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Posts posted by Heibi.4251

  1. 5 hours ago, Aalter.2950 said:

    I don't know why so many people are angry about this request lmao it's pretty obvious why it would be useful and has nothing to do with "being elitist" or something (???)


    It's literally about getting to see what weapon and armor skins people are using! And dyes, and other appearance factors.


    Including the stats page and adding a tab for build and skills is just an extra idea so that it's easier to look at what other people are running, not to grief them but just to let people share their loadouts with each other.


    Would you all be happy if you had to opt into it in settings or something? Idk weird for people to get so mad in the forums about what is a normal feature in many similar games lol


    I'd even be happy with one just where you can see what skins and dyes are being used, I don't care that much about inspecting traits but obviously that would have utility and everyone's argument against it seems to be "someone might be mean to me about my build choices", which like...yeah so? Someone will do that anyway, maybe the problem is that behavior like that is accepted and not moderated enough. It's like saying "I can't name my kid something that will get them bullied in school" if your kid is gonna get bullied it isn't about the name, bullies will find something else to bully them for...hence why it's a problem regardless

    I'm sorry, nowhere in your starting post does it say that all you want to do is look at their skins. You specifically mention traits and their build. You NEVER mention you only want to look at their skins in your opening post. You said Build and Stats and then casually mention skins. So, you've just contradicted yourself. Please go back and read what you posted before saying it isn't about that. 

    • Like 2
  2. Yeah, ANET I believe has already quashed this idea. In fact they made sure that the much loved arcdps does not do this. Now, asking a player what they are running and them telling you is a completely different thing. I like to help folks with builds if they ask. I don't use arcdps but many of my friends do. If I think I'm performing poorly I'll ask them. I can only imagine WvW with a feature like this - no thanks.


    So long story short(long) - we don't need a feature like this and most don't want it. 

    • Like 3
    • Confused 2
  3. The best thing to do is use the report a player function on the support  area of  the ANET website accessed at the top of the forums page. Submit a ticket with all your evidence and user names if you can. 


    Quick note: You will not see the player instantly banned. ANET looks into the incident and it will take time to resolve it. You will also NEVER be told what was done - they tell you that in the auto response. Any fixes will not be published either. So please report. 


    NEVER post how a hack or exploit is done on the forums, btw.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Well, you currently have an active multiple server action of avoiding going up to a certain tier due to the toxicity of the green server in that tier. In the lower servers it is "how can we make another sever go up while we stay down without dropping".  It is happening right now. That is one reason that you can see population drops on over 16 of 24 servers. Everyone is tired of a certain server's actions and toxic play. But as we have seen ANET really and truly doesn't care. Instead they increased the attacking server's ability to take objectives. Anyway, this does not bode well for the NA servers. Action must be taken.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sholagar.8352 said:

    Okay thanks all, I didn’t realize it transfers everything.  I really have loved Fort Aspen, but it’s just oppressive now.  Maybe dropping to a lower tier server would be ideal, I just want good fights.  Haven’t seen smc flip at all this week (me personally)

    Yeah, transferring to a lower tier server might be best. MAG is full at the moment anyway.

  6. Well, they did create an easy brain dead way in WvW to complete legendary armor. All you have to do is keep participation up. No achievements required to complete it like raid armor. It's 6 weeks for the first set in raids and then 12 weeks for the next set if you desire it. In WvW all you do is wait until you have the skirmish tickets. In WvW you can buy the memories of battle if you don't have enough. No such option in raids. They don't use memories but they have time gated Provisioner Tokens(unless you have the time gated ascended items to buy them outright). 


    So your choice - challenge yourself and join raids - do the achievements and make your armor. Or stay in easy mode and coast to your legendary armor in WvW.


    I've made both raid and WvW armors Med, Lt, Hvy, btw.(multiple sets - before the armory, btw) So don't tell me it can't be done.

    • Confused 1
  7. 5 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

    giving out more skirmish tickets is fine, who cares? i don't think more MoB is a good idea... if that would happen, i'd sell my stacks asap tho before it happens 😛 i rarely use nor sell them got often around 10 stacks MoB parked.

    what we need: finally some eblem trader.


    more gold for wvw: direly needed

    siege HP and effectiveness? horrible change.
    and since u people never get that, u cannot expect anet to "balance population"... people just transfer and at fin some servers are overstacked. happens within 1 weeks range around the relinks every single time, you're delusional to expect that anet could possibly change anything about a nearly ritualistic behaviour

    some guilds move, some servers get stacked hard, some smaller guilds want a piece of the bandwagon cake, then some ganker guilds join in too, then the bandwagoner parasite pugs join, ...
    ...and bam, from a "medium" population server that got a veryhigh link u get a full/veryhigh combo that stays hardstuck in tier1 (which is basically the most boring thing possible, but not avoidable)

    Yeah, 59k skirmish tickets and over 2k emblems burning a hole in my pocket. I know if I trash the emblems ANET will mysteriously come up with something to spend them on. They've done it with several other items in the past.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Evenge.4067 said:

    Omfg. Fix exploits, such as certain classes leaping into structures! Mounts still exploiting players into structures. Simply adding an invisible wall here and there would cure most those issues that have gone unattended to for years.

    That's the WvW announcement I'd love to see. "QOL: In this update we've addressed ALL of the reported exploits that have been reported over the years. We've also "taken care of" the main exploiters of these reports. You won't see them or the exploits in WvW ever again."

    • Like 7
  9. 2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    For legal reasons, ANet will never do this.

    Correct. And they will tell you this if you submit a ticket to report a player instead. They have a standard reply telling you that they understand your concern but cannot tell you what was done.  So as has been stated to the OP, just report and move on. Something WILL eventually happen.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Leap Of Faith.8263 said:

    Another clip

    Also how to submit a ticket for this?

    Go to the top of the forums - click on support - click on submit a ticket. 

    1. make sure you have the possible offending player's account name

    2. describe what you saw.

    3. fill out the necessary lines

    4. add the video files or links(may have to put those in the description area of what you saw.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. I still cannot us the "login" function on the Leader Boards. I click on the "login" link and it goes to a white screen with nothing to interact with. I posted about this in October and it still doesn't work. I've tried different browsers, clearing the cache, etc. The only one that has worked is when someone gave me a link that bypasses the GW2 Leader Board front login page.

    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, KeySpellsong.2569 said:

    So you are saying go the pay to win or pay to progress route?


    I believe they are telling you you can buy with gold you earn in game to treats you need for the skyscale. I personally made mine so I could avoid the jumping puzzles. I'm able bodied but I also accepted help from other players in game. There is no shame in doing so. I believe that's what they are getting at from that angle. I have friends who have disabilities playing the game and me and my other friends help them when asked. So just know that there are ways to get help in game that are not pay to win.

    • Like 5
  13. 5 minutes ago, Carnage.6751 said:

    Dude u have understanding problems?I dont need to buy it for see its effect on to game.Do you think new classes made to raids and pvp better?Do you think it increase to skill ceiling or gave them Aı companies for make to game more casual.PLEASE defend to new professions.Can you tell me they are pretty balanced ?

    To judge the quality and total experience of a release you actually need to own it and play it. Your whining about the effects in pvp are a microcosm of EOD's total release.  

    That maps are beautiful, events are fun, end meta is a challenge, and the story is really a nice wrap up of the whole of the dragon story arc.


    Now, you would at least have credibility if you had any experience in the new expansion beyond the super-enclosed pvp experience. PVP is very limited in its entirety.

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