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Anastasia Avalon.6908

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Everything posted by Anastasia Avalon.6908

  1. I have been waiting for over 2 hours, only chain event that spawned was Concoctions, did that, and nothing! Forro's event isn't spawning either.
  2. I have been trying to submit a ticket for the last week about losing Notarized Scrolls of Central Tyrian Heroics, I would buy 199 and only get credit for using 177 or something like in open world. I do get the points to spend, but they do not complete the HP's in the maps. I can't log into my account. It keeps telling me "Something went wrong. Try again later" So I changed my password thinking I ad the wrong password, still giving me that error. Is there something wrong with it?
  3. I was wondering if we can get a second tab at the Guild Sound Technician for Wintersday music for the guild halls?
  4. From what I heard, the Hero's chest was disabled due to being able to farm it over and over again.
  5. Same here I am sitting on the Downloading 0kb (0kb/sec) screen and nothing is happening.
  6. Yup, having the same issue, friend of mine followed a video how to glitch the map to get it, but you shouldn't have to do that, why is where you need to go filled in? Anet please respond and fix this issue?
  7. I finished Scruffy, came back, talked to Taimi and there is no progression.
  8. So I was in WvW, this morning and noticed my supplies kept disappearing, I would have 25 and then 22, or 17 and then 9, anyone else noticing this? I did not build or repair anything.
  9. Never mind, I figured it out. Didn't know I needed to speak to HIstorian Dozza in DR
  10. Is this achievement not working anymore? Or doe sit have to be done with Gen 1 Legendary's? Cause I made 2 Astralaria's and equip them, and did not get the achievement.
  11. I was the in a few instance with 2 others and 1 of them was not getting prompted to continue but the other one was, so we have had to do the instance twice, we had to do Forearmed and Forewarned , Be my Guest and The Charge, twice for whomever was not getting prompted.
  12. I know all that, this is my 36th character running through Story line, but this is the first time doing Season 2 with the current character I am playing, and I was able to get No one left behind and Opportune moment, now if the Wiki is correct, I should not have been able to get them, since this is not a replay. I was under the impression that Anet changed it so that we can now get the achievements the first time thru. The little Achievements bubbles were present when I was going through. So if this is the case, I'd like a developer for Anet to explain why I did not get the achievements?
  13. So I started playing Season 2 with a new character and noticed we can do the achievements now the first time through, (About time!) I did get hit with any Static Discharge in Disturbance in Brisbane and in Cornered, I was able to complete Opportune Moment, but not for Explosive Avoidance I did not get hit with any timed Blasts and I completed Dashed Advantage, but did not get credit for those 2. What's going on?
  14. Dear ANET, I made both Twilight and Dawn back on 12/2/2018, before the armory, got the skins then combined them to make Eternity, of course I sold it, needed the gold, but it is really not fair, that you come out with an armory after the fact. I am sure I am not alone in this, I believe Anet should do something for the people that did exactly as I did, not saying give us the weapons back, but give us the memory of Sunrise and Twilight that are given now, so we can make Eternity, but make it so that it is account abound on acquire so we can't sell it again.
  15. Yes, I have 100% completion, on multiple characters and none of them can interact with that one latern
  16. Is the Lantern in the warehouse district bugged? I can't interact with it.
  17. Same here, I switch characters and loading takes forever, finally get into what ever map and can't move, mini map is black, have to log to fix it.
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