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  1. The new update notes say that pip gain was raised from 3-5 to 4-6, but it also says that anyone from rank1-149 gets an extra pip. Does that mean you actually get 5-7 pips now? Or do the two talk about the same effect, meaning it is only 4-6?
  2. And why shouldnt there be? Like I said before, WvW and fractals have no overlap. there is no good reason not to give both to one. Cosmetic effects have nothing to do with BiS, having an obnoxious particle effect clinging to you doesnt make you better. Want the draconic core effect? Tough luck, that isnt on any legendary amulet, you gotta use a regular one. Different armor weights are different item types. WvW, fractal and simple stat infusions arent different item types, you can put all three types onto a single ring on any character anywhere at the same time with no issue.
  3. All legendary items are supposed to be BiS. Theres no reason to break that rule, just have it give +9 AR.
  4. As I see it, there are three things that should be done. First, do something about the PvE trinket effects so they can finally be hidden. Something should be done to make weapon swapping easier, yes. Last, finish off a full legendary loadout. This means legendary aquabreathers and legendary infusions (which can have stats along with both fractal and WvW bonuses at the same time, since these uses never overlap). Optional fourth is adding unbreakable gathering tools, since they already act similar enough to legendary equipment. Absolutely yes.
  5. What problem? lvl 80 characters already show the mastery lvl without the option to disable that, this would just show it earlier already. I have a fairly high mastery lvl (not that it means much) and cannot recall ever getting any special attention for it.
  6. if the newbie tag is somewhat controversial, why not do the opposite and instead give an indicator for sub-80 chars on accounts with a mastery lvl?
  7. Alright, I pulled it off, thanks to the help of a few nice people. Absolutely yes, the time was the last thing to worry about. You could probably do it as a party of 5 healscourges. Now just a few more days of generic fractalling and I will have my very own reverse front "ooh-ahh" device.
  8. I am a fairly mediocre player, but still somehow have 16 spare core mastery points. My tip for making things go easier, turn on the core mastery point filter (gear next to the search bar), then just track ALL of them. now go to your watch list and look through them one by one. slowly untrack the really hard or expensive ones until all you have left are a few more than what you need that you see as doable. Then just work on whichever of those whenever you feel like it and stop when you dont. The secret is to do the lowest level one with a party full of dps. theres nothing to dodge if the bosses melt as soon as they show up. The wurm can only be placed where you could also walk to, so the most use you get out of it is as a rewind. Spectral walk can do it better and is also good for giving you swiftness.
  9. If it helps to answer, a bit of background info. I play generic power reaper. I am not a particularly great GW2 player (a bad reaper player? shocking, I know), but still somehow finished all the previous Ad Infinitum CMs and TMs with a surprisingly low number of failures even without any consumable buffs and with random groups. Now the Mai Trin Timed Mote is the only real obstacle left to overcome, the rest is just some time and coin. I am still at fractal level 60-something, but afaik that doesnt matter as long as someone in the party is at 95+. To prepare I already got 127 AR along with tears of alba, three large mist potions, that one butternut food and a scarlet-slaying potion. I even saved the omelette I got earlier for an additional boost. Before anyone says it, yes, I have read the wiki page for the fractal. Now the question is, do I need to prepare myself more? How badly am I going to get murdered? Is the time given generous enough or an actual obstacle? Can I do it with just a random group? If not, where is the best place to find a coordinated group?
  10. nice. now try climbing the mordremoth wood tower thing in dragons stand. the model kinda breaks towards the top, but it is still quite the view.
  11. the recipe to upgrade isnt gone. feel free to win once more and make it before the vendor comes out.
  12. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-legendary-armory-arrives-july-13/ since you can only hold a shield in your offhand, that means you can own two same leggy shields max.
  13. idk, reading this thread makes it sound far less about the third and more about any of them.
  14. great to get some clarification, but I am still not happy with how there is nothing being done about the effects, no matter how hard it may be to get a proper fix. "we are busy with EoD" is an ok excuse, dont get me wrong, but that means a fix is going to be delayed over HALF A YEAR, probably a lot longer too. at least kludge together a temporary fix. maybe some gizmo that toggles off that stacked effect?
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