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Posts posted by Vinny.7260

  1. @Luclinraider.2317 said:

    I'm not seeing heal on dodge so I have to assume Marauder's Res. Anyone know if it's Havoc Spec or PI. I know PI used to be insanely strong...havent seen it main for a while...but playing at that level they can make anything work :P

    Given that when he interrupted the Tempest's res a few times with USA and didn't see any Pulmonary Impact procs, I suspect he was using Havoc Spec. (This is based from when I watched the stream live.)

  2. Male Charr, Flame Legion definitely seems rather thematic for an Elementalist- and in fact you could make it an evil Elementalist just because it'd be more fun than a Female Human Elementalist in a black dress dreading society and going: "I'll burn you all to the ground!"

    I did it originally because I like charr, now I do it because of the lore too!

  3. Weaver is currently a mixture of dead and niche. (In terms of actual meta.) The uses for Weaver is currently on par with that of Reaper.

    Weaver is primarily used for Lightning Rod and CC-chaining with Magnetic Shield/Tornado due to the amount of consistent damage and Weakness, which increases the critical hit chance.

    Fire Weaver is still a thing, however it got hit in the face with a nerf to the lack of burn duration currently- it's still functional but you're better off playing Lightning Rod due to the amount of pressure and how much stability got removed from the meta.

  4. I miss the days when Axe 3 was a source of Retaliation for us. I'm grateful we still have Spiteful Spirit giving us Retaliation, but even then I was nervous it was gonna go poof. I like to think that Tainted Shackles could become a Necromancer version of Glyph of Unity for Druid in the regard of retaliatory gameplay for it. Hopefully we can see some of the old play styles of it in the future! But that's a stretch out for hopin'!

  5. @Dadnir.5038 said:Objectively this is not a change that will make necromancers take this trait more. Even without protection the trait's life siphon is strong enough to earn it's GM spot, however there is little to no reason to chose this trait over any of the other 2. The main issue is that the trait do not benefit anything else than Wells and Wells aren't especially attractive skills to stack on your utility bar.

    You'd need to make the Wells sexy to make this trait attractive... It's not gonna happen anytime soon.

    Oh I'm aware the issue is primarily a well-skill issue than the trait itself. I'm just looking at the trait for now before I even consider seeing what kind of amalgam of crazy I can offer for people to read and dream of existing.

    Since playing 2012, seeing traits like Vital Persistence only within the last year or two finally not being a fundamental trait shows just how long it takes for Anet to make a decision like that.

  6. Hi guys!

    I have not been on here for a looooong while, but I've thought of some interesting ideas while casually playing other content within GW2. (Normally exclusively a PvPer- but not even doing matches, just 1v1ing and the such.)

    Let's get into this.

    Currently Vampiric Rituals is a Life Steal/Protection bonus to wells but I've began to notice that Necromancer is starting to generate an extensive amount of Protection via traits other than Vampiric Rituals. It's began to make me question whether the Protection part is really useful anymore since we can self-sustain pretty well (hehehe).

    You could argue that the Protection is more focused towards allies since it is in Blood Magic, which is valid, but in many ways we're just over-stacking Protection for allies more than actually being the source of it.

    So my purposed idea is to extend duration of wells by 2s since our wells are intended for duration-based effectiveness instead of increasing effectiveness in my mind.

    Vampiric Rituals: Wells gain reduced recharge time, extended duration, and siphon health with every pulse.

    Life siphon damage: 281(0.02)Life siphon healing: 212(0.02)Duration Increase: 2sRecharge Reduced: 20%

    The losses of not having Protection? We no longer have an entire utility type that grants us the said-boon; but we have more damage and our utility lasts longer and get more use out of it for its primary purpose.

    What do you guys think? For it? Against it? Other ideas? Let's get some conversation goin' about this idea!

  7. @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Dd still has it all, more evades, more mobility, more dazes/rupts, I'll give you blind although blinding dissipation/ineptitude isn't meta anymore.Daredevil does not have more dazes or interrupts than Mirage. Mirage is capable of dazing 20 times in a row with just ambushes; Thief could daze 4-5 times in a row but actually be punished for it. Mirage could wait a few seconds and be able to release another daze ambush and then shatter with 4 more dazes. I don't understand where you get that idea that Daredevil can daze more, honestly.

    Mirage can also be significantly more mobile than a Daredevil due to their, again, ambushes; they can blink 1200 range, then ambush 2 and then Jaunt if they wanted to push a little further. If you're referring to Sword/Dagger Thief, I could understand that but Daredevil itself isn't as mobile as Mirage; granted, Sword isn't meta right now because people are going for a more passive approach towards abusing Scepter's high power damage/strong Confusion/Torment access/clone generation.

    Blinds on Mirage are insane due to the ability to do it instantly. Elementalist can do that once every 10 seconds, but they have to be attuned to a specific attunement; Thief can do it, but again, would be punished if they spammed their blind. You could walk away freely and have a lot of confusion stacked on the torture victim.

    High damage, depends if you're fighting against a heavy cleanse build dd does indeed more damage since you'll only tickle the foe.Axe Mirage does more damage than Sword Mirage in terms of consistent damage; Scepter Mirage does more damage than Sword Mirage in terms of burst damage; GS Mirage is only counter to other Mirages and Mesmers due to their Ambush. All the while, all those weapons can do significantly more damage in around ten seconds than a Daredevil's burst Vault/Bound spam. Even Condi Daredevil wasn't that toxic, it was annoying because it could evade a lot, but it wasn't pressuring remotely as hard as a Condi Mirage does currently. A Power Mirage pressures twice as hard as any other spec in the game purely due to the ability to shutting someone down by evading while dazing, shattering, Mirror Blade-ing, and oh-so-many other things. C'mon, you can't tell me that all of this is fair for a Mesmer to do. I've taken time out of my day to shut down Mirages who legitimately run around flexing because of how 'good they are' at Mirage. Mirage itself is just over the top; I normally don't bother to talk about it, but this is just silly to try to argue. Everyone knows that Mirage is an insanely powerful Elite Specialization. Chronomancer only recently got something to be able to compete with that Elite Specialization again, but it's at least not evading every few seconds inflicting 15-16 torment and 12 confusion. It's just a oneshot build instead.With that said if mirage needs heavy nerfs care to tell me what to do with professions that counter mirage?If a class were to be overwhelmed in terms of being countered, it would be understandable to nerf that class if it were to be countering absolutely everything; everything should have a counter but Mirage manages to be able to be immune to that situation due to how flexible the evade makes them to almost every scenario.

  8. This is the build I've always played when I was D/D on Tempest; this is my way of saying I prefer Tempest for D/D.


    This build is pretty much an even more evasive version of classic D/D; the amount of Vigor you get allows for you to evade really often and sustain a lot more. There are plenty of other amulets you could use to abuse the evasion, but I'm going for what allows for reliability to save effort for other things instead of being paranoid of one-shots. Granted, Chronomancers and Mirages can still definitely do that, but not as bad with the amulet I have on.

    There are other rune sets you could use too; such as Earth Runes for that 10% incoming healing increase as well as the Protection duration boost.

  9. @KrHome.1920 said:I run MH Dagger 99% of my solo roaming time. GS has a much lower skillcap than MH Dagger and is worse in 1v1 situations even against slow targets like Warrior.

    ANet aims to reduce the Thief Dagger autoattack damage which automatically improves Necro Dagger, because D/P Thief is the class against which Necro MH Dagger sucks the most at the moment.

    Dagger autoattack has limited use because of the lack of defense but there are scenarios where it is devastatingDagger 2 in melee while facing the target then run through it while channeling = ProfitDagger 3 precast while kiting -> turn around and face target at the end of the cast -> shroudburst = Profit

    Warhorn 4 is great to bait Warrior autostunbreak trait (right at the beginning of the fight) or to kick Revenants or Mesmers out of their block followed by a shroudburstWarhorn 5 is good for travelling and combined with shroud improves shrouduptime in teamfights a lot (up to 7,5% LF gen per second)

    All in all the Dagger/Wh utility is superior to GS in 1v1 or 2v2 fight scenarios. I'd like to have the autoattack damage buffed by about 15% but since ANet is nerfing a lot of stuff these days the weapon might shine in the future even without any damage buffs.

    Dagger Offhand... is just terrible. At platinum skill level you could simply run without any offhand - it would be the same in terms of usability. Slow, clunky and unreliable.

    Edit: I should add that I run Spite/Curses/Reaper, so there is always a bleed on my target. I get the 20% damage and healing buff of Dagger 2 for free at any time. This is noticable. In addition Curses adds a lot of Weakness uptime which improves melee survivability a lot - this is also important for MH Dagger usage.

    Okay, so I personally believe GS serves a better 1v1 role due to passive reward OOPS. INCOMING NERF.

    Greatsword is better only because of its ramped up LF gain and almost instant-cast pull. Nightfall is cool, but only if you manage to trap someone in it.

    I can say Dagger is a harder version of GS and offers immobilize instead of pull and a life steal instead of life regeneration.

    Now, I'm not saying Dagger is flawless but I don't think it needs many changes as it can deal some gnarly damage when you manage to trap someone in wells or a mass of AoEs. Oh wait, you can do that with GS too. Eh.

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