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Posts posted by freakcoco.4287

  1. 16 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    Long story short, it was too effective for how easy it was to play. At one point it was very broken and people had every reason to complain. 

    Long story long...

    This happened at a point where a lot of other builds were struggling to find their footing in the meta. This drew anger toward mechanist. 

    It's an AI spec, which naturally draws salt from players in all game modes. PvP/WvW because it feels like you're getting outplayed by  a computer program and not the enemy player. PvE because any DPS the bot brings via auto attacks is "free DPS".

    When it did 38k DPS it was inarguably over the top. It was able to achieve 28k DPS completely AFK which was unprecedented. It was also able to do that in real fights because your weapon of choice, the rifle, had a 1200 range auto attack. 

    This is how rifle got intertwined into the conversation. 


    Eventually mech would go on to get nerfed. A lot. Almost every single patch brought a mech  nerf of some form. It got hit in mini-patches. It got PvE nerfes even during PvP patches. It got nerfed in bugfix patches. It got nerfed in hotfix patches.  Until eventually the power build was brought down to 33k DPS.  (other builds also got hit, but power mech is relevant to this conversation)

    Unfortunately balance perception inertia is very strong in this community. This is the tendency of players to look back on when a build was strong and assume that is still the case even after it is nerfed into a balanced state. 

    This is why people continued to complain about mechanist even after it arguably became balanced.  I'd argue it was balanced because, even though it still was the easiest dps in the game,  it also (appropriately) had the lowest theoretical maximum DPS in the game, bordering support levels despite being completely selfish. Exactly what people asked for. 

    Nontheless, the complaints continued, ANET were running out of things to nerf. Mech was already the weakest DPS numbers wise, and they've hit it over and over again, but the hate didn't die down, so they finally hit rifle, which had become intertwined in the Mechanist discussion. 

    This is unfortunate  because rifle never got complaints on core, Scrapper, or Holosmith in PvE. All of them with the exception of core (which has no other power weapon) ran their elite weapons because they were still better. This suggested rifle wasn't the problem despite Mechanist's performance with it, but we know ANET. If it overperforms on one of our elite specs, it gets nerfed. (See: Med Kit, Elixir gun, shield in PvP, nades in PvP because of holosmith, ect).

    You might say "rifle wasn't nerfed it was net neutral", but as it turns out, the numbers are lower despite that. As for why they removed a bullet. I don't think it was just because of animation jank. I've met a LOT of people both in game and on the forums who claim rifle is too strong because it "fires too fast". 

    I've heard statements like "it looks like you have quickness when you don't. That's OP". Making the animation slow removes that placebo effect and now players can see rifle for what it actually is. 






    You are wrong.

    Mecha hater not start on rifle buff patch

    it start on EOD beta, and the most power of rifle mecha patch is 38k ( 15 ~16 apm , not a afk build ), there has no overturn patch for rifle mecha,  in the patch , it over nerf pretty much every thing but mech.

    And the hater try to blame shifting the anger for other class nerf.





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  2. 2 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

    You're right that on nodes meta builds prevail usually, but nade engi can kite so effectively when getting chased with ss and throwing nades backwards that it becomes the best effective strategy. This is in part because nades hit hard while being thrown back at you. For a start just having nades glow so we could see them more clearly while being thrown would be a decent improvement.

    To your point about nades being worthless if not omnidirectional, I disagree. If the damage is pretty up there it wouldn't be terrible. Hell, you could even buff them if you wanted at that point. I just think if the ability to have the caster throw them behind is a thing, the balance has to fit this philosophy properly.

    Another option would simply be reducing ss, but either way the point is the kiting potential while bursting is way too strong.



    Warrior longbow also a good weapon they don't actually "Face" enemy.

    I'm not try to say condi warrior OP, but there has many kit/weapon get good value when you kiting.


    PS: I use this clip coz the enemy nade engi is top 25 nade holo player in past 5 season.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Ambi.9146 said:


    The original post literally said "Their recent buff gave them too much juice and they wreck now." I ignored the whole using nades while aboutface because:

    1) Nades without omnidirectional casts are worthless. No one is suggesting any design changes. just nerf dmg , and imply to remove omnidirectional casts. It's mindless to nerf something so heavily when it isn't a significant design flaw and it isn't even in the meta.

    2)The only builds that get kited (mostly warr), get node for free against an engi so kiting ends up mostly irrelevant. And if you don't want nade engis to kite in a teamfight setting, maybe we should make nade engi akin to vindi or cata. so they could block/dodge everything and still drop 15k bursts with minimal effort.


    The fact is, the damage hardly changed, nade engi isn't even remotely meta, and the idea of nerfing nades' casts/dmg is just to supplement what some players lack in skill to fight a, at best, B tier build.


    is there has a rifle mecha meta season on the past ?

    Rifle mecha got nerf,  a build don't need to be meta to get nerf, it need ppl hate it.


    • Like 1
  4. On 12/23/2022 at 12:52 PM, Peter.3901 said:

    When i saw the elite first time i though about some drone oriented character, but after all is just another "press key to AoE skill", am i missing something?


    And its survivability is the worst so far...

    "And its survivability is the worst so far..." -> did you every play holo, jajajaja.

    The fun part of scrapper is superspeed and function gryo,  you need party to get value and fun.

  5. A:

    Yeah, I don't like homeless , they smell stinky.

    We should expulsion them.



    But you can try to fix the problem .

    Maybe we should give them job.



    No! They need ban, not fix.

    We are living in a democratic society,  let's vote what type of homeless should be expulsion.

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    So what problem are we still trying to fix?

    Mech is not hogging the DPS spotlight. Does nothing in speedruns. Open world is irrelevant, lol. Story even more so. Nobody is kicking anyone from organized parties because "bring mech or else", the way it was for other "problematic" builds previously; people just keep showing up with mechs because of inertia/existing gear/comfiness. 
    What's the issue?

    There has only one problem for me,  too many mecha hater, and I don't know how to fix it.


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  7. 30 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    but it's not only 21-22k auto is it? It's 21-22k auto with NO input (and more with minimal input), on a pet class (which results in higher damage uptime in actual encounters aka the difference between bench and encounter is lower) with pierce, max range and good utility skills.

    That's what no other class mirrors even now and ignoring those factors, which still contribute to the classes popularity, is what makes your arguments dishonest/biased (and leads to a different evaluation on where the class is now from you versus say the developers which see a reason to re-balance).

    What I mean is no matter it performance good or not(and it's pretty bad now) , if it is AI pet class ppl will play it and hate it, constant nerfing it won't solve the problem.

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  8. 33 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    I love how even in your own comparison you decide that comparing a build which presses 2 buttons total and then has 0 interaction somehow qualifies as low intensity. That's the issue at hand here: pmech is a "no intensity" build which produces higher results on most content compared to most other builds.

    The only thing you've shown is that the criticism remains true. That LI holo build has far more interaction requirements (not only that but you even decided to go with Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit, which actually requires semi precise management to not incur a significant dps loss due to overheating), it's melee range, doesn't pierce and has no benefit of the mech always being on target.

    This leads to the core of the issue though: players making subjective and uninformed comparisons. Pmech remains a strong build with nearly no peers in its own category, that of no interaction requirement and pet produced performance at max range. That's the reason it's been and why it remains so popular still (and why it was hilariously overpowered in the past).

    The only drawback here is that it has actually fallen out of the potential top damage position, meaning it's not a real option (it remains strong on some fights, especially if pierce is present) for good or high end players.


    Rifle power mech is underperforming, you don't need to comparing with holo, rifle definition overnerf for sure.

    And even rifle mech got nerf to the lowest dps for mech and ppl still like it.

    21~22k auto dps is nothing, you can do it in most of class, but mecha hate is real, and it won't fix by nerf it, even now i can find "mech op pls nerf" on forum/reddit/in game chat.




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  9. 3 minutes ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


    Funny enough when I pugged I only met 1 Pmech out of 5 group. But that aside, all the people complaining about Mech used benchmark performance so I'm not going to restrain myself on that as well. 


    And no I dont care about what you main, I just find it funny when a spec, especially an Ele spec, is overperforming and gets a slight adjustement, people suddenly cry the end of the world .But when Engineer complains that Anet literally killed the only good core weapon worth using in PvP/WvW and made the PvE version unfun, everyone act like justice has been restored. But like you say, Elementalist still has other DPS spec. 

    Stop it, you becoming more and more like a elementalist main 🤣


    • Confused 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Not everyone pays attention to patchnotes and even if they did the mech still does most of the heavy lifting. You could get ~24K DPS with no actions whatsoever just autocasts which is around 70% bench before the last bugfix. I have to test it again since I don't play power mech (play power holo and quick scrapper) but that's the situation. A similar low effort (three APM) power holo is around 25K which is behind power mech.

    See this video by someone that makes low effort builds:

    versus power holo which is mostly melee



    It's not a benchmark

    Rifle mech got nerf really hard , and it is death , it cannot compare with other low intensity build .






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  11. 13 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Overperforming on benchmarks only, versus being dominant in just about every instanced content (and still is, when I PUGed last night half the people were running power mech with rifle) and an eyesore in openworld.

    Also I am not an ele main if that is what you are insinuating, I have more hours on engi than ele...

    I just don't get it, when I 'm pluged a strike or raid, there always have 2~3 power rifle mech.

    Most of it have lowest dps except sup, if they change to condi mech or power scrapper which still a low apm dps, and it will boost their dps a lot , but ppl still play power auto rifle mech.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Hey buddy!

    I enjoy your videos and always enjoy when you leave a comment under mine. 🙂


    I have a few nice and valueable tips on how you can improve as Firebrand! Okey i try to make it as short as possible so its very clear.


    You will drastically improve as Firebrand in pvp.....   if you play Core or Willbender.   Firebrand sadly is hot garbage in pvp, ever since they got rid of SupportFB in pvp.

    Yeap, I try to use heal Firebrand and the core feel much better , the Tome of Courage cost too many of page.

    And Tome of Justice don't provide enough condi pressure .

    I try to find some spark let me satisfy.

    Currently I thought firebrand Identity is AOE point pressure and down state cleaner (willbender have the best trace kill ability and core is the best sup, DH is the best dps with bow) ,  Scorched Aftermath and symbol have lot of power coefficient , but I don't figure out how to play it.


  13. HI, I'm a newbie firebrand in pvp.

    Is there have some tips or tutorial for firebrand .

    It's always fun to play a new build.

    The new change of firebrand make it pretty fun to play.

    I record my game play, If you watch something weird or bad combo/rotation/build, feel free to point out.

    PS: Don't change this topic to be a firebrand player cry post, I know it is underperforming. 


    Condi Firebrand first try:


    Power Firebrand first try:


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  14. 6 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    BROOO you HAVE to be kidding. 😂

    are you comparing tools holo to freshair!?!! And your conclusion is that they are basicly the same, but freshair doesnt even have to look at people and is also immune to reflects!? so they will axe it!? seriously?!  please play freshair in pvp xDDD     go play it.....   its hot garbage.

    Its fine in WvW cuz you can actually burst people, but in PvP you dont have enough rawstats to make a dent. your better of playing literally anythingelse. no cap.    Since they crippled elements of rage, Freshair weaver is just a shadow of its former self, and no Dragonstooth rework can change that. 


    The "buffs" to Freshair weaver are not really something to talk about. The Dragonstooth is nice and forces your opponent to dodge, but its still not the gamechanger that sceptre needed to make FAWeaver viable again. They mainly added another burstoption with watertrident, but it not only requires you to set it up with water4 or Shatterstone... it also requires you to doubleattune to water. BUT they removed the 10 vuln from shatterstone... SO THEY AGAIN took 10% potentialDamage away from your burst.

    If anything they buffed coresceptre/Tempestsceptre/Catalystsceptre.  Because they can actually use Watertrident without crippling their gameplay.


    The problems that Freshairweaver has in pvp are as follows: 

    -to gain meaningfull damage, you need to be rocking berserker/divinity.  Not only do you onky have 13k hp this way, but you also baaarely scratch 70% crit with fury.... which you only gonna have for 40% of the time, so most of the time your sitting at 13khp with 50% critchance.....  WHICH IS AWFUL. If you go marauder you will have 16k hp and a bit more crit... but you dont reach the ferocity to really make a dent.

    -The range.  its 2022..... Freshair has no real sustain.... just 1 long CD shortrange blink....   BUT 900 RANGE.  With all the mobilitycreep.... Superspeed on airswap is suddenly not enough to truely kite people as much as you need it. There is too much stuff with +900 range that will literally melt you in seconds.. and there is so many teleports that even the thought of a Untamed will have you flopping over dead.  Ever tried kiting a ranger that is PewPewing you from 1500 range, while you kite with your glorious superspeed around the range of 900 to weave in your bursts?  YEAH feels awful, because you will literally die to 4 AA´s from the bow....  

    Sceptre needs 1200 range the second it gets 1200 range, it will become viable in pvp. 


    HI, I just try you's build with sceptre, it's my fist try , I'm basically a noob elementalist.

    I feel sceptre is more smooth and more easy to play than dagger.

    What do you think, is sceptre change bring up various for condi tempest or just meme? 


  15. 5 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

    That is not "Prohibited posts" or "Datamined or Leaked Content" or "Duplicate Posts" or "Discussing Moderation Decisions or Policy"

    They nerf mechanist that was great, but they forget nerf bunker mechanist.

    Bunker meta has no fun,  It litterally overshadows all duelists when holding a node. 

    When the only viable way of dealing with a mechanist is to have your own engineer stall him on a sidenode.

    Mechanist Sustain Is Overperforming, Please Tune It Down 


    Do you try bunker scrapper before,  bunker mecha not the only one can tankly, besides you cannot win a match by hold 1v1 node, right?

  16. 21 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:


    Holo is too strong,  the best Duelist and DPS,  Duelist specs are not supposed to DPS on top! Every other Duelist spec has been nerfed throughout and holo still gone top of them all.


    HO, holo got buff when it turn into red, Particle Accelerator got 0.1 k damage buff when you wear berserker gear......

    You most have alien tech to cool you weapon, or you don't have enough heat to do damage.


    • Confused 1
  17. Why always mention engi when ele main try to bargain for something, i'm just curious.


    15 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    Oh dear. Appearently Elementalists finally got a skill that is good.

    Come on, nerf it.

    Back to Mechanist.


    10 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

    Roll a holosmith and put those cheeky elementalist players back into the downstate meta.


    12 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

    No need to nerf elementalists, rifle mechanist is strong and need the check

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