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Posts posted by idolin.2831

  1. 6 minutes ago, xFanityZx.7254 said:

    why making cunfused ikon if you don't have guts to write? a forum is most for asking for tips or somthing not only making ikons jees or is this forum for only 24/7 players that's talking kitten on other players

    Yeah ignore them, it's just 1 person reacting with confuse. If you don't have the latest expansion (SOTO) it's okay, builds like soulbeast or dragonhunter are still good. As the other person said, look on guildjen, mukluklabs, snowcrows, they're all good enough at least as a starting point.

    • Confused 1
  2. ANet should have statistics on Deathless Courage vs Tyrant's Momentum usage after the change, I wonder what it looks like. I actually tried taking Deathless Courage for a while since it's good for zerg diving situations where the aegis wouldn't be enough, but I eventually stopped doing that because boonball meta is too strong for zerg diving to be worth it, especially vs semi well comped groups. Since then I went back to Tyrant's Momentum. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  3. My experience fighting against cele mace/axe/sword/shield mallyx herald is that they're a sitting duck, little mobility and very susceptible to focus since there's no stability. Both cele vindi and cele renegade with shortbow seem to be much better offensively and defensively. 

    6 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    Not sure what kind of build this is, why cele with hammer and greatsword? They are both power weapons. You're probably better off running shortbow instead of hammer there. 

    • Like 4
  4. 4 hours ago, AlphaReborn.1567 said:

    It could be kind of cool if they could make it where in addition to Facet of Nature on Glint already increasing boon duration, if it also DECREASED condi duration when active by some percentage. 

    Oh yeah good idea, or bake that into Elder's Respite. I can't stress enough how bad shield is when there are more than 2 enemies involved, you're caught out of position so easily. Back to sword it is.

  5. 1 hour ago, Yasai.3549 said:

    In my sword discussion thread, already covered how weak Swords have become for Revenant. The GS even post nerf stands strong as Revenant's defacto Power weapon for competitive due to how hilariously trash Swords were made with multiple repeat nerfs that never got compensate when Incensed Response and Herald finally got nerfed. So now we're stuck with bad weapons nerfed due to an Espec's dominance and now that Espec has been nerfed too. Nonsense balancing.

    WB also has the ultimate middle finger: Elite Invul that resets all their mobility skills. And now they also have an instant finisher with baked in evade. Balanced class. 

    Yep you're not wrong, if I do come back to power herald I'll probably have to slap on shield when running alone. I'm only able to run sword/sword when I run with a group. But even then its effectiveness can't be compared to WB, I can generate downs much quicker on a WB. 

    On a side node, what do people think will improve power herald as a roamer? Off the top of my mind there are a few ideas:

    - Better cleanse 100%, though not sure in what form. More cleanse when legend swap? Cleanse on using consume skills instead of heals?

    - Either buff incensed response or sword skills (better damage on sword auto, instant sword 3 similar to smoke assault, faster cast time for sword 4). 

    - Unroot shield 5. That root is kittenous to say the least.


  6. On 4/25/2024 at 1:27 AM, Yasai.3549 said:

    Other classes still have existing cheese Power builds that can 100 > 0 Cele builds because they didn't get hit as hard as Revenant ever was due to their weapon design. Revenant on the other hand got the super short end of the stick due to weapons either being clunky, made clunky or losing all damage outright due to "balance" (Staff 5 for example) 

    WB comes to mind, honestly it's so hard coming back to power herald after you've tried WB. Better single target damage, better cleave, better cleanse, better sustain, comparable engage (sigil of rage + JI only lose out to phase on cooldown) nope I was wrong, phase being available every time you swap into Shiro feels a lot better. The most obvious disadvantage is it lacks good hard CC, a reveal which is honestly so clutch when it comes to fighting thieves, and probably ranged damage based one what people are saying about hammer. Honestly though I still love revenant mechanics more than guardian (legend swap and energy management), and if they manage to buff herald damage, either directly through sword skills or might generation (which I prefer), I'd definitely consider coming back. 

    Edit: I lied, not too hard to come back if you run with people. After ~3 hours of solo/smallscale roaming with GS/sword sword, definitely enough damage, GS makes up for a lot of cleave damage sword/sword don't have. Lacks cleanse as usual, kiting is more important than ever, but of course roaming in a group helps hide a lot of its weaknesses. I can't give up sword offhand since deathstrike is too clutch even if just for kiting, but without staff it's quite susceptible to being focused while WB is very forgiving. I still think it's more fun than WB especially because WB damage is PbAoE while herald damage has a bit more range/kiting to it.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Angesombre.4630 said:

    It's not the build that bothers me, but the buffs. On the video, the revenant manages to have some alacrity on his own even though he's a vindicator, a good vigor that wouldn't match the trait, for example.

    LMAO that video is funny, literally a bongo stick. As for the boons you're seeing, they are from the Jade Tech Offensive Protocol and Jade Tech Defensive Protocol. Every class has access to these and I actually recommend grabbing them for open world PvE, takes only 5 minutes or less to get 2 hours of buffs (guide for that is here).


    • Like 1
  8. Huh after more time on Vindi I’m feeling like using sword/sword again, needed the burst damage from it. Also I’m running into energy issue especially when kiting or disengaging, too easy to get stun locked and having no energy to stun break, although that’s mainly a skill issue. Still too unfamiliar with Alliance stance, I don’t manage energy well with it plus can’t keep track of if Luxon or Kurzicks stance is active yet. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Yasai.3549 said:

    You mean the one where Contained Temper was changed from being a Fury source to Energy refund?

    I've already made my opinion on it: It's a good change but a really flaccid one. 5 Energy in competitive is a joke and 15 Energy in PvE is decent but whatever. I would make it 10 Energy in competitive and 20 Energy in PvE or else it's just a bandaid cost nerf refund which basically takes a trait slot and "fixes" a bad change they previously made.

    Do I have enough Fury uptime? Absolutely, I still do. This is mainly because your on-swap already gives near permanent Fury if you are running Durability Runes and are playing Revenant as well, a Revenant and swapping frequently to keep the pressure up. Contained Temper giving Fury only mattered to me back when Incensed Response wasn't nerfed into the dirt. It helped me quick stack 20 stacks of Might on Core together with old Fireworks and offhand Axe + Forced Engagement. After Incensed got nerfed and Rapid Flow just being all round better for gameplay QoL anyway, I kinda never cared if Contained Temper even existed for me. 

    The biggest deal with Invocation these days is that you are now allowed to run Glaring Resolve or Rising Tide because Salvation pretty much got hard buffed to become Revenant's saving grace defensive anti condi traitline. You could still run Cleansing Channel to be extra safe but trust me between Devastation's Resistance on Movement skills and Salvation rolling, you're fine if you play properly, leaving you with either a Stability source to counter CC spam or just good ol' extra damage. 

    How do you have perma fury? Invoker's Rage in Invocation only gives 5s of Fury, even with Dura/Surging runes (15% boon duration) it's only 5.75s.

    Edit: For my vindi build there's Riposting Shadow in Shiro and Scavenger Burst in Alliance that give fury. Almost enough to keep up fury, I think my main issue is I linger in Alliance for too long. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

      Retribution was the classic choice for short bow & staff Renegade roamers and PvP enjoyers for a while... 1,2,2 when Dome of the Mist used to provide 6 seconds of projectile block at WvW after casting a heal. plus some resolution on evasion and vigor on succesful dodges plus some damage mitigation. Then these effects were nerfed and Forced Engagement was remade going from one target at 1200 to five targets at 600 and finally was reverted to a single target but only 900 range...   

       I'll be clear here: I have a main Rev with 8 build slots, another Rev with 4 and another one with 3; 7 of them are WvW/PvP builds, only one of those plantiffs uses the Retribution traitline and is not in the most succesful or favored  build of my taste. Some builds are power, some are condi/hybrid, and some are tanky; even in that last case, I prefer Invocation + Salvation over any combo with Retribution. And I'm not the only one: Spudzie, Pseudo, Esufer, Kickazz... I don't remember seen recent videos of Revs running that traitline.

       By the way, had some WvW roaming and dueling this afternoon running a pure power Vindicator build; taped some of them, I'll upload a couple of them in the next hours...

    Ah okay, I only look at Retribution in PvE. It's way worse in WvW and with Vindicator, makes sense why nobody is running it.

    Looking forward to the videos, I'm having issues with going defensive. Right now I'm just spamming dodges and heals and Tree Song.

  11. Few things after a long session:

    - Feels like when running Salvation/Invocation I do need Death Drop. Damage difference is significant enough.

    - Shortbow is super helpful, as soon as you run into an opponent who can kite well you're dead. Sword/Sword has sword 3 and 5 but Shortbow is probably more versatile, and the added CC is pretty nice.

    - Staff is nice as always but it kinda scuffs your damage too much, at least if we run pHerald, Glint still has an a CC and 2 damage skills. With more frequent dodges and added sustain from Salvation, I don't find myself missing staff (as much as I thought I would).

    - My defense absolutely sucks. Any tips for defense, e.g rotation, how to kite, etc.?

    Overall I'm enjoying it. The skill ceiling is there the potential is there. A bit difficult switching to a new build after 5 years but it's more fun than I thought, especially the frequent dodges.

    • Thanks 1
  12. @Buran.3796 yeah I run Swift Termination instead of Dance of Death. If I swap Salvation out for Devastation, the damage increase is quite noticeable. But the cleanse and heal and reduced damage taken on dodge seem too good to not take too. I'll probably try both out, but given how condi builds are the bane of my existence, I'm leaning towards Salvation for now.

    How's the damage of the build you linked? I see you're not running Incensed Response either, is having little to no might a problem? Surging + Rapid Flow solve the movement speed problem though, I've been feeling pretty slow on my Vindicator.

    As you can see it took me 4-5 years to get over the fact that pHerald isn't as viable anymore, legend swaps don't stun break and we no longer have perma 25 might. I'm sure I'll struggle a lot this weekend too, but at least I'm enjoying Vindicator gameplay. Couldn't say the same about Renegade...

    • Like 1
  13. @Sereath.1428 yeah that's a good point about Herald. What Invocation traits do you go with? I'm not sure if I should take Spirit Boon + Song of the Mists or Incensed Response + Rolling Mists.

    For runes I'm thinking something like firework, surging or scholar, but not sure how important boon duration is. And what about relics?

  14. Hey all, just returned from a 2-year break, and I've been looking for a good power rev build for WvW roaming (since I just prefer power over condi/cele overall).

    I used to play power herald but recently I'm just helpless when it comes to condi builds. I used to be able to deal with condi back before the big update in 2020 but since then I don't have the damage to finish them off anymore. I see that Salvation is quite popular now, more cleanse more sustain, but I'm unsure about the missing Devastation and losing damage. So what are some ways I could make a power build work?

     - Would Salvation/Invocation/Herald and GS/Sword+shield work? Helps with cleanse, but I'm unsure about the damage loss since we don't have Devastation.

    - The alternative is going for Vindicator instead of Herald, but we lose out on fury. Also if we take Alliance can we swap Salvation for Devastation or is Salvation still mandatory? This is what I have in mind, although I'm still unsure about fury uptime and the second weapon set.


    Also any tips regarding Vindicator gameplay is welcome. I've only played Power Herald since 2018 so I'm totally blind when it comes to Vindicator - for example how to cleanse efficiently, chain evade, heal (I see both Alliance heals are 1.5s channels), how to burst, etc.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Like 1
  15. As for the TubbyTwoTon (TubbyEatWorld) mention, if you watch him, pay attention to how he times his burst (usually legend swap to proc hydro sigil and Shiro F2/Sword 2) - for example after the opponent's dodges, defensive skills, or in the middle of some vulnerable skills. He also has a habit of going defensive right after doing a burst by swapping to staff or dodging out and kiting, watching for the opponent's reaction. I fought him before and his burst timing and defensive timing are impeccable, especially the former as he was somewhat able to make sword/shield works, while I can never let go of sword offhand.

  16. A few things about the build:

    - Staff is a strong defensive and utility weapon, I usually swap to it if I feel like I will get pressured (Reaper going into Shroud, Warrior going into Rampage, Holo going into Photon Forge, etc.), or if I run out of cooldowns on my other weapon set and want to kite. Shortbow + Mace/Axe feels a bit too offensive imo.

    - As for energy management, GuildJen's build uses Charged Mists - which resets energy to 75 when swapping legend if your current energy is below 10, so made sure to exhaust your energy before swapping legend. And if you manage to do that, 75 energy is a lot, it allows you to use some weapon skills and to do a stunbreak (Shiro or Jalis), and you can turn on the upkeep skills if needed. And of course energy management isn't easy, it will come with practice.

    - Shiro is quite strong in WvW. Phase Traversal is probably one of the strongest skills in the game - it teleports you to the target, through terrain and line of sight, as long as there is a valid path, it's 1200 range, and gives you unblockable and quickness. Riposting Shadow is very costly but also quite good - stun break, evade, some condi cleanse, and endurance gain. You should give it a try - imo it's better than Mallyx for WvW.

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