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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. On 2/21/2024 at 9:18 AM, Nepster.4275 said:

    Well, you are mistaken, I don't play mesmer, I like to actually win games so I usually play DH or Holo

    Playing mesmer is a pain, and I rather play something that's actually good

    But reading your responses I kinda feel the urge to go and do some Unranked matches and one shot as many as possible "incapable to play the game correctly" people like you

    Guardian is just broken behind belief, but again none of you should be surprised...if people like @Arken have the ear of the devs when it comes to balance...god forbid, pretty soon, guardians will have access to portable tactical nukes ..and holos, engis in general ...well lol....grenades..that's all. That doesn't detract much from the whole argument about mesmers, except ofc the trusted and overused "L2P" commentary

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  2. On 2/21/2024 at 10:31 PM, Ovark.2514 said:

    Ranger already has obscene amounts of CC it can bring on a build and still be viable.


    Also, glyph of the tides should be a minimum 3/4s cast.

    Also, what's the point of having CC deal no damage when you can use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Relic_of_the_Demon_Queen to circumvent that?

    I pray you never meet a stunlock chrono....you'll cry your way to the uninstall option and this time permanently

  3. 18 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    Just leaving this here:

    The same OP that comes to get mesmer nerfed makes "StOp NeRf ThReaDs" and acts rightful when his class is on the line.

    Not the brightest I see...

    Can you re-read it properly this time?

  4. 4 hours ago, Nepster.4275 said:

    Seems like your backside got one shotten a few times xD

    As for this,

    Guarian has it's passive boon generation+Aegis/AoE which allows for kiting/Ports and leap skills/Utility centered around boons and support

    Necro has high healthpool, offensive condi application(weakness/chill/cripple), minions are more annoying than clones plus they apply their own effects, wider access to offensive damage conditions, traits are usually focused around condi to boon conversion and condition cleansing

    Engi has access to a lot of skills with toolbelt skills which are often instant cast, lot of movement skills, condition cleanse, and if u really want something that has multiple forms of CC then engi is your guy

    Ranger has it's pet which is able to tank for it, or chase ppl to the other side of the map and in a lot of cases contribute CC on their own in fights, huge access to evades and free-cast leaps

    Thief is nowdays hardly can even be seen outside of stealth, jumping in and out of combat while either hitting for 5-6k with each or applying a lot of damaging conditions, evades

    Also, if you would have read the conversion, you would know that I agree that distortion is a good skill and it's more about the defensive use of skills, the point is that if it's taken away we can't do much things since we only have one teleport(blink) the other's are just animation clutters which teleport to target, no movement skills, no condition cleanse in damage traits at all, stealth yes but nowhere near like a thief(either mass invis but we lose CC in that case, or torch in which case we lose the only access to blocks)

    So again, not sure what you are talking about with the blocks and teleports part, a single willbender has more teleports and blocks paired with boons and condi cleanse and also more ways of doing damage, and a holo for example also has enough blocks and CC paired with movement skills that could get you from one side of the map to other

    The problem is not that if distortion is good or not, but that if we lose it, how should we get away from combat

    I reckon you can see the point @Sweetbread.3678 was trying to make. Professions like Mesmer-thief-Necro and guardian, have in-built defensive mechanics even before taking into consideration any trait, gear or weapon, so it's not surprising that the most widespread power and oneshot build belong to these 4 x professions, for the average player is much easier to play a full glass mesmer than a full glass ele, simple reason why for every 10 players playing power......8 will be oneshot mesmers.

    Mesmer players, average or not, have never been forced to be bunker to survive. Still, the choice has always been there: Condi Chrono Bunker, virtuoso, and mirage, have shown us how the average mesmer player can go either full glass or full tank without losing viability regardless of the skill level of the opponent.

    The average player cannot go oneshot ele or ranger or war or rev-herald, without being facerolled almost instantly......and ele/war/rev out of everybody, have 0 effective disengage , nothing beats stealth to disengage from fights when playing full glass, and no problem if you mess up your burst or the target didn't die...just stealth and go again, reposition yourself, drop target...on ele you have those 40-50s CD "defensive skills" and that 1-2s superspeed every 10s..and after that back to respawn.

    And the thing about Distortion, is it behaves like a block when it's instead 100% invulnerable and not semi-like an endure pain or signet of stone, so why mesmers can keep attacking while using distortion? That ability to attack while invulnerable, was removed from elementalist a long time ago.

    When mesmer is not blocking with shield ( now used on almost every build) or blurred frenzy, he's using distortion...then goes stealth to recharge mantra...if low, stealth teleport/blink/use heal..or moa form, all the while the clones keep the pressure on the target. Every fight vs mesmer, it's you being on the defensive for like 3/4 of the time. 

    And it wouldn't be bad if the entry requirement to perform at such levels, where you can be constantly on the offensive...would not be so low like it is with mesmer above all, followed by willbender exclusively as guardian spec, reaper, harbinger and..yeah grenade engies, I include grenade engies, because they're problematic, the old "superspeed ahead while throwing grenades behind your back" gameplay is still there


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  5. 19 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    I believe Anet should institute a permanent 1v1 game mode in PvP. Why? Because I like 1v1s. Also the 1v1 combat in this game is phenomenal and I want a way to engage with it that isn’t Jerry rigging other styles of PvP. 

    that’s is all.


    edit: way it could be implemented:

    first to three wins, rounds have a timer. If timer expires the round is a draw.

    this would also give the option for fairly quick PvP matches. 


    No...just no....absolutely no...just no kittening way!

    The GW2 playerbase is already super atrociously toxic AF! And  a dozen nerf threads  are created as soon as a "self-entitled" pro player loses a 1v1 fight with the only single build they can play. The last thing we need is a gamemode that further exacerbates the prima donna behaviour....it would be like 200 x nerf threads every single hour every day of the week.

    The worst idea ever in last few months! This is a MMO not Street Fighter 2 , there are dozen of buids combos and yes your ( (generally speaking to whole player base) "uber pro skill build", copied from metabattle or from some youtube video, it's bound to be "cheesed" by some other spec.

    All stop with this ego trip non-sense, no matter how much people want to pat themselves on the shoulders, this is a MMO and 80% of any output is build based..the rest is just resemblance of average human coordination in pressing few buttons in sequence.

    P.S nothing against the OP...just his idea is cringe as hell....a 1v1 mode in a MMO...it would bury the whole forum in hundreds of nerf threads every single day due to all the bruised egos, who got destroyed by a counter build

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  6. They have removed the stability trait because...they expect a huge influx of off-hand mace  rangers which grants stability every 20s with negligible cast time:

    • SB - dolyak stance/off-hand mace/SoTP
    • Untamed - FF,/hammer unleash/off-hand mace
    • Druid - Glyph of the stars/Natural convergence/off-hand mace

    In Anet's eyes, rangers will still have multiple sources of stability on every build, and they are strongly pushing full melee power bunker /ranged burst dps sort of gameplay on ranger.

    We all know that mace rangers will be a thing and it will be for melee combat, other options like GS/LB rangers or shortbow condi druid are still viable so....in Anet's eyes this is balance

    • Thanks 3
  7. On 2/17/2024 at 8:59 AM, Oahkahmewolf.6210 said:

    Dude, I can't wait to see how busted my Daze druid build is with hammer. But this isn't a ideal change overall, there's so many underlying issues with ranger that I pefer getting fix then just aimlessly changing things on a whim.

    I'd really kitten wish that the Anet employee would litterally take a 10min-maybe an hour. Disccuss with good group of ranger mains and ask

    "what do you think is needs to get buffed, nerfed, fixed and looked over" or  "these are the underlying problems of X y and Z trait/ability/utility, how can we come to a compromise between the player perspective and the balancer perspective"

    Give em a list, tell them how we feel about A ability, B utility. What ranger lack in certain spec and elite spec.

    I feel like Spec are suppose to have a specific purpose or have a certain goal of design. At the moment I still am baffled with the stab loss and the fact they're adding Damage to Wilderness Survival seems very... odd for a defensive specific spec.

    Not only that but, now you have the ability to cleave not just 2 condi from wilderness survival but 2 if you spec into beastmaster. 4 condi per pet swap switch, and then you have cleansing sigil which clears 3?

    You can cleave total of 7 condi in one go if you really wanted to.


    I personally don't like the heal spring nerf and glyph nerf, but I beleive they're doing this because of Zerg vs Zerg senario, due to when you stack enough of these... it pretty much always cleaves all the condi in one go. Now that they nerf that, I have a feeling Zergs are just gonna bring more of that in to deal with condi pressure.

    Alas I'm still new for Gvg and Zerg fight, but even playing a bit of support druid I can sorta see why they nerfed it. Just they should of add something in place of that like resolution or Resistance pulsing or something like that imo. 

    They haven't got a clue man....I don't even know if we play the same game with these devs or if they are too busy playing Guardian and Necro all day long

    P.S Roaming is of no concern to Anet, they think more along the line of a frontline ranger wvw zerg gameplay, they don't expect pets to stay alive enough to make a difference there, so even if predicted the potential 7 condis clear every 15s with pets alive....it's irrelevant during zerg fights.

    Now for roaming that 7 condi clear will be busted.....but again there are dozens of even more busted specs/trait combos for roaming so...just a drop of water in the ocean.

    In PvP...maximum 5 x condi clear at launch...to be nerfed after few months, and knowing Anet there is a good chance those nerfs will be extended to wvw so yeah, ranger may end up worst than now along the line....been there seen that

  8. 12 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    I think that we knew this after MH sword was changed?  At least, I had the impression that things were shifting to power.  I guess the devs think that ranger players only want to play for DPS now.

    I don't think Anet wants rangers to be anything more than Tower ranger with "yolo burst and run for the hill" sort of gameplay

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  9. 32 minutes ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    Imagine playing ele for 12k hours and still suck on it lol.

    ele is perfectly fine to perform well, if you don’t that’s a personal skill issue.

    yes, you have to press a lot of buttons and sweat your brains out but that’s 1/9 professions who does that.

    you want all the same? Everyone has 2 buttons, a damage and a heal button and the only difference is the colour of the cast? Yay balance!!!

    if you want to play something with less apm then do that. I very much enjoy necro for example myself. I like necro for what it is, and i like ele for what it is aswell.

    “oh no muh hp“… —> learn your skills.

    I'd rather trash "forum Pros" in game than otherwise. My "skill level" it's just fine to do exactly that ....I played the game for 12k hrs let me correct you, and that time was well spent as the mechanic/awareness learnt from wasting time on trash design, got translated to dominating gameplay on other classes...against "forum pros". I am giving recommendations to a frustrated player...the rest can go back to acting pro on the forum...and getting farmed in game sending then salty whispers ..cya

    • Thanks 3
  10. 19 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    ur rite the game automatically kicks your dog if you select ele on the character screen

    Yeah..and you what? play condi rev? renegade pewpew? "immortal" vindicator? ventari something?....I see no ele gameplay from you, it seems you play one of "learnt over a weekend" sort of specs. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    it's like ele players take it as a personal challenge to convince everyone how their class is the worst ever at everything always

    And the ones saying otherwise...never played an ele but base their opinions on the videos of some tryhard guitar hero who play 10 hrs+  per day and happens to play an ele....

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  12. 37 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

    @Arheundel.6451 im not gonna lie. For a "full melee" spec it does hit insane hard on range. (Watching FA catalyst doing over 9k dmg to heavy armor classes while have like 3 immune to any dmg ressources plus 3 Blocks, some blinds but did i also mentioned the Port? xd)

    I'll pay you to show a video of you playing FA ele...no talks...show us a video

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  13. Or you can just stop playing ele...and it's a legit suggestion, stop torturing yourself. You have nothing to prove to anybody, and we play the game to have fun....where ele is badly badly badly designed to say the least, it's just not bloody worth it man:

    • full melee on everything..minus the dmg to justify full melee
    • core sucks.....worst core class in the game, unplayable everywhere...even pve
    • try hard gameplay with full combos required to gain even the most basic boons, where other professions sniff..and get resolution/resistance/aegis/protection etc etc etc
    • lowest health in the game, and while guardian gets +180 HP traits being thrown everywhere...ele gets a kick in the balls...build theorycrafting is a nightmare
    • Only really allowed to play on Tempest...rest is garbage
    • It's just a chore to play....trying hard dodging for dear life even when facing muppets 

    Played ele for 12k hours and was as salty as you are now....then seeing as things were not changing, decided to turn ele in what is supposed to be a "dust collector", playing war/guard/ranger/necro now and couldn't care less about what other say....I have fun....I win...and mostly importantly it's all stress free

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  14. 2 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    warrior hits me for 5749 breaching strike and a 6901 aura slicer. 2 hits more then my entire health pool. all the while it take several rotations and a multitude of skills to land and equate this kind of effect on the battle field. the war was tanky as fuuuck.  Elementalist really got fuucked in its creation for pvp when it was devised.

    Or you can just stop playing ele...and it's a legit suggestion, stop torturing yourself. You have nothing to prove to anybody, and we play the game to have fun....where ele is badly badly badly designed to say the least, it's just not bloody worth it man:

    • full melee on everything..minus the dmg to justify full melee
    • core sucks.....worst core class in the game, unplayable everywhere...even pve
    • try hard gameplay with full combos required to gain even the most basic boons, where other professions sniff..and get resolution/resistance/aegis/protection etc etc etc
    • lowest health in the game, and while guardian gets +180 HP traits being thrown everywhere...ele gets a kick in the balls...build theorycrafting is a nightmare
    • Only really allowed to play on Tempest...rest is garbage
    • It's just a chore to play....trying hard dodging for dear life even when facing muppets 

    Played ele for 12k hours and was as salty as you are now....then seeing as things were not changing, decided to turn ele in what is supposed to be a "dust collector", playing war/guard/ranger/necro now and couldn't care less about what other say....I have fun....I win...and mostly importantly it's all stress free

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  15. The most basic concept to consider with balance, there is the fundamental aspect to consider always where gameplay is involved...and yet it is always omitted from discussions, out of convenience, I am referring to "personal skill level". The reality is that 7 times out of 10, players get outplayed and outbuilded by more experienced opponents....something that people will never admit. In essence, something is truly OP when there is absolutely nothing in your class repertoire to counter or at least neutralise that specific gameplay. People simply refuse to adapt and is far far easier to ask for nerfs/removals....thus the idea that somebody would think the same and only build they play, will and should triumph in every scenario...remains truly ludicrous.

    People are free to play the same build everywhere but....to expect the whole game to bend over, just so you can play against everything with the same spec....


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  16. 3 hours ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

    maybe u can dodge the skills that apply the conditions instead of trying to dodge the condition ticks! hope this helps 💖

    Sure...please count my dodges...2 should be enough against condi reaper, condi thief, condi druid, grenade engi and some other random condi build...all in the same team....all spamming AoE condis in 360 radius area...thank you for the kind suggestion

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  17. 52 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    The thing is.....

    Condidamage is way to high....

    power damage is way to high.....

    the devs are.....     you get it.


    The whole thing needs a major overhaul! the way it is right now is just bland and soulless...       it forces you to look at your boon/condibar wayyyy to much.

    This is cool and all... for veterans,.... cuz they have developed musclememory against pretty much every build and can react to the burst basically with their eyes closed, while typing a whatsapp....  So they have free "mental capacity" to actually look at that condibar.

    But for any newcomer its wayyyyyy to overwhelming..... and one of the many reasons why this gamemode is barely gaining any new players.

    This is where the balance should go..and this is what the devs should strive for now...


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