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Posts posted by freakcoco.4287

  1. On 12/15/2022 at 9:06 AM, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

    In this thread I want to bring up realizable nerfs to tanky Mesmer builds (I've already advocated for all of these in the past but let's collect them in one post).

    • Remove Distortion from Virtuoso. What Virtuoso needs is mainly trait reworks, utility/elite reworks, and most importantly quality of life (see my video), not F5 Distortion. Blade Renewal on 40s cd is also a bit iffy.
    • Remove or hard nerf the instant 3 stacks of 5s of confusion on Staff #4. In return, rework Phantasmal Warlock so as to not be useless (and preferably less fire-and-forget). And fix the bugged tracking on Winds of Chaos.
    • Remove the Distortion on Blurred Inscriptions (Signets).
    • Rework Bladeturn Refrain (Aegis on every Bladesong) to something else. This block-spam is unfun, similar to the old blind on every shatter. In return, reduce cast time on Bladesong Harmony and fix the tracking on Bladesong Dissonance (see video).
    • Remove the passive 2 condition cleanse when you are disabled from Auspicious Anguish. Increase the number of Conditions converted with Distortion to 4, to compensate.

    This will be fine as a start. Note: don't criticize these on the grounds of "Virtuoso is already too weak", I agree that it is weak, there should be buffs/reworks to accompany these nerfs as I mentioned. For one, dagger #3 needs an overhaul.

    I think they need to give mes more substain and less defence skill,  most of heal by mes like nothing.

  2. On 12/23/2022 at 1:04 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    I don't really like switching and don't see the goal of it in random matches. They should be random.


    Also, I see many players (wrongly) assuming builds and play styles. I play Elly/Tempest and players too often assume that I play support sometimes even so far that team members demand that one of the Ellies switches to other profession because they assume we have two supports. Not asking. They just assume all tempests are support.

    It's not random.


    They fit for class.

    The system attempts to keep the number of duplicate professions to a minimum,  and you can play lot for the system.

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/20/2022 at 8:03 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    That link is showing "in general" amongst all game modes.

    That has nothing to do with class representation for the current pvp patching.

    And class representation ratios have little to do with how strong or weak something actually is. For example, when 50% of the population is playing Rifle Mech, even though you won't see any Rifle Mechs in the top 100 or in the semis or final rounds of any ATs because they pop and die in 2s each time they come off the respawn. In other words, the Rifle Mech only has high class representation because it is easy to play, not because it's actually good.

    That sad,  but it's the hard part of balance, different skill play different game.

    • Confused 1
  4. On 12/22/2022 at 1:42 AM, Jagdtiger.2517 said:



    I am planning on returning to the game after not playing since Path of Fire release. How is the state of the game nowadays, specifically on the North American server? I know this game never had an insane PvP population, but is PvP still playable with reasonable queue times? Last time I played I was around top 25 level and burned myself out constantly tryharding for top 10. This time I plan on playing more casually. I'll probably play WvW and some PvE also. 



    Actually the meta not that bad, NA time have more population.

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/21/2022 at 6:49 AM, Khalisto.5780 said:

    Pls don't nerf it for core ele


    Give it the treatment you gave vindi, when you nerfed the vigor traits only for vindi.


    Nerf it just for elites


    Agree, nerf core is bad, but I think many ppl just want to see anything burn.

    • Confused 1
  6. On 12/6/2022 at 3:49 AM, noiwk.2760 said:

    hey Arena Net please  provide Necro/reaper more ways to clean conditions. .  we have close to none condi cleans  yes we have spectral walk but its 1 condition at random every 2 seconds. . it doesnt actually help..  and we are being forced to use consume condition healing skill just for the condi clean .  please  add more condi clean or buff spectral walk condition cleaning ! thank you !


    Necro have lot of passive clean traits, but most of it are not solid, and passive is not a good thing in pvp.

    I wish they buff necro active clean skill. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/3/2022 at 5:10 PM, bethekey.8314 said:


    I not only don't list every defensive ability, but this also doesn't account for how long they last. Torch stealth lasts for multiple seconds, for example, rendering the use of other blocks/dodges etc pointless.

    Regardless of duration, a new defensive every 2.5 seconds.

    Tell me again why Mesmer Virtuoso requires skill. I could program a bot to do a set rotation better than this.



    Mecha pretty much lost every match up.

    It proof nothing.

  8. On 12/15/2022 at 2:29 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

    You are missing the whole point by contrast...

    A build that can duel. team fight, support......typically it would be called bad design by common players....but ofc GW2 players would think otherwise....unless is not their profession. There is literally zero difference in CD and mechanics between the pvp version and wvw version for the skills I have linked..and yeah FW didn't cele to win did they? But hey...shame on me for even trying to make sense on the pvp forum, please you lot can keep up with the ranting and delusional talk.

    "buff renegade..."...please folks...add as many sad faces to this post as you can..


    Not that bad.

    But the play style pretty much like a different Herald/Vindicator.

    There has always have a best revenant let other ashamed.

  9. On 12/25/2022 at 10:43 PM, Jagdtiger.2517 said:



    I recently returned to the game and I'm having a lot of fun. What isn't fun, however, is my old main, warrior. Spellbreaker is a snoozefest. What classes do you guys enjoy playing in PvP? 



    Meta class, I like the class carry me, but me to carry the class 🤣.

  10. On 12/23/2022 at 12:48 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    My jade bot won't rez me if you're mean to me in sPvP.

    I can't use my siege turtle in WvW even tho WvW is the place that has sieges all the time.


    I wish I can use my turtle in wvw for the skin, even the damage is zero I will use it for afk scouting.

  11. 7 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    While I like that hammer gets some spotlight, it really seems too strong and oppressive right now. Other builds got nerfed for being noob stompers, which this build at least also seems to be, but also seems more potent in general use.

    It's not fun for players to get hit once by a CC and then spending an eternity lying on the ground in permanent stunlock.


    For CC, yeah, but there has not much problem for hammer berserker or hammer core war, hammer are too slow that are hard to actually land the skill , also have zero defence on the weaopn ,  and if you miss it you don't have enough adrenaline.

    But spellbreaker don't have adrenaline problem , Full Counter is a great defence, that make hammer power.



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