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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Posts posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. i was just curious of the fact that they made 3 interactable egg items.. not one, not two, but three interactable egg items and u can take 3 eggs from that(one per each interactable egg).. and u cant take any more than 3.. got me curious.. maybe thought i missed some lore about a 3rd scion and he could be dead b4 he hatched or something..

  2. when u play the mission "Dragon's lair" in Guildwars 1... there are 3 dragon eggs... first one could be vlast, second aurene, and the  3rd a mystery dragon?

    or when we fight glint for the bonus objective, did the main character steal the 3rd dragon egg and did something with it?

  3. yes.. this bug is concerning.. not just holosmith.. but i fear these kind of bugs might be affecting other class specs too....

    Imagine a new player whose character having a disadvantage over someone else's character(created early) having an advantage in-terms of weapons's dmg , trait proccing , skill dmg.. even though both players using the same weapon of same rarity and same build..


    could be anything... example: untamed ambush skills creating less than normal amount of spores or no spores for dmg, ele pistol not applying the dmg modifiers, ranger mace5 skipping some hits, or could be affecting the old weapons for professions b4 soto.... this is wild(this sentence is just an example.. dont quote me or reply based on this sentence)


    hope they fix it soon.. before it blows over

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  4. If rathalos were to be introduced as a limited time world boss event, It won't be like tequatl, claw of jormag or drakkar or shatterer... Rathalos won't stand still while we try to give him a pedicure on his left toe or paw... He will jump around, tail swipe, headbutt, breathe fire, swipe, smash, stun us with roar, knockback, knockdown, which are mostly unfamiliar for gw2 players who expect the boss to stand in one place so they can execute their raid rotations in peace. Most probably forums will be filled with "new world boss is hard-pliz Nerf" threads, which will be doing injustice to rathalos... So it won't happen 🙂

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  5. Stealth, in some encounters, help to group the mobs ... So stopping auto attacks by default when stealthed is the best option I guess..can see some stealth plays in HT nm and CM... Also works in some other encounters but not needed much

  6. 35 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Incidentally I don't think they can fix bugs or make balance changes. I'm pretty sure support are specifically customer support - they can see a lot of account data and make limited changes to accounts but they can't edit the game itself, so those kinds of reports would have to be passed on to other departments and then it's in with all the other work they've got to do.

    nonono.. I dint consider GW2 support staff to be devs.. maybe my wordings might've given u a wrong idea that i did.. sry if it did.. X)

    I expressed the emotion that even though we come across players talking about some negative stuff in gw2, when we come across good moments like these with gw2 (customer)support staff, it gives an assurance a sense of confidence in the game....

    again sry if i made a misleading post

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  7. I kinda accidentally reskinned and stat-swapped and salvaged / deleted my "Veilrender" ascended PoF Specialization collection reward item 4 years back(or more i don't remember exactly what happened to that item) and i did something stupid with the "Primma Donna" EoD Collection reward itemas well  and I just recently realized that I don't have those 2 items in my inventory in any of my characters and thought to myself.. maybe give it a try with support ticket and get those unique items back if possible... I first thought they might not have data from 4 years back and if they cant help me, I'd just consider it lost forever.... but then to my surprise, they exactly told me what I did with those two items and gave me some instructions on what to do on my end (to rectify my silly mistake) and they restored my lost items...

    This is really Awesome.. to restore something thats lost 4 years back(or more)

    Even if we have unfixed bugs that are not brought to the devs attention or we hear some grumbling voices  among players about the class balance, It's those moments like these where GW2 support just shines and do the impossible that gives us overwhelming ecstacy, hope on the game and the feeling that we have an invisible helping hand that works on the background behind the curtains that whisper in our ears "its okay... u're fine... we got u.... we got your back dont u worry "


    once again... Thanks to you GW2 support staff.. thank you so much

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  8. Can confirm... The bug is real...

    Can anyone doing the PoF story complete or starting the story on that newly created engineer character by anychance fix the issue? Or maybe starting/finishing soto stories?

    Maybe spagheti codes... Couldn't recognise that u own PoF and there's heat mechanic that controls number of blades and such?

  9. On 4/1/2024 at 8:08 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

    Just take the system GW1 had. Simple and endless.

    Why do something new when something better existed in the previous game?


    Idk what Ure referring as "better" in gw1... In GW1:: Equipment set swaps to different weapons but equipment themselves take up space in inventory slot... Also if u tried to put the weapons in equipment slot and switch between "shield with scepter" and "staff", it moves the shield from equipment bag to the first inventory bag.. so annoying

    • Like 1
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  10. If u find it hard to acquire harrier and minstrel pieces and your immediate goal is just fractals, may I interest you in "giver" stats?

    Giver gives toughness, healing and concentration and easy to get trinkets.

    Think u can get giver stat trinkets from laurel vendors. Giver stats is one of core stats prefix is defenders I guess.


    One thing to note: if u plan on doing raids as healer, your toughness will force u to play the tank role for most bosses... Other than this, givers stat is a good new healer player investment

  11. 4 minutes ago, Mescalina.4701 said:

    So, to be able to select it I just need to get the expansion?

    Think u already have HoT expansion... That's why druid specialization is available. Druid specialization traits selected for a character enables them to wield staff.... For core Ranger and soulbeast and untamed to wield staff, I believe, u have to own Soto expansion and do some 5 mins of story and talk to a NPC named frode to unlock that feature

    • Like 2
  12. I kinda guess where these players are heading towards...

    Expect thread with title : " I don't want skills and elite specializations locked behind exp and levels"

    "Leveling and gaining exp is boring.. I want character to be lvl80 full stats, all skills unlocked all specialization unlocked, the moment I finish creating the character"

    Expect statements like the ones above in the future 🤭 


    Maybe anet shd make branching stories with options(decisions matter) in expansion level stories like how they did core tyria and racial specific storylines... But with same ending so... Players would not feel repetitive and boring to complete stories in expansions... (We do get some racial specific dialog in EOD - the boat travel with canthan fisherman.. but entire branching stories within expansion main story would be fun i guess)But it might consume extra development resources... Idk


    And some players prefer to play mmo where it just shoves tons and tones of pages of text without voiced lines and they hate to press one button to listen to voicelines and.... prefer all NPC standing in same spot without the setting and environment describing the current situation in form of pure text pages .... and hate when gw2 NPCs and cutscenes fit into setting and describe the situation perfectly with voicelines and interactive objects..

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  13. Is it true that relic of peitha procs only once for multiple players using the same peitha relic?

    example.. player 1 procs peitha relic by shadowstepping to the boss(after ~1 sec, the blade is thrown at the boss).. player 2 shadowsteps 2 second after player1 did it... now.. will player2 get the damage bonus from his own peitha relic?

    Im a bit hesitant on using any builds with peitha relic because I heard it from a streamer that the relic is currently bugged and it benefits the first person who procs the relic and whoever else procs the relic within the next 3~4 secs(ICD) will not get benefit from it

    Is it fixed? can someone confirm? i searched for this issue and couldnt find it.. maybe i didnt search deep enough? idk

  14. Let me bump this... Don't hate me for it X)


    I made 3 full set of of legy raid armors.. (and most gen1 weapons and gen2 that has lore) full trinkets except the final ring... Because I'm hesitant that wvw ring doesn't have lore or fun collection and have an unpleasant white glob blob visual on the side...

    And also a glint of hope that we would get a nice ring with collections and stuff ... if enough players ask anet and express their desire


    The point is... There could be players like me who enjoy the game for these kind of lore, collection , journey... Please we need a new legy ring with collections and cool effect...


    Also dungeons and fractals have nice opportunity for lore and collections... tq

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  15. 8 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    she turns her head to watch her pet as if she's checking on it while she's moving.  Hadn't seen that before.

    With pet selected or unselected? Coz characters will keep looking in the direction of the target we selected(ally or enemy or NPC) until we deselect them... If what u described happens without selecting the pet, it sounds so cool.. I'll check that out

    • Like 2
  16. noticed when u walk on mud outside the wizard tower then run inside the tower's white marble, we can notice mud effects until we step on some blue golden pattern tile... the blue gold pattern tile removes the mud effects.. first i thought the mud effects came with the baggy cargo pants but then it works on all boots and pants...


    have any of u guys noticed any other similar or different subtle interesting graphical effects? in new soto maps or old core tyrian maps, instances in racial cities? ...

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