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Everything posted by Fipmip.7219

  1. i think you might have missed the point of this post, I dont really mind the modernization, I just think that the theme of trench battling in current tyrian warfare should be taken further.
  2. In this fantasy game, we have rifles, pistols, machine guns, tanks, supertanks, submarines, helicopters, artillery, airships, radio communications and electronic warfare, sentient robots, and (admittedly magical) lasers. To be quite honest, I dont really mind all that. In my mind, the innate magical defenses of battlefield participants allow them to close the gap and engage in good old fashioned medieval combat in order to take and occupy ground. What I do mind, however, are the battlefields in which we see large scale action take place. Usually, we find ourselves in combat with technologically inferior dragon minions, that usually rely on spells and tooth and claw to fight. Such battles, probably most notably against mordremoth, are fought in a sort of guerilla, skirmishing style, using ad-hoc strategies and convenient plot devices. This is a trend that can also be seen against zhaitan and kralkatorrik, in which dragon forces are more or less simply left to wander around zones they control, as opposing forces are just allowed to move around inside enemy territory. No front line exists, no operation is too daring. I mention all this because it conveniently explains the environment in which we fight - that is to say, any environment will do. since things move so quickly, and operations are so dynamic, we never find ourselves in a battle that grinds into an ongoing thing. however, we now find ourselves against a foe with roughly equal footing. the dominion, and subsequently the frost legion, presumably have the means and intelligence to meet the pact toe to toe, blow for blow, and bog them down into a real fight. It then stands to reason with me, that any drawn-out operation involving the aforementioned tools of war, along with the destructive spells of a fantasy setting, would quickly transform any jungle, forest, desert, tundra, grassland, beachhead or mountain into a blasted, muddy hellscape resembling a typical frontline from the 1940s. And this is a setting that I would wholeheartedly welcome. We have seen it occur in a very limited fashion around lighthouse point and port cascadia, but I'd like to see at least one map dedicated to its execution in its entirety. I believe one of the lead designers has mentioned wanting more maps resembling a sort of PvE version of WvW, and this sort of theater would fit in very well with the upcoming story and proposed design in the future, with machines of war duking it out and simultaneous objectives spread up and down the line.
  3. What, in your opinion, was the most exciting set piece so far through the entire game? I've always like GW2's ability to throw in an epic battle whenever appropriate. When playing through the story for the first time about 4 years ago, i remember I finally perking up at the battle of claw island, in which the game actually delivered a big fight that I just expected to be another cop out 'everything happened offscreen while you did a special mission.' from there, we had the battle of fort trinity, then dragon's stand, that one instance where phlunt runs into the rata novus lab with a massive contingent of asura to fight balthazar's mercs, the gates of vabbi, the endless battle in the domain of kourna, the trapping of kralkatoric, and of course drizzlewood coast. I tend to like more NPC - heavy events rather than player ones, for the simple reason of the action being much more readable on the screen. but events like the domain of istan and tequatl the sunless are still fun. I'd say my favourite battle currently has to be fighting in the trenches around lighthouse point and port cascadia during enemy sieges.
  4. Guild wars is excellent to come back to and play around with the new stuff for a couple of months, then drop out agian. Having an MMO option that welcomes you back with open arms whenever you wish is a corner of the market that I think GW2 comfortably occupies, and I see no need to change that. I'd like to see your thoughts on what exactly it is that elevates ff14's PvE against guild wars.
  5. well, maybe if we just sit around, every other class will get turbo nerfed and we'll be viable again
  6. What gave you the impression it was supposed to be infinite? I specifically mentioned a top and bottom. a very difficult, perhaps near impossible top and bottom, but a finite top and bottom nonetheless.I wont pretend like people wont get bored of it either. But arguing against more gameplay options for boredom's sake is a poor one. games are not supposed to be played forever. even if there was an infinite amount of varied content in the game to try out, you would get bored of the core gameplay itself eventually. Hey, i like your idea. Don't get so worked up about it, i'm just discussing it.I never said you said infinite, i said "something like Torchlight that has infinite dungeons", meaning you just get random modifiers as you go. I meant it as a possible additional idea to yours, i never said that you came up with it. As for people getting bored of it, that wasn't an argument against it, what gave you that idea?Also, i already said i like it twice, how am i arguing against it? Why are you so defensive?This was more a stab at people that chew at the content in a day or two when it's released, then complain to Anet that they're bored and that there's no new content to do. Sheesh...you're accusing me of the very thing you're doing. chill. The first few lines of your original comment is poorly worded to seem like you've misinterpreted what I'm saying. other than that I'm just responding to the general concerns in this thread of new ideas eventually becoming boring. dont assume anyone is worked up.
  7. What gave you the impression it was supposed to be infinite? I specifically mentioned a top and bottom. a very difficult, perhaps near impossible top and bottom, but a finite top and bottom nonetheless.I wont pretend like people wont get bored of it either. But arguing against more gameplay options for boredom's sake is a poor one. games are not supposed to be played forever. even if there was an infinite amount of varied content in the game to try out, you would get bored of the core gameplay itself eventually.
  8. I've never played wow and this idea was born purely from a combination of rogue-likes in general and watching an anime in which there was a pit that no one had ever reached the bottom of. I think that in terms of the game being geared towards casuals, more gamemode options are important for longevity.
  9. Anyone ever considered a rougelike pve tower at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits at the bottom, and have to choose randomly generated new ones as you slowly progress through the levels. each level is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to get to the top floor and a group version where you try you get to the basement. casual at first and gets hardcore at the top with big gold rewards. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new entities added to the randomization.
  10. I try to switch characters around more. I still havent learned half the classes in this game. and each one has multiple ways to play, and now with build slots.
  11. I'd say it depends on the map, but PoF maps tend to be very barren in favour of space for mounts.
  12. I agree that people would complain about it, because what I'm asking for is pretty against the grain of guild wars design so far, and people would complain on principle. But I don't think that its always in developers best interests to cave into that sort of response, or rather the fear of that response, all the time. If I were designing a map like this, my main goal would be not to ask players to cross it too many times. If you've ever tried playing skyrim without fast travel, you might notice all the quests telling you to talk to a person on the other side of the map and then come back again, which should be avoided. I think this sort of thing can be done right, and if so, will be worth the open space feeling that you cant really get anywhere in the game currently. I cant really speak for anyone that is sick of deserts though, personally I feel like deserts can offer varied environments and that dune seas are one of them that we havent really gotten in any satisfying capacity so far.
  13. Before the expansion, and while playing it, I always imagined what lay beyond the mountains to the south of ebonhawk, and what the crystal desert looked like. Mainly in my mind was the open sandunes of large deserts. I know that guild wars maps, and open world maps in general, are meant to be more or less abstract representations of a larger world, but that being said I still feel as though we never got that open dune field all good deserts have. I'm not advocating for some bland, featureless, undulating textured surface for a map, and I've spent some time thinking about various ways it could work. There are a few spots in the current PoF maps resembling deserts in the classical sense, and anet have dotted small terrain assets and mobs between the dunes, so that at first glance you see a desert, and then it delves into more interesting features when you travel through it.There's also the possibility of taking a multilayered approach, by saying that leylines or sand worms or both run underneath the area and a vast network of tunnels criss cross the area, creating some crevasses and sinkholes in the desert above. I'd also like to bring some thought to some of the unique ways such a map could be used. The map could have two settlements, one at either end, and an escort mission between them. the mission would take an ingame day or even multiple, the mother of all escort missions across a massive desert. at the end, players are given between 1 and 10 gold depending on how long they escorted the caravan. There's also the potential for rollerbeetle traversal and races and adventures, speeding back and forth across the plains and off dunes with wide degrees of freedom. all in all, I think that these kind of maps have their place, even in casual games like guild wars and that anet should experiment more with different map 'genres.'
  14. In my opinion, many of the core maps were excellent at telling a story and making the world feel grounded and interesting, with dozens of named NPCs, minor factions and thought out locations. All the paths leading to lions arch with fortified outposts along them, each with their own problems and metas, all of the minor faction settlements, all of the NPC routines and dialog and the way some metas lead into others, it all made for a world that felt like it had a wealth of detail if you cared to stop and look. The meta at the reservoir in queensdale effecting the water supply in shaemoor and the fields is just one of the hundreds of examples packed into every map. I agree with verdant brink being my favourite map, as it took the design elements from the core maps and elevated them with more interconnected metas, reoccurring characters and different perspectives on the same overall meta, and more beautiful map modelling. Thats not to say that the other HoT maps were anything less than stellar either, and the entire process of each meta telling a sequential story in parallel with the personal one, with replayabilty for the different perspectives, all topped off with a final epic battle in dragons stand was absolute peak guild wars, something that I hope can be topped or at least equaled in the new expansion.
  15. after continuing with dagger and trying to build around its current concept, my proposal is to allow dagger to put more non-direct damage conditions on the opponent, or rework its current power alignment to be a poison/conditions one. the reason for this being to help top off stacks of carapace gained from combining putrid defense with occasional bursts from reaper's shroud. this will greatly boost dagger's cost effectiveness when healing/siphoning due to each point of health being coddled with boosted toughness and 100% protection. although i think someone's gonna have to delete blood bank.
  16. are you saying theres no place for sustaining and facetanking in gw2? It's not entirely transparent what the intention of dagger is, although you can get a pretty good idea from looking at it that its probably meant for outlasting your opponent in 1v1, a scenario that occurs fairly often in PvP gamemodes. Is your point that this concept has no place in gw2? In my experience, taking damage is going to happen and at some point a heal is going to be needed. So why then is a heal (and damage) skill such an incompatible prospect? It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with the idea itself, it simply being the implementation that is cumbersome.
  17. I personally think that the realm of ideas is quite generous when it comes to whether or not its possible to balance them. For instance, does being able to inflict a 15k hit in one shot on a ranged class belong in guildwars? Well as it turns out, with enough readability, resource investment and vulnerability from the shooter, yeah it's kinda not that bad.It's for this reason that I think that whatever the intention (or concept) for daggers is, as long as it doesnt occupy the exact same spot as some other weapon (emphasis on exact, meaning a similar goal via a different path is still on the table), it can be brought in line and made viable to the point of being a popular and balanced choice.
  18. I'd like to revive this thread (searching for d/d builds on google). what exactly are the devs going for with dagger? it seems to me like their best use is to brawl, applying weakness and stealing health and lf. Should we lean into that then and try to maximize carapace, toughness, protection and healing power? still a necro noob at this stage so would appreciate any insight.
  19. there's also the space between continents. If we're going to see new tech like boats we may as well see support for large spaces like that, perhaps albeit with a few smoke and mirrors
  20. there's so much cool stuff you could do with hammer. About midway through my GW2 career I made a warrior priest style guardian, thinking I'd go the 'hammer wielding holy fire' route. only to find hammer was little more than a roleplay weapon while you just spammed tome of justice as much as possible. About a year or so ago I suggested hammer be the condi version of greatsword, offering big AoE condition damage. another suggestion would be to lean into the symbol side of guardian, making it the only weapon with multiple ways of placing long lasting defensive symbols like prot and stab, and making it best for symbol traits. a third option would be to buff its CC capabilities, making it better at controlling groups of enemy players, dazing and launching multiple at a time and cementing it as a support weapon.
  21. I'd really like to see naval gameplay, which would seem to be fitting, considering the space between the continents and the nature of the dragon. I believe we've already seen a few instances of moving platforms in the game as well. I'd also like to see the return of truly epic, map - spanning meta events that were the highlight of the HoT expansion.
  22. any chance of a capotain hat? Perfect for leather pistol/rifle/sword deadeyes going for that witch hunter look. I've been using the rubicon hat for years but it just aint enough! http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/images/3/31/%28Item%29_Witch_Hunter%27s_Capotain_%28Any_Level%29_Male.png
  23. Just checking in to confirm this bug is still here as of 23rd november 2018. savour foulknight is standing west of the bloodsaw mill waypoint and isnt moving, but can be talked to, while the other warband members are present and waiting.
  24. Probably not, because the PoF maps have never received the kind of hate the HoT maps did, so an appreciation topic would be redundant. There was a lot of talk about how PoF maps are so much better and Anet have "come to their senses" and done what "everyone" wanted when PoF launched, but there's no point in going on about how they've produced an expansion with very conventional maps. Which is not to say they're not pretty, or even interesting. But they don't stand out in the same way HoT does, and therefore also don't polarise opinions as much. So you're saying that the community needs to have a wrong, kneejerk reaction to new maps in order for there to be an appreciation thread?
  25. cant wait for the next expansion where we get the PoF map appreciation thread
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