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Posts posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. So, as pretty much any engineer main (and even non-main) knows, turrets are hooooot garbage, with maybe an exception for thumper in PvP and healing turret. A thought occurred to me -- what if we gave turrets the same treatment gyros got? Let's take the AI out of the question, and make turrets about enhancing your character in some way.

    But turrets can't (and shouldn't) be the same as the gyros. Gyros were converted into wells. What would be a reasonable conversion for turrets? It hit me -- signets!

    It makes sense in my mind. Each turret should become an enhancement of some sort. Passively, they could add extra damage/conditions to your regular attacks, and when activated they greatly increase their output. For examples:

    • Rifle turret (passive) fires a regular surprise shot at your target every 5 hits. Rifle turret (active) adds a surprise shot to every attack for the next 10 hits. Cooldown for 30s.
    • Flame turret (passive) adds burning damage to your attack every 5 hits. Flame turret (active) makes all attacks deal burning damage for 5 seconds. Cooldown for 30s.
    • Net turret (passive) adds cripple to your attack every 5 hits. Net turret (active) makes the next 5 hits deal 1 second of immobilize and blind. Cooldown for 45s.
    • Rocket turret (passive) fires a tracking missile that dazes every 10 hits. Rocket turret (active) stuns the next 3 hits. Cooldown for 45s.
    • Thumper turret (passive) does PBAoE damage every 5 hits (450 radius) around the engineer. Thumper turret (active) knocks the target enemy down for 3 seconds. Cooldown for 30s.
    • Supply crate and healing turret are the tricky ones that I can't really work out. I think healing turret should just become healing bomb that passively regens, but I'm not sure about supply crate.

    Some of the toolbelt skills still need to change (Rocket turret and net turret in particular are bad toolbelts), but this change would not affect the toolbelt, and I think it would make the turrets far more valuable than their current state.

  2. . I also recommend listening to
    while you read this post.

    New weapon: Longbow

    (with animations to play it like a stringed instrument ala Musical Lute)

    • 1 - Strum - cone-shaped auto-attack, does more damage to nearby enemies and grants random boons (quickness excluded) to nearby allies
    • 2 - Chilling Note - Notes emanate from the engineer, causing weakness and chill to enemies, granting fury to allies
    • 3 - Propaganda Speaker - Poisons and bleeds enemies, grants might and swiftness to allies
    • 4 - Megaphonic Yodel - PBAoE knockback, burning damage, 1/2s windup, roots, 300 range
    • 5 - Power Chords - Grant might and quickness to nearby allies, slow and confuse nearby enemies, roots engineer

    Elite Mechanic: Disc Joc-key

    • Replaces F5 skill
    • Engineer temporarily "jockeys" target enemy's mind (Champions/Legendary Excluded) for 3 seconds, turning them hostile to their former allies and friendly to former enemies. All damage dealt by jockeyed enemy injures their former allies, and all support helps their former enemies. Capture point contribution continues as normal.

    New trait line: Banjoneer

    • Top line focuses on supporting allies (healing/boons)
    • Middle line focuses on increasing condition damage output and condition damage variety
    • Bottom line focuses on enhancing elite mechanic (increasing time jockeyed, increased damage of jockeyed enemy, etc)

    New skill type: Loudspeaker (basically shouts, just slightly different)

    • I leave these for your mind to fill in, but I'm picturing a "battery charge" resource meter for these, similar to revenant energy. While one loudspeaker is active, its effect continues until battery runs out. Battery is recharged by toolbelt usage. In theory this could also apply to disc jockey.
    • And they're shouts. Just with a different name. :tongue: *
  3. I've voiced this in other threads, but I realistically see three different elite specs that fill a niche that isn't already filled:

    • As someone else mentioned above, plague doctor is a logical choice for Cantha. It fits engineer thematically, it fits Cantha thematically, and would fill a niche that engineer isn't strong in (ranged condi).
    • A sound specialist focusing on support through shouts (or boomboxes) with ranged attacks. This one doesn't fit Cantha quite as much, but who's to say technology hasn't advanced there as well?
    • A trick-shot archer (ala Green Arrow). This would fit Cantha thematically, and would be a more "physically" oriented engineer. However, it would probably be hybrid damage.
  4. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @"juno.1840" said:Also consider that using skills well takes practice and many non-engineers will have no clue what to do when hopping in a golem suit. Same scenario with conjured weapons, siege golems, the old warrior banners, etc.. Even the Asura elite skill with massive c/d... nobody uses it, and I doubt anyone can recall a single skill from the skill bar (ref:

    Yeah, this is a problem across the entire game, and I kinda wish there was somewhere you could go to familiarise yourself with those skills. For instance, I'm pretty sure that Signet of Humility wouldn't have needed to have been nerfed so much in competitive modes if there was an arena somewhere where you could fight as a moa and properly learn the skills (it'd probably be a lot less effective if more of the player base knew how to use the skills).

    It took me a long time to figure out that 5 skill was my best friend as a moa.

    Often the way, although I have seen times when the right move was to just yolo and keep fighting as a moa.

    Oh absolutely. I've downed a number of people by spamming that 1 key after getting moa'd. I always give a "bawk bawk" as a cheer.

  5. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @"juno.1840" said:Also consider that using skills well takes practice and many non-engineers will have no clue what to do when hopping in a golem suit. Same scenario with conjured weapons, siege golems, the old warrior banners, etc.. Even the Asura elite skill with massive c/d... nobody uses it, and I doubt anyone can recall a single skill from the skill bar (ref:

    Yeah, this is a problem across the entire game, and I kinda wish there was somewhere you could go to familiarise yourself with those skills. For instance, I'm pretty sure that Signet of Humility wouldn't have needed to have been nerfed so much in competitive modes if there was an arena somewhere where you could fight as a moa and properly learn the skills (it'd probably be a lot less effective if more of the player base knew how to use the skills).

    It took me a long time to figure out that 5 skill was my best friend as a moa.

  6. Looks like a decent hybrid build. The only part I think could use some change would be Rocket Turret -- it's just an underwhelming skill in general. You'd be better off with throw mine for more control, less of a cooldown, and boonstrip if you want to keep the explosives theme.

    If you don't care about the explosives theme, hidden pistol is a good racial skill. It's toolbelt is pretty sweet too. Flamethrower is a great option as well.

  7. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @"Kodama.6453" said:And I actually never said that we should give
    all boons to everyone
    . But that everyone should be able to share one of the 3 main boons which matter for the group: alacrity, quickness, might.And you would push certain classes out entirely if you do so.

    If all you care about is the absolute optimal team setup, that's unavoidable. Look at the Snowcrows raid guides, for instance. You won't find elementalists or engineers in ANY of their optimised team setups. Not one. There's a necromancer in Soulless Horror, but that's in there purely for Epidemic.

    In practice, though, plenty of groups succeed without having the optimal team setup, since usually as long as you have the essential functions covered, your DPS is sufficient, and people know what they're doing, that's good

    You're never going to finagle a situation where the optimal 10-man group is one of each profession and one extra. It's just not going to happen. What you can do, though, is make it so that if a bunch of players get together with a random set of professions, there's a good chance that they'll be able to find some way to make it work.

    This is exactly why I think the "flavor" arguments for each spec/class fall flat. Some specs/classes are always "optimal." Guardian has always been in the optimal setups for high-end PvE. Not once has it been considered "bottom tier." Since HoT launched, Mesmer has always been in the optimal setups as well. Conversely, engineer, elementalist, and necromancer consistently fall into the "least optimal" rotations because we simply don't offer the kind of versatility or utility that these other professions do. Need proof? Go here, and check each of the raid bosses' "optimal composition." Two classes are not represented at all: Engineer and elementalist. Two classes are overrepresented: Guardian and Mesmer.

    We're not asking to become THE primary source of these boons, but to have a chance to be let in when people aren't completely min-maxing. The trouble is that frequently groups get held up in LFG waiting for a specific build/class which is almost always chrono, healbrand/quickbrand, or alacren. This is a problem because it stymies the diversity @Lan Deathrider.5910 is arguing for. If I could show up in a group looking for a healbrand or alacren and say "I'm not this, but I can give you some quickness and/or alacrity," impatient groups would be willing to give me a shot.

  8. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @Vagrant.7206 said:The other factor is that if you're using rocket leap and stuns to access party quickness, you're inherently reducing the ability of healing builds to provide party quickness. I still think alacrity is the better choice, and to open it up to healing builds. That said, I don't fundamentally disagree with the idea.

    In principle, I think it is reasonable for a quickness supplier build to have to make a few sacrifices to get there. Healbrand would be better at pushing bars up if it didn't care about Quickness. Heal scrapper currently runs pistol/shield, which I'm guessing is for the blast finisher on shield, but a heal scrapper using a hammer would still have medkit, elixir gun, and mortar available.

    The bigger problem, as commented above, is that it simply doesn't work against bosses unless they have their defiance bar up.

    It runs shield for three reasons:

    • Overshield trait provides AoE protection with shield skills and enhances protection's effectiveness.
    • Both shield 4 and 5 have hard CC's.
    • Shield 4 double tap can blast fields.
  9. Several things engineer could use:

    • A weapon intended to be used at max range. Pistols and rifle are both best used in close to mid range, no weapon is designed for max range. Our ranged kits are also best used in close range due to their laboriously long flight times.
    • A core, main-hand power weapon.
    • A support-oriented spec.
    • A means of dealing with projectile hate.

    What engineer does not need:

    • More AI. Gyros were absolute garbage until they deleted the AI, and turrets are still a joke.
    • More melee-focused specs. Scrapper and holo are both melee-focused. Most core weapons and kits are optimally used in close range.

    Several ideas spring to mind to fit these themes:

    • An alchemist elite spec (using harpoon gun), focused on team support through transmutations and concoctions.
    • A sound-based elite spec (using shield mainhand or shortbow) that provides support through shouts, chants, or a boombox, cuz why not.
    • An elite spec based off of the Green Arrow (using shortbow or longbow) that uses specialty arrows, with unique devices for team support/dps.
  10. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Vagrant.7206 said:To put it simply -- very few people play scrapper in PvE. Even fewer play it in high-end PvE, and almost nobody seeks out a scrapper healer, even though it's a solid choice. It simply doesn't have a place in PvE, and could use one.

    Scrapper isn't played for one simple reason: it is a tank spec in a game that doesn't need tanks.Hence why people are using the spec for support builds instead, even if the big majority of traits in scrapper's trait line doesn't provide anything for that playstyle.

    Spellbreaker shares the same problem, but worse since warrior/spellbreaker can't support realistically. Meaning that the only role available for spellbreaker would be dps and it gets outperformed by berserker in that role.

    What we need to fix scrapper in PvE is an actual reason to bring tank specs instead of forcing these specs into playstyles they were not intended for.

    Tanks aren't necessary in most PvE except raids, where chronotank was still the superior option over scrapper because it provided team support in addition to tank. Scrapper literally only offers "tank."

    So I do agree with you -- there's not much reason for tanks in the first place, but when there are, scrapper still gets outperformed because it's only good at one thing.

    If full pover dps decicde to use it it will be 2s+1s so you need 3-5dps Scrappers to keep it up perm (asumming thay hit all stunes) (hammer stun is 20s)or 2 Scrappers but only to both of them, and ratcher dificulity and cd will not allow to perm stack it

    @Vagrant.7206@draxynnic.3719@Kodama.6453@Taril.8619@Blood Red Arachnid.2493

    what you think?

    I learn more towards using Damage Dampener and the F-Gyro because they don't really have a purpose right now. The traits you're referring to could use some numbers changes, but are otherwise useful for selfish DPS/CC-oriented builds. I don't want any particular set of traits to be too useful because it leads to balancing situations that chronomancer and mirage ended up in -- where there was no alternative for ANet to take but to hobble the builds.

    The other factor is that if you're using rocket leap and stuns to access party quickness, you're inherently reducing the ability of healing builds to provide party quickness. I still think alacrity is the better choice, and to open it up to healing builds. That said, I don't fundamentally disagree with the idea.

  11. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @"Noah Salazar.5430" said:Which is pretty much just repeating something I've already acknowledged. Survivability helps a support build, because you can't support if you're dead, and it's usually more important that your supports stay standing while you can generally afford to lose a DPS or two. Scrapper still isn't support-oriented, though, although it does have support options.


    Missing the point. Scrapper still isn't designed to be support. You're just trying to slap on something that's OP as a bandaid to close the gap.

    And yes, I've been pondering it from a balance perspective and, yes, it would be OP.

    Just because it isn't designed to be support, doesn't mean it doesn't work well that way. Scrapper simply doesn't have a place in high-end PvE aside from being a great healer and cleanser with nothing else to show. Healbrand (Quickness), Alacrity Renegade (Alacrity), and Druid (Fury) occupy unique positions that everybody else wants in their high-end PvE supports, so it would make sense to give scrapper access to team support through quickness or alacrity, as those fit the theme of Scrapper.

    I personally lean towards adding alacrity in to scrapper's skillset (such as part of the F-Gyro) or traits (Damage Dampener and Kinetic Stabilizers are not useful as-is) for the reason that alacrity isn't as much of a balancing problem in competitive game modes when compared to quickness. However, quickness might be an interesting addition instead, but it would have to be far more limited. There would have to be game mode differences as well to compensate.

    To put it simply -- very few people play scrapper in PvE. Even fewer play it in high-end PvE, and almost nobody seeks out a scrapper healer, even though it's a solid choice. It simply doesn't have a place in PvE, and could use one.

  12. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    • Toss Elixir X: Reduced cooldown from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
    • Med Pack Drop: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 50 seconds.
    • Orbital Strike: Reduced cooldown from 40 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced power coefficient from 1.33 to 0.9 in PvP and WvW.Nice, but not hugely impactful. The CDs on toss-X and med pack drop are still long enough that this won't make much difference.As for orbital strike, I think all three of the people still playing core engi in PvP and WvW will continue to miss entire groups with the most telegraphed skill in the game, they'll just do so more often. This really feels like a skill that deserves considerably more than a 1.0 power coefficient.But you missed the point. Now we can miss
      several times
      per fight.

    That is literally what he wrote, tho.

    As for orbital strike, I think all three of the people still playing core engi in PvP and WvW will continue to miss entire groups with the most telegraphed skill in the game,
    they'll just do so more often.
    Apparently I was too drunk and missed again.

    Go have some more elixir B.

  13. @UNOwen.7132 said:First, if theyre permastealthing, that means their teammate is fighting a constant 1v2. Abuse that. Ignore the DE for the time being (youll deal with them later), and focusfire on their teammate. Now that Core Necro was nerfed, even bunker builds wont be able to survive that 1v2 for very long.

    When paired with a very tanky ally (IE Spellbreaker with lots of CCs and rampage), it's absurdly deadly.

    @UNOwen.7132 said:Second: A thief cant reach permastealth (or stealth for very long in general) without revealing his approximate position to you. Sooner or later, he will have to drop a smokefield, and start spamming leap or blast finishers inside. Once again, abuse that. Chuck some AoEs in there. Hit them with cleave. Or put a condi-pulsing field on their smoke field. The build is pretty miserable at dealing with conditions (moreso than even regular thief is), so their choices are either drop out of stealth after wasting valuable cooldowns, or die. In general, condis are very effective against them (and condi is better than power in general right now).

    Well aware of that. The teleports are what make it difficult to keep track of them. Deadeye in particular can stealth right after a dodge. If you combine a dodge and a teleport, you'll lose the enemy.

  14. If any of you have played enough time in the FFA arena, you may realize what I'm talking about: The troll builds that are nearly permanent stealth and teleport everywhere. Even with anti-stealth measures, some are nearly impossible to catch up to. By themselves they're not necessarily a massive threat, but they can be really dangerous if you aren't paying attention or you're outnumbered.

    In conquest, their ability to pester and annoy was constrained by the fact that they struggled to cap points. But in team deathmatch, they absolutely excel. They're able to +1 targets with relative impunity. It's deeply unpleasant to fight against. If you aren't fortunate enough to have frequent teleports and anti-stealth measures in your build, you may never win against people who run these builds. It's extremely frustrating.

    I don't have a solution to offer, just wanted to call this to attention -- in this particular game mode, they're exceedingly irritating.

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