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Posts posted by MysteryDude.1572

  1. 3 minutes ago, ZTeamG.4603 said:

    If the enemies are spread out, you wouldn't be able to kite them forever, nor would you be able to attack objectives while all stacked in one spot. Whether it would end up as clouds or parties of 5 spread out across the battlefield (ie if attacking a keep maybe one party is defending the rams, one is pressuring the walls, one is on the outer walls trying to shoot at the inner walls, etc.), it'd be more fun and interesting gameplay than blob v blob.

    i think youre describing the old meta , where caster and focus party existed , now spiced up with all the new elites in a way. 😄

    • Haha 1
  2. ok , now im thinking , woudlnt that promote extreme pirate ship? if all offensive skills hit 50 people , why would someone risk to come close for a 50 target cap arc diviner where they can eat in the face 50 skills 50 taget each . if the play is to cloud a zerg with eles and kitten , yes , but other than that it would mean 50 man necro shades/50 man CoR/ 50 man holo forge etch , and its not like single target focus aint a thing..

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  3. also , it doesnt make sence sense WHY a zerg would split up like you mentioned. just because a meteor stike will affect ALL enemies so it doesnt matter where they stand? (to my understanding). thats cool , but its doent depend on offensive targe caps but rather suport RANGE

    fb healing skills are under 200 range cone casts , god forbid dps try to solo commit somewhwere

    i guess what youre describing could work if the support range would be like , 3~5 k range so parties can actually stop stacking . and then again this would be abused if suports stay behind walls/gates etc

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  4. Yooo , I'm an evil boonballer and I think the cap ring is a bit small. 

    I get the change for some camps so the ring won't overextend behind the houses (ebg), but the outer ring should end directly in front on the houses, not 1/2 away from them

    Like , in some camps, rings don't involve the little kitting spots like the cliffs... 

    On some big structures like SMC/keeps/towers etc... there is no room to start from mid range taking advantage of corners/pillars (if u are a caster) and THEN advance in melle. You have to dive melle in enemy face from the get go

    Wasn't well implemented change imo...

  5. 6 hours ago, Cael.3960 said:

    Let me see if I'm reading this right. 

    A poorly organized half-map of casuals, wall-runners and inexperienced players sees an approaching blob. For clarification, I'm assuming a 'blob' is anything more than 20 players with some kind of leadership, where'as 'map que' is 35+ because guessing numbers is a significant challenge for most people who can't read enemy groups very well. 

    The enemy group is organized, probably with comped squads and voice coms, isolates a vulnerable gate or wall and throws down siege. They clear nearby fixed-siege, 'heat up' the walls with aoe and pulls to keep defenders from disabling or destroying siege while their full-spec'd players use the available siege to greatest effect. 

    The scout, who can't tell the difference between a tactivator and a resource node, pulls everything once he sees a wall go down (and probably links the EWP in map chat instead of team, thereby wasting valuable seconds while someone with more experience finishes the job for him), succeeding in attracting a competent group which is immediately que'd out by the rush of roamers and milia members knowing there's defence content available. 

    The 'blob' passes through the outer wall and isolates a vulnerable gate or wall and throws down more siege. Because there's a defence presence, they bubble and use anti-projectile hate/pulls to discourage individual defenders from doing insignificant damage to their group from nearby walls, surrounding their siege to ensure it's not disabled and to take advantage of Iron Will should a coordinated response rush their position. 

    Someone who knows what they're doing throws down defensive siege on upper levels or behind walls, knowing these locations are safe and can pressure the entire enemy group while they sit on siege. Also they tag EVERYTHING with their siege volleys, and secure in the knowledge that if any attacker dies they'll get bags and defense rewards they have absolutely zero reason to do anything else in the fight. A few roamers who also know what they're doing join them, one even stealths and hops the wall/exits a portal to disable enemy siege once they see the bubbles dissipate. He's the hero we need, but unfortunately what we have is 30+ idiots, 5-10 wall runners sitting at spawn, and 10 more competent veterans who are hopelessly wrangling the morons on the map to mount an effective defence. Someone calls for a tag or a guild as the situation becomes desperate. 

    The 'blob' knocks down another hole and the keep is wide open to the lord. The idiots try to repair a wall, failing to realize they only brought the 3 supply left over from the last evening they built a catapult at home tower and there isn't enough to tap it shut. They empty their supply and rush to the lord room where they try to range 30x their number and are instantly nuked. The slightly smarter ones are eles who vapor form to safety and once fully recovered, proceed to do the exact same thing over and over again. 

    Meanwhile the half-squad who managed to get on map to defend the objective tries to form up for a push. All they need to do is down/kill half their number to snowball enough attrition to keep the objective. They can duck out at any time to recover numbers from the runbacks and the handful of solo veterans who refuse to join squad but insist on standing in the middle of their group for the push. Ques are in the 20s, no more help is coming. The lord is down to 10% and there isn't enough siege weapons turned on the lord room to pressure the 'blob' to leave. Those who are on the map but not in squad are peppering the 'blob' with everything on their skill bar, getting big numbers and no downs. No one is running supply to fix the walls because there's defence content and the moment someone leaves they're outnumbered and the objective is going to flip. 

    They die and keep running back. Forgetting to grab supply along the way because it's more important to join the fight than to think tanctically. The run back is short, they can die over and over if they have to so long as they grind out the win. 

    The blob has killed the Lord and is now sitting on it's corpse to prevent it from being rez'd. Anti-projectile hate surrounds their group and they watch the glass-rangers off themselves with reflects. Amazingly one of those competent veterans (probably a berserker because they know the subtle benefits of their class with select keep tactics) has grabbed the dragon banner and is absolutely PUMPING damage into that blob. He's targeted for pulls but maintains enough defiance to back off before they hunt him down and eliminate the only real threat outside the guild with a half-squad who's got as much on tag as he can and now pushes in. 

    They die. Because they're outnumbered on the push and can't sustain against bigger numbers. The idiots ringing the lord room pillars and walls stay exactly where they are and launch aoe's into the fight, failing to single out priority targets or secure downs because the biggest concentration of targets is obviously where the damage goes. The defending squad is wiped and tries to run back to regroup. The militia/veterans who remain dance around the columns to stave off the capture circle. But most of them don't bring self-stability or know that aoe can wrap around columns and so they're downed. The 'blob' expands within the circle to push out contestants and the objective starts ticking. 

    Someone managed to repair one of the walls. Two guys are destroying the enemy siege while the keep flips. Another scout announces that the other server is also attacking. He's ignored, except by the ones who were wall-running at spawn and finally realized there was content only to jump into the keep and become fixated on the enemy zerg that's not in the lord room. They start building siege to fight them. 

    The capture circle keeps ticking. Slowly, because some of the defenders actually know what they're doing. Then quickly because those guys are now dead. The casuals who haven't been running into death to contest are running out because they don't want to be a trapped bag (they've already died a couple times so they can't give loot or xp, but they don't know that). The objective quickly flips and the defenders run out. Fortunately, the OTHER enemy 'blob' managed to push in before the flip and has become trapped inside. They see the defenders running out and collect a few corpses (no bags, alas) and have to decide to stay and fight or also leave. Someone gets a look at the lord room and sees that there's roughly the same number they have. 

    They fight, because this group saw the OJ's and chose to rush toward them instead of taking an undefended objective someplace else. It's a quality fight, though the first 'blob' has lost cooldowns and has broken parties due to attrition. It's a toss-up between which of them wins. 

    There's an arrowcart that hasn't been destroyed and one of the defenders is STILL on it. Bags for days. Until someone realizes who the mosquito is and a few people swat him. Oh well, he's got his wiggle chest. Time to call out the idiots in chat for failing to mount a proper defence. 

    The two 'blob's fight and one of them wins. Maybe it's the first one, maybe it's the second one. In any case, it's a T-nothing keep and neither of them decides to stay.

    5 minutes later there's swords on the keep. A minute later there's oj's in the lord room. Somewhere else on the map there's another set of Oj's, looks like the two 'blobs' are fighting again at a tower. 5 map defenders, uncontested, have retaken their keep. 

    The half-squad that transferred to defend the keep is bitched out for failing to defend it and has left the map so they can rejoin those who couldn't get in because of the que. They decide it's best just to do their own thing because half a squad having a good time is unfair to the other half. They pick a map, stay there, and ignore future callouts; if there was a que then it means there are enough defenders to manage on their own. 

    Team/map chat gets hostile and abuse is heaped upon whatever tag that showed up because now it's clear THEY were the problem. And by staying on a map instead of responding to future callouts on other maps it's clear they're making the problem even worse. 

    The map is still qued. No, it's a false que. Now it's outnumbered. Hunh. The tag now has a que on his map instead. 

    The two 'blob's fight each other until one side is the clear winner (or one of them gets bored) and one side logs off. Surprisingly, most of the map is defence colors again. Those 5 guys who flipped the keep have been busy while being ignored. In fact, the keep is T1 and in another 10-15 minutes it'll be T2. One blob is gone but the other is still around. They spend 15-20 minutes retaking their third and then make a push toward the now T2 keep. 

    The cycle repeats. 

    And maybe it repeats a second time before a friendly tag with most of a squad shows up to respond and manages to get most, if not all, of their coordinated group on the map. With fewer ineffective players on their side, they manage to hold the T2 keep. With content on the map they stick around. The solo players, recognizing that there's an anchor of stability on their map don't dare leave for a different one. They flip camps and towers and rally to the OJ's on tired objectives because there's a rock they can orbit for protection while collecting bags and defender rewards. It's the good life. 

    Until another map needs help and that tag swaps bl's to respond. Half their squad is que'd out. 

    The cycle repeats. 

    LMFAO, you beat me to it, it's like experiencing alpine garri in real time hahahaha 🤣


    On 4/17/2024 at 4:03 AM, Damian.8127 said:

    A hypothetical organised blob seeks some fun. Enemy wont fight open field as they are outnumbered, outgunned or lack a commander.

    Some of the best fights revolve around the contesting and it gives roamers and unorganised clouds the chance to be effective.


    The Enemy blob looking for content. It hits the keep, meanwhile map is obviously qued and zerg can't fully port so obviously can't defend fully... 

    Meanwhile, "roamers and unorganised clouds" being effective how???? By clogging the que?  Or refliping objectives they obviously can't defend..

    so issue doesn't lie in objectives' stats , issue is the server's players..

    It's simple,  get out of the map so zerg can enter. But noo, let the randoms have these epic 1-3 v 50  fights and losing the keep, yet somehow it will end up being Commander's fault...

    Tbh if enemy (at least in EU) wants to fight another server , they usually contact leads and go to the 3rd map which won't have que and rvr it out somewhere..  and if it happens to have enemy in your keep, chill while rest of zerg gets though the que, let keep flip so pugs gtfo of the map so rest of the zerg can go fight. 



    • Confused 3
    • Sad 1
  6. 20 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

    This was absolutely necessary change and good for WvW. Objectives were not a spot to fight in, making players stack more and more to servers that are so strong that they can go inside objectives without it being trolling. Guilds were avoiding objectives and dueling scene died, because objective auras were just too strong. Ofc not everyone knew why enemy objectives were unfun to fight in, but they still felt it and avoided them.

    Of course you are right that they should still buff defenders by  increasing siege vs siege damage, removing boon golems and multiple shield generator bubbles in same spot. Defender should be at least able to buy some time with siege so they can build some numbers.

    But no one can deny that objective auras were killing whole WvW experience when for any sized group difference between any friendly and enemy objective was 30% damage worth of stats. When optimal gameplay is to wait for your enemies to be stupid, the game isn't very good.

    Bro , what? 

    Who the f**k gvg's/rvrs into enemy keeps??

    The closest to the keeps/towers groups do organised fights in EU  is maybe outside alpine garri or south towers and even then noone cares for the keep buff, maybe they kill cannons cause they strip stab. Everyone fights on south alpine camp in duel spot.

    And what , you think a 50 man zerg with actual parties/double supports cares for keep buff and 30 defenders on wall ? Acs/cannons more annoying than 100+ stat 30 random defenders, omegalul. 


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  7. On 2/2/2024 at 8:45 AM, Worats.7064 said:

    Hello guys, 

    It's probably not the best place to be doing this, but eitherway,  I'm trying to expand the GvG's playerbase within the Gw2 community by releasing a video showcasing some funny moments that happened in the past month's. I know that GvG is still seen as something very niche, but it's honestly quite an unique experience and I would love if more people would simply know about it. 

    For those who are unaware of this gamemode, it's a custom gamemode handled by the community where guilds will fight in an arena. Unlike WvW, there's no external factors affecting the fights or unfair numbers between the two guilds. It's pretty fun and intense and it can lead to some sweaty moments, and like most competitive gamemode, it can get really serious if you want to go that far. It's still something very interesting even if you're less experienced as there's a lot of people willing to help you out. The best way to know more about GvG would probably to go on the official GvG discord : https://discord.gg/3s7XVSjx

    This discord is where people will schedule fights and where guilds will recruit. Feel free to check it out if you're interested.



    can you also drop the EU inhouses disocrd , maybe people get intrested in that one too

  8. 16 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

    Anet does NOT want boon strip to equal boon application.  Because if it did, pugs might beat guild groups more often.  Losing to pugs consistently kills guilds.  Guilds dying equates to people leaving the game.  Anet would rather babysit guilds with boon-sharing, instant resses, easy keep/tower takes then to actually balance the game and make skill matter.  It's almost certain the boons are what is causing most of the skill lag in big fights, but that's ok as long as guilds can stand in a pile of 50 pressing 1 and boons and auto-win fights.

    Ye cause it takes so much skill to grief into scrim spots freecasting and spamming corruption from the side on 2 guilds that want to have a clean 20 v 20.

    Or having mentally challenged pugs that nuthug guilds making a 35 v 20. Instead of leaving guilds to fight it alone.

    Pugs Vs enemy blob ? Yes pliz more corruption for that thank you.

    • Confused 2
  9. that people actually theory craft "skillag comps" around it.

    And God forbid 2 squads with players that actually press buttons face each other, literally unplayable.

    Fighting enemy ebg pug squads is legit becoming worthwhile from the standpoint that you can actually play the game.

    you cannot make this 💩 up.....

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