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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @Spie.5024 said:Hi Everyone,In open world solo, I feel like there are a couple of things that I look for in terms of quality of life in builds:

    1. A decent ranged weapon because sometimes it's just nice to have a ranged weapon and it's also nice to be able to kite in case i'm fighting a champion that hits really hard for example. I know Guardians can block for example but I generally prefer kiting. To touch briefly on why Guardian doesn't fit this for me is that Guardians always fight in their symbols so kiting stuff is super punishing when you have no way of keeping them in your symbols other than just making sure you time blocks and running in circles around them.
    2. Some boon uptime (Permanent Fury and Might at the very least, and nice to have for champions are sustain and some form of protection)
    3. I used to include enough CC to break champions or a condi build that can wittle them down but nowadays united waystation can offer ways to break bars solo I guess.

    TL;DR Open World: Class with ability to put out 'reasonable' damage solo (with easy access to buffs) and the ability to play ranged without completely gimping your dps (I'm aware melee always does more damage though)

    deadeye rifle, ranged, self sustaining 25 might and fury, good life steal (invigorating precision), decent CC (via basilisk venom and kneeling rifle 2) -- for kiting you take silent scope instead of premeditation so you can dj-spam while on the move with stealth on dodge -- play it right and you're basically immortal.

    as for damage it can do about 17k average dps when kneeling and doing dj spam on full berserker gear + food with no other buffs other than the 25might and fury you generate yourself -- with full group buffs you can do as much as snow crow's raid build for rifle deadeye if you build it that way.

    For Raids/Fractals:

    1. Versatility: I don't have a preference for DPS or Support as I enjoy doing either. I do however enjoy the idea of having the versatility to have both a condi and a power dps build if it's ONLY dps (and no support build)
    2. Pug Friendly: Be relatively decent for pugging as I don't have a guild static that does fractals so I have to pug my way up for now and thus at some point in the tiers, it will become difficult if people think my class is kind of garbage in fractals (I know this is often perception and can be avoided by a static but for my first class I'd like to be safer if that's possible)
    3. I believe Mesmer and Weaver might be too complex to pick up and learn mechanics on as they are some of the more complex rotations I guess. This is however just a hunch on my end and I don't require the class to be completely braindead.

    Lastly in general, I always loved stuff with low cooldowns or classes with some situational gameplay (adapt your rotation or your skills to what's going on at that moment or what the fight requires - I know this is probably the case for more than one class but I can imagine some dps specs don't care and just go for max dps in raids/fractals all the time).In that regard I enjoy versatility to think about what I need to deal with that situation (reflect, cc, heals, ...) as opposed to just going with the: Here are all my skills, hopefully you died before I die :cold_sweat:

    for instanced content, i know you said you didnt enjoy it but, a good choice is guardian (Dragonhunter or Firebrand) with both specs very much welcomed in t4 pugs or raids. guardian has power dps, condi dps, support, healer builds.

    a second choice would be ranger with soulbeast being pretty good for fractals and druid or soulbeast which is widely accepted in raids as healer or dps respectively. power soulbeast has a meta build that includes longbow use as part of the burst so you have a longrange option as well if you can't melee. ranger has both condi and power dps builds (with soulbeast) and a healer build (druid)

  2. @Vyr.9387 said:

    @"AliamRationem.5172" said:I'd say white mantle or awakened, but what I really wish GW2 would do is stop using dragons, gods and other immortal/all-powerful beings as the villains in their story.

    this. im tired of the main antagonists (and protagonists) being (or are associated to) dragons, deities, etc.

    having the white mantle or joko as the main villains was one of parts of the gw2 story i liked the most (season 3 & some of pof/s4).

    after EoD (and presumably after the last dragon is dealt with) i do hope in the living world seasons that follow, that we face something that isn't a gigantic/god/etc. being and instead face a faction/organization/order/guild as our main adversary

    Isn't it exactly the opposite way in GW2?

    Sure, "gods" supposedly created humans (although I recall only hearing about them
    humans to Tyria, but that can be interpreted in a myriad of ways), and dragons are big and scary, but either party is far, far from intangible, unlike how the Mursaat had fled the scene all the way back.Putting "gods" in quotation, because the Six don't really line up with possessing immortality or being omniscient/omnipotent like what some real world mythologies tend to claim. They're powerful, and probably beyond mortal comprehension, but more akin to, say, Daedric princes of the Elder Scrolls universe.

    Even more so, considering during the aforementioned S3 we're "casually" contemplating keeping the dragons alive. Not afraid whether we can or cannot kill them, the mindset is that they'll get murdered, we're just not sure what will happen afterwards.

    Although, now that I think about it, is there any work of fiction whatsoever - besides perhaps the Bible - that puts a character against a literal omnipotent being? Because, exactly as the Bible shows, it makes for a rather boring story.

    The Handsome Joko was a magnificent villain, though.

    i dont believe/read the bible sorry so i have no idea about any of the stories there. regarding having gods or dragons or some_gigantic_allpowerful_being as the main villain, for me it's no so much about them being intangible, omnipotent or immortal, but it's more like it's gotten boring for me already that since the personal story it's been dragons (zhaitan)... scarlet was a distraction but still dragons (mordremoth), then more dragons afterwards (with breaks in between where we get short arcs about white mantle, joko) and even in the upcoming expansion it's something about a dragon (end of dragon // deep sea dragon) tbh they should've renamed guild wars 2 to "dragon wars" before it launched i was hoping we go back to story arcs that sort of reflect the name "guild wars" -- and it doesnt have to be about humans btw can be anything as long as it's a faction/order/guild/organization/etc.

  3. @AliamRationem.5172 said:I'd say white mantle or awakened, but what I really wish GW2 would do is stop using dragons, gods and other immortal/all-powerful beings as the villains in their story.

    this. im tired of the main antagonists (and protagonists) being (or are associated to) dragons, deities, etc.

    having the white mantle or joko as the main villains was one of parts of the gw2 story i liked the most (season 3 & some of pof/s4).

    after EoD (and presumably after the last dragon is dealt with) i do hope in the living world seasons that follow, that we face something that isn't a gigantic/god/etc. being and instead face a faction/organization/order/guild as our main adversary

  4. @Eventine.8024 said:How can I play thief in PvP? (excluding p/p spamming condi build which I don't like, because I think that "spam builds" are really bad for a competitive game)

    i don't sPvP (prefer cooperative gameplay vs competitive) at all so i can't help you there.

    @Eventine.8024 said:Can you tell me how you play thief, and why you don't play any other class that does the same things but better than thief? (I'm asking cuz I love thief and want to play it, ofc)

    i play thief on most content (dungeons, drms, metas, tier 1~3 fractals pve) because with the initiative system (instead of cooldowns) it's a very simple class to play, the best dps rotation for it involves mostly spamming staff2 and with that i can focus on other things such as mechanics and survival while still pushing out high damage and if i ever mess up my rotation, recovery is very very easy.

    for other content such as raids, strikes and tier4 fractals i play heal firebrand or druid where applicable. since i also enjoy supporting/healing. the only thing thief can do and bring properly to groups is damage. thief cannot properly support or heal because it doesnt have the proper specs/traits for it and with the little supportive things it can do, other classes can do better, much better. which is the sad things because thief can only bring damage, and even then it's not the best at the only thing it can bring -- some classes are better at damaging.

    @Eventine.8024 said:And why arenanet keeps doing stuff like this?tbh i don't know anymore but see this thread as it explains other thief user's feelings well enough: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/121796/will-we-ever-get-respect-from-anet-or-thief-just-doesnt-deserve-it

    i still love my thief though, it's my main and my first character, i can bring it to most of the content i play and im fine with that. i don't play wvw or spvp though so im not affected by most of the nerfs they keep pushing to it.

  5. @Fueki.4753 said:There's already too much particle spam, therefore it's good that there are no rail effects on the Dreamwalker Dagger.Arenanet should go back to designing decent skins instead of bloating everything with particles effects.

    agreed but, in my opinion subtle particle effects are nice if done right (like on the Infused Katana/Wakizashi) while too much particle effects like on most legendary weapons not so much.

    same with armour skins and outfits, some little bits that glow here or there is nice (like on the Astral Scholar outfit) but having outrageously shining foglights on each cardinal direction with a glowing backpack to match isn't (like the Spellforged Outfit+Backpack package) oh and not to mention they rob the surroundings of precious frames per second if it's bad enough (like the Vermilion Wings)

  6. @"BCPrhys.7230" said:time --snip--

    part of why GW1 was "moving forward through time" whenever you complete something and GW2 being "frozen in time" is because with GW1, everything is instanced. only the towns/hubs are shared with other players not in your party (which is also instanced btw)

    this makes it easy to create lasting changes to maps and locations based on the individual progress of your character -- really like how single player RPGs do it. and it will not affect other players unless they join your party because everything you do is instanced to your progression.

    now let's take an openworld-focused mmorpg like GW2, where you would be able to see other players, potentially a LOT of players in a single area without being in a party or squad with them. that makes the "moving through time" model hard for GW2 because you can't have one person finish a part of the story where the map gets destroyed and another person not having done the story at all (which is common in mmos where the player just wants to do their own thing) and having the map completely untouched, not only would there be structural differences in the map but the enemy density/type, objects, npcs have to change as well.

    this is easily solved by instancing, but then you'll be splitting the population, and if you have multiple versions of the map: "untouched" → "destroyed" → "rebuilt" → "2nd destruction" you'll be splitting the population even further making the game look "dead" to the typical player because there's only so few of them in that map at any given time. and then if you have 20 maps that have to be instanced to multiple phases "in time" then imagine how empty everything would appear to be, even if you had hundreds of thousands of players actively playing GW2, it would look nearly empty everywhere you go, even in towns like Divinity's Reach because that has to change with time too (it was attacked multiple times).

    this way of presentation just wont work with GW2 being an open world mmorpg, it will work on co-op or single player games which is what GW1 is mostly like, but never in a fully fledged mmorpg. GW1 and GW2 are just that different from genre to game systems etc. etc.

  7. if that's your issue, you'd best file a support ticket. but by the time it will be looked into, your timer has already expired. the "GM"s, devs, and mods will not help you with issues like that here on the forums unless it's an actual game bug/game issue. in this case it's something brought about by your internet provider/computer.

    my suggestion is to ensure your connection to the servers is solid and stable before you attempt to do anything in-game beyond the basic openworld (this not only goes for spvp, but for wvw, and pve fractals/raids/strikes as well)

  8. @Erothas.5738 said:Why the hell did I mistype and write "kitten"? I don't even remember what the actual word I wanted to write is... Sorry about that haha.

    "kitten" is the forum's built-in profanity/language filter. anything the mods have deemed as offensive/bad language will be replaced with "kitten" :)

    @Erothas.5738 said:I actually didn't know that already. So, this is more and more informative. Yet again, thank you for this! I will be coming and set this all up once I fix the newest problem I am facing. Apparently my GPU hangs whenever I play most games (which are admittedly few, but still) on Linux only. So, Linux is currently unusable for me until I fix this. The VKx discord failed to help me with the issue as well. So, I don't know where to go, and that's what I am trying to figure out first.

    Sorry for the late reply too. Last few days have been very busy for me. But things should be clearing up soon.

    try asking on the Lutris discord maybe they can help you over there.

    but for starters though i'd test the setup on another distro (the debuntu or debian/ubuntu distros are good for this) running on a stock kernel and check if the issues persist then work around from there if it's your kernel, your drivers, your system environment, packages, etc.

  9. @ShadowCatz.8437 said:

    @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:I don't even understand the dumb rotation thing. They're just digital items, what's the point of limiting them... Other games I play/spend money in store like Warframe, FFXIV and Path of Exile survive with their "Leave everything in the store forever" and remain some of the top money making games out there so the method clearly works and is less annoying. Then there's god awful games even worse with rotations like PSO2 that waste time designing an item just to sell it for 1 day out of the year and annoy their playerbase. Makes no sense. Don't be like PSO2's store, nothing should be :scream: Because of that I will never give them a cent.

    this. im all for the same "Leave everything in the store forever". the only thing that should rotate in the gemstore are the %off sales/discounts

    It might be technical reason too, considering how long it can take to update/refresh a section in web store and you will understand with all items that needs to be listed or at least downloaded before it can be displayed (or filtered), it might take too long time navigating in Gem Store the way this Gem Store have been organised. Web Server for showing items in Gem Store aren't the fastest as for response time and too often it feels sluggish.

    this is an issue best talked about on a different topic, but yes they also need to change the way the gemstore works if they made everything available, all the time on it.

    if they move away from having it web-based and instead having everything render (and list items) in-game without using a web portal, then they can potentially solve the issues people are having on the gemstore such as consistently loading into a blank page and having to clear the gw2 cache just to give it a chance to properly load (which you shouldn't have to do as an end-user / non-power user) --- and while this would work if they made it so everything is sold all the time, it will not work for their current item rotation sales model because they would have to push a minor patch each time the gemstore has to be updated/change what's available for sale.

  10. @Joote.4081 said:Big shock when I installed DX12pxy for the first time. First thoughts were 'SO, this is what guild wars 2 is suppose to look like and run?' The difference is like night and day.If a modder can do this from his toilet it does make you think why haven't A-net give us the option years ago? I mean, if they can't be bothered just buy the mod of this guy.

    then >

    @Joote.4081 said:I started to have a lot of problems with d912pxy and have had to uninstall. Far away stuff started flashing like mad and at times would make the game unresponsive like I had lost connection.

    even if you had issues with it, you at least had a glimpse of what performance could be had just by changing the renderer to one that makes use of your hardware better.

    now imagine if arenanet provided that change with an updated game engine to better make use of a modern cpu, along with a native renderer (not translation layer, for either vulkan or dx12) depending on your computer setup, there is some (or a lot of) performance to be gained from it. and being an official/first-party update means there will be less (if not, none) of these issues.

  11. @Infusion.7149 said:TL;DR: Moving to Vulkan is faster performance-wise and opens up additional revenue streams. DX12 doesn't.

    ideally, this is the best way. like you said it opens up to many platforms and wont confine the game to windows OS.

    having games run on vulkan natively would allow linux and macOS to run said windows game via wine with less overhead in theory since the render is native. one example is Path of Exile, since they outed their vulkan renderer, it's been running really fantastic on linux via steam's proton

    but the issue is not many devs seem to look at vulkan the way they look at dx12. one of the reasons is with vulkan one needs to completely learn a new api while devs who already are experienced with dx11 and dx9 can easily transition over to dx12 because of the many things microsoft provides such as DirectXTK & DirectXTK12 and many recommend directx as a good api to start learning on.

  12. @Veprovina.4876 said:

    @Veprovina.4876 said:Quick question for whoever may know.

    Does DXVK work with ArcDPS?

    EDIT: Just tried DXVK and it was great and actally better than d912pxy until i cast a skill. Then it crashed. :tongue:I'm going back to d912pxy for now, but will keep DXVK in mind for the future. I just wonder if it also works with ArcDPS.

    you "chain load" it as arcdps calls it. d3d9_chainload.dll on linux this is not needed since dxvk replaces d3d9 in your syswow64 and system32 folders inside your wine prefix so arcdps points to it thinking automatically it's the microsoft one.

    @Veprovina.4876 said:I wish i still had my Linux installation to try GW2 on linux with this...

    you can install linux anytime,
    or even faster in some cases. the only exception is EAC/BE/anti-cheat games where said anti-cheat runs on the kernel level (like a root-kit malware really) and does system calls wine cannot replicate yet also wine running on the user-space level (which is not intrusive) makes it harder

    (windows os anti cheats like battle eye/eac will one day run on wine but it will take a long time as development has been halted for other improvements such as media foundation compatibility)

    Thank you! You've been very helpful! :smile:

    Yeah, makes sense. Usually i chainload d912pxy while Arc remains the standard, but in linux yeah, it would be automatic. Will keep in mind in the future. :smile:

    And i can't install Linux right now simply because i don't have enough space on my SSD. :sweat_smile:Plus, it would need to be a dual boot, and doing that with Windows 10 is a horror story, i tried it once, something to do with how Windows 10 hogs boot sectors for itself. Well, at least with Ubuntu. So if i attempt that, i'll have to reinstall everything to build it from scratch, i don't like "add on systems", they make me uncomfortable lol. :tongue:

    Which Linux Distro would you recommend for Guild Wars 2?

    I still remember trying to run it waaaay back, and it did, but it ran at like 5 FPS with most of the graphics not being properly displayed. Also, window only, mouse wouldn't stay in the window etc. haha! Those were the days. :tongue: Linux gaming has gone a long way indeed, i saw some videos on how to set everything up, it's easier than ever and sometimes actually runs better! :open_mouth:

    we're going off topic so this would be last one regarding linux,

    yes windows loves to alter the bootloader of your drive every update so it messes with the dual boot and linux's bootloader (grub2) -- it's that selfish. if you want to install linux and dual boot with windows, it's always recommended to run it on a separate drive/ssd or disable windows updates completely if you're running off of 1 disk.

    all distros would work as long as you can run wine :)

    for distros, i would recommend Ubuntu (non LTS) or Kubuntu (which is more windows-like with it's interface) for people who migrate from windows as it comes with the latest packages and gets major updates every 6 months. if you have an nvidia card, Pop_OS is a good choice too since it's based on Ubuntu but with more emphasis on nvidia stuff. other debian/ubuntu based distros work wonderfully well for starters too.

    many would also say Manjaro but being an arch linux derivative that steers a bit too away from arch and it's official packages, you may run into issues or you may not, depending on your hardware configuration. so while it's a good distro, it may not be the best for everyone.

  13. @"Veprovina.4876" said:Quick question for whoever may know.

    Does DXVK work with ArcDPS?

    EDIT: Just tried DXVK and it was great and actally better than d912pxy until i cast a skill. Then it crashed. :tongue:I'm going back to d912pxy for now, but will keep DXVK in mind for the future. I just wonder if it also works with ArcDPS.

    you "chain load" it as arcdps calls it. d3d9_chainload.dll on linux this is not needed since dxvk replaces d3d9 in your syswow64 and system32 folders inside your wine prefix so arcdps points to it thinking automatically it's the microsoft one.

    @"Veprovina.4876" said:I wish i still had my Linux installation to try GW2 on linux with this...

    you can install linux anytime, you'd be far surprised how many windows games run just as fast in linux or even faster in some cases. the only exception is EAC/BE/anti-cheat games where said anti-cheat runs on the kernel level (like a root-kit malware really) and does system calls wine cannot replicate yet also wine running on the user-space level (which is not intrusive) makes it harder

    (windows os anti cheats like battle eye/eac will one day run on wine but it will take a long time as development has been halted for other improvements such as media foundation compatibility)

  14. @Quench.7091 said:

    @Quench.7091 said:They shouldn't show elite spec abilities, unless they got them nailed down already. Keeps themselves flexible when it comes to developing them, without needing to worry about already set expectations. I'd go for showcasing art instead. People understand that art isn't the final product. If they really want to get people speculating and discussing, they could show the elite spec icons and say nothing about what they mean. Might be interesting to see what people come up with.

    we already fough at least one :P i thinkThe charr guardian using blue fire with sword/sword

    I don't know about that one, but we did see Jhavi Jorasdottir (Necromancer) with a shield in a Icebrood Saga trailer. No abilities, just a shield and an axe. Showing weapons is okay, because there are only so many combinations they could do anyways.

    npcs aren't restricted to any weapon combination so they can practically use anything and usually with generic skill sets that most npcs use for the given weapon type and "profession type"

  15. @"Veprovina.4876" said:Ooh, i have to try that as well! I thought this was linux only for some reason!

    it is "linux only", but it just so happens to work in windows because they are dlls. if you use it on windows and you encounter issues with any game (including gw2) don't expect support or any kind of help from the devs if things work fine and as intended on linux

  16. @Doggie.3184 said:

    @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:I don't even understand the dumb rotation thing. They're just digital items, what's the point of limiting them... Other games I play/spend money in store like Warframe, FFXIV and Path of Exile survive with their "Leave everything in the store forever" and remain some of the top money making games out there so the method clearly works and is less annoying. Then there's god awful games even worse with rotations like PSO2 that waste time designing an item just to sell it for 1 day out of the year and annoy their playerbase. Makes no sense. Don't be like PSO2's store, nothing should be :scream: Because of that I will never give them a cent.

    this. im all for the same "Leave everything in the store forever". the only thing that should rotate in the gemstore are the %off sales/discounts

  17. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Joote.4081 said:First adventure in Istan today and have to say it put's the mainland to shame. Not only have they what feels like doubled the detection range but you pull a guy on his own and all his friends get a flight over to join in armed with railguns and gamma rays. Not only that, you also get nuked from orbit with snot and fire.I have had to adjust my fighting style to run away and hiding in tree tops. :D I am the God eating dragon slaying commander, funny. I am in a tree top whispering to my pet bunny ' have they gone yet?' and 'go check if the paths clear'

    You finished PoF and are on LWS4 now? Congrats! Given your continued complaints I wouldn't have pegged you to complete the expansion story or even continue playing this game. No matter where you go, there are enemy mobs just waiting for you!

    Happy to surprise. :) Your comment proves they or not so much complaints but more, observations.You say 'No matter where you go, there are enemy mobs just waiting for you!' So you agree with me? Are you happy with it this way or would you like safe spots were you can get the chance to wring out your socks?For ever one time I need reviving I must at least revive ten others. Goes to show there are many players suffer from this ambush mechanic.

    There are safe spots every waypoint that aint contested.Use cross swords when out of combat to go into spvp lobby safe for how ever long you want.

    while the pvp lobby and obsidian sanctum offer a safe place to idle a bit (and amenities like vendors/bank/tp), if you need to afk, the guild hall is a much better choice i think because the afk-kick timer is much much longer (more than an hour if im not mistaken)

  18. @Infusion.7149 said:DXVK has run without issues because it is supported by Valve indirectly (works for all DX9 / DX11 games if you pull the DX11 version as well but the performance impact may be negative if you use it in Windows for DX11) and is the default way for Steam Proton to use Windows games on Linux. It is possible to use DXVK in Windows and it even provides greater performance than d912pxy.

    and if you have an amd gpu, the mesa+amdgpu open source drivers are much more performant on vulkan over the official ones that performance when running the same hardware on linux (rt kernel + esync/fsync) may exceed that when running it on windows with the same hardware on amd's proprietary drivers.

  19. @Pyrisal.7394 said:Wine cannot find the ncurses library (libncurses.so.5).

    I just installed Linux Mint

    assuming you have that package installed, this is most likely the cause of a misconfigured LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LD_PRELOAD env var

    but if you're not sure, you can check and see if you have it installed by doing the command:

    sudo apt install libncurses6 libncurses6:i386for 64bit + 32bit package

  20. @"Moi.5013" said:a couple days ago my computer decided it didnt recognize GW2 anymore out of the blue (I blame windows 10) so I had to remove and reinstall the game. I used arcdps with no problems before, updated when needed and it always worked fine. After the reinstallation arcdps was gone, so I downloaded the d3d9.dll, put it in the bin 64 folder as usual but it will not open in my game. I tried removing it and reinstalling again, still nothing. I do alt+shift+t and just target some random object. I tried alt+shift+h in case it was hidden and it just opens my hero panel. Im not sure what I am missing or why its not working anymore. anyone have any ideas? thanks! edit to add I also use TacO and that is working just fine, I didn't have to reinstall anything for that.

    since this is an addon related issue, asking for support about it on the official forums is not the best way to do it. you should always go to the author/developer of the addon when it comes to issues related to the addon to get immediate solutions.

    also from the arcdps website:

    if you have a problem not listed here, try asking in the arcdps-issues channel on discord.

    link to the said discord: https://discord.gg/RaZ5myp

  21. @Diarf.8265 said:-Can perma stealth-Can't be countered - can just run away when don't want to fight-Counter Guards, Reapers, Everyone-not-full-aoe or reflect.-Literally EZ MODE class in PvP. Like in every MMO perma-stealth class. Most skilled thing in PvP is kite and knowing when to fight and when to run. Rogue-type characters ALWAYS can PICK fights.

    Stop crying for buffs. It only can happen if then nerf your dodges and stealth by a lot.Can't wait to standard outcry about how this is hard class xD

    that's PvP/WvW. sure you see lots of thieves there and sure they give you a hard time if you don't know how to deal with them.

    now try PvE. squads would rather have another DPS class join than have a thief (daredevil/deadeye) join the group if they had a choice -- in group/endgame content it's just so not ideal to bring a thief along when you can bring other better powerDPS so you barely see thieves outside of the openworld. thief is viable for instanced content but there's much better choices out there.

    oh and thief doesnt have a meta condiDPS build in PvE which also somewhat reduces versatility when it comes to dealing with instanced content.

    thief needs buffs in PvE and maybe some rework for PvP/WvW.

  22. @"Cuddy.6247" said:wondering if anyone has any fun open world/story builds they use in a similar vein

    you're going to get different answers regarding this. as "fun" is subjective and differs from person to person.

    to help others suggest a class/build for you, what do you find fun? you mentioned melee-aoe and power damage. do you find a build fun if it has a simple dps rotation? or a complicated one? since you liked diviner's gear would you consider a hybrid-support dps? does it really have to be melee or power dps? if you get into a little more into the specifics, people can start suggesting something for you =)

    as for an actual suggestion:i find power dps reaper (greatsword) sort-of fun, easy to play and pretty good for openworld and decent enough for fractals too, maybe you can try that :)

  23. @voltaicbore.8012 said:

    @voidek.5738 said:Only way to replay LWS1. :'(Didn't this community learn with Visions of the Past that the LWs1 content is objectively poor and not worth the resources it takes to make playable again?

    Agreed. As someone who joined after HoT, I always wanted to see LWS1. Then the scrying pool let me get a taste of it, and suddenly I realized that just listening to WoodenPotatoes' S1 recap might be even better than having the experience itself.

    To acknowledge what other said about context/full season vs weird snippets of it/etc., I hear you and agree with you. Think it's precisely because the full context is so important that we'll never get the magic of S1 back. Sure, maybe they can DRM the tower of nightmare or reclaiming LA, but I think a lot of the appeal of S1 seems to be in the fact that those changes were live for everyone, and story development updated the game world for everyone. No matter what, the instancing of S1 content is going to fail to recapture that magic.

    agree. you can never recreate the actual live experience of LWS1 with instances because it will never recreate the same experience of actually being there when it was the current content.

    it's best if we all just moved on. i never experienced season 1 myself and just took it upon myself to read just about every bit of story and lore about it via the wiki and other sources ( i prefer reading over watching a video =) ) -- while i would play it if they ever released more instances/story missions replaying the experience, i would be fine if it never came to be as well

  24. @iotaTwondra.7120 said:Were there any kind of data wipes or change in account systems between long ago and now which means my characters are lost?Like it's deffo the same account it has IP data from when i first played in the authorized networks section on the GW2 site

    not aware of any wipes. there were rollbacks some time ago and everyone affected was compensated (gemstore) but i am not aware of arenanet performing any wipes on any particular account without valid reason.

    you are right to contact support though, based on what you say, it seems like an account/data issue specific to you that only arenanet could possibly look into in detail (and solve)

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