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  1. I'm guessing you are right and they despawn when someone else gets there first.
  2. If the map locations are correct, there are missing nests. I just got to the second zone and half the nests are MIA, nests that I haven't interacted with. This is really annoying, I have been at this for 7 sessions now and no egg.
  3. I also have male and female characters and they are all he and she, none of them are they. And if it was noticed by me right away who has tons of stuff going on in the background while I am playing, then I'm sure it was the same for many other people who are not on this forum. I hate the word "woke" but in this instance, it should have never been done or Anet should have done what BG3 did and put a flag in.
  4. I noticed the change right away. I also have no problem with non binary people but I am binary and don't wish to be called they so I agree with the OP. If Anet chooses to do that, they should have a tag implemented "what do you wish to be called" and then change that pronoun to whatever the player wishes to be called. I'm sure there are only a few who wish to be called they. Baldur's Gate 3 did a really nice job with that.
  5. I can't stand Zojja now. I also can't find a story. I've done several parts and so far, it's close these rifts, save this person, close these rifts, save this person. That is not a story.
  6. My problem is that there is no story here, EOD had a story. So far everything SOTO has been about mastery and events and of course Zojja who I never liked in the first place and in this she is even worse than in the Asura story and if they don't want the "commander" give us another title and not "Oh I had a lot of help from Zojja" who really didn't do anything. No, Frode, I had a lot of help from my mech and my jade bot. That is who I had a lot of help from. And don't get me started on their stupid rng searching for the egg. I have opened so many nests and have yet to find one. BTW, EOD is way better than SOTO. I like the story, I like Rama (voice actor is yum), I really like the mechanist elite spec and the world they created was excellent.
  7. I have no problem paying for SOTO but dang, people complained about the story in EOD and that is a lot better than this. Where is the story in SOTO. Is it hiding in the rift. I can't seem to find it.
  8. I just tried scepter/dagger specter and I finally love my thief again.
  9. I'm running a DH in marauder gear. I have firebrand mostly open but I really like DH with a great sword.
  10. Still seeking the very casualist of casual players. Come chat, bring your coffee and just hang out while in game. No conditions, no inspecting gear, no testing you out to see if you're good enough. This is a game. We're here to have fun.
  11. Wow, so instead of making it easier, they just made it different but it's still the same PITA as getting it the other way. Honestly, I did the griffon. I love the griffon. They skyscale just frustrates me at times and to make an expansion skyscale usable only just makes me more frustrated though I am working toward getting it the old way but it takes forever if you don't have the materials needed.
  12. Dang, I forgot about the parrot for privateer rune. I didn't know about the golem, which one was that.
  13. Bringing to the top so all new and returning players can see it. We are inclusive, discrimination won't be tolerated. We have a good group of people in the guild now. Would love to grow it more. Once we get to a certain count, not sure what that will be, I'll do a discord poll to see what people are interested in doing and then we'll get some groups going if there is interest. For now, just chatting and helping each other out. Need help, we will run to you wherever you are and help. All you need to do is ask. Completely casual. We know everyone has a real life. Taking time off from the game, we don't kick you from the guild until you've been gone for more than 3 years.
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