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Everything posted by Fipmip.7219

  1. friend of mine lamented you couldn't play chords on the pianos/organs in the world.
  2. I wanna see a thief focused on controlling the enemy through cc and a smidgen more boon rip. The idea of sucker punching wrecking ball appeals to me.
  3. I wanna see a pistol with a single target, one shot, long cast rooting skill with a unique animation of the guy standing still, takes his time lining up the shot with an outstretched arm, other arm behind his back, and unleashes a massive shot executioner style.
  4. Look, to everyone that likes jumping puzzles because their clunky core mechanics makes them difficult: I respect your opinion, but I honestly don't care. They're still fundamentally bad, and I can back that up multiple years of examples across multiple games. The reason you like it is because someone always does. the people that don't just don't engage with the content. Whenever you make a game, the people that like it gravitate towards it like a magnet, and those that dislike it fall away and leave. So, what you're left with is the core audience that you've attracted, and an essentially biased view point. It can be hard to change games because when you do, the game and the audience you've attracted will be offset to eachother. Except in this case, I really don't think many people will complain about the change. To them it'll always be the same old jumping puzzles that Anet have been doing all this time, except the keener eyed might notice the jumps are less awkward, the directions are clearer and experience just feels tighter. You people seem to think I'm asking for easier jumping puzzles, well I'm not. I'm asking for a tighter experience, because the current one, endearing as it is, feels sloppy and amateurish. Jumping puzzles can still be challenging, but this is the wrong way to go about it. By the way, I'm using weyandt's revenge as an example. There are plenty of puzzles in the game that share the characteristics of this one. I actually do like jumping puzzles in this game, they serve as a great way of equalizing players that would otherwise be far apart in terms of character skill and power.
  5. A moderately well known fact about Nintendo is when Shigeru was making Super Mario 64 for the nintendo 64, he discovered making pinpoint accurate jumps within a 3D space is just something that does not work. At all. Making a jumping game in 3D requires a pretty high degree of forgiveness to make it fun, a certain understanding of the player to make "good enough" judgement for a jump. However, the fine fellows at Anet don't seem to have gotten the memo, and as such we have minuscule stalagmite platforms, catchy headbanging geometry in awkward places, and unclear directional cues. The pirate cave in Lions Arch immediately starts off with a *Guess the pixel perfect position you have to drop down into to even start the god damn puzzle." There's no time to avoid obstacles if you get it wrong, and you can barely move in midair to begin with. You are then lead through a pitch black maze in which if you miss the rather unclear cue to walk through a wall and turn left at the end, guess what you'll be wandering through pitch blackness for as long as it takes you to realize you can use your minimap to navigate through without the help of the spirit in the first place. When you do finally get out of the maze, it is again, extremely unclear where to go, the answer is to spam jump your way up some rather badly textured geometry to a tunnel above and to your right. There's problems with pretty much every puzzle I've tried so far with absolutely no signs of learning from Anet throughout the years of releasing expansions. I would like to at very least like to see some clear directional cues with the puzzles released in PoF, with the path clearly laid out in what you're supposed to do. I get that from time to time you may want players to navigate some form of maze, but the fact the maze is there and the different possible paths the maze has needs to be clearly shown. Don't make people randomly jump off unrecoverable cliffs just because they think you might have hidden the correct path down there. If you want to make a jumping puzzle difficult, you'll want to outfox your players using clever tricks, not make them struggle to overcome core gameplay elements.
  6. All right, gonna get my character on the first page! Fighting down a slope Walking down a street
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