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Everything posted by Sidetrack.2563

  1. the last thing i wanna fight is more necro rn- some harb builds are way too tanky ill be honest assuming your power...condi seems to shred it though
  2. I don't think I've seen one on a players post about the game in like- ages if it wasn't a game breaking issue that HAD to be fixed- (also am i the only one who feels like the warrior spear design is a bit counter intuitive?)
  3. Yeah it would be almost impossible to do a gamemode overhaul- they would have to work around the gamemode if they wanted to improve it in anyway without just killing pvp lol
  4. the changes they made to the tos also took responsibility away from them to keep the game fair and well upkept- because they reserve the right to act AND not act based on reports. which basically means they can just ignore it if they feel like it and be following the tos. Which was not the case prior.
  5. I suppose, but they have done a lot of things that would make me believe they want to not pay attention is all, like apparently the TOS change for pvp
  6. We have not seen a content update for sPvP in years. and i mean actual content update- WvW is getting reworked and PvE is as usual constantly updating in stark comparison to the sPvP side of things...Why can't you guys tell us what if any of your goals or wants for the games sPvP are? Why is the most competitive side of the game, that shows how amazing GW2 combat even is (Especially by MMO standards). Is left completely abandoned in the general pvp players eyes. Am i wrong in how I feel? Do you guys agree that it feels as though they do not care about improving PvP itself and not just fixing over-tuned classes after 1 month. That's all.
  7. Hello gamers, this topic posts goal Is to give ArenaNet a dedicated post regarding what we think could actually Improve the PvP side of Gw2. The goal Is for people to post what they think the largest issues with PvP as a whole are, and what could be done to change It- which means If possible please refrain from "Ranger Is op and ruins all of PvP!" posts unless you have actual reasoning behind why that specific thing Is what's making PvP bad for everyone. I think that most of the issues PvP struggles with Is actually not balance based, (even though that does Impact It). I do think however the game modes available, class swapping, and being able to run multiple of the same elite spec- does Impact the game negatively. Why can players, after they get in a match swap specs to have 5 necros, Dh, whatever they are on one team? when ArenaNet has things placed in the game to not allow it BEFORE you queue? I think removing the ability to have that many of the same class would Improve the game dramatically, as well as being able to swap mid match, I dislike the Idea of being able to hard counter people after you see the comp like It Is currently. I also think that the lack of diverse game modes could be seen as a Issue, why do they not turn Strongholds into 10v10 maps and remove the current objectives of the mode? why can we only duo que In a 5v5 competitive game mode? These are my thoughts personally- what about you?
  8. Ill be honest arguing with you is a waste of time as you are set in your mind that wow is just better, this is worse than the argument for stealth lol- i wont waste my time here anymore
  9. the game is not balanced in WoW, nor any game really. I will say they are closer to balanced, for a game that has almost 0 creative customizability, where you can only have set stats and a small selection of abilities that are not weapon specific,
  10. WoW esports is an actual joke- as a user who has played 90% of the popular mmo's I will disagree heavily with this. wow pvp is actually garbage in comparison to gw2
  11. My biggest argument to this, is that hp pools and damage are arbitrary values, that Anet can change whenever they want, if thief dies too much do to sustain nerfs- maybe give them more health? or if a class does a bit too little dmg, make it do a bit more. we don't have to live with arbitrary values like they are law. I do agree that can happen, and at that point it is their fault, assuming that warriors couldn't also do that regardless of the skill of the 1st & 2nd opponent. However, at least in its current state it has far too much sustain through relics, (specifically the Aegis one) heals, projectile blocks, massive kiting potential, decent hp pool- etc... If Anet made a post saying they wanted to move the meta to having a player specifically set on holding a node solo, and removed the ability to have more than one class on a team i would be okay with that, assuming they still adjusted the class accordingly to not be completely un-1v1-able . Yeah I'd say I agree stealth Is too readily available for most classes, personally I think stealth without a mesmer/thief/maaaybe scrapper should not be possible, I probably wouldn't dislike ranger as much if it didn't have Its own smoke field, and blast/leaps to 1 shot better than a thief. Yeah it backfired and they decided pve was worth more of their time, and to be fair- without working on fixing PvP it isn't worth their time. I think communication and active work on PvP is needed- the fact that the players don't know what the plans/hope for PvP are is wrong, and they should either get someone to actually be the medium between the devs and players so we know whats going on more frequently, or just use the kitten forums you made for their purpose lol.
  12. Alright lets get it, I'll try to keep everything as organized as possible for my responses. 1. I don't disagree that dmg should be high per say, but some classes in my opinion have too much dmg for the amount of sustain they run- Bladesworn would be my prime example. 2. On the subject of warrior i do agree that the complaints are a bit over the top but it is true they are to strong right now, it shouldn't take 3 people to kill one person, and using the argument of people who don't know how to dps in my opinion is invalidated when I see this happening at every skill tier, including high plat/MAT the issue is there are few, if any favorable matchups against bladesworn. obviously this is my personal take so i digress. 3. I do know what 1 shots actually mean, but there are scenarios where skill does not let you do anything in response, for example double scrapper cc 1 shotting you from stealth- (i've seen it happen and have done it in the past), I think it takes away from the interaction of the game when fighting is over so quickly. I'd like to see less sustain and less dmg in total so fights last longer but people don't remain unkillable. 4. I also was one of the first pvp players, been at it in pvp for 9 years. Anet has had a pretty bad streak when it comes to PvP, and in my opinion the breaking point was probably HoT and stronghold maps lol.
  13. There is no way your trying to say bladesworn and rangers/scrappers are well rounded rn- not to mention damage is simply to high across the board, so much of pvp is just 1shot or be 1 shot now. as for most "people" im talking about literally everyone who has been around long enough to know how bad anet is when it comes to caring for pvp
  14. I think its more that people are upset Anet is not taking issues that are CURRENTLY present and addressing them immediately- we shouldn't have to wait till February to see necessary changes/balances to classes.
  15. I also agree here, It's not like ranked as it is, is any better to begin with either. you don't evolve the game if you don't try new things! Not that i'm saying there won't be people who abuse it, there are people who abuse the current one. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to alleviate the issues discussed.
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