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Everything posted by Sylphina.7318

  1. Well I didn't do anything with my browser and now it works after years of not working. Maybe someone saw the post and fixed the issue... no clue... but I'm glad 🙂
  2. Haven't been able to look at the homepage for a very long time. So I figured I have to ask.. this is all it gives
  3. So now when we start to get back-skins that can be dyed, can't you look over the legendary backpacks also and make them dyeable?I wan't to display my legendary but I also want a colortheme that matches, and as I have the Ad Infinitum I'm forced to have a blue/purple theme always.
  4. Hey, diffrent tastes. I need a set (if it looks good ofc duh...). Armor design from AN is alwasy a hit and miss. I still like this part and it goes in line with my theme. No, no worshipping - just cool crystal look. Aurene has nothing to do with this, I can't care less for Aurene just give me a nice crystal shimmering armour!
  5. As I also mentioned, I never stated they shall be in the gem store - they just need to exist.................Also - there is 15 armour sets in the gemstore if not acounted for the weight...... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Gem_Store_armor_sets Whatever the way to obtain a full set I don't care - stop talking about the gemstore already.... But IF they made it to a gemstore item I don't care - they just NEED to exist - that was ALL I was saying!
  6. I never said it should be, just that they "need" to exist - and you are also wrong because there is 21 sets of armor in the gem store. As the head is already released they can't release it as a full set any longer obvisouly.And they can still be released as stand alone parts in gem store like other gloves/boots/shoulders/etc.
  7. I love it Please do the entire armor and why not when you are at it, an skyscale skin!
  8. Just to "have" the elite traits wont give you access to the weapon. Some time ago you was not able to equip a weapon if you didn't have the corresponding Elite traits. I myself got supprised some weeks ago when this was possible so it was obviously changed. Now, it would help if you posted your traits and skillbar! :) You probably do not have the right trait selected.
  9. https://imgur.com/Brw06IPhttps://imgur.com/BoLpZQAhttps://imgur.com/y3IlySFhttps://imgur.com/XBH6Xyshttps://imgur.com/m26qxTm Jora's Outfit presses the chest of the female model, looks very bad..As a gem item bought for money it's very poorly done..Confirmed on other human classes to be same.Did see someone else have it on (I think a tiny norn) and it looked fine. Race: HumanSex: FemaleProf: Revenant EDIT: In a Total Makeover Kit I can clearly see that this ONLY apply to one of all female bodytypes. The first section bottom left body.https://imgur.com/gnyk4kl
  10. https://imgur.com/Brw06IPhttps://imgur.com/BoLpZQAhttps://imgur.com/y3IlySFhttps://imgur.com/XBH6Xyshttps://imgur.com/m26qxTm Jora's Outfit presses the chest of the female model, looks very bad..As a gem item bought for money it's very poorly done..Confirmed on other human classes to be same.Did see someone else have it on (I think a tiny norn) and it looked fine. Race: HumanSex: FemaleProf: Revenant EDIT: In a Total Makeover Kit I can clearly see that this ONLY apply to one of all female bodytypes. The first section bottom left body.https://imgur.com/gnyk4kl
  11. Druid healer/boon support - extreamly easy and also satisfying when you heal up the entire raid.It has it's rotation to keep up 25 stacks of might but is also more reaction based when you need to dash out big heals and save people in general.
  12. I don't say i dissagree or anything, it's just that you play a 8 year old game. I am a day one player and still do dungeouns etc. I have heard these stories so many times and seen the settings for 8 years (dungeouns do not change at all and new ones will never happen as the content was discontinued). That beeing said, I have seen (a couple of year ago) descriptions in LFG for dungeouns people wanting to go slow and they kick the ones that rush. So it's not impossible to have what you want. Just try "boss traning" or "going slow" or something alike, i'm sure you will be very successful with this!
  13. Probably not your turn yet https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104184/a-message-about-customer-support-response-times#latest This is the top sticky....
  14. Considering the rather low cost to buy gems with gold lately, I bet a lot of people have spent real money. That will surely be a priority. I spent 100 euros this weekend..
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