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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Posts posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. My honest opinion:

    Lowland shores map :

     pros: landscape , graphics, events(almost all events are extraordinary) and creature models are nicely done and super cool

    cons: dont think theres anything negative about this map

    Janthir Syntri map :

    pros: boss fight feels a little bit satisfying (nice boss attack graphics, even though boss is standing in a single spot, it moves its limbs and uses some attack mechanics)

    cons: feels so empty, terrain looks meh, events are a bit more boring , heart contribution takes way too long


    Quests and collections and side stories:(example: cryptid chaser, zizl quest, fallingstar quest,... more)

    nicely done and I loved those... hope upcoming releases has more of these.. keeps the game fresh and interesting to play


    Story: I like the story.. could rate the story 7 out of 10..


    Homestead: I noticed a large aquarium in one of the npc houses basement floor... I like that... I believe we can use those decorations too.. but Im not sure if we can place the legendary fishes we caught throughout tyria into those aquariums(example : genshin impact serenity pot - aquarium decorations)


    Fights, duels, enemy encounters and mechanics love all enemy fights in events, especially the fights in "Sleuth Brawlfields" in lowland shores.. especially when barbed vale grabs a player and slams them on the ground.. love more content like that

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  2. checked fractals 100 too.. It did not cause any fps drops today whatsoever.. not a single frame drop today in fractal 100... what is going on? we did NOT receive any gw2 game updates.. I did not update any operating system updates.. I did not do any nvidia driver updates.. yesterday and today i didnot run any background programs while checking this... what changed? I'm totaly confused now.. Is there anyone else who experienced similar situations like me?


    edit: also checked the gpu usage when switching from mistlock sanctuary to wizard tower..  gpu usage increased from 15% to 75% and sometimes 80% but it did not drop any frames at all.. fps stayed constant at 60...

    If this is a silent fix, thank you devs for the fix... thank you so much .. now I can enjoy JW in peace X)

  3. today, wizard tower did not cause any fps drops at all... and its so smooth.. idk what is going on at all... with full shaders and all graphics settings, it did not lag on me or drop fps .. I limited to 60 fps.. it stayed on 60 fps without dropping even one.. so weird.. yesterday, whenever i start walking toward mystic forge in wizard tower entrance, it dropped like 10-15 fps and as soon as i turn my camera away, fps would get to normal 60.. i tried it multipel times.. it happened when i turned camera toward mystic forge.. but today it did NOT happen.. so weird

  4. Now i checked it multiple times... It wasnt the ping that causes it...

    Even in ley line anomaly fight i dont have that fps drop rates... but whenever i enter wizard tower, fps drops severely...

    whenever I enter fractals 100 , fps drops severely

    But this DID NOT happen before the last 30 days

    something got updated in the last 30 days or so.. idk if thats nvidia drivers or OS libraries or GW2 visual asset libraries or whatever..

    the gpu usage jumps from 40% to 85% when i move from mistlock sanctuary to wizard tower / fractal 100.. this DID NOT happen during or after soto release at all.. my gameplay experience was smooth just before 30 days in wizard tower.....(i tried lowering model limits to lowest and environment intensity drag slider to left and to right.. it didnt change at all)

    anet devs.. pliz look into this...

  5. the last 10 -15 days gave me a worst gaming experience...

    usually wizard tower would be smooth for me .. but these last 10-15 days.. whenever I rotate the view/camera, it lags and in a weird way it kinda induces nausea.. a weird kinda screen lag...

    during the last 10-15 days, I feel that nausea inducing lag when i rotate the view/camera using mouse on some meta events..(not all meta) idk why

    Megadestroyer meta - no lag when rotating camera angle

    leyline anomaly event - no lag

    Drakkar fight - heavy lag

    5 man party instanced content - no noticable lag

    10 man squad instanced content - nausea inducing lag when combat starts (but no lag out of combat)


    during this time I checked my ping and framerates... framerate stayed at constant 31 (coz i set the max framerate limiter to 30)

    and ping was around 230 - 250 (which is normal for me so thats not the issue)

    no background processes running except gw2

    gpu was around 55% - 70% at around 65 - 70 deg C .. so thats not the issue either

    I checked the GW2 diagnostics mode with "-diag" parameter to see if theres any packet loss couldnt find any .. except theres one last ip in tracert diag, where i had like 50% packet loss.. it could be an isolated temporary thing idk..


    I suspect the new janthir wilds updates.. some library related to visuals / graphics got updated and not tested properly.. maybe.. just a wild guess.. some kind of preparation for the upcoming JW assets kinda causes these things? i could be wrong tho

    • Confused 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Listen, there's the Drizzlewood faction reward tracks, so if you don't like to do so many things in this game there's an OW option as well. And these reward tracks you can even progress simultaneously.

    And then you can straight out save up mystic coins to get them from vendors and the mystic toilet itself. You don't need to get them all in one week and since the spear will be coming out 3 months after JaWi releases there's still plenty of time to prepare for that. SoTO was all about the legendary armor sets. To get those you need a lot more than just one spear as it is. 

    You just want things to be too easy and quick.  What you need to do if it's overwhelming to you is focus on one step at a time and save materials and not spend gold on other things. You'll be surprised on how well that works.

    But here's the thing, since the spear comes out 3 months after the initial release of JaWi, you will have gotten 40 clovers and 120 mystic coins from which you can get at least 40 more clovers from vendors. Oh wait, you can get 20 from them per week (Lyhr and Miyani). All you need to make sure of is to have the necessary ectos. 

    But in total the WV gives 40 mystic clovers per season (20 straight and 20 via the mystic coins) and since the spears arrives in the second season you have access to 80 mystic clovers total. So where's the problem again?

    Did they announce or release roadmap for jw legy spear release date? If it's like as you say, then 40 clovers at the time of legy crafting would be lessening the burden... If that's not the case, then

    57 clovers are needed and as you suggested , drizzlewood reward track... How long does it take to grind an entire reward track for 2 clovers per track? 8.5 hrs? Or more?

    So grind 238 hrs for the clovers alone

    Nooooo I'm not gonna suggest mystic forge gambling method nor lyhr miyani 3 coin robbery for the clovers

    Also, not sure if new legy spear might need mystic coins for crafting so, suggesting mc conversion or exchange might not be a good idea.

    And you guys keep repeating the word "planning" and I kept insisting,... some players don't plan for stuff and they start doing it after it's been made available for unlock.. not everyone reads patchnotes, teaser videos, trailers, official streams.

    When I mention mystic clovers, you guys argue to your last breath as if mystic clovers is the end goal of legy crafting.... If a player want to finish legy, there are tons of other stuff gob, goe, tribute, legy gift that will definitely eat up the time resources even if player plans to do it or not plan and start doing it when it arrives... 

    Whatever... You guys would just read the comment , throw away the core idea of the comment and keep repeating whatever you wanted to say 😒

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  7. think most of u guys didn't understand the actual essence of the post...

    non regular players who cant anomaly kill everyday, most players who hate fractals, raids, wvw and play only open world pve, and with already deficit of clovers by using it on legy starter kits... and many more other scenarios where clovers are hard to come by..

    and I'm not asking for the clover reward i suggested to be permanent.. i'm just asking for this , since the new expansion being hype toward spear weapon proficiency being all class access and spear legendary fast forward crafting.. either its gen1 spear or gen4 spear... just that one season extra clovers not gonna hurt...

    and im not asking anet to handover a complete spear legy in wizard vault...

    and moreover.. crafting a legendary weapon does not only involve just the clovers.. its just one step of the many... many material sink, gold sink, time sink,.... its not like if anet makes option for 77 clover for one season, it would just affect everything or just invalidate the legy crafting process... there are too many hurdles like gift of battle(which is an entire reward track in wvw), gift of exploration mastery(which is a painstackingly long exploration in tyria), mystic tribute(which involves so many resources) , specific gift of teh legy weapon(mat sink) and precursor collection(exploration but fun), material sinks...


    Im not asking anet to give GOB, GOM,gift of legy wepon,precursor to be given in wizard vault those are the stuff that involves player participation mainly to prove ones dedication to legendary... Im asking for clovers in exchange of Astral acclaims... not hard.. doesnt hurt anyone.. clovers are account bound


    IDK why people just want to argue for the sake of arguing and try to kill an idea/request at the earliest possible opportunity ... blegh!!!

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  8. 54 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    You better disable emotes too so they don't T bag.

    And disable jumping too so they don't hop over your defeated character.

    And disable running around in circles so they don't draw circles around your defeated character.

    And disable running in straight lines too so they don't draw crosses over your defeated character.

    On second thought... disable all movement because you know they'll just use the ability to move around to draw phalic pictures on the ground.

    pls stop derailing....


    • Haha 3
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  9. current reward structure gives only 20 clovers(per season - 90 days)...

    gen1 spear need 77 clovers

    gen4 spear might need more than 20 clovers

    If new expansion introduces a new legy spear and it requires clovers or players decide to craft gen1 legy spear, they might need extra help to fast track their legy crafting and enjoy the spear on all classes(stat customizable and experiment)


    not everyone will plan ahead and start collecting clovers from

    1) 10 from fractal npc(which need fractal currencies which some players might not participate in)

    2) 10 from raid npc(need raid currency)

    3) 5 from strike npc(if players don't play regularly they wont have required amount of green shards to get it.. or even totally forget the npc weekly)

    4) 5 from WvW npc(idk if everyone checks out this npc)

    5) Miyani and Lyhr - they just plan to do daylight robbery(and mystic coins are very hard to come by, with very less sources and the prices for mystic coins only rising up every season I guess.... now its at 2 gold per mystic coin)


    If at all players that do plan to make legendaries, they use clovers often and it runs dry so fast...


    so my request... give 77 clovers in Wizard vault just for the upcoming season.. so players would engage in game to earn astral acclaims to get the clovers and other stuff they want from the vault


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  10. My point of view is this:

    It's a game where players participate to have fun, a good time, a good competitive experience, the adrenaline rush, the battle of wits, mind games, skillful control of the character

    What gives a bad experience to the player:

    When your own teammate, ally whom you should co-operate and work together, describes your efforts as worthless, and tries his best to ruin your day as best as he can by whatever means possible, even unnecessarily dragging your parents or loved ones in the toxic statements. 

    My suggestion:

    Don't let even a single possible way for a player to focus his negative energy and express it towards other player that is irrelevant to the game. That can create a chain reaction and the player at the receiving end would try to pass the negative feelings on to others in the next match or leave the gamemode

    System that can totally shut out the possibility of expressing ones negative feelings can stop it from spreading among players.

    Some rough, quick ideas:

    1) Why even show the players name to each other? Why not generate random names for players to see during every PvP match? Example : krug, scuttle crab, gromp, wolf, raptor 

    2) why even use 'team', 'map' , 'party' channels when you can just use the minimap pings with shift+ click on objectives to inform teammates whether to defend, attack, backaway, regroup,....

    3) every PvP match should be totally anonymous and no way of knowing a player , or their char name, accnt name... 

    4) if a player finds a certain ally to be fun to play with in a team, they can invite to party for next matches (already existing feature) and if the other player accepts it, they can see each other names, char name, accnt name and they can chat however they want after the match


    I might've missed out some stuff... But the point stands... A certain playerbase like me hate to play PvP just for these reasons I explained above.... Since anet has PvP in its scope now for upcoming expansion and plans to make it popular and attract new players to participate in the game mode

    I'm expressing my views to anet to consider this situation and make plans accordingly

    If you guys deny these systems to ever be present in PvP, then playerbase like me would not be motivated to participate in that gamemode

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  11. 22 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:


    ... now you can pretend you're doing great.

    this ^


    8 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    Considering I used to jump outta planes at cruising altitude and can clean automatic weapons blind folded, not to mention having the know-how to take down an entire building, amongst other things... kitten right I'm cool, and you can rest assure they all very proud.

    what is this? who asked for this? ^ so cringeeeee!!!!

    when I clearly said


    Note: when I mention 'you' I don't point to you in general

    with an underline...

    I implied it at everyone who entered a pvp match and insults thrown at them in pvp chat



    First of all you are making a mountain out of an ant hill and apparently are abusing the report system while you're at it.

    maybe you guys who play pvp often, grew the thickest of skin even a dolyak would lose in terms of thickness and u are all so proud of that thickest skin... but Im a player in gw2, and im sure im not the only rare species who hates the thick skin and if anet wants to attract playerbase like me, they might want to implement such systems that i suggested or.. closer to that.. If anet doesnt want suc ha player base to suffer in pvp scene, they can just ignore it... I will just dip fingers in pvp only during pvp rush only for the rewards and not for the actual pvp enjoyable experience i receive during wintersday snowball mayhem, keg brawl, crab toss,.. where i actually enjoy pvp with otehr players...



    .. whatever .. dragging these conversations are not constructive at all...

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  12. 3 hours ago, Ehecatl.9172 said:

    All three of my rangers have different naming schemes. My mushroom Sylvari uses Irish names as if his pets were other Sylvari, my Charr ranger uses descriptive names like Sootmouth and Joltwing, and my Sylvari Untamed gives his pets silly names based on noble titles like Baron von Barkbark, Sir Smokesworth, and Lord Quiverbottom.

    That's too much dedication... Now I'm not gonna make another Ranger ever...

  13. 6 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:


    You can create a new chat tab, go to its filters, and uncheck everything. Boom, all chat hidden, now you can pretend you're doing great.

    What you're saying is, you're walking in a street where some people know you and some are strangers,(imagine in irl)when someone is calling out your name and shouting (for all of them in the streets to hear) (map chat, team chat) all bad words to belittle you , your family and your loved ones , you would just plug your ears and walk as if nothing is happening with a big grin on your face and your head held high? Wow ... What a cool person you are!!!! Your friends and family would be so proud of you!!!

    Note: when I mention 'you' I don't point to you in general

    Imagine that situation with a PvP match...


    Except that in irl, law enforcers would jump in and get the situation under control... Here, the report system is kappa


    Don't try to come up with 'get thick skin' , 'its just a game' or some other nons***e ... The idea is to bring more players and make PvP popular and all players enjoy playing it, that's why I suggested to disable chat for all players and replace it with action pings

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  14. New Face and new hairstyles would definitely motivate players to create new characters and improve character slot expansion sales

    (Side note: they should mention it in trailer, or teaser preview or somewhere for players to know that new face option is available in char creation)

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  15. I think, what makes players complain about the mob difficulty is how much healthpool they have and how often they can spam a cc skill. Or how often they can repeat the annoying skill like evade, break target, go invuln.. mobs should have longer cooldowns on those skills.

    Low level enemies should not have these unique mechanics coz they usually swarm the players and spawn often... But

    If veteran enemies have these cool mechanics, players will like it... You won't see 10 Veteran enemies spawning in a single spot, so they can't overwhelm the players with spamming cc or evades or new mechanic. Veteran enemies are usually isolated in parts of map . Even for meta events, for every 20 low level mobs, we see only 1 or 2 veterans, so it's totally okay to let veteran enemies to have their cool mechanics.

    Other than that, if mobs have their own cool mechanic, players will actually spend more time exploring open world

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