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Posts posted by Mungrul.9358

  1. The other problem that MMO writers face is escalation.

    It's hard to dial back the scale to more personal stories after you've had the player save the world.

    So villains in turn end up having world-conquering or destroying goals that aren't easy to relate to for the average player.


    I'd love it if GW2 went back to examining the personal story and the characters within for smaller scale, but more intimate results, offering choice and consequence again to give more nuance to each player's character.

    But that's incredibly hard to write, even for the best single-player RPG makers.

    And then you factor in the genre and gameplay itself, which by its very nature is "Go large or go home", and it's very hard to write convincing small-scale stories.

    • Like 7
  2. See, as they added one of the things I and other suggested to SIO (group stunbreak), yes, removing ammo count makes it worse for 1v1, but it's now AMAZING for skirmishes and larger group combat. I don't think any other profession offers a group stunbreak. That gives Warrior a unique support role.

    • Confused 1
  3. 16 hours ago, MemeLord.1096 said:

    I think they shoud just remove all of the traitoffs, make the Elite Spec living up to it's true identity as the "Elites".

    While there's value to that, from a balance perspective, I worry that Elite Specs already overshadow taking a third Core spec for most professions, meaning a pure Core build is at a distinct disadvantage.

    They need to be careful to make sure that removing tradeoffs from Elite specs doesn't make them necessarily any more powerful than any of the Core spec lines.

    While you have a game that has a competitive element that sells itself as not being "Pay to Win", you need to make sure that free-to-play Core specs are on a level playing field with Elite specs.

    If you don't, your game is the very definition of "Pay to Win".


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  4. Open World for me. I get bored very quickly repeating the same instanced content, and WvW is a little too aimless for my liking (personal opinion!)


    I played my first 10 games of PvP to get the Decade achievements, and honestly didn't have too bad a time. But it doesn't feel like something I'll be dropping in to on a frequent basis.


    I honestly don't understand how people have the patience to repeat the same instanced content again and again, and I don't understand why beating it ten or more likely, a hundred times is more of an achievement than beating it once.

    Especially when there are so many other games out there offering almost infinite variety.

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  5. As I've mentioned before, adding Diablo 3 style transparency to other players' pets and effects would help massively.

    Make it a slider to you can tailor it to your own liking.


    But cynically, people have been asking for ways to tone down effect spam since launch, and ANet have done precisely diddly-squat to address these complaints.

    In fact, one could argue they've leaned even harder in the other direction, adding shaders and more legendary effects.

    • Like 9
  6. Hrrrm, if I'm reading this correctly, this is an overall, non-trivial nerf to hammer.


    Aggressive Onslaught is the new name for Merciless Hammer / Sundering Mace?

    I mean, I like the quickness on disable (depending on the ICD), but removing overall skill cooldown reduction, then only reducing the cooldown of ONE hammer skill (Hammer Shock) stings a bit. It also feels like they've reduced the cooldown on the least useful hammer skill. Don't get me wrong, I love Hammer Shock, especially when combined with Leg Specialist, but it's no Backbreaker.


    Backbreaker will now have a non-reducible 25 second cooldown without the 20% cooldown reduction from Merciless Hammer, and it's one of the most highly telegraphed, easily interrupted and easily whiffed skills in the game. An extra 5 seconds cooldown is NOT trivial.


    Fierce Blow goes from a 4.75 second cooldown with Merciless Hammer to six seconds, which as it's the major source of damage for the weapon results in a decrease to DPS. Is the quickness from disables enough to make up for this? Doubtful, as said quickness is conditional and easily negated thanks to the overwhelming presence of Stability and cleanses.


    Staggering Blow goes from 14.5 to 18. Look, hammer is all about the CC, and increasing the gap between CC skill activations weakens the weapon even further.


    Yes, I like the overall DPS increase from inherent Quickness in solo play and small skirmishes, but in group content we get quickness from everywhere now, so it has to be discounted as a buff, and when you do that, this is an overall nerf to hammer.


    You can argue that you can get the skill cooldown reduction from alacrity, but we have no way of generating that ourselves , and in the current state of the game, alacrity on top of the cooldown reduction from Merciless Hammer is better than just having alacrity after this patch.


    If you've going to remove the 20% cooldown reduction, you need to reduce the cooldowns for ALL hammer skills, not just one.


    Oh, and this new source of Quickness is selfish. If it applied to allies too, it may offset the loss of cooldown reduction.



    Personally, I think they should extend Warrior's Cunning's bonus damage to enemies with barrier to those affected by stability as well. That could help buff hammer while also buffing other weapons too.

    • Like 2
  7. I found it fun for a while, but it lost its glamour VERY quickly, to the point that I don't even bother with it any more.


    I also hate how they've made maximum damage so conditional and such a pain in the proverbial to pull off.

    It doesn't make sense in the way that more traditional combos do; it's more about making sure you're able to get off Dragon Trigger after setting up the ideal conditions using illogical buffs that provide a tiny window of opportunity.


    I mean, don't get me wrong, I admire the piano-style players who can set this up and execute it, using exactly the right skills in the right order at the right time. Even then, the scenarios you can actually pull that off in in real-world play are few and far between.


    But Warrior has never been a piano profession, and has always been more about watching your enemy and exploiting their weaknesses.


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  8. Also, am I going mad, or did there use to be a mechanic (sigil, trait, etc.) that increased KD duration?

    All I can find in the modern game is Sundering Mace, but I'm sure there use to be a way to boost the KD of hammer, especially Backbreaker, to 6 seconds.

    • Thanks 1
  9. I remember that one of the things that contributed to me leaving the game originally was the first heavy-handed nerf to Earthshaker when Hambow first established its rightful place at the top of the pile.

    It was a fantastically fun build, taking advantage of blast finsher synergy between the two weapons, and felt really rewarding to play...

    Until late 2013, when ANet blanket nerfed Earthshaker damage by 20% in both PvE and PvP (of course, now they've reduced damage by 100% in PvP which is an even bigger slap in the face).

    If they reverted these changes to Earthshaker, I would be a very happy Warrior 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  10. I chose Human for best, Norn for worst.

    Human may seem like a dull choice, but it's the standard when it comes to animations and skins. Weapons are all the correct size, armours aren't stretched, and animations are all clear.


    Conversely, Norn Warriors, especially male ones, are ridiculously over-proportioned, armour skins are just stretched versions of human ones, and they've never fixed the ridiculous weapon scaling on male Norn characters, which means a greatsword is about 50% larger drawn when stowed.


    And I can't stand their dumpy little waddle >:E


    I am very fond of my female Sylvari Warrior, but my male Human Warrior is my main, so I'm probably biased.

  11. The problem with buffing warrior even slightly is we've spent so long playing a nerfed profession, even a minor boost would result in an outsized effect because of this simple fact:


    Warriors are now better players than all the other professions.



    We have spent years in the gutters, scrabbling for scraps. Those who have survived are the strongest of the strong, more cunning than the Wall Street broker, more brutal than a car crash.

    Give us an inch and we will take the proverbial mile.

    That mile shall be paved with the skulls of the vanquished.

    And ANet will drown in the sea of tears shed by the other professions.

    /*END FLEX*


    And more seriously, that's probably a large part of why ANet doesn't know what to do with Warrior. In the past, Warriors have learned to leverage their tools to the best of their abilities. When they were nerfed, they remained the only tools available to the profession, so players had to learn to perform at the same level as other professions with inferior tools.

    Buff those tools and you're going to see a lot of whining... as Warriors frolick in the fields of severed limbs reaching for the sky like grisly sunflowers... 

    Ahem. Got carried away again.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. I keep mentioning it as before coming back to GW2, it was the most recent comparable game I'd played (and I've played a LOT of MMOs / GaaS), but I rarely, if ever felt the need to use a wiki when playing Destiny 2 (although I stopped playing after Shadowkeep, so my info might be out of date.)


    That had quite a few currencies too (although nowhere near as many as GW2), but they were all very well explained, and simply hovering over them would offer descriptions of their use.

    All weapons had good descriptions and flavour texts, often contributing to lore, and the last thing I remember doing that required a wiki was content from Warmind (which has since been retired).


    And its inventory management system was one of the best I've ever used, with you being able to manage it during loadscreens, as well as being able to use phone apps outside the game to shift gear between characters.


    And the really ridiculous thing in GW2 is that the TP runs on an in-game browser, but using the /wiki command opens a browser outside of the game.

    C'mon ANet, that's low-hanging fruit right there. Provide an option to open the wiki using the in-game browser.


    Still doesn't address the core fact that your item descriptions and tooltips are frequently useless, but it would be a good start.

    • Like 2
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  13. Meh, I wish they'd just get rid of the jade bot concept full stop.


    Most pointless, frustrating gold sink added to the game ever. And the Offensive / Defensive buffs are ridiculously OP when you revisit non-EoD content.


    As I've said numerous times before, they artificially inflated the difficulty of Canthan mobs in order to justify the existence of the Jade Bot, when they could have just left it out of the game and kept Canthan enemy stats normal compared to other OW content.

    It would have been no different, and you wouldn't have been left with buffs that trivialise earlier OW content.


    Oh, and Cantha wouldn't be littered with horrible, day-glo green batteries.

    • Like 6
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    • Sad 2
  14. Or, and more in keeping with other hammer skills, have the third hit dish out AoE Weakness.

    That would add synergy with Backbreaker, and more Weakness on enemies acts as effective defence, lowering the damage enemies are doing to the warrior.

    Plus, having more than one way to deploy Weakness on hammer makes it less trivial to cleanse.

    In this scenario, if you took Body Blow, almost every hammer hit would dish out Weakness.


    It would also be neat if there was a trait that synergised with this, where if you hit with one of these skills while suffering from Weakness yourself, you remove said Weakness.

    Weakness is incredibly effective against hammer warrior thanks to the weapon's inherently slow attack speed, same as with Blind, so having a built-in way to get rid of it would be cool.

    And it seems a bit odd that one of the weapons most able to dish out Weakness in the game is also drastically affected by it.

    • Like 1
  15. 16 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Mace/Mace has more breakbar than Hammer, but hammer has higher damage.

    You sure about that Lan?

    Going by the core breakbar figures on the wiki, Hammer has a potential total of 1,300 while Mace has a potential total of 1,000.

    And even if we take the minimums, Hammer is 550 while Mace is 500.

  16. 4 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Simple answer: It doesn't. Even when you want a lot of breakbar, dual mace is preferred (or axe/mace if you don't need quite so much breakbar).


    I do fairly well with it in fractals, but almost any other build is better for group content these days thanks to the focus on boon spam. Banner Berserker is a lot more boring to play, being far less reactive, but it's better for the team.


    On paper, given how much breakbar damage hammer skills do, you'd think it would be a no-brainer to take for CC. But in reality, the wind-up/down on the skills restricts their viability for quick deployment of CC.

  17. 20 minutes ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

    i disagree, being frozen in time is intrisec to any game.

    What an odd thing to say.

    One, I wasn't posting it as an argument, simply something I don't like about the open world design.


    And two is a very weird opinion to hold when you look at genres like 4X, colony management sims, single-player RPGs, roguelikes, the list goes on.

    If you think being frozen in time is intrinsic to games, you can't have played many games.

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