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Everything posted by lodjur.1284

  1. So burst clearing up to 11 condis over 1-2 sec isn't a way of dealing with condis (swap is 6>jalis heal). Nah stunbreaks that don't move you/give you 2+ stacks of stab/invuln (or some other way or ensuring you don't get CCed within 1 sec) are just a waste on a melee build. Maybe you have an issue, but stunbreaks remove just a single stun, which isn't that valuable in a game with this much CC. It has times when it's crucial. Besides, you can cancel pain abso if you for some very strange reason need a stunbreak but are scared of taking the condis. In fact in most times when you use it to stunbreak, your enemies will even do that for you. The few times I do stunbreak with it, I usually cancel it instantly with a dodge anyway as it's pretty much a last resort to get out of something truly horrible, and I don't got time to do a one cast, then nothing changed. But usually even in stuff like grav well or ghastly breach, the 30 mallyx energy cost isn't worth it, as I am there to do pressure. The only thing I can't do anymore is run around fully immune to condis for 15+ seconds by hitting 1 key twice. Seems reasonable to get nerfed. People never really ran ventari (in WvW that is, it had a decap build in sPvP and sees use in PvE afaik) the problem is the tablet and how it's not really possible to heal people effectively with the combination of small radius and cd on moving it. In fact if your tablet is in place, ventari deals with being stunned quite well, because it's skills are instant. This is funny after such a post. People just need to accept the removal of skills that carry them. Hopefully infuse light and staff is next. I am however in favor of a cost reduction to PA as it's really no longer a 30 energy skill. Or a complete rework into something completely different.
  2. I am using it actively, I have no issues. The mallyx user, who shouldn't use a skill that transfers condis to themselves, without a way ready to deal with it. Rev doesn't need to be easier. Those are RNG, there's nothing RNG about current pain abso, it is completely deterministic.
  3. I assume nothing about your skill level. I simply reply to stuff you said, if that stuff would imply you play poorly, I'll reply as such, should it imply well, I'll reply as such. You're the one who kept bringing it up. Saying that keeping an eye on who is around you is something you shouldn't have to do, implies something, I'll let you guess what. Had you said "Resistance was a mechanic that carried people through stuff they had no business surviving and enabled degenerate gameplay with transfers", that would have implied something else, I'll let you guess what. Saying that a skill carrying some degree of risk is inherently bad, implies something, I'll let you guess what. I am not judging your statements based on their source, I am judging their content I tell that to the people who say that they can't use it as just a stunbreak, it's called providing info. Personally I never cancel it, because I haven't ever had to.
  4. You found the actual problem right at the end there. blocks/evades/invulns a common problem in gw2. Dragon heal, staff/shield and high uptime of invuln to condi damage were issues, getting a couple hundred healing/sec when within melee with 5 people, not a problem, during the spikes maybe even a thousand or two in a sec. Thing is 5 people in melee with you should be doing far far more dmg than 2000/sec to you. If you look at most melee builds that are viable in WvW most of em have similar passives Yet it is what a lot of groups (and single players) did against me and my group where the transfer+resistance was the entire strategy. In this context I'm talking about some self proclaimed try hard groups. Even in other groups it wasn't uncommon to for example easily win the 3v4 against a group, 5 min later they come back with a Herald 20 sec into fight we all got 25 stacks of Torment with Herald having done nothing but pain abso and true nature - demon. Suddenly that same group that before died in 15 sec and didn't get anyone low is major threat. All because of transfer Herald, this happened very frequently, usually one could still win but not always. This should more or less have fixed the issue. Since this strategy was extremely dominant in smallscale. You don't need it on both weapon sets you just need planning, in fact having it on both ends up clunkier imo. One just needs to get into the pattern of swapping Legend more or less right before weapon swap every time and you can proc it every 10. This isn't very difficult to do when needed (when you're in the thick of it). Sigil of Cleansing is better on Rev than most other classes because we have it fit better into our rotation and cqn have better control over it than other classes. Banish and Pain abso is all I see Heralds do (and other defensive stuff). Trying to throw your weight around because you get I make my own opinions by testing. I never had issues with condi on power Renegade. Clears on power Rev might be tied to the Sigil, but the Sigil is extremely good atm. I have post patch used Pain Absorption to save allies. It still works for this purpose. The skill now carries a risk, which fits the theme of mallyx and the still high power level of group resistance. Mallyx is supposed to be a high risk high reward legends, like new PA and EtD+Torment Runes, the stuff that nullifies the risk is what should be changed (old PA, staff, infuse light, shield, etc) not torment Runes, had they nerfed those it would've fixed nothing except nuking all non-herald versions. Yes ofc it is weaker, but being able to get several people out of immob (and the other annoying stuff) is good. Honestly I've barely ever stunbroken with it, it's simply too expensive and it gives no stab so if you're in a spot where there is CC, you just get CCed again. If you don't want people to say you don't have basic situational awareness don't say things that imply you don't. Knowing what friendly players are around you and if they're a liability Def falls into that category Also stop trying to throw some weight around it's just kinda silly, you're not intimidating anyone nor do these claims impress me, whether fabricated or not (not calling you a liar, just saying I honestly don't care). By any metric I fall into "top players" I just specifically avoid these kinda silly kitten measuring contests and exclusively post from my second account specifically to avoid em. I am simply judging you based on the things you say. I am no stripping you of anything, simply letting what you say speak for itself, completely without any prejudice for or against it. I want condi Rev/Ren (not herald) to get buffs in healthy ways now, it is only slightly weaker than last patch but the areas that it lost were hugely problematic. Banish is one of the few very unhealthy parts of condi rev that's left. If you were arguing for a completely different skill instead of PA I would agree with you, but you seem to want old PA (an extremely carrying skill) back in the game, when it's removal helped smallscale immensely.
  5. Torment Runes are fine. They just add the reward to the high risk high reward gameplay of condi rev, while herald and resistance took away the risk part. The problem with it was always that they could run around invuln with their 25+ stacks of everything preparing their almost 1 shot, even if that bit was dodgeable on a 1 sec visible cast time, it'd still be a problem necro transfers, notable plague signet isn't really avoidable because instant, yet not really a problem, the difference, necro can't with at 65 stacks of Torment ticking for 0 without a lot of help. Even unbugged True nature - demon would be busted, the cast time is too short and the radius too big. Cleansing Channel+Cleansing Sigil+Permeating, you swap almost off CD anyway. Once again, go melee, have 4+ enemies around you, they won't all dodge, go melee, take risks. Stop just banish spamming from the sides. Also jalis is another 5/30 sec. Renegade+Retribution (or some other high uptime source of resolution) can give more or less permanent 68% less condi dmg taken. Condi Management isn't an issue on condi rev. Jalis hammers makes that 88% it's clearly survivable without crazy investment. Rev clears aren't considered that poor due to strong synergy with Cleansing Sigil. If you don't like high risk high reward gameplay there's plenty of options, mallyx doesn't have to be one of those. I don't wanna insult anyone, but it's hard to tell people to have basic situational awareness in a non-condescending way or that if they don't like taking risks, maybe mallyx isn't the stance for them.
  6. No. Pain Absorption should either be completely reworked to a diff skill or kept in it's current state. It being weak is a tiny price to pay to keep transfer herald away. At most a cost reduction on the thing as 30 mallyx energy is "never" worth it to break a stun (since you'll be stunned again instantly anyway). You can literally have 6 clears on 10 sec cd, without giving up anything relevant. What more do you need? Condi Rev might have some issues, but condi management certainly isn't one. Any buffs to mallyx should be focused on EtD or the weapon skills torment applications. If you got randoms around just assume the worst, or move back, let them die then continue the fight after their death, like you'd normally do around randoms? Or just don't Pain Absorption in those circumstances, some skills are situational lol.
  7. Well I didn't even cancel it, there was no need, I had the option if I wanted it tho. Then again if I use a skill that takes condi from my allies, I have a look first lol or just have a clear ready, hardly difficult to do.
  8. Idk I have used it since patch and haven't killed myself, kinda sounds like a l2p issue.
  9. The enemies you cleave are obviously not moving.... ofc you yourself move a little while cleaving. Unless enemy downed players and ressers usually move a lot for you? If you and your enemies are CCed less than 10% of the time, we are indeed playing a different game tho. I do kinda wanna play the version of the game where you're CCed less than 10% of the time, seems like a much more fun version.
  10. Imagine calling someone pretentious then writing whatever that was lol, which is funny, cause this post would be the epitome of "pretentious self indulgence". Also Condi Rev/ren is so obviously designed to be an AoE group spec, that whatever solo viability it has or hasn't is kind of irrelevant. (Yes ofc it will be weaker solo, but it just doesn't matter, it was already not a top tier duelist). The fact that it's competition and various hard counters are getting weaker matters far more than it's power level in a vacuum. It'd be just as relevant to comment on it's abysmal performance in zergs, another environment that it's just not designed for.
  11. You said yourself you don't play condi rev. In groups it will def be better, but it will def be used less The resistance change is their rework.
  12. Herald got it's rework. Condi rev is stronger post patch, anyone who doesn't see this doesn't know the class very well
  13. The transfer+resistance was the problem. There is no real counterplay beyond "don't play condi". That's horrible design. I agree its an issue with "boons" or rather a boon, resistance, luckily it's being fixed. No. Condi HERALD is all about transfers, no other version of condi rev really cares about doing transfers. Nope. The rune actually adds the high reward to the high risk high reward playstyle. It was never broken. The transfer/dragon heal/resistance has always been the problem. Mallyx is far from gone, it is in a very good state post patch. Condi Ren main here btw. Condi rev/ren Jalis+Mallyx is arguably one of the hardest dps builds in the game to play. Herald is probably in the top 3 easiest atm. That's funny. Cause me and the rest of my guild all said that most of these condi HERALD players will leave the class now, but that everyone who plays any other version is happy about it, which seems the case so far. Core Condi Rev will still be viable. Renegade will still be viable. It's not even up for debate tbh overall for group play Condi Ren will be better than pre-patch Anyone swapping off Condi Rev (lets be honest, they're all heralds) is not very good at the actual class to begin with honestly. But then again most people only swapped to it to get carried by herald
  14. Problem with condi herald was always with the herald part, not the condi rev part. It was the excessive invulns (mostly to condi, but also to power). But it's gone, the spam nothing but transfers playstyle is gone. This nerf left condi renegade and core rev mostly intact while nerfing the problematic build. Power Ren with kalla was great tho and I am sad it's gone and that the only power ren build will be with shiro
  15. Specified Kalla Power Renegade, the rest is decent but meh, just not very interesting and not very good at outnumbered fights, especially shiro. Still viable for 1v1s etc ofc but meh Also the 10% dmg buff shouldn't work on battle scars as it's lifesteal afaik. Imo deva is worse than retri and for power ren it got a bit worse since vigor is easier to keep up than new resolute
  16. Nah, the number 2 just doesn't exist in WvW
  17. What's stopping you from stunbreaking and then canceling the skill if you need to? Or planning with a clear in advance? You can have up to 6 clears on a 10 sec cd, that's top tier Pain Abso keeps it's utility as a way to save allies from immobilize. People have said it's a high risk high reward skill, well it wasn't but now it is and people instantly say it's unusable because it has a risk now There's no reason to believe that the healing reduction isn't affected by resistance, but that we will have to wait and see. Unless I missed them specifying in which case I'll eat my words. Torment is a nerf, but not a massive one. Have you considered the ranger class if you want low risk all upside? You're right about sword design being a mystery but kinda off-topic? Condi rev/ren will all things considered arguably be in a better spot next patch, if worse then only marginally so. Removal of resistance from enemies is a huge deal for the class. They're hardly the only class that is getting nerfs either. If this is whining about HERALD then good riddance, the spec is an abomination.
  18. Exactly, from a programming perspective, the number 2 just doesn't exist, so deathly chill can't do 2 stacks of bleeding it is sadly impossible
  19. Banish Enchantment is far too spammable for a 3 boon removal with added damage. It should either have a cooldown, notably higher cost or my favorite, be melee. People surely move more than 50% of the time, but surely not even close to 100% in real fights. Especially when you consider cleaving, other people CCing, channel times, etc.
  20. Kalla Power Renegade is sadly dead tho because of PvE Condi Rev outside of True Nature - Demon + resistance spam will be completely viable tho (even that might be somewhat viable but no longer completely gamebreakingly busted) The only thing HERALD actually brings to condi rev is easy mode (dragon) and true nature - demon. Otherwise it is and was worse in every regard, so if anyone genuinely like condi rev, there's 2 completely viable version that will still exist. What made herald so bad for the game was it's effect on small-scale and how if even a single player in your group ran condi your entire team would end up getting instant 25 stacks of the relevant condis while doing little to no damage because of pain abso spam, together with being very hard to focus down due to broken infuse light. Condi thief and mesmer are at worst annoying or breaking 1v1, but fights don't go from easy mode to immense challenge cause 1/4 enemy players swapped to it.
  21. Condi Renegade Main who only plays WvW here. If losing Condi Rev is not gonna be anywhere close to useless. What they are killing is one specific playstyle on HERALD which deserves all the nerfs it's getting and more. That's the spam pain abso > true nature - demon > instakill 5 people "playstyle". The people dropping condi Rev over these changes are for lack of a better word, weak, the class is still going to be arguably the best damage dealer in a small group (the only place where it was good before the changes anyway. I know many people who main condi rev/ren every single one is happy about the changes, only HERALDS are dropping the class. Looking at this patch I see small nerfs (torment change, no more condi invulns). But amazing buffs relative to the rest, no more enemy heralds keepin entire groups invuln to you while prepping their 1 shot, no more enemy firebrands camping f3 field being invuln to you, massive increase to cleave damage an average of 20% (where arcdps usually puts it) less damage taken in group fights because retal is going away. In addition to this, a lot of other builds are eating far harsher nerfs, burnguard for example essentially got deleted. Meaning that immunity to condi is less important than ever. So what 4 classes are gonna get nuked into oblivion for your comment filled with such hubris? Comments like this only tempts Anet.
  22. Would it really be too much to ask for a 50% reduction to the cd and 600 radius and protection replaced with something like the new resistance
  23. Ye, I mean I was mostly talking about condi (as we're talking Mallyx/Corruption etc) which does mean torment runes If I didn't have a dedicated healer the choice would probably be harder and might lean more towards retribution past changes Exciting to have some changes finally
  24. Sadly a problem that's been around a long time. Done a few bug reports on it.
  25. Pain Absorption is not an AoE stunbreak. They're nerfing resistance, this prevents the spam Pain Abso > Sit with 50+ stacks of all dmging condis without taking dmg > Hit True Nature - Demon, instagib everyone around you playstyle Paying attention to your surroundings is a crucial skill (in any combat situation, be it in a game or not). Corruption will probably still be worth picking up on Condi Renegade (on core there's no question really), but it does push it closer to retribution in terms of power, especially with retribution now potentially having a 10% dmg modifier. Overall the immunity to immob (and all that) together with the condi duration+stats and better condi management overall still pushes corruption to be a bit better I imagine, but will probably test out both. Mallyx ofc isn't going anywhere Ignoring condis will be harder post-patch than pre-patch. Ofc still possible tho. Torment change is a bit of a nerf, but one condi rev can survive, increased cleave damage and damage while CCed almost makes up for losing damage to moving targets
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