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Everything posted by Riah.4816

  1. Wait what? Is this true? Do you have a resource on this or know anything about it?
  2. It may happen. Times are different now and different cultures and ethnicities are pretty much demanded nowadays. And after those layoffs, Anet is going to need something big to make some bank money, and NCSoft just might let it slide, who knows? Josh Foreman even encouraged us to keep asking for Cantha. Anything can happen now after that final lws4 episode. Anet has the opportunity to go anywhere with the storyline. And going back to Cantha doesn’t necessarily have to mean it will be human centered. Who says the Tengu couldn’t return to Cantha somehow and the story focus on them? And the DSD could very well attack Cantha if that’s what Anet wants. Kralkatorrik literally flew all the way from char homelands to the crystal desert. If Anet decides to take us to Cantha, then that’s what we’re going to do. I understand the frustration of when people talk negatively of Cantha and find every possible way to say it will never happen. We literally have no idea, for all we know they could be working on it now. Only time will tell. Cantha is a huge part of Guild Wars and even if it doesn’t happen to be the next expansion, I’m sure eventually it will become an expansion one day at least. We’ll just have to wait and see.
  3. Obviously Kralk is talking about Daenerys Targaryen
  4. I just hope that Anet will communicate better with us now and inform us if there is an expansion in the works. We need Cantha! Hopefully we’ll get some updates on the future of the game in the next few weeks, even if it’s not about an expansion. We just at least need to hear about something, anything!
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