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Emolesbian.3170's Achievements

  1. So many sacrifices to get the ability to move at -75% speed while kneeled and a piercing DJ. I'm speechless (but still curious for the piercing DJ).
  2. What is acro ? 🤔 or even better, WHY is acro ? 😀 Dear Arena net.
  3. Permanent stealth is not viable anymore as the new SA traitline revolves around entering and exiting stealth and not remaining like before. But a build based on quantity rather than duration is on top to get the best out of the new SA. I'm personally not fan of it as it's clearly best suited to rifle and silent scope. But it's effective whatsoever. In PvE like PvP. You won't hit the top of the charts with it but it's decent and kinda funny somehow.
  4. Smoke Field You find it at the bottom of the page. And I guess it means the page needs an update (?).
  5. Well, it's up to Anet to decide but yes. At least two for obvious reasons. But even if I understand your purpose with such a suggestion to avoid disruption and its legit, it'd be better to get a full kit ready to try out. That's why...and hear me and my predecessors Anet...it'd be better if we had a PUBLIC TEST REALM HUH ?....(jk, 💚u 😁)
  6. Oh I got it 100%. I just jumped on the occasion to talk about my sweetheart 💚. I love this idea, even rough, but I think Thief mechanic is already firmly planted in the game for Anet to forecast such a deep rework. Plus if, by any chance, this lovely dream comes true, it'll also start another drama: other classes will ask for the same treatment. I don't say they wouldn't be right to do so, they would because as my granny said when I was a kid: "If you plan give to your friend a cookie, don't forget to bring the whole box. Or two boxes we never know."
  7. It'd make my day tbh. Trickery is a deadweight for this sole reason imho. And Init costs are so high than playing with 12 points is a immediate no no for me.
  8. I don't think Anet hates thief. I mean not the class, the vision they have (had?) for it. Classes in Gw2 are for me some of the most uniques in MMO with their class mechanics: Toolbelt, attunements, virtues, shattering...etc. And specs expended it nicely. I'm sure Anet loves each of them. What I do think Anet hates about it is balancing all this mess and for due reasons. Particularly thief as its mechanic has no equivalent in the game. Just think about it: - You have to consider this class as part of a 9 class family. Logic would let you treat them evenly but in the end you can't because its the only one working this way. - And because it's the only one. You have no point of comparison mechanically speaking in game. Tailoring a solution requires more work with no comparison to establish a concrete fix. - If thief is one of the least played class, then the volume of data available also follows the same logic. These 3 points are burdens in basic development (gaming or not). Pair it with time needed and man power required to such a task, you obtain a messy snowball. Blind shot patches suck. This rough cut in shroud bar and hard to catch joke are for me. But I'd think twice before saying they hate thief. PS: Don't get me wrong Anet. I think these are valid points for you and it must be say. Doesn't mean I like what you did and do to my baby thief since then :P.
  9. Couldn't say more about eles 🙏.
  10. Oh I get it. Fully makes sense to AA with sword. Quite boring tbh. But if it worked and still works, well. Probably explains why new players see thieves as an unattractive class. I won't last long playing this way if I had to roll another thief this way lol.
  11. - There is an interval to Blind application with Black Powder. - Blind negate one hit. Multiple hits don't really care. - It's and expensive move in PVE (6). So is Pistol Whip (5). Tbh I use Pistol offhand to get access to Head Shot (4) and shred Defiance bar. Black Powder could find some more utility with Pistol in mainhand and projectile finisher as Unload does good damage and cost only 3 with the refund. In specific scenario tho.
  12. Still giving it a chance atm and... Acro line still doesn't provide solid arguments. Hard to Catch feels like a lower rank trait. . Well lol, nuf' said ! In fights I almost lose my shroud faster than I fill the bar . Which instils an unpleasant feeling into my innocent heart. Consume Shadows: 50% of not that much of a shroud bar produce...not that much of a heal. . On this point, I suck it up. Damage gear producing great results with CS was uncoherent. But the problem for me lies into the shroud bar: - There are scenarios where it melts so fast than stacking 5 is...lol - If I use 1 stack I just in/out and sacrifice the shroud form and skills which is mechanically a huge waste for a barely decent heal. --------------- Does the Specter effectiveness weight more on the balance to justify this suffering ? Why didn't you just tone down Consume Shadows instead ? The shroud bar cut affects a larger field than a single trait. ...💚
  13. "Balancing implies to do surgery. Not a lumberjack contest." An Asura.
  14. When Anet guys find a cockroach in the kitchen, they blow the house with dynamite to get rid of it. And... 5-8 stam per shadowstep ? Guys, thieves don't have access to dozens of shadowsteps. You killed them god's sake. And this tiny bonus isn't something a thief will use its precious movement util. or init points for. Whose person this idea belongs to ? Has he already played a thief ? Does he exist ?
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