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Posts posted by freakcoco.4287

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    another day, another pointless mechanist video..... Let me turn this around.


    Reflect reflect reflect ez gg.

    This must be the most disgusting thing in pvp.         (here take this video of me DuoQ-stomping pugs in g3, to justify a nerf. xD)


    Zero Reflect build, ez gg....

    This must be the most disgusting thing in pvp.(copy paste is fun)

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    That you watched this game and came to the conclusion that mechanist is OP is insane.

    Yeah, they keep spamming 11111111111 on mortar kit. They also fail to hit anything 90% of the time. Just standing far away and keep missing mortar shots is not really as impressive as you make it out to be here.

    Doesn't even have the signet to revive the mech, so once some people focus the mech, it just dies and leaves the mechanist here absolutely helpless (but hey, I guess they can keep running around missing their mortar shots, right?).

    Please, someone help me understand this, was this game supposed to impress me?

    I'm the clip mech, and everytime I play/record my mech game ,  I will get some commit like mech op, IA bot OP, something like that ...  It's no joke

    However when I play holo , the commit will be like "holo damage too strong ...100 to 0 CC..... too OP" , and I play scrapper the commit will be like "Stop post noob build, scrapper for noob play".

    The most funny part is ele/mes clip always get positive commit or "Please link build".....🤣

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  3. 59 minutes ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:


    You are wrong.

    This is a height ranking game, and scrapper still OP as F*CK.

    The skill is a thing but engi boost it up.

    I assume you skill level = 100, and you play elementalist, then you skill level = 100 - 20 = 80.

    If you play engi,  you skill level = 100 + 20 = 120.

    Why does Anet hate elementalist?

    Just like Teapot say:
    "That just not fun! just not good to have like that's no way to have you class using like 70% of your resource to use 1 skill"

    There have no fun a pvp game with 2 engi, like monkey fight, the best way to balance engi is put to death.


    You are wrong.

    This is official forum, and Troll still OP as F*CK.

    The skill is a thing but Troll boost it up.

    I assume you skill level = 100,  if Troll Play it , then you skill level = 100 - 99999 = -.

    If you play scrapper socal scores = 100 -99999 = -∞ coz ppl hate scrapper.

    Why does Anet do nothing to the hater?

    Just like Teapot say: 
    "That just not fun! just not good to have like that's no way to have you class using like 70% of your resource to use 1 skill"

    There have no fun a pvp game with 2 Troll, like monkey fight, the best way to deal with trollers is copy what it's say .

  4. First I want to thank you , you provide a new player perspective .

    There has nothing wrong to be a newbie, I pretty sure all of we are bad when we try a new thing.

    I think "matchmaking system" and "Glicko2 rating"  is the problem.

    The Glicko2 rating is a 1v1 rating system ,  multiple comparisons problem is not no it's hypothesis, and GW2 use arithmetic mean to compose the rating level ,  and whether that is outlier or not , the weights is one, when a newbie input you will be the outlier and mean to it and there will get no fair fight.

    Matchmaking system is bad... It just bad, it not base on skill(win rate), it have 5 factor, one of it is skill , and that is not the most important factor, the most important is time and what class is you cruurent matching, other factor is play time and party size,  skill will decay in sec , whatever skill level it will put you in in 3 min no matter what rating are you , I don't know but It worse than random...




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  5. 10 minutes ago, Shivan.9438 said:

    Not a skill issue, just one dropping down and unloading everything and dead. Love to see you make some vids where you trounce mech engi's. 😉

    Scrapper vs mech


    DH vs mech


    harbinger vs mech



    You don't even need be good to kill mech....

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

    Grenade kit is fine IF you use the grenadier perk. Otherwise it is kind of unreliable unless you use it at close range.

    Mortar kit is honestly fine. Yes it's hard to use at range against mobile target but it is a great zoning tool and I dont think it needs any buffs or nerf

    I'm not try to buff it.

    I just want make it easier to play.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

    The issues is that the current kits do not hold the to universal rule of cd on swap. This makes the kits to often use at will and not use with in that kit. You can never make kits better with out comply braking the class and your never going to see real productive buffs to the eng classes. If you have no risk for use of an kit or even swapping out of that kit though cd swap you simply have 5 free skills on every eng class at the cost of 1 utility slot.

    I mean .... engi have no weapon swap, it's not zero cost.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

    Wow! I’m schooled! Thanks! The hero Tyria needs!


    Now let’s toss in about 8 billion pixels of particle effects, stealth, and some cc spam for good measure. 

    Whoops! They didn’t trigger my AED. Time to shrink elixir, stealth, and super speed out for a few seconds while everything resets before my opponent gets their cooldowns back!

    Then you know the problem is not no AED, there have lot of disengage/defence skill on engi  utility slot , and  Elixir S have 48 recharge time...

  9. 6 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    I mean brute force works, yeah

    personally I like to infinite CC spam AED enjoyers. Won't pop AED if they can't use anything to begin with and they won't be running away either. 😉

    I mean .... whatever they trigger AED or not , a ordinary dps/duelist can brute it down .

    Engi squishy as kitten.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Bizgurk.5639 said:

    Have you set 'Ground Targeting' to Instant and enabled 'Allow skill retargeting'? If yes, the direction of you grenades are determined at the end of the cast. Whether the cast time would be 10 seconds or 0 seconds it would make no difference in terms of prediction.
    Only the velocity would have an impact.
    If you have set the aforementioned options to anything else then you might have a hard time hitting anything that moves in a Brownian motion.


    It work on most of situation for nade , but fast with range indicator is very useful on something you must cast on right point ( like function gyro when you need to help teammate ).

    Mortar velocity speed still too slow for a normal projectile and  Instant cast + retargeting cannot help it.

  11. Quick is important for Grenade/Mortar scrapper in wvw/pvp, not because DPS.

    It's that Grenade/Mortar are super hard to land, 1 sec activation time and slow projectile.

    Since the patch take heal/cleanse,/superspeed/stab,/projectilehate/stealth/quickness away from Scrapper.

    I think it is time to fix the problem.

    Reduce Grenade/Mortar cast time and increase velocity speed , or do something let we don't need to predict 2 ~ 3 sec to land skill.






    Bizgurk.5639 mentioned that you can use "Instant cast  + Allow skill retargeting" to make nade easier to land, but the tips is not working when I try to use mortar scrapper.

    You may say  I'm a newbie and a expert can predict enemy to land the skill, but I think there have lot of newbie in pvp/wvw need help, and that's why mech are so popular .



    fast with range indicator + Allow skill retargeting



    Instant cast  + Allow skill retargeting


    • Haha 1
  12. Since ppl don't know how to deal with AED.

    The easiest way to counter AED is ignore it .

    clip 1 engi die coz it random spam rockboot.


    clip 2 engi successfully escape 


    There reason why engi can survive/disengage is not sustain.

    It's mobility,  try to bake the rockboot CD or holo heat capacity, and you will be fine.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  13. 10 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    Its well known how it works in this game but I'll explain it here. There's no individual rating in this game, its instead based upon the result of your wins and losses by averaging your team against the enemy team's rating, then adjusting all players on those teams accordingly.


    This is why I said the game doesn't use it correctly. It treats entire teams as individual players and then the player's personal rating is determined by the combination of all games they win/lose, not anything they did in those games, only what their team's average rating and the average rating of the enemy team is.


    This is why duo Q is used to manipulate ratings, because you can get a silver-level player queueing with a platinum-level player, and their average rating is gold, which changes how the scoring works.

    I'm checking "pvp matchmaking algorithm" from wiki,  and that not just try to match average rating group, there have 5 components  for match roster (time/rating/number of games played/roster size/profession), and skill rating is one of the factors but the most important factors is time and profession,  all those factors make for classification stable, it make player classification in the same group( a lost team will group together again and again fight with win team...),  I don't know why but I think the matchmaking are worse then random,  change rating system will not fix matchmaking  coz that is not principal components for a match .

  14. 14 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    This game doesn't use Glicko2 correctly and it never did.


    Glicko is a measurement of an individual's skill rating yet this game uses it as a measurement of the team's rating, which falls apart completely. Nothing you do as an individual, either getting all top stats or none at all, has any effect on your rating (only whether your team wins or loses the match)  and combined with a low player population, are the few reasons matchmaking is so messed up.


    But I've written enough about it over the years, the devs don't care about PvP anymore.

    Glicko2 is a 1v1 rating system,how can it work on multiple comparisons problem since gw2 pvp is a 5v5 game?

    Also it is a rating system not a matchmaking system, chess use swiss-system matchmaking and glicko to rating.

    Even if Glicko rating system work well , matches quality won't go up when we have a nono matchmaking system.

  15. I don't know where is the hate coming from?

    It is not about Engi performance (It's bad, that make it humorous), but also skill skill ceiling (Holo is not a low skill ceiling class).

    They treating Engi like a punching bag.

    Why can't they just ask for some buff for their love?


    • Like 1
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  16. 4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:


    "nerf tempest so we are back to "Coreguard-only""


    The ammount of reflects that Tempest can dish out is the same since they release Tempest.... Only now they have released a wagonload of specs and weapons that are heavily projectilebased... Tempest is now the best and most viable counter to this new meta....     

    ....conclusion......  NERF TEMPEST! 😡

    as soon as people realize that the current meta is heavily projectilebased and that people are catching up on it and spamming projectilehate.... the meta will shift again towards more "meelefocused" or "nonprojectile ranged" builds. Give it time, instead of crying for a nerf to the most viable counter to the current meta.

    Ever thought about the fact that maybe its to many projectiles.... which forces this "reflect and projectilehate spam"?

    People are crying about rifleengie, harbinger, Bsw, Cata SOOO MUCH.... and Tempest is the best counter to those things..... conclusion: NERF TEMPEST!

     A Healty meta has distinct hardcounters, which keep other builds in check. Tempest keeps the other projectilespamming builds like rifle engie in check. If you have a good supporttempest and the enemy has a rifleengie.... the engie will melt himself, which makes picking this build a risky decision. Things like that keep this balance intact.

    I'm a Engi main, and when the meta change tempest pop up, I immediately take my hammer scrapper back.

    I don't know why rifle engie became a thing , lot of ppl like it or hate it.

    It performance not good as any engi build but ppl still love it,

    And then balance patch has come, the fire rate has be Increase but the DPS still low as usual.

    Everyone mad about that patch, It's a PVE patch but you can see how may ppl keep spamming "ENGI OP! PLS NERF" in PVP .

    I don't know where is the fury came from.

    Nowadays, Mech not even good at PVE (yeah, 27k dps auto build is simple but not good as averages dps build) and ppl still complaint about it, I just feel sad.

    I guess next patch when the engi finally death in any game mode ppl will start complaint about "ELE OP! PLS NERF", there have some hater are starting spamming that, and maybe that's balance work.


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