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Posts posted by Zahld.4956

  1. A skill that places a marker on the floor where other player can touch the marker and received a modified version of a professions mechanic for a short period of time.

    A skill that creates a frozen area that causes slippery movement when moving on it.

    A skill that summons a mount that gives abilities and protection to players using it.

    A skill that creates a high powered turret weapon that can be operated by another player. This turret can be destroyed by enemies.

    A skill that creates a bunker that other players can enter to provide stationary protection in while being able to attack others.

    A skill that creates limited flying mount that only has a projectile weapon attack skill. Flight time, distance and height is very limited but speed could be fairly enhanced.

    A skill that reduces the skill range of another.

    A skill that increases the skill range of another.

    A skill that places a boon marker on an enemy. When that enemy is attacked, boon orbs will be created and dropped nearby to be used.

    Have different steal skills for thieves to use. A multiple number of successful steals can give them adrenaline to enhance their abilities for a short while and giving a negative effect at end of the boost.

    A skill that increases dodge distance/speed.

    A skill that reduces anothers' dodge distance/speed.

    A skill that enhances/reduces the jumping ability.

  2. Ground digging mounts.Can dig into new areas of maps.Can dig for hidden things.Multiple mounts to increase entry size.Entry holes could close up after a length of time.Multiple tunnels could lead to multiple gameplay mechanics etc.Maybe some strange quanti tunneling abilities.

  3. For the quick load icons on the top left side of the game screen (options, friends list, hero..), make quick sub menu icons that are available when clicking a small arrow below each icon (like skill selection) to able to go directly to a menu screen instead of loading the main pane and then have to search for desired tab.More sub menu items may apply too.Just a QOL thing.

  4. @Danikat.8537 said:So you want items with changable stats, a choice of skins and effects with multiple selections possible on the same item, dyable weapons (something no current weapon, including legendaries, has), animations, footsteps and arm effects...but they should be easier to obtain than legendaries because somehow they're not, even though they do everything legendaries do and more?

    All that is after upgrading it to legendary or while except for stat changing.The stat changing gear is lower level than max gear but increases as weapon is upgraded.This gear (armor, weapon, sigil etc) would not be standard gear but sort of like precursor gear that can also change stats but does not max out until upgraded to maybe ascended then legendary.It's just stat changing gear that isn't difficult to obtain but isn't BIS gear until upgraded to higher levels and also adds more features than current legendary gear.Stat changing gear is good to work on new builds with and to test and use in all game modes.

  5. Have gear that can change attribute stats that is easier to obtain than legendary gear. This gear can be lower stat level than legendary gear but then can be upgraded incrementally to legendary gear.This would make build making easier with an upgrade path with the obtained weapons.This could be the precursor to precursors and precursors would then have changeable stats too.Choice of skins and effects could be chosen or maybe multiple selections of selectable ones can be obtained by upgrading the pre precursor.Dye channels could be an option too for weapons.Animation, footstep, arm effects etc could have more than one to be used, making them more customizable.Existing legendaries could add these upgrades too once they have been unlocked.With more customizable legendaries, each one would be more unique to each player.

  6. @"DeanBB.4268" said:I'm not opposed to the idea...but do we need yet another light show/effects source?

    I'd rather see infusions be reworked and separated into their own equipment slot. Kinda like how they reworked gathering tools to separate form from function.

    Yeah maybe something else. The suggestion is primarily to add some "more" to a title than to have it just be it's plain self. You know, fashion wars.

  7. @Danikat.8537 said:I'd only support this if it was optional - so you had the choice to use the title with or without the effect. Especially since two of the titles I use most often on my main character are Light in the Darkness and Blazing Light, and I suspect both would have pretty obnoxious effects associated with them.

    sounds reasonable

  8. Be able to swap builds during combat with swap cool down.Leaving combat to swap builds is not always possible and can be detracting to gameplay; for example, when group support is needed in a meta event, having players leave a group trying to change builds can impact the events success negatively.Being able to swap builds with during a combat engagement makes combat more dynamic and fluid. Players can switch from support to dps or CC when needed and not need to try to disengage and cause gameplay fluidity disruption.

  9. The additional instance is always available and players could choose if they wanted to go to the additional instance at anytime. It's a feature of Guild Wars previous version also.

    A second instance that is alway available is suited when the only instance available is using player capacity that could be used for another purpose.

    The option to go to a more filled instance as it is now would still apply to maintain a more filled instance.

    Currently if players choose to stay in a less crowded instance, that instance would still remain so the argument of unused server resources is null.

    Mega servers combined players from different servers and instances instead of having different server worlds with different instances for each one. This does not apply to that.

  10. Be able to choose from at least two instance of a map to play in. This is useful in the case of one map being too full with players completing one activity such as HP train and using up a large amount of player resource and filling up the available map capacity to where others may need the map player capacity to complete an event like a meta event, players can choose from a second or third instance to go to, to complete the event with enough participating players.Instead of having to try to ask others to leave the instance to make room for players who are trying to complete the event, players could just move their squads to another instance instead.Having one instance and needing to wait till it is full to be in another instance does not work well on schedules of events where players need to organize groups before and event begins.Thank you for reading.

  11. Be able to see things by name plus small icon and other ways if needed (kind of like in MS Windows file explorer) . Have a sort option to sort by different sort criteria.Having this option would make reviewing and finding items in your inventory easier for things like sigils and runes etc.There is the search option but with this you are able to see specific names of all items easily instead of just icons and then moussing over to see the actual name of the item.

  12. @"kharmin.7683" said:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108023/new-accounts-and-mount-availability-solutionI disagree with the premise in the OP. I don't believe giving free mounts wound entice anyone to purchase the expansion. Why would they when they could just use a free mount?

    Also, the game is already free. New, potential customers do not "deserve" more free stuff.

    Maybe not deserving so but a simple sample mount may entice one to get a non-simple sample mount.

    Let's call this a free account for potential buyers thread instead of a mounts thread.

    Things that free accounts should get as the game matures and gets new things grafted on. Maybe one free season or one episode from each season. Maybe one free elite specialization to sort of stay competitive. Or just a more encompassing taste of what the game has to fully offer..

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