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Everything posted by SatyricL.2784

  1. Maybe I am in the minority here, but as someone who enjoys taking the story at my own pace, the introduction to the jade sea was a very annoying experience. Here I am, first steps into the map. I need to scan areas and prep for the extractors so that we can take on the ocean dragon. MEANWHILE I am getting earblasted by the entirety of dragons watch has they are apparently contacting me from the future where all prep is already done, and they are already at the final stage of taking down the dragon. Talking back and forth with me as if I am there with them and have been the entire time. I ended up having to just leave the map because of how frustrating it was to constantly hear dialogue from both my current timeline (story) dragons-watch members, and the ones from the future who were fighting the dragon.
  2. Apparently sometimes it bugs and the enemies dont spawn. Jumped in after a new build popped, and it worked, but not all the chests were lootable.
  3. Why do they have such unreasonably weird bindings? They only have 2 keybinding options in settings, and its extremely weird, because warclaw has 5 abilities. 3 of my warclaw abilities use combat keybindings instead of mount keybindings. I am forced to manually click them because they conflict with the keybindings that work best on every single other mount.This probably isn't an issue for people using default bindings, but for people who use custom keybindings, this makes setting them up extremely annoying. It would be really nice to get keybindings for mount abilities 1-5 instead of just 1-2, and remove warclaws dependence on combat keybindings. It would also unscuff story content moments that also suffer the same issues like the tank in Forging Steel, and Aurene skills in Dragonflight.
  4. I guess I should have clarified that it specifically makes the fearless achievement impossible to achieve while using the FA trait on some builds.
  5. I doubt causing FA to permanently disable air attunement was intended. Its more likely that they intended to disable the trait so that it doesn't circumvent the stacking cooldown mechanic. That or its just an unintended interaction resulting from FA's reset mechanic and the stacking cooldowns. Having a trait break so catastrophically that it ends up doing the complete opposite of what its supposed to do is far more likely a bug.
  6. Not an issue of being it. I already beat it by turning off FA. Just reporting a bug. The achievement is for beating it without using any of the illusions, which is what makes it impossible with the FA bug.
  7. There is some strange interaction between the mechanics of this fight and the Fresh Air trait that make it so that instead of refreshing the cooldown of air attunement, everytime its triggered, it puts the attunement on max cooldown. This makes it impossible to beat the fight as not only is air important for your damage rotation on weaver, but it also is tied to the majority of your CC, making it so that you are unable to break the bar of the Manifestation to prevent them for gaining stacks.
  8. 1. Dragon's Claw 2. Moogooloo 3. I changed my guild prior to thursday, but only on my main character. 4. No. 5. Maguuma.
  9. It goes without saying that no one would be mad about more basic character customization options in GW2, and humans have the least customizable bodies. EoD brings with it a chance to introduce some cool new eastern themed customization options. An obvious one would be some japanese irezumi style inspired tattoo options for humans and any other race where applicable. Some people might say that tattoos on other races would make norns less unique. I disagree. With the introduction of new cultures to the game, adding these options options to other races can maintain their uniqueness through styles and cultural influences. (IE Norns are the only race to get nordic style tattoos.)
  10. Literally just core ele with hammer and worse traits. Utilities are boring, Elite is extra boring, the F5 doesn't feel impactful at all. There was a 41k benchmark for the hammer, but even so, run anything else other than hammer, and you have nothing special going for you.
  11. Not sure what is causing it to not spawn, but I have been in Diviner's Reach for close to 2 hours now. Every event is on its forth rotation and still no sign of Nayrim. Its making it hard to want to move forward with the Griffon collection, given the 250g price on top of already having the skyscale. Right now the only motivation I have is to get max masteries, but even that is started to crack under the frustration of this issue.
  12. This is the most frustrating and anti-fun, grief-promoting type of event I have ever experienced. There is no redeeming qualities in its design. I literally have to run around griefing the trial primers in order to get a new one to spawn in a reasonable amount of time. Someone is there trying to do that one? Too bad. Its them or me. Either I help them and wait another hour just for a small chance to get the one I need, or I rush the event, deny that player the one they need, so that I can get a 60 second reroll and hope its what I need. Best case scenario (and also the least likely) is that no one is doing it and I can safely fail the primer without hurting someone else. This is so badly designed and frustrating. Edit: Came to reread this to see if I felt differently after my sodium levels came down. I don't. Just gave me ptsd. smh.
  13. A while back I noticed cut-scenes had no sound at all. Turned out that was an engine problem that tied cut-scene volume to the base volume slider, which I had at 5%. Now I have noticed that cut-scenes have music, but no sound effects. When something epic is happening, and you expect some sort of loud crash... nothing. Just cool art, and awkward music. Is this a bug on my part, or a lack of funding on anets part when making these cut-scenes? EDIT: So I watched some youtube videos of the same cutscenes, and the sound in them is way more present than in mine. I dont get whats wrong with my game that my cutscenes have no sound effects, while still having music, meanwhile my game is loud as fuck in every way.
  14. By artificial inconvenience I mean that they gave us 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates knowing full well that 9/10 times a new build requires different gear.
  15. I guess thats true, but we also didnt gain anything if (and only if) you play more than 1 game mode. They just handled this feature so weird and unusual for the sake of monetizing it. I think they could have done better and still made money off it if they didnt so obviously make monetizing the feature their focus.
  16. Anyone else but me thinks this comes across as a really scummy "got'em" moment from Anet? As if they intentionally created an artificial inconvenience in order to push people to spend money. I fully understand Anet needs to make money, but this was such a disrespectful way to go about it. Hope they rectify this in the future, but until then, I cant help but feel disappointed in you, Anet.
  17. Heres to hoping you guys end up removing Lesser Endure Pain. Passive elixer s was removed from engi's, passive immortality for warriors is just as bad, if not worse, on top of all their other invulns. Its such an effortless get-out-of-jail free card, that you can neither bait from the player, nor avoid. You have to fight them down to 50% hp only for them to have 4 whole seconds to either retreat, kill you, or reset. You are forced to have to outplay a warrior not once, but twice because of this one passive.
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