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Everything posted by Bloodtau.4672

  1. which is the best value for money? selling t5 mats and buying t6 mats with the money or straight up coverting the t5 mats to t6 using dust/stones etc
  2. I feel that the skills doing absolutely nothing until you detonate them is a bit of a cop-out. We need them to do something, even if it's some smaller, weaker pulses that get stronger when you detonate. Like a well or a symbol, but with the chain reaction mechanic added on. It takes a few seconds to set them up, seconds where you are basically useless in all game types.
  3. Playing Engi main since launch, Guardian sure tempts me with each expansion
  4. If there are ways to get it with other types of currency apart from gold, that would be even more ideal! thank you for any input anyone has
  5. I get to the part where it tells me to "destroy mechs to overload the system" and then the whole thing bugs out and nothing happens. No mechs spawn and no character continues speaking. I even exited and went back in to restart at the checkpoint and it did it for the 2nd time in the same bit.
  6. For example, when the mech uses "explosive knuckle" will it trigger the explosion trait "short fuse" and trigger the fury? or by "You" does it literally mean, YOU, aka the player
  7. Is there any materials that would be better to just sell off as they are, and buy the materials I need with the profit?
  8. SO it's now nearly February, can we continue with it yet? Mine still appears stuck
  9. Either for selling out right or for making into high tier (aka ascended food). Thank you :)
  10. I am wanting to get them the next time around. What is the time cycle for it going in?
  11. Been trying for weeks for help with the underground facility challenge mote and the aetherblade challenge mote but nobody seems to want to join.Is anybody able to help me?
  12. I had to bug it. got him stuck behind the chain/branch and just mortar gunned him dead
  13. The fight: punishes you for taking boons, punishes you for taking little defiance bar reduction skills, punishes you for taking no movement benefiting skills and punishes you for using your endurance...some classes don;t have access to all that.
  14. Can you perhaps tone it down a little? not to mention it being at the end of a painfully long story mission so I can't exactly quit tom get a party formed as it will take me another hour to get to this point.
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