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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. 4 hours ago, huuof.9231 said:

    Hey guys, I'm playing on a MSI Alpha 15 laptop (Vega 10 and 5600m dedicated), I'm using opensource drivers and using prime to run using the dedicated card.


    I'm using the wine version from this post and with arcdps, and the game freezes after some time. I can see in comments here that this is happening with others.


    I ran the game with debug, and I was able to reproduce the crash, here the logs:

    0046:fixme:msctf:KeystrokeMgr_TestKeyUp STUB:(0000000005C44990)
    0046:fixme:msctf:KeystrokeMgr_TestKeyUp STUB:(0000000005C44990)
    //until here all was good
    0046:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400024
    0046:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400028
    0046:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400024
    0046:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400024
    0037:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400024
    00bb:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x40005c
    0045:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400060
    0045:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400064
    0045:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400068
    0045:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x40005c
    00bb:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x40006c
    00bb:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400070
    003d:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400064
    00bb:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400074
    0037:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400090
    0037:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400090
    0046:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400098
    0046:fixme:esync:add_to_list too many allocated handles, not caching 0x400098
    0046:fixme:seh:call_stack_handlers nested exception
    //errors above repeat
    0046:fixme:seh:call_stack_handlers nested exception
    0046:fixme:seh:call_stack_handlers nested exception
    0046:fixme:seh:call_stack_handlers nested exception
    0046:fixme:seh:call_stack_handlers nested exception
    0046:err:seh:setup_exception stack overflow 1664 bytes in thread 0046 eip 000000007bc92d1f esp 0000000003410f90 stack 0x3410000-0x3411000-0x3510000
    ^C010f:fixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process c2 on event 0
    0119:fixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process 8 on event 0



    it looks like you're hitting your system's predefined limits.


    please try this for a solution:




    (a similar/equal guide is also on the first post/first page of this thread)


  2. 1 hour ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Thank you @Astyrah.4015 and @VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. for the help but i'm downloading Windows again...


    I finally made it work kinda with Lutris again, used DXVK 1.7.2 instead of the newest one because the newest one didn't work.

    And it worked fine for exactly 1 session. After that, all audio became distorted only in GW2, i could play GW2 and run youtube - GW2 was distorted, youtube wasn't. I tried restarting puleaudio, it wasn't helping.


    Not to mention there was still slight input lag.


    I also tried running it with Proton from Steam, i found a way how to do that with Lutris, but that also didn't work. I did set up everything correctly, but esync wasn't working then and eh... Even if it did work, i mean, it would still use wine and DXVK to run, and i don't think my hardware is up to the task to be honest. After a week of trying to make this game work on Linux, i'm giving up, i don't want to try anymore, i'm done. I think i gave it a fair shot far beyond what any sane person would do, it just doesn't work.


    Maybe one day when i get a $5.000 computer i can try again cause apparently my configuration isn't all that supported by Linux, and isn't really capable of running all the translation layers necessary to run the game. It's a shame, but i kinda expected it to be honest. I mean, not only is the system running the game, it's also running all the emulation at the same time so, the audio thing was probably just my CPU throttling.


    Oh well. When i inevitably upgrade my PC, i'll try again. Til then, Windows will have to do and i'll have to give Microsoft all my data. 📂


    honestly, that's fine. like i said a few posts back, it's one of the options you can consider -- that while linux is great, it's not perfect just like windows and macos.


    i do hope your journey in linux though short and with frustrations, was at least worth it and that there was some (or a lot) of learning that was had on your end. maybe you can try again when you have better hardware 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  3. i took a look at the github for the package you are using (AV's/liberodark).


    in your GW2 folder where the play.sh is, go to the bin folder and open the file called user_run (yes it has no extension) with your text editor.


    inside that file is the actual script the author uses to launch gw2 with their custom wine build.

    add the following lines after the mesa stuff and before the "# Launch Command" (in-between basically)


    export DXVK_LOG_LEVEL=info
    export DXVK_STATE_CACHE=1
    export DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH="$PWD/shader_cache"


    the dxvk state cache path isnt really needed but it can be convenient to have all your cache files in one place so you can just purge anytime you wish. at this point you can also add DXVK_HUD there and set it up how you wish.


    adding these lines will allow you to enable DXVK's information log and show you what version DXVK is running at and what GPU it will use on the terminal. we also added a filter env var for dxvk for force it to specifically select your R7 GPU -- this info is based on the vulkan output you provided:


    Device Groups:
    Group 0:
    		physicalDevices: count = 1
    		subsetAllocation = 0
    	Present Capabilities:
    			Can present images from the following devices: count = 1
    				AMD RADV BONAIRE (ACO) (ID: 0)
    		Present modes: count = 1
    Group 1:
    		physicalDevices: count = 1
    			llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.0, 128 bits) (ID: 0)
    		subsetAllocation = 0
    WARNING: lavapipe is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.
    	Present Capabilities:
    		llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.0, 128 bits) (ID: 0):
    			Can present images from the following devices: count = 1
    				llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.0, 128 bits) (ID: 0)
    		Present modes: count = 1


    anyway try the above and see if you still get 5fps (after we force dxvk to look-for/use your GPU)


    BTW: looking at the script itself im not sure if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" is even needed because the file it points to, libpng16.so.16 should already be included in your distro (and up to date as well) and since you're not running MESA drivers im not really sure if the mesa env vars in the script are required as well -- but well, just leave them there i guess :)

    • Thanks 1
  4. like PoF's release we should be getting some new hairstyles, faces and such for EoD.


    ideally for all playable races not just for humans and while i play humans the most, i also play sylvari and asura almost as much and would like them along with norn (norn have it easier since they look like humans, devs just have to scale the stuff up) and charr to get new character customization options

    • Like 1
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  5. 13 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:


    Ran into another weird issue though, i booted up the game and it ran at 3 FPS. Restarted it again and it ran fine but now the whenever i pressed the map, there was a huge FPS drop lol...



    a log output would certainly help to see behind the scenes why this happened. but i would just assume you're building up shader cache (especially if you changed the dxvk version to a newer one) --- but yeah, try to find out what causes this and reproduce it as reliably as you can


    14 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Oh, and BTW, Pop OS is on the 5.11.0-7614-generic kernel, that's the newest one?


    oh that's good. it's a tad bit outdated (we're at 5.12 for the main build) but still relatively new. main/generic kernels only have ESYNC on them but that alone should be good enough of a performance boost for some games (if you're fine with it and it works, then that's good no need to touch it or change anything). custom kernels offer other experimental performance patches added in and generally tune your hardware with gaming or performance in mind.


    19 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Well, i'm going to continue testing tomorrow, it's late now. I'll see what else i can do to improve the overall experience.


    good luck! 🙂

    • Like 1
  6. as Hesione said, many guilds often include Discord or Teamspeak servers where people can talk over voice chat.


    a lot of mmorpgs commonly do not feature built-in voice chat due to the nature of the genre and existing solutions such as the voice apps mentioned.


    built-in voice chat is common on competitive/team/arena based games because of how quick each and every game is along with matchmaking functions that group people together where there may be a need for quick coordination

    • Like 1
  7. 47 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Ok, of all the dumb problems i had ever, this as got to be the dumbest...


    So, i installed PopOS, fresh install, updated it, the works.

    Then i followed Armored's youtube video to set up the OS for the game.

    Installed the game (just popped a backed up .dat file into the directory - screw downloading 50GB! lol) and of course, couldn't initialize 3D blah blah, as expected...


    Then i did some digging...


    Apparently (and i think this was the exact same issue in Ubuntu), Pop was using Radeon drivers instead of AMDGPU driver.

    I followed a tutorial on how to change that, added some lines to grub, upadted grub and...


    It just magically worked.


    I tested Siren's landing, i get 40ish FPS there, very smooth, cities are at 25 fps and WvW is 20-ish at Medium settings lowest character limit. Which was about the same performance i had on WIndows with d912pxy, i wasn't expecting miracles and this is good enough for me! I know my system's limits and that GW2 isn't exactly super optimised.


    The only thing i need to fix now is input lag.

    I get input lag in WvW and while it's not in the "unplayable" levels, it's certainly very disorienting.

    There's a slight delay between me stopping to press a key, and my character actually stopping. Same happens when i change directions, it takes a noticable amount of time for my character to follow what i'm pressing. This gets worse the more people are in the vicinity (even if they're not displayed). I think it also correlates with FPS, the lower the FPS, the more input lag i get.


    If i can fix the input lag, i'd be set, so... The game works now, idk if i need to mess with DXVK or if Armored's package already has everything set up. I'll leave that for now.


    But what about input lag? Where's that coming from and can i fix it?


    All in all, off to a great start, the drivers seem to be working when i switched to AMDGPU, and well, if i can fix the lag, that would be great!


    happy to hear you got it working! atleast we did the work earlier in isolating your issue prior issue regarding drivers and helped you make your new install a much smoother experience (after some minor tweaks)


    as for input lag and delay, these can generally be reduced by turning off your desktop environment's compositor (google it!) and not using vsync when gaming. using performance patches like ESYNC, FSYNC and FSYNC2(FUTEX2) may help as well but these require a newer kernel (a custom one like XanMod that allows for these patches to run) and a wine build that has these patches.


    wine-staging only comes with ESYNC. im not sure if the wine build armoredvehicle ships with his package includes these patches (ESYNC/FSYNC/FUTEX2) but lutris does ship with esync and fsync at the very least. if you want all the latest performance and game-specific patches you need to look at wine-tkg: https://github.com/Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git



  8. 4 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Can i install them in newer ubuntu versions or even a different distro like Pop? Or do i need the specific ones that are for the distro version i'm using?


    i would like to point out that AMDGPU and AMDGPU-Pro are different, the former is the opensource drivers (just like Mesa) and the latter is proprietary (just like the windows drivers) so they may run and you can try, generally speaking they should still work and if stuff breaks you're dead set to re-format anyway.


    for stuff made for Ubuntu or Debian, anything made for these will generally work the same way on distros based on them (like Pop, Linux Mint, Kubuntu, etc.)


    but stuff made for Arch or only available on the Arch repositories for example only work on Arch and Arch-based distros like Manjaro, Endeavour. in this case you need to find a different solution based on your distro (and there usually is after you do a bit of googling)




  9. 55 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    After necro for me is ranger. I don't like necro either. Again you have pets, you have a lot of passive defense with certain traits (check wilderness survival trait line) and is very good from range and in melee. Very forgiving and also very strong. 


    i second this. the basic bear-longbow is actually pretty good for the OP's needs which i forgot to mention initially.


    just spam autos from afar and press 2 (rapid fire) whenever it's available. you can use longbow 3 to stealth and disengage and lb 5 for aoe. can slot in https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Stone for on demand invulnerability and have your bear pet tank for you. the 1500 range from longbow allows safe positioning away from danger.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    I'll try the things you mentioned, starting with a new install (does Pop have a newer kernel?) and maybe try Manjaro as well


    check to see if PopOS has been rebased to Ubuntu 21.04 (which is on the 5.11 kernel) the Pop website doesnt really say but i think it's still on 20.10 which might be on 5.9, you can check if you run it as a live environment before installing OR you can also just proceed with the install regardless and just install XanMod on top of PopOS to get the latest one in. in this case, treat installing a kernel as part of the "installing my drivers" phase


    11 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Thank you for your help again!


    you're welcome and goodluck! let us know of your results and if you ever manage to get it running.


    • Thanks 1
  11. from my google searches it seems that particular line of GPUs have driver and render issues but can be fixed with a little (up to a lot) of tinkering. i do read newer kernel versions have better support for your particular GPU (linux 5.9 and up) and iirc Ubuntu LTS (20.04) is still on the old 5.8 kernel (we're currently on 5.12 now) you can check this with the command

    uname -r


    also side note fwiw, your GPU is internally named something like and should appear similarly in vulkaninfo if drivers are properly installed:


    [AMD/ATI] Bonaire XTX [Radeon R7 260X/360]

    where bonaire is the chipset family.




    few things you can try:

    - the solution i mentioned above on my previous reply


    - install a newer kernel (no need to reformat): an easy one to use is XanMod https://xanmod.org/ and do a sudo update&upgrade before and after install. instructions are on the website.


    - try a different distro like Manjaro (since you're on AMD anyway) they have custom packages (which can break especially for Nvidia) but may work for you since Arch Linux and the distros based on it like Manjaro generally favor AMD hardware.


    - if all else fails. there's no harm in using windows if all your work and gaming can be done there... maybe come back to linux sometime later in the future with better hardware. for all things linux is really great for, it is not a perfect OS just like windows and mac, and the people who say otherwise are wrong. and if you're up for an upgrade someday and giving linux another try, the GPU a lot of people start off with for gaming, at the bare minimum usually is the POLARIS family (AMD RX460~RX580~etc.)

    • Thanks 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    vulkaninfo -summary doesn't work

    it's two dashes "--" but yeah vulkaninfo works too it's just too long.


    i see your issue now


    GPU id : 0 (llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 128 bits)):
    	Surface types: count = 2
    	Formats: count = 2
    			format = FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB
    			format = FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    	Present Modes: count = 4


    LLVMPIPE is a CPU to render device (software rendering basically) which explains why vkcube was able to run (but i bet it wasnt spinning mad/ hyper fast) and why you were able to run minecraft (openGL-software) nowhere in your vulkaninfo output lists your R7 260x radeon GPU. this is the reason why DXVK fails and gw2 crashes


    doing a bit of googling myself it seems you need to use the AMDGPU drivers instead of MESA.


    see these both for more info and a solution (latter) in getting amdgpu to run:








    • Thanks 1
  13. err:   DxvkAdapter: Failed to create device
    info:  Device properties:
    info:    Device name:     : llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 128 bits)
    info:    Driver version   : 0.0.1


    is in your DXVK log which means it's not selecting the proper device to run vulkan with



    vulkaninfo --summary


    and give me the list of GPU's it prints out

  14. 2 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Maybe i should try a different distro, maybe even Pop (even if it's based on ubuntu, it might be still different enough)...


    sure you can try. PopOS is good and so is Linux Mint. one thing good about PopOS is that it comes preinstalled with a lot of gaming packages (including steam) so that might be a plus for you.


    3 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Cause i don't really know how to "manually" install stuff,


    then this is what  ArmoredVehicles 's package is good for. don't worry about it though this isnt about skill we're just trying to find a solution for you. and that package is meant as a ready to use solution. if you wish to try a new distro then do it and go for AV's gw2 package with a fresh install 🙂



  15. 10 minutes ago, Baxuel.3296 said:

    I was curious if anyone has any builds that could be used for leveling that isn't button intensive due to my predicament?


    i can suggest thief for something non button intensive. it is squishy but if you get used to dodging while moving (can all be done with your left hand) and using traits such as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invigorating_Precision combined with Marauder's armour you can survive pretty good out in the openworld


    most of thief's dps rotation is just a 1 button spam to do damage, especially for pistol+pistol open world builds such as http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_P/P_Dash where you just spam 3 and then spam 1 when you run out of initiative and then repeat (there's more you can do for initiative management but you can play it at that basic level)


    with your condition, your only issue might be looking around with the mouse or some other accessibility device but the game's Autotarget option will definitely help in using the mouse less.


    • Like 2
  16. 25 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    I think i messed this up beyond recognition lol. Maybe i should just reinstall everything and try from scratch?


    based on your log for some reason lutris' scripts is not loading even the basic wined3d (direct3d to opengl) from your prefix:


    0144:err:module:import_dll Library d3d9.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Guild Wars 2\\bin64\\CoherentUI64.dll") not found


    with that error, dxvk definitely wont run as well (as you mentioned you did install via script).


    what you can try:


    let's try to resolve this error first (it's not that mandatory but it's better to have a cleaner log):

    0104:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.


    do a

    sudo apt install winbind


    then you can try placing d3d9.dll from x64 folder of your dxvk release archive to your gw2's bin64 folder and force wine to load it with the WINEDLLOVERRIDES = "d3d9=n,b" environment variable. try running it also with DXVK_LOG_LEVEL = "info" environment variable to enabled dxvk's logs. (set your env vars under System Options inside the runner) -- this is all not normal behaviour btw, and we're just doing this bit just to force a workaround and make wine see a d3d9 library -- test and see what happens


    all that said:


    i still suggest trying a "manual everything" method: create the prefix manually install dxvk manually and run wine with gw2 from the terminal without lutris (you can use your own script to run wine).

    • Thanks 1
  17. 10 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    lutris output when running (not playing game):


    do you have "Use System Libraries" set to ON in your System Options (inside the runner configuration for gw2)?


    also on your Runner Options look for "Output debugging info" and set it to "Inherit from environment" or "Enabled" this should enabled logging.


    try running gw2 again and check for errors



  18. 17 minutes ago, vier.1327 said:

    do you really want a head of Primordius/ Jormag as a minipet? 


    this. the current model for primordius is just the head


    see: https://imgur.com/a/HT1M0kI




    they can probably finish off the whole model and scale it down really small (jormag too!) and release them as minis (as a gift to players) during the EoD reveal (first look) announcement day later this year -- july 27

  19. 15 minutes ago, Akethon.5108 said:

    The point is discussing our opinions. All i am saying is that after what they did with Jormag and Primordus will you expectation be positive or are you already thinking that EoD will be just another expansion without anything to offer. 

    Anet probably will give the Tengo as race to feed us for a bit, but that wont last. If you compare what they offered on Guild wars 1 and what they have been giving us with Guild Wars 2 releases it is alot less. 

    GW1 gave us new weapons, classes, maps, story lines, etc.



    i did say that there's a chance it'll be a good one because as i mentioned on my post: icebrood saga started off good but fell flat (and honestly one of their lowest) after they moved everyone to work on the expansion -- so if all the work, creativity and effort that could've gone to icebrood saga were instead utilised for the expansion's development then it could come out great (since arenanet did give us good seasons, like season 4 -- it goes to show they are capable of putting out good content)


    i am generally trying to be optimistic 🙂


    and also about gw1 and gw2, im no game dev but while both were made by arenanet (although with different teams) creating an expansion for a full blown mmorpg (gw2) and creating one for a co-op RPG (gw1) is very much different: from general development to game systems&mechanics to testing&balance and much more. the scope of what needs to be developed and properly implemented for gw2 is much greater than that of gw1.

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