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Posts posted by freakcoco.4287

  1. 1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Warrior: *performs a jumpcancel with Bullscharge to cross the gap*

    "WhErE mY caRriEd WaRriOrS aT"? 


    Some peopel dont realize how much finesse some warrior players had to develop, to stay competetive during all those years where Warrior was trash. 

    24 CD CC skill on utility slot, even if it blink to target won't overperforming, but if the target is mecha, it is huge problem since mecha have 50 CD breakstun, no matter how good you are you gonna be kill, but yeah ! no one will complaint about mecha underperforming.


    • Confused 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Goldilock.2584 said:


    He 1 shot u because you are running riffle and not sword shield. Make that trade off and all one shot builds landing on you is all your fault as the skill added to that weapon set is being a big problem for them


    Yeap, that is a core mesmer which have the best shatter damage, a that mean it's not worthy to take any defence skill which won't keep it survive on team focused,  riffle also is a big problem since we don't have much choose, the sustain of chronomancer/holosmith both are ridiculous low , and next patch they gonna nerf bunker chrono let me feel extra bad,  there have some mes/engi hater keep barking "HOLO OP"/"MES ONE SHOT EVERYTHING", 15k burst on every class not a big deal, every calls can do that .


    And there have a meme say "HOLO/CHRONO always OP on good ppl", when I watch floody stream( one of the best tool holo) and you can see it actually be farm by untamed/thief , and there have some other guy spamming mecha is a better untamed 🤣.


    Don't get me wrong, untamed on the right spot, just let other keep up. 

    I suggest buffer portal and sustain of chronomancer .


  3. 14 hours ago, miriforst.1290 said:

    NHBT is a known troll, it does nothing but post these threads and necro threads related to nerfing engineers as a whole in between short periods of bancation. 

    Worth mentioning is that rapid regeneration doesn't even exist anymore and was removed in the summer of 2019. So there you have the caliber of trolling going on here.

    I think it is a old post copy paste, and the troll don't know what is "rapid regeneration".


    • Like 1
  4. On 11/17/2022 at 4:05 PM, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

    That is not "Prohibited posts" or "Datamined or Leaked Content" or "Duplicate Posts"
    I don't think rifle auto nerf will fix the problem . 

    It does 3 hits instead of 1 with roughly the same overall DPS as before. It feels a lot stronger, but that's placebo.

    The main damage mostly comes from Aim Assisted Rocket and Static Discharge.

    They should get further nerf to fix the problem, maybe remove the CC on overcharged shot will be a good ideal.

    You just never stop, did you ?

  5. 31 minutes ago, Bizgurk.5639 said:

    I wise man once said:

    That was a few days ago in the very same section of this forum about the very same topic. Could have just continued that very same topic. But no... it's easier to get attention like this.
    These topics are getting as boring as it is to play mech...

    You most be newcomer on forum, It's not the first time, nor will it be the last.


    I don't like play mech coz it's super boring to play it.

    But it's not OP, 10~15 apm got 37k dps has no issue.

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/17/2022 at 4:53 PM, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

    That is not "Prohibited posts" or "Datamined or Leaked Content" or "Duplicate Posts"

    It won't fix the problem.
    It does 3 hits instead of 1 with roughly the same overall DPS as before. It feels a lot stronger, but that's placebo.

    The main damage mostly comes from Aim Assisted Rocket and Static Discharge.

    What we need is core trait nerf and mecha pet nerf.

    I don't care about mecha, but core trait nerf will impact all of engi build.

    It will make engi die on wvw, there have not much role of engi can fit in zerg .


  7. Yeah, it got buff and seem overwhelming, but there have sup vindicator, it's have better heal and lot of resistance, this buff won't let tempest  to keep up vindicator hps , and two off it will valuable for zerg fight.


    But tempest  will be a new domain fource romaring, and make harbinger cry.


    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

    Kinda dumb right?   I mean you'll have one noob that macro's this, then farms the crap out of other new players... who will basically instantly give up saying the game mode is stupid.   

    Maybe there should be a cap to damage in each of the tiers S1, S2, S3,G1,G2... so at least you don't get insta burst until you hit G2 or 3 or something.  Just a thought.    But anyway, I don't really find that kinda insta delete.... "fun"

    I know, but that is not holo porblem, it is all balance problem, most of class can deleting other .

    Also macro cannot handle heat management.

  9. 2 hours ago, miriforst.1290 said:

    It's pretty clear they want to nerf the weapon in both modes as they specify the weapon coefficient increase for pve only. You can probably thank our resident troll for that. Was fun running gadget/toolkit builds for a while when roaming.

    Do you think the troll will stop trolling?

    I don't think the nerf is a big deal , most of damage come from nade or other utility stuff, I will pick rifle if jump shot and overcharged shot still there.

  10. 58 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

    I'm actually worried that the buffs of the holo to the core skills that the current tools holo build takes are going to further exacerbate a nuke and run play style.   The buffs all look oriented at the skills that the currently emerging tools holo brings to the table.   The tools holo tends to rely on CC juggling and then running away to repeat the attempt again.  This is going to probably farm the crap out of noobs.   And in the hands of the more competent tools holo might allow for routine deleting of opponents.   
    So my question is... are these boons to damage that can be laid out in a sudden spike a little over the top?  Does anyone feel this level of buffing was "needed" ?   What play style are these buffs going to encourage for the holo?  Do we really want to push the type of play style that these buffs are going to encourage?


    I suspect I'm going to have to switch to holo from scrapper now as scrapper was a little weaker than holo before... and now this is really going to open the gap.  That sucks for me cause I prefer scrapper being scrappy... but once a holo's spike exceeds a certain threshold you aren't going to be able to be a slugger, cause you'll just get burst down.   And if you take more skills for survival, then you won't be effective when you scrap.


    I also suspect that in the long run this will be bad for Engi as a whole.  The reason being that folks will complain about the holo burst... and rather than reverting these changes, they'll do things like nerf core skills.  You can almost see it coming as a new reign of terror CC juggle DPS nuking and superspeed running away arises.


    Anyone else got worries about this?



    Elementalist forum -> "Tempest buff? Hello?" / "Power fresh air, should have the highest DPS in the game."

    Engineer fourm -> "This buff a little bit too much"/ "Where is mech nerf"


    To be honest, I'm not big fan of cc chain,  and duelist holo damage is good enough and what it lack is sustain.

    But this change will not impact of meta nade holo , and tool holo is underperform, It will bring diverse to holo.



    10k~15k combo is not a thing for pvp now day, I think there have nothing wrong to let holo keep up.


  11. 2 hours ago, Geranor.5392 said:

    so we let druid heal 50% less and the buffs are 50% lesser if the pet istn in 360 range? And so on...

    Displaced anger not a good thing, but the furry on my blood,  I can’t take it anymore.

  12. Just now, Ze Ninguem.6708 said:


    * Rifle Burst: I think that to nerf this skill without give the Rifle any compensation might be an error.

    A better and quick approach might be transfer some damage coeficient to Rifle #4 (Overcharged Shot); this skill should work as an "overcharged grenade" that airbursts on selected area (ground target), then blows out and burns foes. "Umblockable" and "blast finisher" facts could be added also.


    The goal is reduce the auto dps without reduce the overall dps, and yet reward or punish the player by a properly or unproperly use of that dps.


    * Mechanical Genius: I think that for the proposed change do not result in headache to players, a better reposition option could be added rather than rely on "Return to Me".

    Two approaches could be considered, and one of them selected (i personally prefer the second):

    1. The "Return to Me" skill could be changed to a ground target skill that teleports the robot to the selected point (similar to Ventari's Will).
    2. The skills "Recall Mech" and "Crash Down" could be faster.

    Crash Down: The robot should be ready to act between 0 and 1 second after appear.

    Recall Mech: The animation should have no more than 1 second, then the player could quickly become able to re-summon the robot at desired position.


    The goal is speed up the summon/de-sumon in order that improve the user experience.

    Note: Detach the cooldown of "Crash Down" from the robot HP, and make that cooldown only be necessary if the robot dies.

    I like this change.

    There has no salty on untamed and they pet got better position and nonauto dps, I think this is right way to do.

    Also hide nerf Rifle feel bad, I wish that must be something wrong .

    • Like 1
  13. Rifle Burst: This skill now fires one piercing projectile before the grenade instead of two. Increased piercing projectile power coefficient from 0.3 to 0.4 in PvE only. Grenade power coefficient increased from 0.4 to 0.6 in PvE only. Increased skill animation speed; total animation duration remains the same as previous version in PvE only.



    You win!

    Troll actually influences Anet balance.


  14. 5 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    My summary of Warriors;

    *Pumping Iron Power by Grailknights starts playing, insanity intensifies in an endless death spiral*

    Sincerely, A Warrior Main

    edit; for the poor souls who have not heard/seen this absolute masterpiece, I’ll save you the trouble of a Google search; 


    Positive feedback !!

    You Must Be An Alien!!

    • Like 1
  15. Just for memes.

    Don't be so serious.


    What I saw in the foum ( Full bias engi main mumbling)


            Elementalist should have the highest DPS in the game.

            Elementalist is the worst class in the game.



            Mechanist OP, NERF NERF NERF.

            Give Scrapper second chance pls.


            NO nerf Firebrand! NONOONONONO.


            I am the best mesmer player.


            Make reaper great again.


           Mecha pet is sooooo cool ! can i get one?


           Heal Vindicator too good in wvw, that is not good.


           Anet hates Thief.

           Spectre pve really is total garbage.


           Is warrior truly the worst class in the game?

           Is warrior is way too unpopular on GW2?



    • Haha 4
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