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  1. a slight, albiet still very anoying workaround when using `-shareArchive` => get the launcher up and loaded but do not get to a character select window on any of them. this allows the `-shareArchive` to work as expected; however as soon as you get to a character select window, the CeFHost.exe is written to each time the game is opened... may i suggest not writing to an exe path every time the game loads - maybe use a sha of some sort for file integrity checking?
  2. nope, still broken - latest patch and crashes exist again. WTB a QA team...
  3. hmm - i might have gotten lucky with a 3/3 success rate not too long ago, but i think this might be actually working now without anything fancy. (it was certainly not working 8-10hrs ago as I do recall it crashing)
  4. yea i see it now; the TEMP folder spam has increased on its level of redicelousness and all my users share the same TEMP folder path for easier cleanup. i presume these folders of regex format `chrome_BITS_[0-9]{5}-[0-9]+` are also part of CeF; time to add more kitten to auto delete on startup
  5. no; sadly this is a problem that happened overnight due to the patch; no addons, no 3rd party software, permissions. just straight up gw2 failing at opening due to CEF can you elaborate on "this patch is no longer sharing CefHost" ? lol i can see that CefHost.exe was updated on their latest small hotfix; so some work was done do it - good old fasioned bug introduced.
  6. i am submitting the crash.dmp every time it occurs... edit: just to get some metrics; opened and sent report back-to-back on crash/success; i have had 3 successful loads and 20 crashes some sample spam from the crash dump:
  7. simply just sounds like a missconfig of connections; between retries, timeouts, routing, and throtteling. hopefully they kill the popups so folks with higher ping are still not plaged with the issues on a daily basis.. oh did i mention that people hate popups? it would be great if these went into the chat log vs hijack the UI so users cannot do a single thing ? @Rubi Bayer.8493 just to name a few: - mail confirmation has popups; hate that! - a single packet was dropped and made a connection fault, and it did not silently retry in the background - so here's a popup; hate that! - queue-anything? popup; yep hate that too - squad/lfg message dialog -> its a popup with a proper title bar- but i cannot move it around? gotta say, i hate it too but at least it is self-induced - squad ready? hey a popup that doe s not kill my UI! well that is an improvement - boost a toon to level 80 -> popups AND having to click 80 open-buttons and 80 accept buttons. 100% not okay.
  8. @Chaba.5410 could be coincidence; i have not seen it in the past hour and ive done nothing extra other than login and watch mistlock sanc. But I am still thinking we need more cowbell Popups; it reminds me of the 90's.
  9. @Rubi Bayer.8493 can you tell the dev team to delete all in-game popups that prevent any other input too, please! let it go to the chat-log and perhaps a text file.
  10. low hanging fruit? yeah that is a feature request that is not quite even addressing the real systems of problems that exist. how about addressing the "low hanging" bugs that we see daily? or even acknowledging that it is in their bug-tracking system? instead we have these monolith threads in the forums that some moderator squashes into a thread thats years old and all related comments to said thread get mangled in a heap of unsortable forum-mess. we all know there are still core story bugs that cause users to bail from the story and re-try; similarly with the good old fasioned anet-dc's (my favorite when in a story instance, solo, and get booted to the launcher-menu - all the while all other internet connections remain solid during the anet-dc)
  11. could posted here already but maybe an option to reduce the animation of them - especially anoying and intentional when folks hover over areas and it blocks out view ect.
  12. Gw2: 144,417 patch out today and this is still borked. there should be no exceptions here; items in mat-storage should all act the same
  13. I am dissapointed in the open world map "queue" system - this is a distraction to the developer team and players. I would be more interested in increased resiliance in random disconnections - especially when in story instances and in open-world. It is a wonder to me, that when a meta is about to happen, or is happening, that the instance does not "lock" for those not in it, and instead favors those that get struck by DC's a chance to get back in within 5 mins or so. Sure if they goto another map/instance for more than 60seconds they should loose their slot reservation but yeah - dc's are the wrost. Game prioritizes internet being perfect (which we all know it is not). To add to this idea, once the map is locked, it should remove the ability of those not in it's right click menu to even join. And lastly, the LFG's of those posted to try to taxi folks in should be taken down (and prevent from listing) - less spam the better! This system would remove the negitive effects of 200 lfg's and all maps are full - and, oops, you gotta random DC from the login server from 1990 telling you there's a problem.. .well you wont get screwed if there was some sort of grace period in place. Regarding the LFG's now "vanishing" - this is what we want - to encourge others to make their own maps! not sit and AFK while a queue is in place; not sit AFK and try to spam the join other map instance... Tag up a new instance already and particpate - strive to communicate with the rest of the map and not fail said meta <cough nuh lane>
  14. to use 4 or 5+ sub processes instead of 3 - and to use 300mb of memory for said sub-processes instead of 80mb. also its GOOGLE so why not tie into their systems? EDIT: oh, i see CeF using 400mb on one process alone wiht additional 3x running at 20mb each... so yeah, very volitile and it would be really nice to cap it to way way less number of processes an to use less memory.
  15. LOL just noticed the majority of all items within "Gemstones and Jewels" are also not showing x/y in material storage while hovering over them. Great!
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