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CheeseHamburger.7683's Achievements

  1. I've seen the Reddit posts about this mission however my issue isn't one that I've seen mentioned yet. I was nearly done with it, having just 2 more emplacements to destroy with the mines. It was late and I was frustrated so I logged out to get some sleep. I logged in today to tackle it fresh and anticipating having to restart the mission from my last checkpoint...only to find that isn't the case. I was outside the instance in front of the rift portal. Neither Blish or Taimi had a dialog option so I clicked the portal and entered my story instance...only to be teleported to the in-world map to the south with the defense camp already set up. My instance is gone it seems. It won't put me back in the instance to finish. The mission/quest tracker says "Listen to Taimi" and that's it. I have no problems starting the instance all over as I learned some tricks to make it less painful. Is there a way to do that? Or do I have to quit the whole story, and start over with the trial, and Joko at the ship? I had to jump to a different story and then back into this one. It reset some progress but not all.
  2. Right? I've played a Necromancer since day one but with long gaps in time where I wasn't playing the game. I've recently started playing again and finally unlocked Reaper. After years of feeling just 'ok' I suddenly felt more powerful and that many fights were easier. That's a great feeling and sense of power progression. I'm worried I got here too late and that they'll nerf it back into the ground before I've had a moment in the sun. 🥲
  3. They could pull a Blizzard and create some cosmic threat from the great beyond to start a new lore path. 😅
  4. And I get where you're coming from, truly. I've given it more thought and can see how removing and/or weakening mobs might have unforeseen impacts for people who are farming materials, and how folks who had to do it the old fashioned way would feel like their work was made less by such changes. I guess my ask would be that along paths and in some story areas that the aggro range was more forgiving and that monsters stunned a bit less.
  5. "A lot of it has to do with how good you are at the game. Devs have said that a good player does 5x the amount of damage that an average player does. That's a significant difference." -Vayne.8563 I understand you're trying to be helpful, but most folks will read this quote as "git gud." You're literally saying this isn't a problem if you're good enough, and then listing all the ways they can get better so it's not a problem. Of course people with good builds, good gear, etc, will have an easier time. New players and older returning players won't have this and while they can earn it, there is still a problem while they're doing that. Does it hurt your play style if there's a few less mobs along path areas where players are traveling place to place? Does it hurt your play style if the mobs around paths stun/knockdown players less often? You can still can still happily run around the world getting stuff done even if others have an easier time.
  6. Another tally for the G600. I used a Razer Naga prior which was good but even larger than the Logitech.
  7. This seems to be a long winded way of saying "Get good, I'm a master player and have no problems." I don't mean that as an insult. It's great that you've mastered the game. However that also means that you've missed the point that new people who aren't elite have a lot of difficulty getting around and that not everyone will get to your level of mastery. I'm in the same boat as OP where I've just come back and I do find it frustrating that the mob density is so high. A slight reduction in density paired with not having the player get stunned, slowed, and or knocked prone all the time would go a long way to reducing these frustrations, improving the gameplay for a large number of people.
  8. I've just come back to GW2 after 4-5 years away and am surprised these haven't been added. Even just one would be nice!
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