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Posts posted by Heibi.4251

  1. On a side note:

    Warning signs that this should never have been open world content.

    1. KILL PROOF being asked for.

    2. One person able to troll the whole META

    3.  Paying people to leave the map.

    4. Bullying people off the map.

    5. Specific builds and classes being required by squads.(yes, I know we want people to do good damage)

    6. High Fail Rates even if everything is done properly.

    I'm sure there are more that can be added. But when you have all of the above happen in the first few days of a new OPEN WORLD META there is obviously something wrong that needs to be IMMEDIATELY addressed.  

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  2. Glad to see they are looking at this but I don't think they really are paying attention. This is a make or break moment. Either pander to the elites and lose your player base or listen to the masses and make it challenging but doable without having to rely on Elite squads and luck of the draw.  You've already seen the numerous players state they are done with GW2 after this catastrophe of a META. 

    You need to fix the broken mechanics, eliminate the no dps phases involved with the greens, and unlock the Siege Turtle after simply finishing the story.

    You have an impatient player base who payed good money for this expansion. Simply monitoring success rates over the weekend will not solve this. 

    I refuse to do this META again until the issues are fixed. I don't have time to waste on a 2 hour fail attempt. That's not good game design. 

    I hope you're reading every response, but...

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  3. 1 hour ago, ShogenSix.3278 said:

    21 attempts all fails 2 of these got to 20% this is not fun if you think its fun your a masochist and whats the reward, half useless turtle and barely even any loot oh and a ranger pet

    this is something they should have left in a raid or made a closed instance for all the elitest out there give them some accended kitten i just wanna finish my achievements 

    ive been playing for 10 years almost weekly since its release and this has soured my feeling for this game im honestly contemplating going to ffxiv and not looking back, the toxcicity alone between the elitest saying git gud and those that just want the mount is so disgusting I was really enjoying the expansion up to this point

    ANET, this is what I posted about earlier in this thread. People will get frustrated/angry and just quit playing GW2. You hyped up the Siege Turtle, but locked it behind a raid meta. You lead players to believe it would be like most other mounts - available through individual means(hearts, story line, etc.).  As for me, I'll just stop buying GEMS. 


    Yes, I like challenging events(I raid weekly). But this META is over tuned for an open world event. Casual players are being bullied, the trolls are out in force and elitists are dictating. If people get on a lucky map and acquire the Siege Turtle they will just call it a wrap and no longer come to the META. I would have viewed this META as reason to come back had you not done the Siege Turtle this way. But once I somehow get it I see absolutely no reason to come back. The map will die out quickly since it simply takes too long and the success rate is WAY too low. No idea what the rewards are(I've done the META and failed obviously), but I hear they aren't very good.


    Act quickly to salvage this META from becoming the least played in the game. Not to mention saving your player base from exiting the game.

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  4. 1 minute ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

    Ironically something I learned today was that you have to redo parts of the META a second time for the Turtle Collections. Which is honestly just a slap in the face.

    Quite sad that ANET decided on this course of action. One would hope that they actually are reading the forums. But since no one on Reddit is complaining, apparently, we'll all have do without one of the key parts of the expansion we PAID for.

    • Sad 1
  5. I'd love to keep trying the META if it wasn't for the fact that they locked the new mount behind it. That makes me only want to succeed only once. After that - goodbye META. I'm sure this is what the vast majority are starting to think - "Why should I waste any time on a META that was forced on me after I get the turtle mount?"  


    I could enjoy it if it wasn't for the mount. Then it would be more of a challenge. Right now it is more frustration.

    • Like 1
  6. Finally had time to do the META on the 4th day after release. I can say #1 on my list is locking the mount behind this META. The turtle was hyped up massively by ANET.  It was supposed to be one of the main draws. People got excited to go and get their mount only to discover they have to rely on the success of a META event(i.e. other people) to obtain it. I understand that a lot of the bosses in the past took a while to beat. But none of them had the number of mechanics and adds this boss has. I like challenging METAs, but I want everyone to be able to enjoy them without failing over and over again. This map will die a quick death once people gain their turtles(the frustrations will also lead to some people just quitting) - GUARANTEED. 

    Observations on the new META:

    1. Too many mechanics thrown in that take away from the chance of overall success.

    2. Players can grief the WHOLE map. The latest update makes it easier to grief now. No quick return.

    3. Boss movement reduces the dps drastically. 

    4. RAID level+ content in open world.(I raid - and this is far more difficult) This is going to create a massive Elitist faction, and already is. Many of the posts I've read in this thread of putting down people who want this to be toned down prove it.

    5. Not enough time due to the extra mechanics that reduce dps.

    6. Too many extra mobs added in on the main platform.

    7. Green circle mechanic needs to be completely removed.

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  7. And mysteriously, the bandwagon begins on Kaineng. Very High as of today. Seriously, ANET should have a 2 week no transfer after relink rule until alliances are implemented. Or a 2 week moratorium on transfers to the link of Full servers. 

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  8. Now that I've seen this it makes me think the OP expects a whole brand new game. I've been playing Guild Wars since GW1 beta. An expansion is just what it says, an expansion of the world we are playing in. The stories are either new or a continuation of what we have been doing. In GW1 each story was separate an unrelated until (GW1)Eye of the North where we returned to the aftermath of Burning.

    GW2 has been linked stories of the players' dealing with the dragons and our solution. There is so much to do in an MMORPG that I can't see an expansion as a "minigame". A minigame is something like Crabtoss, Southsun Survivor, Snowball Mayhem, etc. So the term "minigame" does not fit an expansion in this case.

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  9. We haven't even played in EoD yet, so how does it feel like a mini game? You can't judge it until the content is released. You can only surmise what is in it. And we don't know since ANET is keeping a tight lid on what we actually be doing. They even mentioned that they couldn't show us things because of spoilers. That to me is important. And to most of us who play GW2 think we have a lot to look forward to in EoD. Being pessimistic never helps and is bad for you health.

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  10. I don't judge anything a failure until I actually get to play it, use it and toss it around. 

    We're getting more content. Here's a list of some of them:

    1. New lands to explore

    2. New story to complete

    3. New Elite specs(though not so impressed with them yet)

    4. Upgrades to and new strike missions

    5. New legendaries(we'll judge them much later)

    6. CANTHA - finally!

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  11. Probably due to the WvW issues that are being worked in the background:

    In two separate Dungeons (AC and TA) the NPCs wouldn't advance to the next step of the path. They'd just stand there. Also both my guildie and myself were getting infinite load screens on either loading in the dungeon or map areas. We finally gave up and logged out after at least 30+ minutes of relogging and reloading.  

  12. Glad to see you pushed forward with this Beta Test.

    Issues I/We noticed:

    1. Some members unable to join Guild in WvW even though they selected guild long before the deadline

    2. Color issues: Objectives that belonged to us sometimes appeared as though they were another color. The only way to tell if we owned the objective while looking at the map was to look at the Supply Depots.

    3. Scoring seemed to be off. I believe that some of the overall score each side received was skewed by the erroneous objective colors. At times we would own far more than others, or would own objectives like Stonemist Castle, but it would show as being owned, in the WvW Panel, as being owned by another server.

    4. Team Names were not consistent. In our case we were on "First Haven" but we would link a waypoint like our EBG Spawn WP and it would read as "Seven Pines" Border WP. Plus we would see team names change on enemy players in the middle of combat.


    Those are 4 distinct things I/We noticed during this week's beta test.

    • Like 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

    Why would WvW guilds join to non WvW guilds?

    That's not what I said. Some guilds have players who don't play lots of WvW.  My guild has players like that. I'm not going to kick them for that. but if phase 2 works and guilds are able to alliance-up, the problem is how does ANET solve the overall numbers issue?

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Oh for cripes sake you're not reading a word anyone writes. FOR A ONE WEEK BETA, BECAUSE ALLIANCES WONT BE IN IT UNTIL PHASE 2. 

    Fine, we'll see in phase 2 if they keep their word. But once they set a player limit it comes down to kicking people if they only look to guild size. A TTS guild, for example, would be stuck with what they have.

    ANET is too caught up on player numbers. How will they filter it? If 10 guilds join together and they have 100 players each but not all play WvW, how will they solve that issue? I'm sure they have some idea. But right now I see this as a massive cluster.

    • Confused 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    What are you even trying to say? 15 guilds in an alliance would be an alliance with 15 guilds.

    Not the way it is being presented. If we have to create a completely new baby guild to invite "people" to, we aren't having a Guild Alliance at all. We are just having a new guild. And we have players with max guild slots.  Or, we have to kick players to make room for the new players. And I know many guild leaders won't like the idea of having to kick people just because they don't play WvW or get on as often.

    This is going to be one big cluster.

    • Confused 2
  16. 1 minute ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Have you played GW1? They had alliances in GW1 already so I'm pretty sure a similar system would be in place with alliance chat (in essence team chat but even outside WVW).

    Yes, but you represented one of the two factions. And your guild was aligned with that particular faction. Thus hundreds of guilds played on each side and they were in either the Canthan Alliance or the Kurzick Alliance. With the system proposed we won't have multiple guilds joining an alliance, we'll have a guild created and then invite people to it so we can all make sure we play on the same side. 

    • Confused 2
  17. 1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    For a one week beta. If you cant survive with "only" your WvW guild for a week I have no idea how you'll survive alliances. They stated the alliances would be phase 2.

    I'm talking about the whole idea of what an Alliance actually is. We might have 15 guilds aligned but the way ANET proposes this is that the current guilds mean nothing. It's only a single guild in their eyes, but they want us to believe it is an alliance.

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