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Everything posted by Terrier.8732

  1. @Goldenmouth.3261 Oh, for sure! PPT Early Morning or Nightblobs on any server suck for the overall game. Go get your easy bags! I was more talking about prime time.
  2. Well, that is what happens when people/guilds jump servers every re-link to produce lop-sided, stacked populations. These people are not interested in "fair fights" or a distribution of skill. As long as this continues to happen, the gameplay will not improve. The irony of people complaining about the very thing they create! Imagine that! It's not all on ANet.
  3. This event is still bugged. EU/Piken Square, same time as in this post. Very frustrating as I cannot complete Mistward Armor Collection.
  4. Yes, but why should it be like that? I don't want to hop between maps, and across characters.. I still need to do the Meta in Istan as well. Kralkatite Ore should be accessible and farmable on the map that is it's currency. I am just frustrated that the method supplied by the game does NOT work as intended. It's buggy and extremely difficult.. and it should not be this difficult. (remember, Bjora and Eternal Ice was not even around until a few months ago).All they would have to do is make the Meteor sites active until the next one fell. You can only mine it 5 times anyway, so not as if you could over farm it or anything.maybe off-peak game play is not wanted or desired.. but then.. why make or play an MMO? Isn't the whole idea to be able to play when you want? I am just annoyed.. i don;t think any other collection item has been this difficult.. even Aurora was easier than this, and that is saying something.
  5. Ok, so I am having a bit of a rant here.. BUT.. as an off-peak player, trying to get the Kralkatite ore and Rose Quartz for making Weapons to complete first part of Vision Crafting, this Brandstone issue of A) Spending 10 - 15 minutes waiting between meteors.. and hoping to see them/find them on time; b) having to solo a mob of quite challenging adds, plus whatever else is hanging around the impact site before I can actually use the Multitool "peacefully"; and C) Having the #3 skill work intermittently and not even actually mine the chunk properly..... after investing all that Volatile magic in getting the darned tool...; and D) multitool #5 not even recognizing there is a site to mark, when you are standing right on top of it.... is.. quite frankly... making me pull my hair out.Anet.. pls fix this a bit. Thank you.
  6. I suggest once you have leveled every crafting discipline to max, you can then get unlock on any character as a reward for leveling them all.
  7. Something is still not right. Ping spikes up to 2K+, mass DC's in WvW EU servers, lots of log in issues for both myself and guildies. Hope you guys are still working on it. Must be a huge headache. Cheers o/
  8. This does not even help. I have tried pretty much everything. It's not my rig, it's not my settings, it's not my ISP, it's not even my 280+ normal ping. It's fight/skill lag.
  9. Only 1200-1500? I checked my ping in EB blob fight over weekend, several times, lag spikes up to 5500 -.- Had to RQ. i pressed Alt + F4 before it hit 1600ha! Wise one. I do wonder if the skill "balance" will slow things down a bit and allow those of us a long way away a fighting chance. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  10. I would just like the dots/names from my actual party in a squad to be able to be set as a different colour than blue. Even better if you could choose the colour for the party. Surely that would not increase server load?
  11. Only 1200-1500? I checked my ping in EB blob fight over weekend, several times, lag spikes up to 5500 -.- Had to RQ.
  12. Thanks for the opportunity to comment Anet, and for giving WvW some individual focus in this area. It's great that the skills are split when necessary between PVE, PvP and WvW modes.I'd like to share my objections to the way thief operates in WvW. Recently I've been 1 shotted enough times (from stealth) that its getting pretty annoying. Checked combat logs to find that it truly is one-shotted.. 23-27K+ dmg.. in one shot, from stealthed thief, and then finished from stealth. This kind of abuse of the build really destroys the fun for many people. There is no counter, no way to respond, you don't even see it coming. Running around with 5 or 6 other people in a keep that has been successfully defended looking for a stealthed thief for 10+ minutes, laying reveal traps etc.. is not only annoying, it takes away from other activities. I mean, you know.. if you don't find and kill that guy, he's just going to solo the Lord and flip the keep anyway. Now they use the portals as well to evade, adn I've seen a few hacks into keeps using this too. Those have been reported appropriately by others. It's stupidly OP. No idea whether these guys are using macros on top or what, but it's really killing the gameplay for many people to have this kind of nonsense unaddressed. In PVE modes, I can see the mechanics here would be super useful. In competitive modes.. it's just a killer for morale. It's disappointing not to see this addressed in your proposed changes and I hope that it will not be overlooked.
  13. Wondering if anyone from ANET can answer this?If you spend a lot of time in Armistice Bastion, crafting, checking TP, inventory clean-up etc.. does it count towards your server's WvW population hours?
  14. Piken EU does have quite a few Aussies (6 in my guild and others around also). Yes we have shitty ping, but we still manage to have a lot of fun. Most of us know NA might be better ping, but we choose EU anyway.. Really depends on what OP wants out of the game. If you competitively PVP a lot, then maybe NA is a sensible choice, but if you are looking for a few to hang out with on Aussie times, then EU can be enjoyable. We can all whine about the shitty ping together xD If you choose EU, you are welcome to pm me.
  15. So.. Scholar Aiti sends me a mail in GW2 informing me that my GW1 titles (+ achis/skins etc) have been stripped. Is this a known bug that will correct itself, or should I be jumping up and down in fury??? Sending a ticket? GW1 servers do indeed look to be down.
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