  13. What I wonder is if Soo-Won is correct about the magic being outside of their domain (raising the question how did she handle it in the first place to know she couldn't and then needing to create other dragons) being the cause of the corruption. Primordus was awakened by Abaddon's death, so what if his torment entered the leylines causing the corruption to begin? A demonic influence over said dragons.


    Or, every approximate 10,000 years, some kind of violent surge of malignant power breaks them out of their sleep with a nasty migraine?


    She states she created the others sort of like tools to just sit there and eat. Now, too much exposure to ley energy "poisons" a living being, but what I'm wondering is if it's because the ley energy is already contaminated. We don't encounter it in game until after Zhaitan's dead already.

  14. So!!!


    Ley line magic is just ... magic inside of ley lines. This magic is also called dragon magic, which is all magic.

    Void magic is also all dragon magic but in high enough concentration to cause instability? (Much greater than Anomalies anyway)

    Dragon magic is magic ... that dragons have, which is absorbed from anything and everything in the world. Thus, dragon magic = ... magic. Meaning, void magic, ley line magic, and dragon magic are all the same thing?

    And then "corruption" happens due to said dragons absorbing too much magic that is outside of their domains?

    • Like 1
  15. @draxynnic.3719


    I love all of that. My only issue with void magic being a greater concentration of ley line magic is that, when ley line magic is concentrated, it becomes leystone. Or ... even floating islands of said leystone.

    Dragon's Domain - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


    Laranthir of the WildThose islands are condensed ley energy!
    Dragon's Stand (meta event) - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


    Maybe in this context, void magic is ley line magic in a state condensed even farther beyond leystone?

    (Also, GW2 tends to use "magic" and "energy" interchangeably)

    • Like 1
  16. Innnteresting! So, if Ley Line magic is all Dragon Magic, which is magic consumed by Elder Dragons from everything in the world, which is then released back into the world when they sleep, only to occur again when they rise ... does this mean Dragon magic is just interchangeable with the types anyway, and calling it "Dragon" doesn't really mean anything? (Which is something I was gathering from the Magic page on the wiki). In other words, magic is magic ... unless it comes from the Mists/the gods/forgotten.


    But, then, Tyria was formed from the Mists anyway, so ... magic is magic. But there are apparent incompatibilities.


    What makes it corrupt? What makes it unstable, volatile, poisonous, have sentience, whatever other random property; what makes magic only do one type of thing (necromancy, elements, whatever)?

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