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Posts posted by Heibi.4251

  1. 57 minutes ago, Nomad.4301 said:

    T1's EBG is definitely borked, can confirm. SoS seems banned from EBG right now with a queue of 90 and 0 players on the map 🤷‍♂️

    pls fix asap.

    But I notice Blue has no issues in T1 getting on the map. It's like something planned. 

    • Like 1
  2. We still have troll players who enjoy ruining other players enjoyment of the game by dropping Black Lion Merchants and other interactive items on Final Chests(Events or Jumping Puzzles) or NPCs like the one for entering Dragon Storm meta.

    Please find a way to disallow interactive item placement in the area of Final Reward Chests or NPCs. Just the other day we had a troll place a Black Lion Merchant on the Final Chest at the end of the Kaineng City Jumping Puzzle. It was placed so perfectly that you could not interact with the chest. 

    Two Ideas come to mind to stop this:

    1. The person's character name is displayed in the chat panel for activities that occur in the area saying what they dropped. This way we can report the trolls to ANET easier and we can remove the trolls from the game faster. I believe you have a rule(terms of service) against this kind of Trolling.

    2. Create a interactive no drop area around NPCs and Final Chest areas.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Karagee.6830 said:

    Last time Gandara tanked for 3 weeks and still got no link. But the Full servers went from 2 to 8 or so. At this point I would make no assumption on how they calculate population and treshholds because it openly makes no sense.

    Well, BG and MAG do it often and always get links. Not sure how ANET handles the EU servers. Do they mix language servers with other ones?

    • Confused 1
  4. Basically no FULL server should ever get a link. Much of their success relies on the off-hour link servers. Would also solve a lot of the bandwagons attached to the FULL servers. And if no one transfers off they should keep the FULL status. Just because they tank by not playing doesn't mean they aren't still FULL(ANET falls for this so often). ANET should add more tiers as well so they don't stack 3 server together which would create a queue nightmare(has happened before).

  5. 7 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


    This is one that sounds good on paper but may not work well. Example, you have a guild squad running around. The squad is letting the driver determine if things should be claimed. In the squad there are 10 people that could claim. They all get the popup to claim.

    The first 9 that have rights but are not making the call all say no to get the message off the screen, the driver says yes to do the actual claim. Under a code change they now would have lost the claim they were going to make. I get it, I also hate waiting around but it also has a reason for it when there are multiple people with the right to claim in the same event from the same guild. 

    As someone leading a large guild in WvW I think that most already know whether they want to claim or not. Whether it be because they have a claim already or that they don't want to claim certain objectives like Keeps or Stonemist. We like to have a floating claim so we let other guilds claim large objectives. So we would love it if we could pass them on faster to the other groups running with us instead of standing around waiting for our turn to pass after we've "X'd" out of the claim.

  6. There are so many times that we take an objective and we have to wait for all three guilds selected by the system to either claim or not claim the objective. 


    Here's the suggestion:

    Allow the guilds in the list to actively turn it down and automatically pass it to the next guild to claim or not, etc. "Claim" - YES = objective claimed. "Claim" - NO = Pass to next guild immediately no waiting.

    • Like 3
  7. I can understand the OP's frustration. However, when this first came out it was far worse. It was time gated in a bad way. ANET seemed to want to slow people down on purpose. I and many many others finished it under the time gate settings before ANET relented and got rid of it. So remember the poor souls who came before you as you post how hard something is. We truly feel your frustration but know that we had it worse. Hopefully you get your skyscale soon.

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  8. 22 minutes ago, Healix.5819 said:

    For the original topic? No. For the blank page? Sure - the CDN failed.

    The login itself isn't a problem, it's the redirect. If you can confirm the file exists, you can confirm the CDN failed, which has been a reoccurring problem with the patch CDN. If you also get a 404 however, then you should also see a blank page when you try to login with a cleared cache/session.

    I've done the clear cache multiple times. I've used 3 different browsers, one of which was on a different computer altogether. Once I click on the Login link on the Leader Board and all I get is the blank page. The weird part is that original issue doesn't work even from a different computer using a different browser.  Your bypass links earlier worked so it has to be the forwarding issue.

  9. 22 hours ago, Healix.5819 said:

    It's supposed to redirect you. In the past some browsers would block that redirect, causing a blank screen, but I checked just now and it's actually broken. They're using a javscript redirect, but they've put it in the wrong location, so it's failing to load:

    Linked: https://services.staticwars.com/services/session/check-session.476658e3-svc.js
    Actual: https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/services/session/check-session.476658e3-svc.js

    Here's the link to login:


    So you found the issue, but the forum admins haven't? It's been broken for weeks.

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  10. As a commander in WvW I love to have a ranger or three in my squad comp. And I want them to have long bow because we can clear siege on walls and back from the walls during our assaults on towers and keeps. They also have melee weapons in their builds.


    I mained a ranger for years and I've seen so many people not using their long bow right. They tended to rely on it too much and paid the price. A few pointers and they start to improve little by little. 

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  11. I still cannot login into the leader board. What is going on? I click on "Login" and all I get is a white screen. I've cleared the cache and used a different browser. There is something wrong on ANET's end.

    Okay - in addition to this I tried a totally different computer in my house using Firefox. Still only get a blank page when I push the "Login" link on the Leadership Board page.

  12. After watching:

    "Here's some vids of my Druid outcleansing everyone. Vs Tempests the cleansing should be even but clearly these Tempests have an issue with skill/build." https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cAb1KxpcLN4


    Tempest far out cleansed Druid. It was just like I said - in stand still fights Druids do fine - the only one where the druid nearly equaled the tempest was in the Necro Tower. You didn't move much. Otherwise, Tempest out performed the Druid overall. Mind you I was paying attention to the top cleansing Tempest vs the Druid.

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  13. Yep, as long as the ANET devs FAVOR mag nothing will happen. ANET favoritism is very plain and simple to see when it come to Maguma. 

    To truly see if mag deserves to be #1 they should be denied any sort of link.

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