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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

    I doupt they will. It greatest strength is healing but a lot of its kit roots itself along with others in place so it doesn't really work for anything other than stalling out a fight. 

    I don't think you see the "salt" behind his comment, in WvW, the druid spec is the one with the best disengage and self-sustain out of all ranger builds, as such it's the hardest to run over with your typical willbender/thief gank group or kill with condi BS celestial tank catalyst. As far as wvw goes, Druid is the GOAT of ranger class, it levels the field when we start talking about broken guardian, necro, etc etc. Druid is where the nerf cries will always go, from now on.

    1. Soulbeast has to choose between sustain and low dmg or dmg with no sustain 'tower ranger' sort of gameplay, its current mobility won't be enough most times with the immense mobility powercreep this game now has. If you get away on soulbeast...it's because your enemy is so bad..they can't even use broken specs made for bad people
    2. Untamed is a mixed bag, sometimes works...sometimes fails miserably and overall it has the lowest mobility out of all ranger builds. It doesn't help to have the sustain linked to ambush skills...which have a cast and travel time/projectile, making it extremely hard to land a consistent number on above-average players.
    3. That leaves us with Druid for serious heavy duty roaming, when the map full of try hard gank group made of behind broken willbender, immortal catalyst, cele harbingers or condi/boon bunker mesmers.

    Don't be surprised ever to see occasional druid nerf whining, it will be from the myriad of try-hard on broken/cele immortal builds who got their dreams shattered by some lone above average druid player

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  2. Other than druid, the only thing I see working during zerg fights is the Mace ambush skill, it will be the first no projectile ranged aoe for this class since ..ever. It may not be a dragon's tooth, meteor storm or drop the hammer, but at least it won't get reflected 24/7, between: mesmer's dome, ele swirling winds, firebrands domes/shield etc etc...literally any projectile focused build fails miserably during zerg fight so mace Untamed will be a welcome change from druid healing bot role

  3. 7 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    The build I use was not affected by the recent changes to Smokescale (I don't use it). I also never used the burst skills tied to primarily Soulbeast too.

    As far as I can tell my Gold 3 Condition Untamed build has received no nerfs except maybe Fervent Force being removed. 

    Are people really ditching Ranger over what looks like very small nerfs to a subset of one-shot builds? 

    Like...why this thread? You have been around on this forum forever so.no offense but this seems something made to stir drama. Never seen this forum come out and say :" yes X and Y must be buffed", people only come here to ask for nerfs and everything but their professions is broken OP and if it's not now..it was some months ago or even years ago so...it's still OP

  4. 45 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    Because their damage is so high it only takes 2 attacks to 1 shot most people, so if you have a lapse in aegis, or invuln, and take a big crit while in test of faith you insta die.


    So if you're a Mesmer you can survive with invulns and 2 distortions and 6 mirrors, eles can survive with focus earth 5, but after that they're open to a 2 shot

     The Meta is always evolving, for right now they're doing well against condi, and winning a lot of trades vs power. That's all it really boils down to, along with lots of aegis and invuln 

    It's not the burst the problem and you know that..everybody knows it's not the burst the problem....it's the way the burst is delivered. The way guardian burst works, has been nerfed or removed from other professions and that boils down to Justice's Intervention, all sorts of things have been said to defend this...nothing holds water, the fact remains that this utility allows for unhealthy gameplay, the same one nerfed multiple times on other professions because ...."leaves no time to react?!" .

    Teleport+ DMG/CC

    1. Nerfed teleport hammer burst on Untamed, despite being harder to pull, it was instant but still harder than any guardian burst..nerfed
    2. Nerfed sword+steal on thief....cheesy that full deserved the nerf
    3. Nerfed the phoenix+teleport on ele...by increasing travel time of phoenix and dmg on blast1...along with all other insta bursts

    The question remains: why teleport burst is still allowed on guardian? 

    Enough with all the "telegraphed" BS talk....any chipmunk can start loading a longbow 2 from behind a wall and JI on your sorry head when you're engaged, takes zero effort to do so. And based on same principle, other professions got nerfed..but guardian should get a pass...because

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  5. 12 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    I still don't agree with this line of reasoning, but let's assume I do. 


    Steelman begins here.


    Okay, but then also give specs that have simple kits by design more complicated options to compete with the specs that are already complex.  I can see how one might consider it frustrating to hit a warrior and get 0s for the trouble, but that warrior also has to put up big foghorn noises whenever they do something that is going to hurt you. If you're punishing them for not having many buttons to press, course of action along with that should be a couple of kits with more buttons to press, with less telegraph. If I had a couple of kits to juggle as war, would that justify my burst damage being more deadly and less avoidable?

    Assuming this isn't an argument in the avenue of "this class specifically should be rewarded more in general because it presses a lot of buttons." And your solution to problems like the above is not "just play ele".

    Also, keep in mind complex classes can be played in uncomplicated ways while still being effective. surely there would be tailored nerfing where its due?

    Anet did that mistake already....when they lowered damage across the board and like you, they "forgot" to consider the base differences between all professions. Things like base HP, mechanics and weapons available. These broad applications without clear scope are even worst for the game, it's always the same professions which end up suffering in the end with these broad changes. 

    Lowering dmg on a class with 10k base HP is not the same as lowering the dmg on a class with 15k base HP. With the reduced time to kill, the first cannot afford anymore to go full glass before being outsustained and now it's not clearly possible how you can do dmg while still having enough sustain....the 15k base HP can still afford to dmg without having to worry about HP. These little things tend to break the overall balance on the long run

    Example: this time the playerbase complain about sustain and Anet goes: " we hear you..." and boom, they nerf healing burst across the board and happy is the community...but hey: stealth, blocks, 2nd HP bar, evades are all tools used to avoid death, right? And shouldn't they count as form of sustain?...sadly that simple thought  process never happens and so at the end of the broad change, only few professions suffer while few others become stronger than ever, and this what happen with broad changes.

    In the end these rotating balance principles never get applied equally, they are always some number crunching or trait changes made to please the playerbase for a time.

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  6. 56 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    I still don't agree with this line of reasoning, but let's assume I do. 


    Steelman begins here.


    Okay, but then also give specs that have simple kits by design more complicated options to compete with the specs that are already complex.  I can see how one might consider it frustrating to hit a warrior and get 0s for the trouble, but that warrior also has to put up big foghorn noises whenever they do something that is going to hurt you. If you're punishing them for not having many buttons to press, course of action along with that should be a couple of kits with more buttons to press, with less telegraph. If I had a couple of kits to juggle as war, would that justify my burst damage being more deadly and less avoidable?

    Assuming this isn't an argument in the avenue of "this class specifically should be rewarded more in general because it presses a lot of buttons." And your solution to problems like the above is not "just play ele".

    Also, keep in mind complex classes can be played in uncomplicated ways while still being effective. surely there would be tailored nerfing where its due?

    They tried to add more complicated options to those professions with access to simplistic gameplay and that did not age too well, with each respective playerbase complaining to no end in sight on the forum till that "complex" option got removed or replaced with yet another simplistic or simply ignorable mechanic in favour of fire and forget gameplay. Well, old blight comes to mind....apparently it was too punishing for the necro community, so they complained so much till they neutered it completely, to a point where it's more of an "eye candy" sort of icon than a downgrade...

    The GW2 playerbase has made fairly clear that "complexity =/ reward", but then the same playerbase asks for balance....like wtf?! You simply can't ask for balance when you play something that goes against the very principle of balance = "being punished for mistakes and rewarded for correct decision making", the GW2 playerbase loves to play low risk=high reward specs, so I find it rather hypocritical to ask for balance...it's more people asking for "balance" when considering what they don't play.

    Example: Necro players go on the forum and ask to reduce elementalist aura spam, complaining about eles running mid-point and casting shocking aura on all teammates, rather a funny story given how the same necro player goes mid and casts F1 then spins to win followed by "chilled to the bone" for massive AoE CC on a point. And here you can add the usual "but necro dies when focused blah blah"..like other professions don't when focused too....

    Maybe the GW2 playerbase should stop pointing fingers outward and never inward all the time....if you want to remove easy options from other professions...we should include also the easy options on your class in the list of removal and that is something this playerbase hates to do, no?!

    Even better let's stop with this "balance" talk, it's rather obvious that nobody here really wants it, nobody here wants equality and nobody here wants to be rewarded for their efforts and realistically speaking any MMO would die with that line of thought. Imagine a game where you reward only those people who play 12 hrs p/day..every day, that MMO would not last longer than a year

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  7. On 12/22/2023 at 12:30 AM, Flowki.7194 said:


    There is nothing enjoyable about fighting simple specs that are often face tank friendly. It means you can play flawlessly on an active mitigation spec, but lose/leave the fight on attrition of your actives and dodges. Warriors being rewarded with 0 0 0 for eating a stun, scourges spewing out AOE+shield, gaurds spewing out blocks, and so on.. it all amounts to such specs getting away with bad play, especially in group fights were the brainded mitigation/aoe overlaps.


    In every single game Ive played tonight both teams had a DH, in every match a DH topped damage, for doing nothing other than stand on mid and spam blocks-traps. The DH is just scourge.. brainded area denial which is ramped up to toxic levels if they have the brainded core support at their side. What is fun about being forced to play sides by specs that are under half as difficult, or to face them, and put in 3x the effort/risk to counter such cake mode combos?


    Skill floors need raised on such specs. It is simply better for everybody to punish lack of skill, rather than to reward simplicity at the direct result of punishing complexity. If you lack skill, you can get better.. if the game punished for complexity.. whats the solotion, get worse?

    It's funny how posts telling the truth always get drowned with sad emojis...truly a statement of what gw2 is about.

    "the game punished for complexity" happens when a game studio goes through different balance philosophies when the developer teams keep rotating out of the job. The team who made elementalist and all core classes left anet and they got replaced by "a good class and great results should not mean complexity, on the contrary".......something.... something guardian main  

    Since then we had things like dragon hunter...firebrand...scourge..and I don't need to keep going to get the point across, and the only reason elementalist is even in a decent spot is because an ele main player became an active balance dev. He redesigned many outdated utilities/traits/weapon, so let's be truthful here: elementalist is in a much better place than before he started and the game was in the hands of "complexity should not be rewarded".

    For better or for worst, the game is in this state now and asking to neuter anything at this point would be wrong. The vast majority of the playerbase is used to "never dodge" sort of gameplay and you want to remove it...it's not gonna work, at least not as favourably as you think, they tried already with that by removing amulets, sigils from PvP...and that clearly backfired, it only deepened the chasm between professions at least in PvP, where the fundamental difference in base stats and mechanics, could not be covered anymore with gear.

    No reason to remove tanky amulets when some professions got access to low CD base "facetanking" mechanics like reaper's shroud or evades or etc etc etc. Dragonhunter and CO& is already in the game, and the only way forward is to add something as simple to play to other professions to balance things out

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  8. 6 hours ago, JosephKatz.9375 said:

    They need a role selector when queuing for ranked just like Overwatch. Tank can be equivalent to support due to lack of players. But there should never be 5 side noders or 3 healers on one team. Let us pick roles! Also, get rid of duos in ranked and lock classes on load in so now more counter speccing. Force people to play the class they que on.

    Remove stealth....cut down on mobility including teleports.....reduce CC and introduce low return on both CC and conditions, to finally add brain into gw2 gameplay. Do all that and then we can start talking

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  9. It's mindblowing and sad to look at the mental gymnastic used to justify guardian burst of any kind when similar mechanics got nerfed for less in the past. Chief among these: teleporting burst....deemed by this game community  as "unhealthy" ...suddenly it becomes "good" as long as some professions got access to it. Let's take "judge's intervention"... similar skill got nerfed on ranger...revenant...ele..but guardian gets a pass. Untamed burst...couple of people could make it work in a MAT match...nerfed few weeks later....guardian hammer burst...even a toddler can do it....it's considered balanced and all. The gw2 community never cease to amuse me....

    I am not "offending" anybody, right?!

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  10. On 12/1/2023 at 6:47 PM, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

    Soon, next patch watch 

    No.....it works like this:

    1. Busted in PvP?.....nerfs the next patch
    2. Busted in PvE?...nerfs within 6 months
    3. Busted in roaming/small scale?...nerfs end of summer, in the next 8 months

    So basically, you always need to pray something is worthless in PvP but useful everywhere else...it does delay the inevitable nerfs and at least you have time to have some fun

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  11. On 12/3/2023 at 9:59 AM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Eles always complain regardless of what Anet does.

    Eles complain because there is zero reason for ele to exist in its current state as tryhard class...when rest of the game requires 2 frozen brain cells to run in its full glory! No reason for me to go through more complicated rotation for a mere 5s burning when I can spamm 1 button on a willbender lile you lot. Yeah I can play already other professions (took 1/10 of the time spent on ele) , been doing that for years and that's no reason not to complain...why troll legitimate threads? 

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  12. Overall mace/mace is so good from now ...that we all should be expecting nerfs to come at release, otherwise this petty community would flood the forum with tears. I can only hope the overall idea behind it doesn't change much...yeah mace 5 dmg will be nerfed at 200% just because is actually good..as good as sword was after the rework and that got nerfed so.....

  13. 11 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    When reading this I realize that elementalist shine in the shadow of the vocal playerbase's prejudices.

    You're just a troll with no video proof of any sort...or any proof whatsoever to back up any of his ridiculous meme claims. You're so full of it....most of what you say it's cringy. You may want to add some actual contributing commentary to a discussion if you can...rather than bussing around with your pub jokes to get a few laughs out of the myriad trolls populating the forums

    • Confused 3
  14. Rather than forcing people to go through complex golem benchmark rotations while you have 2-3 players under the effect of quickness on you...... add something simple with immediate effect... as you do for every other class in this game! 

    Having 4 x elements to choose from at any given time, should already give enough of a complexity level....still, this community went and embraced weaver....a complex design on top of a complex design...but that was not enough for you....so you added catalyst and the redundant orb mechanic .....that still was not enough...so now you add a weapon set..slow to start with...then forces the player to chose between dozen of combinations seemingly for the same effect just different VFX with alternative color ...and not content with that, you add another orb like mechanic.....like why at this point CMC why don't you go and add Street Fighter level combos to elementalist?

    1. left-left-down-jump-right-down-F2-down-left-down-F3 to fire a lighting ball.....
    2. up-up-down-down-right-left-jump for fireball
    3. completed 1 and 2 within 5s to get fire/lightning ball....

    You may as well go and do it at this point!

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  15. 13 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

    Ele is perpetually stuck as a class that is 1) unplayable and weak & 2) overpowered unkillable class

    Just depends on who you ask and how good the ele in question is

    Honestly...nobody cares what others think of them in a videogame! Good?...bad?...Nobody cares! All players care is to win...the easier the better, it's all about winning while having fun and this class stopped being fun a long time ago! It's frustrating as kitten to demand people to put effort in the same videogame where another can go and win by pressing couple of buttons on a necromancer. I give zero xxxx what Toothfairy.3333 of whatever think of me over the internet, I am tired as kitten of going through half dozen combos to reach same level of damage as a monkey pressing 11111111 on another class....what asinine game design is this? 

    There is currently zero reward for all the complexity...so why the kitten there is this complexity in the first place? Now they added this cretin weapon design : 2-3, 2-3, 2-3 then go back 3-2, 2-2 d'ho...then a necro with sword comes and press 11111111...yay....what the actual kitten is this kitten?

    I am tired as kitten of this kitten!

    I played this class for 12k hours now, PvP...WvW...won duels,useless pvp titles....and I don't give a kitten about all of that, I would like to  delete this kitten already like a did with beta character just now, kitten so bad this design: you go in..dodge this..dodge that..time attack...count dodges..kite for dear life...then a monkey on a necromancer comes and press 1-2 and you lose 3/4 health if you do a single misstep ...or you go through another half dozen rotation only for a spellbreaker with staff to come and facetank everything while rotating fullcounter, shield stance, defy pain...then I run out of dodges and here comes CC..cc..cc and then bam lose half HP with a single hit!

    Yeah...the usual trolls can go and drown this post with sad emoji or whatever childish comment they may leave....nobody cares , I am extremely pissed right now due to this pistol kitten design: magic bullets going so slow....I can leave the 4th floor..go make a tea in the kitchen downstairs..come back and the magic bullet still travelling....d'ho...meanwhile come necro sword and you get hit by 2 green arcs at superspeed....what sort of game design is this?

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  16. 34 minutes ago, DarkFlopy.8197 said:

    I know I know, was joking around because they are pushing a bruiser type, it's funny because I can even climb to 23k in WvW with only #5.

    But imo the healing on #2 is very low for a none full commited support, it's still beta things can change but for now I am enjoying it and can totally see myself using it in WvW in various roles.

    But I don't feel okay with Force of Nature and Nature's Strength, it feels clunky and not easily obtainable, you need to actually stay on the weapons longer to try gain it and if you miss attacks you are in a situation if you weapon swap or stay longer until CDs are up to try gain it, we already have a 15cd (correct me if I'm wrong) on gaining stacks after usage so even after you used it all and weapon swapped you will return to it with still few seconds CD on the stack gains which might force you to avoid using skills to not waste CDs, AA is very slow so hard to relay on it.

    IMO they should just let AA give you stacks regardless which AA in the chain it is since the weapon is quite slow anyway.

    The positive thing is that it's much better than hammer and general opinion at the moment is very positive. People are happy about the dmg numbers, so I hope they won't go down too much in the future and yeah...the healing needs to be higher and O can see that coming at the expense of dmg on 5 and 3, but can't have cake and eat it too

  17. 23 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Don't see why anyone would continue using in in competitive, even if it does have the smoke field--stealth is far less important for ranger than stab now.  

    If I had guesses you'll see Dog/Bird/Gazelle for Soulbeast, some random tank/CC pets for Druid (because maces, zerging build, etc.), and either random pets for Untamed or continue non-use because why would you put yourself through trying to play a competitive Untamed build in 2023?

    A playstyle choice rather than obligatory and auto-loss if enemy ranger has it and you don't in most cases, based on skill level. Some people hate Untamed..some love it...it offers an essential gameplay option in wvw with lifesteal to bypass ubertanks with perma everything, during group fights...it works beautifully for solo players like me

    p.s The new phoenix plays great, hits like a truck and the dash feels smooth, no delayed animations, I love dashing through enemy groups

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  18. 14 minutes ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

    ok first 

    the mace mace really good ! i really enjoy them 

    only one thing is bad in my opino and that the umbush is 0/10 , should be support and change the animation 

    But why? There is already staff and now we have a ranged ambush skill to pair with staff while still supporting. Ranger needed this ranged aoe for zerg fights..and finally they have it!

  19. Genuinely surprised. The weapon sets feel pretty smooth to play and ....luckily mace off-hand n5 doesn't lock you on the spot which is pretty amazing, thanks for that, the mix of sustain and dmg feels pretty great, cherry on the cake is the ambush skill...a real candy for zerg play. Legendary mace here I come

  20. On 11/24/2023 at 12:44 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:


    No need to think too hard...here I'll give you ...the future:

    1. Guardian/Necro = pistol/pistol and sword/sword will be broken OP in every gamemode...will be nerfed after 1 month in PVP, slap on the wrist, hard nerf after 2-3 months. WvW..these two professions will be even more braindead broken to keep the whales happy
    2. Revenant = yet another snore fest unkillable garbage with broken dmg first 2 months then nerfed in PvP...will be broken for another 5 months in WvW, before getting nerfed further and becoming yet another 1111 revenant build
    3. Warrior=...will be warrior, a subpar revenant/guardian still annoying to fight when in the hands of good players...will be some cheese bunker, nerfed with a slap on the wrist
    4. Mesmer =...just another condi bunker cheese inc or some wvw garbage abused to hell
    5. Thief = just another cheese spec, abused garbage in wvw
    6. Elementalist = just another condi bunker to be nerfed 2 weeks after release, just annoying to fight after...pointless either way
    7. Engineer =......lol
    8. Ranger = Half decent weapon set for half decent performance with half avilablepets (other half will be hard nerfed one week after the rework next week)

    Who am I?...Nostradamus

    Does anybody still believe I can't predict the future? The stream ended up being exactly what expected....although ele pistol is even worst than imagined..lol 

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