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Posts posted by castlemanic.3198

  1. @kratan.4619 said:Nothing said on this forum is going to be taken into account when the nanny state will decide for us if they are illegal or not.

    It's not a 'nanny state', it's a government body looking out for its citizens. It's their job to make sure that gambling isn't in video games that are easily accessible to children. Nothing 'nanny state' about it.

  2. @maddoctor.2738 said:Probably trying to find out which part of HOT you found difficult but for some reason you didn't find POF or Season 3 difficult, as if HOT is more difficult than those.

    HoT IS more difficult than season 3 and PoF. I don't understand how you don't see that. The mobs definitely hit harder, are clumped more together, and there's very few areas where you can just enjoy the scenery.

    Even with mounts, HoT is still unenjoyable and too imbalanced for casual players.

  3. Black lion chest keys, knife tail hunting bonds and the randomized mount licenses all constitute gambling. The very moment you CAN pay for rng items with real world money, it becomes gambling. It doesn't matter that you can pay for gems with gold, the fact that you CAN pay with real world money means that it must be taken as real world gambling, because eventually the pull to pay real world cash for rng things is a psychological pull to gambling, it feeds on the minds of children and gambling addicts that have no sense of control. Anet NEEDS to remove anything rng from the gem store because it all constitutes as gambling. Otherwise this game should have an age rating that is equal to gambling law restrictions. rng that can be paid for with real world money are, by their very definition, gambling. As soon as the thing that you want is NOT a 100% guaranteed product of your purchase, it constitutes gambling and is, by its very existence, predatory and exploiting the gaming community.

    Anet can survive on guaranteed purchases alone, there wont be any need for a subscription fee if all rng items are removed from the gem store.

  4. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:What specifically about HoT is difficult for you?

    The balance of enemy encounters while soloing and the frequency of enemies. The frequency of enemies isn't an issue once you get mounts since you can zoom past most enemies and head towards your destination. HoT wasn't designed with the casual solo player in mind, and the nerf doesn't do enough to truly set it to the right balance.

    Where are you encountering a ton of enemies? Which enemies are you having trouble killing solo?

    What are you trying to get at?

  5. @Ayrilana.1396 said:What specifically about HoT is difficult for you?

    The balance of enemy encounters while soloing and the frequency of enemies. The frequency of enemies isn't an issue once you get mounts since you can zoom past most enemies and head towards your destination. HoT wasn't designed with the casual solo player in mind, and the nerf doesn't do enough to truly set it to the right balance.

  6. I quit when HoT was first released, it was absolutely the worst thing Anet had ever released open world wise. It was too much for me and i had played through most of season 1 and all of season 2. Then anet started season 3 and that got me back into the game and i eventually went back and finished HoT, it's STILL hard, but not as hard as it once was. Now I have all the masteries (icebrood saga included), HoT isn't too terrible nowadays, but i still don't venture there willingly because it wasn't designed correctly. season 3 onwards they've really got the balance right, but HoT is still not in a good place.

  7. I don't think i'd personally have issues with a horse mount or horse mount skin for warclaw. I really do like the current list of mounts, it's far more expansive and meaningful than any other game i can think of. Horses can't really fill a new niche that hasn't been covered already, so I don't really know that i see the point of adding a horse mount to the game, but honestly if the people want it and it doesn't break anything, why not?

  8. @Ayrilana.1396 said:People are not arguing against it. What is being argued against is including that for free with the expansions.

    I don't think that's a reasonable ask. The price should be raised if it's to include the living world episodes, unless the episodes are given for free to all path of fire owners and refunds given to those who purchased episodes using gems. But in general, no, the price should be raised to include seasons 2 and 3.

    (I seriously have issues with the way that living world has been monetized but I honestly don't see any good fixes to how it's made, the devs should be paid for their work on these episodes but current players are getting this content for free so i dont know what balance to strike there)

  9. I seriously don't understand objections to making a bundle that included living world seasons on steam and raising the price accordingly.

    How is that objectionable? A single purchase to get all the story up to PoF is ONLY beneficial for new players. There's literally no downside to it that i can see. Why should new players be forced to purchase an incomplete story and then later be told they're missing crucial story elements that was NOT explained on the purchase page? new players will NOT be happy that they can't even begin HoT without seriously missing out on crucial story events that happen in season 2 something that is currently not advertised to players who buy the game off of the website. Both the gw2 shop and steam should update the base price of PoF to include living world seasons 2 and 3 at minimum.

  10. @Jilora.9524 said:

    @castlemanic.3198 said:Thanks for the tips everyone, I really appreciate it. 5,000 commendations for a single mastery point is way too big of an ask, especially because it's 30,000 commendations for 6 mastery points, it's just not fun to do the meta this many times and still not have the mastery points to show for it. I'll do it but I'm complaining about it the whole time because this is just not fair.

    EDIT: also quick question, does the quaestor use exclusively tier 6 materials? cause if so, i have like over a hundred laurels that i can spend to slowly work through the daily purchases.

    No, not those t6. T6 like ancient wood orich ore. It's like 1g or more sometimes for 250 comms. Other times it's 50 thick leather which is a much better deal. Then if it's charr the prices double because I guess you can choose a buff deciding where they go. . Also some might see that as expensive and you may not.

    Thank you, you saved me a bunch of laurels!

  11. initially i did the casino blitz a couple of times, but that got boring fast. the quickest way i found was doing adventures like the griffon expert and mastery ones, because i barely touched them when i was playing of originally. Got me a full mastery bar very quickly with little effort and a little bit of fun.

  12. On the one hand, mounts are extremely fun and change the way you explore the game, but they really only get the best use out of expansion zones (with possible exception being the skimmer, especially because core tyria has so much underwater content). And we already have mount rentals in core tyria in the form of roller beetle racing iirc, so expanding that to include other mount rentals in specific zones and then encouraging players to buy path of fire to get access to the mounts would be cool.

    on the other hand, players already see mounts in core tyria anyway because of all the players running around on them and a quick google search or even asking players will point newbies to the path of fire expansion and getting them their mounts that way. there's incentive in the feeling of missing out (which i hate the use of but it is a legitimate business tactic).

    If i were to make a suggestion, it would be to have only the raptor in starter zones and skimmer in straits of devastation, with a pop up every time they talk to the mount renter about where to permanently access these mounts (buy pof yada yada), so that they don't get the whole array of mounts and still have new exciting things to look forward to with a path of fire. It could work, or it could disincentivize playing without the convenience of mounts because players only want to get to the mount stuff already instead of leveling up through a whole game without it and having only the barest taste of convenience being ripped away from them.

    I dont know, I honestly don't know what the right call here is. certainly the safest option in terms of player satisfaction is the status quo, because once you add a feature, you're gonna face a lot of pain and angry responses taking it away. maybe the roller beetle racing is enough to get people into mounts, i dont know.

  13. Thanks for the tips everyone, I really appreciate it. 5,000 commendations for a single mastery point is way too big of an ask, especially because it's 30,000 commendations for 6 mastery points, it's just not fun to do the meta this many times and still not have the mastery points to show for it. I'll do it but I'm complaining about it the whole time because this is just not fair.

    EDIT: also quick question, does the quaestor use exclusively tier 6 materials? cause if so, i have like over a hundred laurels that i can spend to slowly work through the daily purchases.

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  14. on a personal level, i would LOVE a boat mount, i really love the idea of open waters sailing and stuff like that, but on a practical level i can't think of why they'd implement boats if you already have the skimmer (that can both go on land and in water now with the new mastery), it just seems like a downgrade unless they significantly boost the speed of the boat, but then you create problems so i just don't see a good solution.

  15. @Asum.4960 said:If the game did a better job at naturally ramping up the mechanical complexity and teaching players the game mechanics instead of either plateauing at the lowest denominator or presenting as frustrating wall of difficulty, that wouldn't ruin the game for players like you, quite the opposite.

    I agree that this is the biggest issue the game faces. As a casual veteran, I'm sure there's a lot that I don't yet understand about the game. I can solo any story content so far and haven't run into issues most of the time. But I understand break bars, i understand boss mechanics and I've played through lots of open world content with other players so i know how the mechanics generally work. but the game does nothing in terms of preparing you gear, skill bar or traits wise. the fact that the strongest players can do 10x the damage of weak players is a failure of the game itself, because the game is failing to prepare people accurately for the content.

    If there was a proper tutorial instance where players could go at any time to get an understanding of the games core mechanics (including break bars, orange circles and forcing players to read enemy and event descriptions), it would help a lot of players get into the flow of the game better. In my opinion, the devs should also shave off useless gear types that bring down the damage that players use. If cleric's gear isn't sufficient to play the game, then it shouldn't exist because it'll only throw off players who wish to prioritize the wrong stats and they won't know any better or why they're having a hard time killing enemies.

    that way everyone can get what they want, the story can get harder gradually as people get used to and overcome more difficult challenges.

  16. @"maddoctor.2738" said:If it's about the topic at hand, then it assumes that the vast majority of the player base are forced to get better to finish the living world chapter bosses. Then my question is rather clear, how did these players that are having trouble with living world bosses and are "forced" to get better, finished the expansion that preceded these seasons. I have no clue why you say my argument has nothing to do with the argument given, when it's a direct continuation of it.

    That's not what was said though. you're distorting the meaning of what was said.

    Why should the average players (who are the vast majority of the player base) be forced to get better

    isn't even the full quote, you cut it short.

    Here is the full quote

    @Fueki.4753 said:

    @Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

    That seems a little backward. I think if it's between that and you gittin' gud, it's pretty obvious which is the more reasonable solution.

    Why should the average players (who are the vast majority of the player base) be forced to get better, just because a mere handful of top players don't feel challenged enough?How is that reasonable in any way?

    The full quote should make it fully clear that it was IN RESPONSE to someone saying that there should be higher difficulties. Thus your question is irrelevant.

    edit: from now on i refuse to engage with purposefully bad faith arguments.

  17. I'm a mostly open world pve player. I like the story, i like roaming around the world and looking at the view, i like the combat and the classes various styles of gameplay. I just love this game and all that it has to offer in pve. I don't play every day, but i consider myself an active player of the game. I just really enjoy what this game has to offer, the lack of grind, the lack of gear treadmill, the mastery system, the MOUNTS. It's just a whole lot of fun and exactly my style for me to enjoy. I'm going to continue playing gw2 until the game shuts down because i just love it so much. hopefully that won't be for years to come though, especially with the new cantha expansion announcement, very excited for the future of the game.

  18. To get your experience bar moving, you need to get mastery points. mastery points are gained through achievements. if you open your achievements tab you'll find your tabs have four kinds of stars above them. those are mastery points. get those achievements and you have mastery points to spend on your mastery tab (the tab under the achievements tab in your hero panel). Your mastery tab fills up using the experience you gain from playing out in the world. Once a mastery bar is full up, you can spend your mastery points in your mastery tab to gain that mastery and achieve a higher mastery level (currently you're sitting at mastery level 18, your next masteries will up that number). Masteries and mastery points are account wide. So unlocking masteries on one character unlocks them for all characters. there are four kinds of masteries but since you haven't played heart of thorns or path of fire, the only ones to concern yourself with right now are the red ones. the red ones are core tyria mastery points. focus on getting the achievements that have the red mastery point icon on them so that you can spend them on your core tyria masteries.

    Mastery points =/= hero points. they are different systems.

    hero points are character bound. you get hero points upon leveling up or getting hero points from the hero challenges indicated by the upwards arrows on your map. Core tyria hero points are yellowish and worth 1 point, Heart of thorns and Path of fire hero points are green and worth ten points (some are repeatable but that's for a later day). collecting hero points on one character only benefits that one character. and on that character you can spend your hero points to get all your skills and then get elite specializations, such as reaper on your necromancer. Hero points do not affect your experience bar in any way, shape, or form.

  19. While I'm sad about the lack of voices, I'm glad that ArenaNet are taking Covid-19 seriously and are not putting anyone in danger over something as trivial as voice work (people's lives are always greater than anything else). That said I'm glad we're getting content despite the virus, I wasn't sure what to expect but I'm happy with the compromise. Thank you Anet for taking Covid-19 seriously and keeping everyone safe and for giving us all something to do while we wait until this virus issue blows over.

  20. @chrispy.7182 said:I have been playing stafff/staff Mirage for some time and I can solo most Champions and even some Legendary.

    I have never played Chrono but I am wondering how well it performs against soloing Champions and large groups of mobs. I just wan to try something new.

    Can you provide some details of your Chrono build and maybe a video or something so I can see how well it does compared to my current Mirage build? I don't want to spend any money unless I know it will perform better or the same as my current Mirage build.

    can you share your build? i would love to be able to solo champs and legendaries

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