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Everything posted by kraai.7265

  1. LOOOOOL, you can see mirror blade coming from a mile.Learn how to dodge, dazes don't inmobilize.Learn how to play while you are at it.tip: one shot mesmers have no sustain at all, can be killed from 1 decent damage combo, and have no more disengage skills or offensive setups after bursting.And stop whinning, anet might listen to you and screw up even more.
  2. wvw perspectiveEngineer: the problem here is massive stealth low cd rotation, and tons of condi cleanseIn small scale the problem are holos, i don't see many scrappers. Guardians: I would love to see an end to the fb+scourge meta, im sick of it but this is not enough. Mesmer: how about giving us back chrono?? single gravity well is useless, scrapper is far better for stealth so forget about veil+mass invisibility, only thing we got left is some cc, focus pull (not enough) and the 30 seconds portal, a skill we share with thiefs now somehow..Illusion of life now with warclaws instakilling, plus all the power creep is really hard to pull off, mantras are useless in big fights, in small scale changes are good.The other changes are ok. Necro: this ones are good, but same as with guardians i still think it's not enough, maybe narrowing aoe of skills and shape? or range nerfs? Ranger: any thing that removes a one shot build from the game is good, specially if its a ranged one shot. Revenants: Gaze of Darknes: do we really need more stealth counters in wvw? now with towers revealing it's impossible to play stealth builds properly.this sort of changes not only hurt perma stealth deadeyes, but also kill other builds like dp thief, or dd power. Warrior: this changes look ok. Thiefs: like mesmers, they don't have a substancial place in large fights, except for that staff build but it's meh, organized guilds would prefer you to use any other spec, in small scale all i see is permaevade condi thiefs, i can't understan how they have any fun, but they get no kills, some perma stealth one shot deadeyes, i don't mind them, stealth builds are hard to pull of today, but builds like sword dagger, or staff daredevil are gone, maybe giving it some sustain trading some evades, idk its hard to balance thieves. Ele: i don't play it, but all i see is bunker builds focused by 4 to 5 players, that kill nobody but rarely die, or one shot builds really hard to play because of skill casting and delays. It was a must in zergs back then because of water fields and blast, but engi strikes again.
  3. What i feel and share with my guild and many other players is that we miss the old gw, and the direction they took with classes, specs and balance overall is not fun at all, many bunker, perma evade, block, stab, stealth, one shot meme, condi one shot, mega supports, the fun aspect core classes brought was the timing and skill based style of combat, now i feel i can grab an overperforming spec, run a meta build, spam every skill and win, happened to me in pvp with holo. What i didn't like at all is to see that instead of at least making a post or two every week to tell us how they are planning to go back to when the game was fun and challenging to play they just throw more pve content at us and they are still silent at forums. They have more responses from devs in reddit ..
  4. Every other post? you mean player response? because anet only answered 1 post since announcement in the discussion to thank a fan...The rest are gem store related posts btw
  5. Im really hyped, so lets recap Class balance is a joke, same meta since a year ago in pvp and wvw, some specs are still unplayable, others are god mode (yet they deleted chronomancers) and no changes announced.. even tho the forums are exploding with complains... great!More pve, but it's the same pve as always only in a different map with "different" masteries (anet people are tired of masteries since hot...) Awesome!Now anet even fired the mediocre writers of living story so guess what.. they are stealing directly from game of thrones lore, it really looked like a copy paste, i mean if they already are stealing weapon desings and stuff like that this is no wonder.No info about why they went silent on forums, or are ignoring all the playerbase and doing some weird and uncalled changes.Oh but wait, we got now free skins with hot!!! that's enough to ignore the fact people who buy gw2 are spending 20 less dollars than i did back then, and to keep playing for like 3 more years!!! new glider hype (?So to sum up what i can learn from this Pvp/wvw/balance devs were fired, im almost sure, and the team who is in charge of this aspect now is really slow in it's work and it doesn't know how to actually balance the game (chronomancers "rework" best example) also i suspect they actually don't even play their own game.Pvp and wvw players mean absolutely nothing for anet, all they care is about their pve customers, im sure it's because of the fact that for every pvp/wvw player that actually complains there are like 10 to 20 pve players that just run around like bots and spend money on skinsDevs that actually survived the layoff wave, are a bunch of people with an agressive idea of going for the money, they don't care about the experience they bring to us, they just want to build an excuse for us to purchase either expansions or skins/cosmetics.So my message to anet i really hope they read this. Enjoy the pve game you created, because soon that's all you will have, just pve players who would play any type of event you throw at them, even if it's a scam like festival of the four winds. But remember, after you copy paste all the game of thrones lore into your game, ruin the franchise, and also run out of ideas please remember, pve players, the ones you only focus on keeping hooked, always need something new because they get bored, they are bots, and they always want more, if not they just leave, meanwhile pvp/wvw players are the ones who tried to stay until it was enough. So good luck mantaining all those pve players hooked long enough, one they when they get bored they will simply turn their backs on you and leave to a better game, meanwhile you will regret neglecting your loyal pvp/wvw scene. Myself wouln't recommend this game to nobody anymore, and i won't spend a single coin in this sinking ship, i think ill just play until it dies, and try to get as much fun as i can before i leave to better games out there (camelot unchained, archeage unleashed, eso) ... after 5 years this is sad-
  6. LOL, what game are you playing? holo isn't broken af? or fb? who btw is meta since pof launch and the standard support that outshined every other one who tried. If you have never played a mesmer, and you don't understand how to beat them don't call them broken, just l2p. Mesmers are in a really bad spot right now, chrono is dead, core is the stronger spec to play, and mirage has a decent condi build which is hard to play against all the aoe spam going around (holo/scourge). Meanwhile power builds are the same for the last 3/4 years, and guess what, you can beat them all with ONE proper dodge. After that they have to run and wait 10/25 seconds to retry the burst.
  7. You want your playerbase to return? and save the pvp aspect of the game?Remove every hot/pof aspect from wvw and pvp too, and rework everything. Just leave revenant. First rebalance core classes, meanwhile old veterans and new players can enjoy or experience what gw2 was when it all started. That would motivate older players to come back, veterans to be more active and new players to understand better about game's fundamentals. After you succesfully find a nice balance between each class, add gliding to wvw and hot specs, and start reworking them towards a good balance between core and hot specs. Imo the best times i ever had in wvw were just after hot patch, when people had the choice to use either hot or core specs and still have a good time, tons of builds variations around the map making interesting fights. And taking back chrono changes!!! Now, personally, i always hated pof, i think specs in that expansion aren't as good as hot ones, some designs are good others feel rushed, but i know a lot of players really like em, so with some reworks like tuning down FB, buffing renegade, removing DE from game, giving SB either less damage or less mobility, removing holo forge spam and sustain overall, reworking mirage evades and passive damage and reworking scourge from scrap to give them something else to do than beeing an aoe field with legs. Implement them again in wvw. Only thing i'd remove besides Deadeyes (unfun mechanics to play as or against that ruined thief because of core/hot insane uncalled nerfs) is the warclaw, imo warclaw never should have been added to this game mode, it ruined the small scale aspect of the game, and also the big scale battles, because of how easy is to run back to defend something, making ninja takes impossible, and large battles really chaotic and really loooong and tedious (between the FB meta and the speed factor) If you add it again, please add a dismount skill, or remove the warclaw's healthbar, so players that stay mounted die if they can't escape quickly. Also an idea to rework wvw.Remove all existing wvw maps before alliances launch, then select pieces of the pve map, copy them in to another instance and make alliances choose a starting point and make them fight for territory, after a week the alliance with more terrain wins, after a few months the alliance with more wins get a prize for every player in it. Can you guys imagine? siege battles in castles in the middle of the floating isles in verdant brink? or in the middle of the forest in auric basin? pof maps look really good for this too.You can even change maps every time you want and make wvw players travel all over tyria fighting for territory. And it could give a more rvr like feeling, where players fight for something more than themselves. Current wvw feels like a huge grind for pips or reward tracks, and fightin all this years in the same places is getting kind of boring.
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