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Everything posted by DeadMeat.8724

  1. its doable with 10-15 ppl, but with CC, it can be much easier. if ppl don't have enough CC it turns into can you dps it enough in the time limit. Also, tell ppl beforehand to wp if dead, dps lost to ppl rezzing others is stupid with the wp close by.
  2. Metas should be added to those PoF maps that dont have them. The Desolation metas need to be put on a fixed timer, not knowing if you have to wait 5 min or 25 min doesn't help getting people to do them. Make the Maw and Junundu on opposite hours. Vabbi meta, ugh. A lot could be said about that meta - dont want to make it butter but something needs to be tweaked about the difficulty, maybe longer burn periods if you CC the zealots.
  3. Update to personal merchants. So, some trolls are now putting personal Black Lion merchants over spears in thunderhead keep meta. Now you are hunting around trying to click on the spear barrel or get the interact to get the spears. And this was NOT the reset meta, where you might want to go slow. It's gone beyond spamming them on chests/farm nodes. Personal merchants of any sort should be placed in-game in whatever way is necessary that other people cannot interact with them.
  4. I forgot to mention another QOL issue i wouldn't mind having. Just like in your character inventory you have a Deposit all Materials option. It would be nice to have that option in the Account Vault. There are times you pull stuff out of material storage (mystic forge recipes, for example) but still have the same material in the account vault since you had more than the material storage would allow. There are other ways materials end up in the vault and not the material storage area. It would be nice to have the deposit option to help clean up the vault. Thanks.
  5. If it has not been mentioned before, PLEASE make personal merchants (usable only by the owner) so they cannot be interacted with by anyone but the owner. People placing their merchant over nodes is very frustrating (i know it can also be an auto-spawn if bags full). Trying to find the node to click on it to bypass the merchant is also a pain sometimes.
  6. I am also having a problem with the axe but have not spent a lot of time on it, i am sure i have many kills within a 5 min period at less than 10% health, even kill about 6 in 10 seconds at 86 health, but one post i read somewhere indicated it could be bugged and you have to get the 5 kills within 5 seconds not minutes.
  7. Tried the Deadly Accuracy achieve many times, even again today, killed >50 spiders each time, tried during metas, and cannot get achieve to complete. Both other achieves for rifle are done. In my opinion, its not quite the same as the focus issue. For focus, i got all 3 sub-achieves completed, but since reward for one achieve wasn't correct, the main achieve for focus didn't show complete (which they fixed by allowing those who got achieve to get reward item from vendor). Here, for rifle, you can't seem to get credit for kills to complete achieve.
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