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Posts posted by freakcoco.4287

  1. 49 minutes ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    I know in WvW I've been hit by 10k Spear of Archemorus (which followed a 5k Phantom's Onslaught and 5k Mist Unleashed). I imagine it doesn't hit quite that hard in PvP but still.


    10k true shot with 11k hp dh.



    7k Arcing Slice with spellbreaker.

    I not gonna say DH or SB op, but 7k is a common for cheese build!?

    I don't think damage is the probme.

    Maybe Stealth bomb is the problem.


    • Like 3
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  2. Just now, mooshie.4890 said:

    But I tried do core engi and Imo rifle still do the same dmg. Maybe I had some bugs but I was on heart od mists and still have attack 300-700 sometimes 1K. Maybe I'm wrong or something went wrong. 


    Core engi are comb base class, it's have low dps but it have middle level burst damage.

  3. 14 minutes ago, mooshie.4890 said:

    So what should I do od I still want to Play this weak mechanist with rifle,granades and Rocket boots? Is iT possibile to do? Could U come up with some build?


    8 minutes ago, mooshie.4890 said:

    Or better...make movie, love Your clips.



    Ok, I try to make one, but I think even core engi are 200% better then rifle mech.

  4. 10 minutes ago, mooshie.4890 said:

    Is it Your movie? I'm watching You all time, GG. ^^ I'll try propably but still can't understand why my rifle hit 200 points, it is exaggeration

    Yes, it's my clips, and mecha have no damage (condi mech / rifle mech), it's bunker build, and pretty hard to carry a game.

  5. 4 minutes ago, mooshie.4890 said:

    Kupiłem grę dla mecha, bo to mój styl, bawię się tym w innych grach i nie mogę w to grać na pvp, jest to dla mnie trudne. Nie chcę maczugi, chcę wojny na odległość. Za coś innego Jeśli ranger padnie, może mnie zabić i wstać, mechanik nie ma szans na coś takiego. Ma szansę tylko wtedy, gdy obaj gracze umierają. Czy to równowaga?

    Try to use condi bunker mech, much better then rifle.

    If cata is S, I can put condi mech in c tier, not that bad.



  6. 1 hour ago, Peter.3901 said:

    I don't see the point of being immortal the entire fight while at the same time being a good dps, invulnerability should have a really short duration for the convenience that is currently, or then a higher cooldown.


    Every day i see mesmers and warrios just spamming invulnerability as much as they want, and still, doing a great damage, where is the balancing here? why do some classes need to pay attention to do the same job of other that just can be played blindly?


    There has only one class cannot spamming invulnerability/block, that's necro.

    if everyone can do that, it's balance.

    • Haha 1
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  7. I don't think that have need to buff scrapper that much.

    Scrapper will melt on heavy cc pressure, but most of class will melt on it too.

    The problem is our enemy,  vindicator/catalyst/untamed /spellbreaker.

    If there has no such OP class on match, scrapper feel pretty good.


    6 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    Might have been justified, since it seems low elo players really struggled with that build.

    I still think that scrapper needs better access to stability, tho. Remove juggernaut, but give us another alternative for frequent stability, just like all the other bruiser specs.

    Juggernaut is the power source forwvw dps scrapper which is only role scrapper can fit on big squad wvw.


    No meta build match game play:


  8. 38 minutes ago, Mort.2510 said:

    There are a few fun moments but often one daredevil or warrior comes in and solo's 3 players which just makes me regret making a ranger for one and also paints a bleak picture of the devs ability to balance properly. Can't land a cc, can't dmg them, can't even target them and can't run away... 

    It's not balance problem.

    Ranger is the counter of teef ... 

    If they buff ranger, the story will became 1 ranger kill your group, class balance won't change new/old player ability.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    Fair? What is fairness?

    As far as we know, the devs give each profession and specialization a "budget" of mechanism which is supposed to have roughly the same value. What you ask is to cut down this budget for a specific profession. This is modern balance.

    Single-ing 1 thing out of a whole, like you do isn't "modern balance", it's "player whining".

    To benefit from the advantage you deem "unfair", the bladesworn pay a price. He either deal less damage than what a mere auto-attack would do or have to charge it's strike, with little to no ability to move, for a lengthy amount of time (even at full charge, the result isn't much higher than a third hit from an AA chain). Within the context of GW2 fighting pace, it's a steep price. The budget take both the cost and the reward into account, that's "modern balance".



    But they take every thing form mechanist,  they take sustain away for top player while it's best bunker on mAT, the they take damage from it sine there are too effective for auto rifle mechanist ( and hurt mortar scrapper too), then they take kite power away from mechanist (Mechanical Genius).

    There has no available build can work on any level, the mechanist eat all budget and still got delete.

    Is that fair ?

    Anet try to fix the problem but not balance it.

    Spellbreaker is problem now, maybe they can buff counter build to fix the problem, I sincerely wish they can fix the problem , but I think hater don't want fix thing, they crash thing.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:


    I'm playing power chrono mesmer, and I'm a glass cannon. I admit that, but I'm not doing glass cannon damage. It's not fair because I have to ramp up clones in order to do damage. Can someone explain how this is even remotely viable in pvp? I'm only good when I'm paired with decent players who know how to peel.

    You need the right build and distance for mesmer ( closer make self shatter work).

    Vulnerability is the key!



  11. 20 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    I talked to NHBT ingame.

    He was spamming those "nerf engie threads". I asked him why he does it so excessively.

    He told me he doesnt think engie is blatantly overtuned, he just does it, to get Tempest´s counters nerfed. 


    I then told him that thats pretty d00d00, as Warrior is Tempests real counter........

    and now look.......    

    "Engie Warrior is currently destroying PvP. Please consider nerf it ASAP. "

    10/10 dedication  

    (i screenshotted the whole thing! dont pretend NHBT 😉)


    I have a plan!

    You tell him the real counter of tempest is cata next time!

    • Haha 5
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