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galen ubal.2807

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Everything posted by galen ubal.2807

  1. Had a different idea last night - note, I'm just spitballing here.I'm presuming that this coming episode will be a bridge to the next expansion. I'm also guessing with Primordus and Jormag napping, we're not going to be messing with them. They're not an imminent threat, and killing more dragons, as far as we know, would be Bad*. The deep-sea dragon? Maybe, but again, killing dragons is bad. I'm going to guess that the next episode, and the next expansion, will have little to do with Elder Dragons.Now, there's lots of dangling threads (where the hell are Jory and Kas?), but one I haven't seen addressed yet is Taimi's imminent death.There's one possibility, that Taimi gets herself a shiny golem body. It's certainly been hinted at, I think, but...Instead, we get the hint that maybe Taimi can be healed/fixed, somewhere in the world. That opens up a personal feeling quest, to hunt down these clues, wherever they may lead, to find the process/elixir/machine/whatever to accomplish this. Previously unknown magic in Cantha, the Charr homelands, the Far North - whatever.Cantha opens up a few more possibilities. With Zhaitan gone, the sea lanes should be open. But Cantha, last we heard, was wildly xenophobic and racist - remember, that Emperor kicked out as many nonhumans as he could manage. So we'd have to travel there, encountering multiple folks and lands along the way, and the next expansion would be convincing the Canthan empire to change its ways - perhaps with an overthrow of the Empire with the aid of some of those folks we encountered earlier. And maybe Bubbles will pop up to add a complication to the mix...Or it may be that no new areas are involved, and the whole "fix Taimi" storyline takes place in areas we've already been. Anyway, that's my thoughts. There's other possibilities as well, of course. *Assuming it doesn't turn out that Aurene can contain multitudes...
  2. waves Assuming this is the guildy I was talking to...I run windowed, have the same graphics card he does (nvidia gtx1070), and haven't experienced this problem.
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