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LadyHawk.5319's Achievements

  1. Thank you all for your guidance. I can confirm that, for me, Zojja has moved to the Confluence Portal area. As you stand looking at the portal, she is located on your left, in front of a brown notice-type board. There are crates between her and the First Hunter Rian (Rift Hunting). Good luck!
  2. From the expac announcement regarding relics: So, they want us to play the game in order to get the relics. My guess is that there will be at least one item in the crafting recipe needed that can only be received from Fractals/SM, etc. They do not want us, imo, to simply crack out our wallets and buy the mats. Additionally, we don't know yet if and when there will be legendary relics (unless I missed something and Anet has stated there is ..which is possible ) so that we, who have leg runes, can get back to the QoL which we earned. We want answers now so that our anxiety regarding the issue can be put to rest, but we will know sometime within the next 6-7 weeks. Meanwhile, I have already heard from 7 friends who have stated they will not buy the expac greatly in part to this relic issue. This is not a minor issue.
  3. Exactly! Purchasing or grinding (again) for them if they are account bound.
  4. I noticed there is now a "Build Your Own Backbone" achieve when you craft the Advanced Spinal Blades. I already crafted the Spinal Blade Pack some time ago, but I didn't receive credit for the new achieve. Anet, can you fix this, please? I joined the game right after the original LW1 content was removed. That made the only source of the (700!) blade shards my home sprocket node. Do you know how long I waited to craft that thing? It took forever. And now you want me to farm shards, not to mention the rest of the cost, so I can recraft it a second time for 5AP. That's crazy. I assume this was an oversight. Could someone please look into giving us credit if we already have the skins unlocked? Thanks.
  5. Spamming book 3 page 1 is bad play. The skill is only conal. It is fine for a 'quickie' but should never ever just be spammed. Since it is conal, you only hit the people in front of you unless you turn around with each cast as you are running forward. Spamming this skill will get you pretty numbers in Arc reports for stab uptime, but doesn't really help the players next to you.
  6. I agree. The cleverly disguised grind that GW2 used to do became extinct with Ice Brood Saga and has gone even further into the mundane and dim-wittedness with EoD and it's rng.
  7. MMO's have a grind aspect. All of them do, including GW2. But, what makes a really good MMO is how they disguise the grind. Does the game make you grind in such a way that you think you are playing for fun and it's your idea? Guild Wars 2 used to be this way; they accomplished that. I used to brag on GW2 with regards to the grind aspect. It was cleverly done. Yes, there were a few dailies and do some achieves here and there, but it never felt grindy. They cleverly masked that and tricked you into thinking that you were completing that content because you wanted to. Notice, I have been talking in the past tense. I am sad to say that the cleverly hidden grind is gone and has been since at least Ice Brood Saga. Now it is blatant, in your face, do this strike mission 50 kittening times for an achieve. There is nothing clever about it. There is nothing unique about it. The people who brought us that cleverness, I guess, are gone. It is sad.
  8. While I am not arguing whether or not EBG is a joke, I want to remind us that in WvW we have 3 different playing styles. We have Solo/Roamer, Havoc, and Zerg. Zerg, tho, actually has two subtypes - fighting zerg, or just zerg and Ktrain. Let's take a look at this. EBG = mostly Solo/Roamer ...mostly. EBG is 'Home of The Tagless'. These are players who want to solo pvp in an unstructured wvw map or players who do not have a tag but want to follow a tag or players who just don't give a ... I have seen and been a part of some very strong roamers banding together and beating a zerg. And no, I am not on Mag nor do I desire to be there (no offense). This is just what EBG has evolved into. Some instances on some servers during some time zones will get a tag or two on EBG. These groups usually end up zerg sized as most people who do not have a tag but wants one goes to EBG. The tag may stay if their goal is to take over EBG or swap to a Borderland if they want skirms or to Ktrain. On the BLs, things change. We will have all 3 player types, but Havoc and Zerg are the dominate types. The havoc are, well, havocking. They are taking objectives, defensive fighting and some offensive. It's a mixed bag with more emphasis on taking bigger objectives. The zerg is the opposite of havoc. They are focused more on fighting and less on objectives. They want fights. They look for fights. They arrange fights. Unless the zerg is a Ktrain, obviously. Here's the thing that I see so much in the forums. Often times some players want their style of WvW to be the one style and all others are wrong. That, my friends, is not going to happen. But what does need to happen is a balance between the 3 styles ... somehow. We will not achieve a balance by changing the classes. This just is not going to happen. The only way this could happen is if Anet goes full on homogenization of the class. They are leaning towards that, currently, but managing to not cross that line ... yet. Personally I hope they never do, but that is another rant. One idea of balancing the styles could be to have one of the three maps Solo/Roamer, Havoc. We could only be a party of 10 or less or solo/roamer in order to be on that map. The other two maps would be havoc/zerg. We could only be on that map if we were a squad of 11 or more. As soon as we were not in the appropriate party size we get transferred off of the map. This is a rough idea, but I hope the general thought is seen. Instead of focusing on changing the classes, in order for us to achieve the ever-evasive balance, change the maps, change the board . Just a thought ...
  9. The ridiculous added 3 sec cd when moving the tablet needs to be removed.
  10. I play full minstrel FB, every night is no downstate LMAO !!!!!
  11. I see your point and yes, perhaps a rework of the entire reward system. Is this the most pressing WvW issue atm? Well, no, not really but yes to a degree in that it effects the enjoyment of a lot of players. Just in this one post there is a lot of frustration surrounding this one issue. That means it is important.
  12. I bet their roaming team mates are getting less now than they did before retal was removed. Please do not compare the two. This is not a post about zerg hate. Take that elsewhere please. Thank you.
  13. Thanks @Zhaeli.5416! Additionally, the loss of WXP/Loot bag effects everyone but is most noticeable on FBs when we can go an entire night and not get a bag with our zerg. But scrappers are feeling it as well. Tempest may feel it a bit but their auras really keep them in the ticks, I believe. Druids as well. But everyone, esp. support, feels it. A better design should be implemented. That is all we are asking.
  14. As a support player, every night is 'no downstate' for me. I've got so low damage, I haven't got a chance in hell of rallying.
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