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Posts posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:the only thing that should be nerfed is sindrener and people like him that make these builds - builds that have existed forever but I guess the sheep will flock.

    if I was him I would be dead already from asphyxiation due to laughing overload.

    Literally nothing in this game has existed unchanged since launch.


    October 18, 2016 - The block duration of this ability has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.November 15, 2012 - This skill now blocks for an extra second.August 28, 2012 Game release - Gear Shield has been added to the game.

    I suppose technically it's been changed. In the sense that it was returned to its original form.


    October 15, 2013 - This skill now has a range indicator.August 28, 2012 Game release - Smoke Vent has been added to the game

    (And yes, I am messing with you. I get your point. Core engi just has a lot of outdated shit in its kits)

  2. @Sigmoid.7082 said:Is the PW build making people that mad? ?

    For me the problem isn't isolated to thief. It also includes mesmer, rev, and ele builds that are particularly heavy on evades and can stall captures for very long times with specific skills.

    Part of the problem is that, unlike blocks, there's not much you can do while an enemy is evading. There are a few, very select skills (primarily AoE CCs) that can effect evades, but they're rare and usually on long cooldowns. Evade is effectively an invuln in most cases, so why not treat it like an invuln? :smile:

  3. @Zexanima.7851 said:

    @VoidNard.7206 said:PVP game mode is objectively bad. The people who defend the quality of this game mode are those who enjoy playing the most broken builds. Theres no point in playing structured pvp other than to farm the legendary armor. After im done that, im never touching that disgusting game mode again. Imagine being a new player and trying pvp for the first time. Part of the reason pvp is getting less popular is because the game mode sucks. The game was made around WvW and pvp but the devs are creating a different game. Before you say anything, yeah im bad at pvp, and that is not a valid point. Just because i suck at a game mode doesnt mean its not objectively bad.

    PvP in this game
    be fun but you have to not take it seriously, even ranked. It also helps to have others to PvP with. No, it's not balanced. The PvP system is kitten. WvW is just about as bad. The combat is fun though and professions/builds are interesting. I think I'm with you though, after I've farmed my back piece I'm out.


    Don't take it seriously in the slightest. Just try to have fun with it -- be goofy, try weird stuff.

    Oh, and turn off chat.

  4. @Dante.1508 said:Wow these people.. I guess Holo Engineer will be another unused class like Chrono in pve soon.


    @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @Exalted Quality.8534 said:what is your obsession with nerfing holo? do you have repressed memories of being violated by a holo or what?

    I'm fine with buffing Holo too. I just don't think instant cast hard CCs are fine. People should be able to see attacks before they happen, at least if they do a decent amount of damage/CC them in some way. Same thing with healing skills like Healing Turret, Troll Unguent, and False Oasis. They are difficult to interrupt because of the 3/4s cast times while other weaker healing skills often have 1s cast times. It doesn't make much sense imo.

    Bruh, are you talking about holo, or mesmer and thief?

    @shadowpass.4236 said:Lock On is just straight up overpowered. Long stealths like Toss Elixir S should have an interruptible cast time like Mass Invis because 6s every 30s is already nuts. Etc. etc. I'm not going to say everything again. Again, I didn't think Elixir U stab duration should've been nerfed and it should be added back in as long as some of the other stuff gets addressed.

    Bruh, the clip you shared shows you stealthing like five times. Lock On is only "OP" if your build relies on stealthing a lot. I think ranger stealth needs some nerfing.

  5. @Curennos.9307 said:

    @Vagrant.7206 said:This build is particularly toxic when combined with deadeye. Frequent stealthing, stuns/dazes/knockdowns... it's just genuinely difficult to escape.

    Dodge the Mark and you're pretty much set.

    Hard to do when the thief is stealthed.

    Then dodge the follow up. Mark is one of the biggest 'oh boy an attack is coming' in the game.

    Or draw on your knowledge of how thief builds and initiative works to exploit whatever they had to give up to get that stealth. I believe in you.

    The smart ones typically do a three round burst first.

  6. @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:also it would be nice if arms had a useful grandmaster.

    I always thought Modified Ammunition was the weirdest GM trait in the game. It relies on the enemy having more conditions to do power damage. So if you spec condi, you don't get the benefit, and if you spec power you don't get the benefit. Only way you can get the benefit is if you spec hybrid (which isn't that good) or have teammates.

    Juggernaut is just garbage if you don't camp flamethrower, and incendiary powder is just... meh?

  7. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @"Crozame.4098" said:

    Hell, let's throw in
    to compare against. Prime Light Beam is a single, unblockable CC available twice as often as Rampage (untraited). It can do a lot of damage, but won't instantly kill most opponents without some serious buffs. The
    skill on Rampage (prior to the patch) could do almost as much damage as Prime Light Beam, and that's only one of the five skills in the package.

    Seriously, lol. OMG... SO holos dont use other skills to chain their CC. only wars do funny.

    We're talking about elite skills. This is all on one skill - Rampage. Don't forget that warrior can chain other CC's on their main bar if they drop out of Rampage.

    Hell, let's throw in
    to compare against. Prime Light Beam is a single, unblockable CC available twice as often as Rampage (untraited). It can do a lot of damage, but won't instantly kill most opponents without some serious buffs. The
    skill on Rampage (prior to the patch) could do almost as much damage as Prime Light Beam, and that's only one of the five skills in the package.

    Hell, photo forge has 5 skill and also has 4 other F tool belt skills, and burst skill only has one, thats 9 skill compared to one/two if spellbreaker. really good comparison bro.

    Yeah, because photon forge is the elite mechanic, not the elite skill.

    bruh, you are comparing elite skill to elite skill, why can't i compare elite mechanic to elite mechanic lol

    That's called a

    you comparing rampage to PLB is red herring.

    They're both elite skills.

  8. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @"Crozame.4098" said:

    Hell, let's throw in
    to compare against. Prime Light Beam is a single, unblockable CC available twice as often as Rampage (untraited). It can do a lot of damage, but won't instantly kill most opponents without some serious buffs. The
    skill on Rampage (prior to the patch) could do almost as much damage as Prime Light Beam, and that's only one of the five skills in the package.

    Seriously, lol. OMG... SO holos dont use other skills to chain their CC. only wars do funny.

    We're talking about elite skills. This is all on one skill - Rampage. Don't forget that warrior can chain other CC's on their main bar if they drop out of Rampage.

    Hell, let's throw in
    to compare against. Prime Light Beam is a single, unblockable CC available twice as often as Rampage (untraited). It can do a lot of damage, but won't instantly kill most opponents without some serious buffs. The
    skill on Rampage (prior to the patch) could do almost as much damage as Prime Light Beam, and that's only one of the five skills in the package.

    Hell, photo forge has 5 skill and also has 4 other F tool belt skills, and burst skill only has one, thats 9 skill compared to one/two if spellbreaker. really good comparison bro.

    Yeah, because photon forge is the elite mechanic, not the elite skill.

    bruh, you are comparing elite skill to elite skill, why can't i compare elite mechanic to elite mechanic lol

    That's called a red herring fallacy.

  9. @"Crozame.4098" said:

    Hell, let's throw in
    to compare against. Prime Light Beam is a single, unblockable CC available twice as often as Rampage (untraited). It can do a lot of damage, but won't instantly kill most opponents without some serious buffs. The
    skill on Rampage (prior to the patch) could do almost as much damage as Prime Light Beam, and that's only one of the five skills in the package.

    Seriously, lol. OMG... SO holos dont use other skills to chain their CC. only wars do funny.

    We're talking about elite skills. This is all on one skill - Rampage. Don't forget that warrior can chain other CC's on their main bar if they drop out of Rampage.

    @Lighter.5631 said:

    @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    Hell, let's throw in
    to compare against. Prime Light Beam is a single, unblockable CC available twice as often as Rampage (untraited). It can do a lot of damage, but won't instantly kill most opponents without some serious buffs. The
    skill on Rampage (prior to the patch) could do almost as much damage as Prime Light Beam, and that's only one of the five skills in the package.

    Hell, photo forge has 5 skill and also has 4 other F tool belt skills, and burst skill only has one, thats 9 skill compared to one/two if spellbreaker. really good comparison bro.

    Yeah, because photon forge is the elite mechanic, not the elite skill. It also only features one CC that burns a lot of the resource meter.

  10. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Fueki.4753 said:Why not simply have both Reveal and Poison Instead of just one?That was actually my initial reaction to the F5 removal back when they changed it. If they really
    had to
    move it to the purge gyro... they could have just done a combo of the two skills - a poison field that also pulses reveal. Less range than old detection pulse but longer duration and punishes zergs running straight into it. Most would probably have been happy enough with that.

    Agreed. I was wondering why they didn't do this as well. At least it would make some sense.

  11. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @Undo.5091 said:Why is you being unable to kill in a 1v2 relevant (to what Falan is saying)? I’m not trying to be mean, but no one cares about the clip. Holo just isn’t in a spot where it should be nerfed right now — unless this upcoming balance patch can properly tackle everything at once. There are far greater cancers out there in the meantime.

    The point of the video was to showcase how passive and easy Lock On creates massive amounts of value in a fight as well as how completely easymode Toss Elixir S is. In terms of personal performance, Toss Elixir S outperforms a fully traited Mass Invisibility in almost every way possible.

    You literally stealthed about 5-6 times in the course of that engagement, but complain about the holo stealthing once. If anything, Hunter's Shot needs to be nerfed based on what I saw in that video.

    And yes, the lock on sure is annoying for someone who stealths frequently, but that's kind of the point.

  12. @"Ajaxx.3157" said:Rampage is a choice now.

    CC with 2,4 and 5 or Damage with AA or 3.

    But yeah, they OMEGAYOINKED it. lol


    Before this change, Rampage was not a choice for warriors. It was simply an "I WIN" button that you couldn't afford to pass up. It had everything -- damage, mobility, stability, might generation, damage reduction, and lots of CC. At least now it won't absolutely murder everyone, despite only losing the damage.

    @Vicariuz.1605 said:

    @"Tycura.1982" said:I've been asking for this for a good while now. Honestly? Good riddance. Warrior has great elites that were overshadowed by rampage for too long.

    Yeah signet is definitely on par with things like Prime Light Beam, Chilled to the bone, Dagger Storm, Mass Invis, Shiro/Glint elites, Renewed Focus, Strength of the Pack, Weave Self, FGS, etc.

    That redundant 5 might/fury/swiftness really utilizes that elite slot well.

    Bubble also is so good that people use any movement ability in the game, or dodge 1 time, and are outside of its effect.

    Yeah warrior elites are top tier.

    Tantrum needed a nerf, lets not pretend like warrior elites are "great" though.

    Yes let's compare the worst warrior elite to the best elite of every other profession. What you should be doing instead is comparing the best warrior elite (rampage) to the best that every other class has to offer. Pre-nerf rampage put every single elite you mentioned here to shame. Everyone would love to have it available to their class. At the end of the day, every single profession has bad elites. Some simply have no good options at all, while others have only one that is insanely good. Others have a variety of not so bad options.Pre-nerf Rampage did NOT put every other elite to shame and I would absolutely LOVE to hear which professions have no good option of elite.

    Uh yeah it did. It was a core elite that could change the face of a fight easily. It was braindead easy to use, and stupidly powerful.

    Want a core elite to compare against? Elite Mortar Kit. Or Supply Crate. Elite mortar kit still sees some use in defensive builds because it can help with area denial. But it's not a game-changer by itself and very easy to counter (reflects, projectile destruction, simply moving your butt out of the fields, strafing). Supply crate is weak as all get out, you never see it on any meta build.

    Hell, let's throw in Prime Light Beam to compare against. Prime Light Beam is a single, unblockable CC available twice as often as Rampage (untraited). It can do a lot of damage, but won't instantly kill most opponents without some serious buffs. The Dash skill on Rampage (prior to the patch) could do almost as much damage as Prime Light Beam, and that's only one of the five skills in the package.

  13. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @Foshizle.9802 said:Omg yes, so tired of seeing top 25 players being holo mains. And last patch weapon swapping (ooc) was introduced! I think holo should lose the belt skills in exchange for this, too versatile at the moment. Also put a cast time on holo transformation so I can interrupt it, it's impossible to counter this at the moment too, thank you!

    The weapon swap doesn't even work in PvP matches......

    It works on the warm up phase so you can still play some mind games on your opponent...Before: "He's gona play rifle, I'll adapt "this" way"....Now: "I have no f...lamingo clue what he's gona bring so I can't prepare".

    It's just adding to the no-counterplay factor on holo, bring back balance!

    You can just hardswitch the weapon from the inventory too before the game, it literally makes no difference...

    The Holo hate has just become borderline irrational, in the PvP someone wanted to tell me that stabi from Corona scales with amounts of targets hit and here this bs is being made up.

    The stability from Corona Burst
    scale with the amount of targets hit...

    It did for a while, but that was a bug they fixed.

  14. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    It's an instant cast hard cc in melee range. It can also cc people from range as well.

    But, the INSTANT CAST HARD CC is the important thing that you people are trying to draw attention away from.

    As Chaith pointed out, it's not actually instant cast. I've had it interrupted many times, and can't cast it when cc'd. For some reason the tooltip doesn't display its actual casting time. It also doesn't have a visual windup like other CC skills -- and it would be fair to add one.

  15. @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    Sure buddy.

    In melee range:

    Overcharged Shot - 450 range knockback,14s cooldown, no cast time

    Point Blank Shot - 600 range knockback, 15s cooldown, 1/2s cast timeIllusionary Wave - 450 range knockback, 30s cooldown, 1/2s cast timeRifle Butt - 600 range knockback, 15s cooldown, 1/4s cast timeStaggering Blow - 180 range knockback, 18s cooldown, 1/2s cast timeCounterattack Kick - 130 range knockback, 15s cooldown, 3/4s cast time

    etc. etc.

    Overcharged Shot is the only knockback (a hard cc) that doesn't have an animation.

    Are you forgetting a dew details?

    Like number of targets? AoE? Penalties? Cherry-picking data isn't going to convince anyone who doesn't already agree with you.

    Overcharged shot can only launch one target in front of the player and has a self-inflicted penalty. Rifle butt, for example, can hit three targets. Illusionary wave can hit five, as can staggering blow. Counterattack kick can hit three targets and includes evade frames.

    And before you start griping about "holo has all this stability," don't forget that they're nerfing access to stability (again), and that rifle is a core engineer weapon.

  16. @Chaith.8256 said:

    @Jaruselka.5943 said:Maybe they could address the Engineer’s crappy down state skills? We are the only class that has a down state skill that pulls the enemy CLOSER to you when you are DYING. Seriously? Someone was hitting a bong when they came up with that one....

    Makes a little more sense when you consider you can pull and then push with Booby Trap. Don't use the 2 skill to gap close someone unless you have Booby Trap, just use it as an interrupt to those already stomping you.

    The most fun I've ever had in downstate is purposely denying someone a point while I'm downed. They leave me to bleed out, I pull them off the point, they start running back and boom, booby trap launches them past the point. I get such a giggle out of it. Then I get lucky and give them lots of chilled before I die.

  17. @shadowpass.4236 said:@cmc

    Don't forget about Lock On

    1. Two procs on the same trait that do NOT share the same cooldown
    2. 12 seconds of reveal
    3. 14 seconds of fury
    4. 20 stacks of vulnerability
    5. 25 second cooldown

    Don't forget about Overcharged Shot

    1. No cast time
    2. Instant 450 range launch (long duration, hard CC) in melee range



  18. @Aeolus.3615 said:I think it is what this game was ment to do, metas were to describe gameplay strategies backing the old game days, now they are meta if it’s a ovverperformance build/class that player should be playing, but that it’s what gw2 was made for...

    I’ve won some 1 vs 3 and rarely some 1 vs 5 and in some cases player had that pvp thing at the corner of the name, i won?

    Don’t ask me but my gimmick felt it was just stronger, was. 1 Condy spammer vs 5 power classes.

    Pvp here and titles mean nothing, sadly gw2 is known to be a bad pvp game, pretty but hollow.

    @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Playing Holo also gives an unfair advantage and I would like Holo players to be punished. The height of metagaming right there.

    I'm not sure either of you understands what I meant by metagaming:

    The Metagame, or game about the game, is any approach to a game that transcends or operates outside of the prescribed rules of the game, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.

  19. Many high-level ranked players will tell you that ranked is a joke.

    Why? It's pretty simple really. It's chock full of metagaming.

    I'm not talking about the "meta" of builds. I'm talking about people who purposely take advantage of the game's rules to bend the game in their favor without explicitly cheating.

    The Metagame, or game about the game, is any approach to a game that transcends or operates outside of the prescribed rules of the game, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.

    We already have one egregious example of metagaming built into the game itself, known as Duo Queue. You can pair yourself with another high skill player and coordinate with them over voice chat. This allows you to set up incredibly effective spikes or CC chains in an otherwise chaotic game mode. Or perhaps pair a highly effective combo (IE double herald) together. This sort of behavior allows people to bend the match in their favor without actually improving their gameplay.

    But duo queue isn't the only form of metagaming. We've heard of most of the different forms it can take by now:

    • Wintrading - Purposely throwing matches for money or favors
    • Off-hours queuing - Avoiding players you know are threats by queuing during times that they are not active.
    • Queue sniping - Attempting to queue at the same time as other players in order to get paired with them, or paired against weak players.
    • Boosting - Paying a more skilled player or group of players to raise your rank by playing on a low level alt. Similar to wintrading.
    • Botting - Using AI to play a large number of games, can make effective combos when using low-skill, high-reward builds on the AI. A great example are/were all the condi mirage bots running around the last few seasons.

    These sorts of behaviors ruin the quality of a competitive experience, because winning or losing can be determined by who's bending the rules more.

    What's the Solution?

    First, duo queue needs to be removed from solo queue. Either create it as its own separate ranked format (maybe group v. group), or eliminate it entirely.

    Beyond that, there is no simple AI solution to these problems. While it is theoretically possible for AI to detect some of these behaviors (IE Queue Sniping/Botting), it cannot detect all of them.

    What needs to happen is punishment for players found to bend the rules. This requires human intervention -- first to identify the behavior, and second to mete out a punishment. There also needs to be a sliding scale of punishment. Repeat offenders should see heavier punishments. Something like the following:

    • First infraction: 1 week temporary ban from PvP
    • Second infraction: 1 month temporary ban from PvP
    • Third infraction: 6 month temporary IP (or MAC Address) ban from PvP
    • Fourth infraction: One year temporary IP (or MAC Address) ban from the whole game
    • Fifth infraction: Complete IP (or MAC Address) ban from the game.
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