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Everything posted by Avenrise.3592

  1. A lot of people would call this a terrible idea as paid subs are, in general, terrible these days. But a purely optional 'gem sub' that meant I could have new bonus exclusive content such as locations to visit and explore, that doesn't fragment the player base too much and that meant I could keep those gems? I'd probably be up for that providing it wasn't too much £ and that I could opt out at any point. You already have 2 week passes to the lounges....why not passes to other exclusive zones for a £ fee?
  2. Errant = travelling in search of adventure so maybe it is a map completion thing as I'm missing a couple of POIs on the map and they've just named the achievement...oddly?
  3. I think the idea of using crowdfunding to finance GW2 is interesting but only really from a marketing/advertising standpoint. Encouraging new players in is the main take-home that ANET needs to master here. Whether that's via crowdfunding I don't know. What can be done on KS can be accomplished by adding paid (mini) expansion content- I'd happily pay £ for a couple of new maps a year providing they were of sufficient standard and, most importantly, provide sideways progression only. New skins are fine as are new mobs and bosses but if you're adding a new farming area for instance you cannot make it better than the current farms and gate that behind a paywall.
  4. Place a doppleganger, fully stealth the copied player and remove all skills is perfectly do-able I'd think in relation to the code. Having the HP match the doppleganger and locking the camera to it for that specific player may be a stretch but I'd certainly love to see this as well. Maybe even have this happen to multiple players at a time, x% of the total number in the cave.
  5. In the real world laws are there to create order and fairness. Take stealing for example- before the law was there sure there were a lot of people going around taking what they want but these people were in the minority as the vast majority were good, upstanding citizens who understood right from wrong. Now translate that into GW2. You have a no doubt shady practice of minimising event participation. Sure there is currently no law against it (not against ToS) but that doesn't stop it being bad for the game environment especially when it comes to mocking those actively taking part. My thoughts on how to 'fix' the issue that I see (create a law, so to speak) are my own opinions on how I would tackle it and the opinion of 'how much participation is enough' is going to vary between most of us. In the specific case of CC I feel the current bare minimum is not enough. Some have mentioned that I am forcing my view of what is right on others but I don't understand how this can be. Right is right, wrong is wrong when it comes to directly affecting other players in terms of creating more work for them. You are making the game harder/longer for others with your so called 'playstyle'. When your actions directly affect someone else negatively there is no 'right' about it. Sure life sometimes gets in the way- I occasionally duck out of the DS meta to grab a drink or look for some new music to play in the background. What I don't expect is to be rewarded during that time as I have not helped my fellow players.
  6. Have already completed the story :) It also seems strange that something that was unlocked before is now locked with no patch notes (that I have seen) saying why.
  7. Hi! So I was mid-way through the reward track but since the patch went live its now locked behind an achievement that doesn't seem to exist (Bjora Marches Errant achievement). Am I missing something blatantly obvious or is this something that needs a look at? :anguished:
  8. Did anyone find an answer to this mysterious achievement? I was working my way through the track and now it's locked :(
  9. You deny taking advantage and yet in the same breath mention taking advantage, all the while calling it 'a different goal'. If we all had this 'different goal' then the event would not complete therefore it is not a goal. Not playing the game and having others carry you (wasting their time) is not a goal, nor is it a playstyle, nor any way to act in general. In game or outside of it. I feel like this conversation is going nowhere so this is where I leave you my friend for fear of a locked thread!
  10. Please explain how I am mistaken. I'm eager to hear how someone taking advantage of others is a 'perspective' and how you seem to think that this is my(our) problem for not accepting being taken advantage of.
  11. Might be a slightly controversial idea and not something I personally would be interested in as I don't main Ranger but pet skins would be a cool sight to see, especially if we are going underwater in the future.
  12. This kinda blew up without me! Bored at work so I read most of what has been said and the take home seems to be a minority agreeing with me and others trying to justify their actions with either "Its my playstyle to make others do more work" or "I'm not breaking the ToS so it's fine". This is an MMO and you play with real people. What you do in any game mode, in any challenge, directly affects other real life people. Saying you don't care about others in game is just an extension of who you must be outside of the game and that behaviour wouldn't be tolerated in the real world so why should it be in here? Whether it be CC, Dragon Ball, world events etc...you cannot justify making others do more work so you can sit around 'on your second monitor'. You make the event longer for others, taking others away from either other in-game events or even worse their real lives, just so you can be lazy and barely contribute. And you justify this with "Its not against the rules"? You just cannot justify these actions when you are causing others to do more work and whether ANET does anything about it or not it doesn't stop this from being a trashy way to treat fellow players.
  13. I respect the team that developed Drakkar and thank them for new content (as always) however in my opinion the Drakkar world boss fight was a huge let down. This may have been because I heard, maybe wrongly, that this would be an encounter with the difficulty of Triple Trouble or Tequatl but instead we got another stack-on-foot HP sponge. However I do believe all the ingredients are there for a harder fight without fundamentally changing the encounter and so I'm giving my ideas. If any of you have further thoughts feel free to post but be aware that requesting huge changes such as not being in the cave are not going to happen- realistic changes please. (FYI one of the plus points for me WAS the confined space- made for a different encounter.) 1) Less noise (less AOEs at most times) and up the damage of Drakkar's large scale AOE attacks but at set %HP times so people have a chance to get their block on and prepare. This creates a sense of impending doom as the HP 'timer' ticks down and forces players into defensive mode. 2) All other times we need localised AOE damage with heavy pushes and pulls into that damage that can be mitigated by clever movement. Chill should play a big part here. 3) More minions- elites and hard champs designed to take your focus away from the pushes, pulls and AOEs. Maybe with their own skills during a Drakkar invulnerable stage like in the Specimen Chamber (Sandswept Isle). They should also hit like trucks, not bicycles. 4) The stamps...slaps... thing Drakkar does with his hands(?) need to hurt more and maybe push back to a wall of elites at the back of the cave or damaging totems meaning jumping the icicles is recommended. This also takes the zerg away from the hands (may need to adjust the HP of Drakkar slightly lower to account for the lower DPS?). 5) The portal stage has a LOT of promise in this fight. All three gates up at the same time with the group forced to split between the three. The champs inside should be legendaries with unique skills per portal and they should NOT scale with player number (I've heard this is a thing, may be wrong). If I wanted to go further I'd add mechanics like, for example, mini light puzzles to create traps to then damage the legendary or a room with Jormag's ice on the ground in specific spots that change....the possibilities here are endless. Even have the possibility of failing to give Drakkar a specific buff. 6) The 'shield stages' should be a bigger thing IMO. Have the players destroy ice totems or something to power up the shield which then eventually explodes pushing Drakkar back into the ice wall. He swims around and we're then back in the fight. These are just some off the top of my head and I'm no expert but I feel that these changes, while requiring an overhaul, would not involve drastic changes although I could be wrong. Feel free to add yours... unless you feel the fight was great! To each their own.
  14. SPOILER HEAVY Okay so I never usually post in feedback threads but I'm going to this time around. I tend to enjoy most episodes even if they are a little on the light side but this time around I'm feeling a little...underwhelmed. Story: I did like the fact the Commander needed help and didn't take centre stage as per the norm. I'm not sure if I like Braham's new found power and wasn't sure I liked how we helped him get it but I think maybe the dialogue wasn't up to par here as I just didn't appreciate the gravitas of the situation. But worse of all here was the length....I didn't expect an entire evening but wow was that short and what was up with throwing like 4-5 mobs at a time at the party in the tunnel?? However seeing Aurene again is a pleasure for me, she's beautiful >.< Map: I can't comment much here as I've never been a fan of wintery scenes anyway so I'm not sure how I feel. Second half of the map = enough content for me. My only negative is the multiple 'fishing' locations all with the same mechanic. Copy&paste. Music: Amazing. No need for any other comment here. Masteries: Honestly meh, but then I'm against masteries in the first place. It's just a new 'skill' hidden behind an exp wall. I killed mobs for 30 mins to get the first, no skill involved. .....Drakkar: I maybe expected too much but that was a huge disappointment. I read somewhere of a 'Tequatl-like fight'....maybe I shouldn't have read that. Yeh the mechanics are more interesting than general world boss fights and the location is pretty different and cool but I didnt understand the need to go through gates to defeat an easy Champ, I didn't see the need for the elites in there at all and it's yet another 'stack on it's foot and DPS' fight we see all too often! If there's no unique loot then this boss is just gonna be another 'in the rotation' boss. Nothing special at all.
  15. Apologies if this has been suggested before but if it has its a +1 to the idea! We have Glyphs for Gathering tools....why not introduce Glyphs (with a 'minor' UI addition) for opening boxes/chests? Not too over the top but I'd love to see a little Skritt jump into a chest, rummage around and have gold fly out around the (small) area!
  16. Thanks for all your replies, I see now why this can be related to open world events. Just a couple of notes- the whole 'Dont blame the player, blame the game' thing has always been a ridiculous phrase. I DO blame the player. They are choosing to make life harder for others to get instant rewards and I've played a few other MMOs (smaller, Korean PtW ones!) that have actively sought to ban players who act 'not in the spirit of the game'. Short bans (24hrs I think), and even I had one for encouraging people not to do an event (don't ask!). Maybe GW2 needs this for persistent offenders in all game modes? Second note- Celestial Challenge (yeh I agree its not a challenge BTW and would love a hard mode for next year) is an instance so you can easily see who isnt participating, who has done the bare minimum and who deserves less rewards. Maybe dont block the chest, but increase the chance for decent loot per 'challenge' you participate in?
  17. I really don't understand either of the replies so far. Ayrilana: maybe my use of 'AFK' isnt accurate and should be replaced with 'actively letting others do extra work while mocking', wasting our time so they can be rude and lazy. These 'mockers' make others do EXTRA work, spending EXTRA time just so they can be lazy and then have the cheek to mock us? How is this in the spirit of the game? Shikaru: Id block the chest for players that have not participated in either all the mini-games available to them after joining or x% of the total. Participating in just the final few seconds of the final event makes a mockery of not only the players actually participating in the event but the Festival itself. FYI im talking about Celestial Challenge only here....not sure how bringing general world events into things is relevant.
  18. So time and time again I see at least one person standing/sitting at the back of the arena AFK'ing until the final part of the challenge before participating and getting the chest. They make others do more work, sometimes mocking us as we run around by spamming /sit and I'm just thinking to myself surely this is against the spirit of the Festival? Not to mention a pretty lame thing to do to others. Please say there are plans to change this next year so that more participation is needed! I just think it's so unfair to those of us actually taking part in these fun little mini-games.
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