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Everything posted by Terter.4125

  1. Actually one player can interact physically with another. Giving the example of the /"some emote" commands ( /dance /salute ). What this command is doing is if you and other player write the same command with the symbol after the command in the same 1-3 seconds you can do the emote synchronized. This can be done with a lot of people. If we implement this option further we can have something like a player with interactable mount and synchronize the movement with another one. Other thing to think of is can one player remote other player and the answer is maybe. At dragon's bash festival we saw the moa race where you can observe the moas racing eachother, to look from their eyes, and when you finish you can just leave by simply click a button(unmount). So we have the option in the game for us to be synchronized with another player and to observe a movement of another object. As far as I know you can observe in PvP as well. The only barrier I am seeing is that after the observation and movement finishes, in other words you dismount or the other player dismounts, you need to be left/ported on the side where the dismount happened, but I don't see a reason why this cannot be done. There must be an argument as well where the game says something like "this is the main player so he needs to stay on this side of the mount and this is the one who's riding the players mount so he needs to stay here".
  2. Let me put some simple math from what we heard so far. Keep in mind that this is not the final price as we don't know which costs what. This is MY prediction of how much you'll need to pay in gems per 9 characters if you want to unlock everything. 9 characters 4 equipment slots 600 gems +9 characters 3 build slots 400 gems= 21600 + 10800= 32400 gems ((24 acc-wide builds - 6 free) / 3 per package) 800 gems= (18 / 3) 800= 6 * 800= 4800 gems 32400 + 4800 = 37200 GEMS TOTAL Sooo... we will see tonight what's it gonna be. ;)
  3. It won’t suddenly get players to go and make more Legendaries. It’ll only benefit those that have them already or we’re going to make them anyway. And where's the bad in that? Also I wonder where you are getting your statistics from or is it just an opinion. Where are you getting your statistics from? I'm not giving statistics. I'm giving an idea and why it would be helpful for the game and others in my opinion.
  4. It won’t suddenly get players to go and make more Legendaries. It’ll only benefit those that have them already or we’re going to make them anyway. And where's the bad in that? Also I wonder where you are getting your statistics from or is it just an opinion.
  5. It's all about giving more options in the game with less effort from the devs. And I'm talking about new hardcore players who walk by the game because it looks too casual to them or can't find purpous to play it. A casual new player won't find this achievement because he won't seek it. But many new players who enjoy this type of content will, and simple achievements showing them directions will help a lot.
  6. Many people that are coming to this game, trying it for a first time, are asking about where is the end game in Guild Wars 2.My idea is to put general achievement for Generation 1 Legendaries and Generation 2 Legendaries. Now after both gens have been released a simple achievement for each gen can be added to the game. But why so much AP coming from a single achievement ? Because you can get 50 AP each time you unlock a legendary for a first time.Simple math: Gen 1 Legendary Collection: 21 Weapon skins (counting the underwater legendaries and Eternity) --> 21 skins x 50 AP each = 1050 APGet 2 Legendary Collection: 16 Weapon skins (not having underwater skins) --> 16 skins x 50 AP each = 800 APWhy would ArenaNet would want to do that? The question is why not ? The achievements will be easy to be implemented in the game. Many people would love the extra new AP. Many new players will see those collections and would accept the challenge as a hardcore achievement. Players who already made so many legendaries will get their credits for it.
  7. Well... there is never enough limit for the rarity. The more rare, the more exclusive the item gets... I on the other hand want the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Breastplate but it requirise 2000 rank points in WvW. For someone who loves and plays WvW that's not a big problem, for me it is because I struggle trough every single rank I get and I have a bit less than 1500 to go. In your situation it is not that different. You have something that you want really bad but the way of getting it is hard for you because of your playstyle and expirience. The way of dealing with it is try to find a way to enjoy it while grinding it and/or just brute force trough it.
  8. I would like to make use of the guide I made just for these rifts... Would love to see it. ;)
  9. Still waiting, ArenaNet. Would love those extra 65 AP and title.
  10. If I'm not mistaken, Anet scrapped the idea of a spider mount, already, due to how widespread arachnophobia is. Unlikely, that they would get back on the idea and probably that's why they 'didn't like' your picture, either. Yet at the same time you have this in Deepstone fractalhttps://66.media.tumblr.com/3c55bea2f8542ee16580efe416ee2e06/tumblr_pcdqxueb0O1whvitvo1_400.jpgsurrounded by other spiders around it.
  11. w33b ? https://www.warcraftmounts.com/images/skins/spidermount.jpg where you saw w33b ?
  12. Devs didn't liked my spider princess picture so they deleted the post. :astonished:
  13. After wing 1-4 getting over 3 years old now...They get filled with webs around the areas and new creatures called the Spraiders ™ arrive. But because you and your group are awesome and eat bosses for breakfast, are going to kill King Spraider V to get rid of the infestation. You challenge the King (who btw is as hard as a boss) and when you are ready to strike the final blow, he surrenders asking to spare him and gives you his daughter, Spindesa, to do with her whatever you want. You now are able to make a treaty and the new race can now live peacefully in the sky and on the ground in the empty space next to Mathias. Special abilities of the Spraiders - shooting webs, making it able to skip some annoying pre-events (no more twisted castle if you are not seeking the legendary insight, no more river of souls if you don't want the divination etc.), maybe even skip a boss, going directly to another. You can even use auto-webbing that shoots you directly on the boss when all are ready... helpful on Twin Largos, Souless Horror. Basic skill 1 usage like Oakheart's Essence.And there you go folks... now even raids have dedicated mount! You are welcome! ;)
  14. If you are familiar with the anime franchise. Many male characters are voiced from a female VA. For example: Naruto is voiced by a female, Goku from Dragon Ball is voiced by a female, Dexter is voiced by a female, Pikachu also is voiced by a female and yes Pikachu is a male before you argue because of his tail being sharp and not round like the female pikachues, even Bart Simpson is voiced by a female VA. So yeah... it doesn't matter who voice him... what maters is how does he sound and look like at the end.
  15. This knowledge is not needed in my country because the people in my country care more about how they've been treated than getting offended of what verb you use on them. I know it looks quite crazy to think of a country that is not racist or sexist... and when you meet someone who does not care about racial or sexual stereotypes it looks to others who live in a country that is having this kind of issues a bit off... it look's a bit racist or sexist to them....for example: In my country we say...Does Jormag look blue to you ?-Yes.-Then he's a blue dragon and not purple.^ Is that racist?Does Jormag sound male to you ?-Yes.-Then he uses male voice, thus having a male persona, thus not a female. Who cares about what he has between his legs. Also isn't more logical for him to have a female voice that can lure more males like the sirens calling the pirates to their doom? Hmm...^ Is this sexist nowadays ? Because it wasn't before 5-10 years. Even kids can differentiate is a kid a boy or a girl from their haircut or cloths given by their parents so people don't wonder.
  16. I think that's Jormag's voice, just like sylvaries were hearing Mordremoth's voice.
  17. Dragons are living creatures no matter from what they are made, and they do have relationships between one another... for example Aurene having a mother, brother, grandfather. Aurene and Glint were referred as "she", and Kralkatorrik and Vlast as "he". Also we do not know how dragons get their natural elements. While being an egg there can be a lot of things happening. From the start the dragon inside of the egg may be neutral dragon and while growing and developing inside the egg, it may get the his/her element from which it's built up while consuming the magic surrounding the egg, thus one element gets stronger from the others and the dragon now is having a distinct element, just like a fetus developes gender in it's 2nd month.
  18. Can we simplify things just once without adding all the colors of the rainbow when there is a topic about male and female characteristics? Just for once put your thought on a scale and decide how does Jormag voice and vibes seem to you, without staying in the middle? More of the feminine side or more of the masculine? Also English is not my native language, so I'm simplifying things just with male/female... do not hate for that please.
  19. Edited the question on the top, giving a bit more specific question.
  20. In my opinion as huge and magical creatures the elder dragons are... they are flying lizards after all and they do lay eggs, and thus those eggs must be fertilized, that's how things work irl. But I can agree on that, that this is fiction and everything is possible... but... even without having sex organs, the dragons still represent a gender, and the question of this topic is what gender does Jormag represent in your opinion.Side note: I think the Pail Tree is actually an elder dragon. Not sure if Mordremoth is her father or mating partner. Cannot wait to see more lore on that in the future.
  21. Can you show me information on this ?Also as far as I remember Glint produced huge amount of eggs in Guild Wars 1https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fvM2fnKZ8xg/maxresdefault.jpgAlso if there was no fertilization how do you explain Aurene having, Kralkatorrik as a grandfather ?
  22. My opinion --> I personally think Jormag is male and Arena Net gave him a manipulative, mysterious voice... a bit sexy at points... purposely. He want's to manipulate all and thus consume them, call them in his icy, cold trap. Also from time to time he sounds maniac where he shows his true color. After all... we had Modremoth, who had this monstrous voice of an entity that was consuming everything. We had Kralkatorrik which had voice of an old man, who is tired of living. So what is your opinion on all of that?
  23. Many players, including Wooden Potatoes, have this theory of Jormag being female because of the voice that was having in the new saga cinematic. What do you think... do you agree or disagree with this theory ? I would like to hear the Arena Net devs confirming on this one so we can stop analyzing every bit of a detail.Edit: Because of the many given opinions so far I would like to add. I'm not asking about what sex organs Jormag is having, because a lot of players are having mixed opinion on this subject and escalate and give quite the abstract thinking. I'm asking about what gender does Jormag represent in your opinion given the new saga cinematic? Is it giving you a male or a female characteristics.
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