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littledolores.9528's Achievements

  1. I noticed that too, also decorations you place near usuable objects (like a door), are nearly impossible to select to edit.
  2. The topic is getting long, so sorry again if it's listed before. Decorations placed as favorite don't stay favorite (maybe they meant it just for the moment you are decorating, but I want them there all the time lol)
  3. A not very known one, is that alongside of decorating your friends home, you can also make decorations for them, using your own mats
  4. For me they are way easier now lol. They are mostly all together sorted by what tool you use to collect them, the only things "out of the way" are the Lost Bandit Chest (which is around the building with all the chests) and the Orrian Pearls (on the dock near the skiff) The rest is all clustered in the groups 🙂
  5. Yes please! I have looked for that button a 100 times already, realising it's not an option lol. Specially since objects you place near a usuable object (like the doors), it's very hard to select them to adjust
  6. Nah, it's just a demand thing, if they would use other materials more, those prices will just go up. When Maguuma Lily's were "hot" in HoT, they were sold for way higher prices as well. Prices will drop again (I just refuse to make mushrooms, but I refused to for my GH before as well) More decorations are coming with the updates/events, maybe there will be cheaper ones to make, but likely prices of materials will go up again 🙂
  7. Well... you can have someone make decorations in your homestead (with party decorate mode on) and they will appear in your inventory🤫
  8. Nice... I guess (I see people selling deco's in the feature lol)
  9. That's intended, they changed that a while ago. If you get into combat and don't use skills (or move around) for 5 minutes, you get kicked to the character select screen
  10. When decorating in my friends homestead, I can make decorations with my materials, that end up in his homestead. Is it intended that I can make decorations for someone else?
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